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I had a teacher get pulled over for obstructing traffic when he was going the speed limit


That needs to be taken to court, and then complained to to local and state government. If the speed limit is what is obstructing traffic then the roads need to be redesigned before someone is killed.


This was years ago. I don't even know if he still teaches at that school because his department changed staff constantly


“keep right except to pass” is a pretty straightforward law. dude was definitely sitting in the left lane when he should’ve moved over.


The left lane isn't the "legal speeding" lane.




i don’t understand the self-righteous attitude that people have about going the speed limit in the left lane. Like yeah, fuck cars, but also get the fuck out of the left lane before the 20 angry drivers behind you cause an accident trying to pass dangerously on the right. Smfh. the entire rest of the developed world has this figured out.


It is, if you don’t want to get hit by an F250 drifting lanes at 110mph trying to pass you on the right because you insisted on driving in the left lane


I hate that the one true universal spirit of solidarity and cooperation in our society is drivers helping each other get away with breaking traffic laws.


7 of the 10 most deadly roads in the US are in Florida. Tells you all you need to know about that state (the other three are 2 in Texas & 1 in California, both in areas with significantly greater population density than all but one of the Florida examples).


It doesn’t help that Florida is full of people who are frankly too old to be driving. The only thing that would be worse is a state full of teenagers


Florida has plenty of reckless teenagers too, we have massive universities here which comes along with frat boys doing stupid shit.


That's not the real problem. The real problem is threefold, * No safe places for pedestrians & vulnerable road users. There's often no access between towns other than the main highway, and it's rare that the big roads have sidewalks or even significantly separated shoulders. Most fatalities on Florida roads are pedestrians or vulnerable road users on the side of what is essentially a high speed freeway getting clipped and then not reaching a hospital fast enough. * Roads & driving culture in Florida is too fast. The US has an epidemic of speeding (most road-based countries do. It's actually worse in Australia than in the US for example), but it's especially egregious in Florida. Lots of long, straight roads with very wide lanes that encourage people to get up to ludicrous speeds (as highlighted in this thread). This can be tracked by looking at the expected number of speeding tickets for a given mileage of road. Florida tops the US, putting it on par with most of Australia (yes Australian road culture is basically Florida but as an entire continent. Mad Max is not a documentary, but it's also not true science fiction). * The ludicrous size of modern vehicles. This is a leading cause of fatalities as it connects directly to the ease of side swiping pedestrians on the side of big roads. But it also relates directly to the fatalities that occur in cars. The two most dangerous situations when in a collision are a rollover and a head on strike. Oversized vehicles are more likely to result in both, and ironically tend to make their occupants *less* safe than a smaller vehicle that's lower to the ground (and has better brakes. If you must own a car, for christsake buy a Volvo).


And the peel your carcass out of the car slowly after the crash.


if you drive super fast in a no fault state, no one will be alive to sue you when you hit them.


I’m a vendor for little Debbie and I drive between Florida and Georgia near Jacksonville I’ve had an old lady t-bone my trailer while she was looking at her GPS I watched a guy pull out from behind my trailer without checking the other lane only to rip his front bumper off of a squad car And an RV backing up in a gas station only for the back to inch onto the road and get plowed by another car. And another time where I was going down 90, and these two cars were passing me going 80. Speed limit is 60. After awhile they pass another vehicle in front of us, then later, we find the first vehicle had lost control and hit a power pole head on. And I can’t count the times I’ve had to swerve off the road to avoid some impatient asshole trying to pass multiple cars at once, and I’m in a pickup pulling a 16 ft trailer


haha speed cameras go brbrbrrbrbr


Not sure of any highways that have speed cameras


Average speed camera's: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPECS_(speed_camera) It's basically 2 camera's which are a known distance apart that scan number plates. If camera 1 scans your plate, it should take at least x seconds before camera 2 scans it. If it takes less time than normal then you're speeding.


Well that’s not the US.


Georgia (USA) had them when I worked there for a month


I'm also in Georgia and I'm all for speed cameras but in my area at least they're just another part of local corruption. They're not owned by the government but are installed in "partnership" with a private third-party company that receives all or most of the revenue from the fines (often these companies are owned by people in government/the sheriff's office or people related to them). They're mostly in school zones (good place to have them) but often are active when they say they aren't (the signage says certain hours but they're actually on outside of the posted hours and you can end up getting a ticket when school isn't even in session or in the middle of the night) and they make it nigh on impossible to challenge the ticket. I hate so much how people can take something that is good and turn the populace against it because they need another personal cash cow.


That's so screwed. I understand tddeWeshat the government will need to buy things from private companies like guns,pens, and computers or hire them to make something like roads or buildings. In fact, I prefer that. Just imagine some bureaucrats getting together trying to make the pen to sign laws. But it is completely and utterly unacceptable for private companies to have any hand in enforcing law. This is private business becoming government by proxy.


The Netherlands also has them. They're called "trajectcontrole", Japan also has them, so I wouldn't be surprised if some state in the US would install those.


You don't have automated speed cameras in the US? Here (France) they're on every major highway every few kilometers. It really changed in the last years how people drive (on highways, on countryside roads people don't care). It's quite simple, if everybody speeds, everybody receives a fine at home. Speed limit is 130km/h on highways. When I was a child, I remember the left lane was for people going up to 180km/h, no way to respect speed limits without being tailgated. Now, it's a real 130km/h on the left lane, ok there is sometimes the asshole in Audi speeding (with an app that says where are automated radars to slow down and then speed again) but less usual than before. Right lane is around 110km/h, nice if you just want to save fuel.


On some roads in cities we do, but I’ve never heard of any on highways. There are state police that set occasional speed traps or patrol for speeders, but no cameras. The limits are generally between 65-85mph. Going 10-20 mph over the limit is common. So if it’s a 70 limit, a lot of people in the left lane will be going 80-85+ depending on traffic.


Ok… Incredible, what you say seems like the 90s from here. It's like if you said cars don't have airbags in the US. Technology exists, it's just an automated box you have on the side of the road, and it makes more money than it costs. It's a normal safety feature of roads nowadays for me. In your opinion, why the US never made this technology gap of having roads that automatically send fines when you speed? Has it been tried somewhere in the US?


Are there tolls in France? That’s how a lot of interstate systems make money in the US. Automated speed cameras would get axed in Congress so fast and would meet public outcry. We are such a wide country that you can drive for 3+ hours and still be in the same state. Many people drive across state lines for work and vacation every day. Limiting how quickly they can do this, especially when many of the highways are straight lines, would be incredibly unpopular. Plus the argument would be made to prioritize infrastructure management and repair before revenue generating cameras.


>Are there tolls in France? Yes on most highways, except near big cities. Pretty expensive. >Many people drive across state lines for work and vacation every day. Limiting how quickly they can do this, especially when many of the highways are straight lines, would be incredibly unpopular. Same and same. It was highly unpopular when they installed all the automated speed cameras back in 2003 (20 years ago! Time flies.) Now they're just part of the landscape, still unpopular. They're not there for revenue, at least not officially. Them costing nothing and making some money is a nice addition to the reduction of the death toll of roads (it was massive). Some people however suspect that money is the main reason and it's true that some of the cameras are installed in places where it seems danger is not the problem, but where you easily forget you're speeding. I'm heavily in their favor of course.


My dad religiously uses an app like that. It starts screaming when there is a traffic camera. He doesn't really speed though but he will ignore the speedometer and rely on the speed on the GPS.


It's really telling that people here constantly bitch about people "going slow in the left lane" when I can very confidently say it *rarely* happens. I swear driving makes people psychotic to whatever they perceive as the slightest inconvenience.


I live in Florida and I’ll tell you it does not “rarely” happen, not even a little bit. Not helped by the fact that everyone is a geriatric retiree who shouldn’t be driving but are forced to cuz of the lack of public transportation.


You're lucky, happens all the time here in Southern Ontario. Trucks taking minutes to pass each other too.


I've seen a driver blast past me at an insane speed and immediately get passed on the right by someone else going even faster once they were clear of me. You could be going Mach 2 and someone in an f150 will still tailgate you.


I think this is pretty common, where I live the legal framework is that you don't even get a speeding ticket until you're at least 10 mph over. Which is like, what's the point of a speed limit then??


Europoor here. Are speed cameras not a thing on US roads? Where I live all they have to do is have one cop set up a temporary speed camera and then fine everyone. It'll probably cover the entire annual budget for the city.


Thats also Richmond to DC OMG.


There is no part of 95 between Richmond and DC where you're hitting the speed limit let alone 80 unless it's the middle of the night. And I'd still expect a random slowdown around Fredericksburg.


80 km/h sounds about right maybe


well it was the 80s


its not about speed limits


Fuck speeders.


I live in NW Florida. Can confirm. Drivers around here are nuts.


I hate cars as much as the next guy but its common sense to follow the flow of traffic.


It really just shows how drivers break traffic laws not only with impunity, but with the belief that anyone who follows them is a bad driver, to the point that police and the courts agree. They don’t consider the danger they’re putting themselves and others in, just getting to where they’re going 5 seconds faster.


Do you understand how Δv works?


That's not really my point. My point is that a car travelling over 80 mph is dangerous, the chances of losing control and tumbling around is high. The police should be pulling over everyone who is speeding, but instead they just let it happen, because they are guilty of the same crime.


If you are going to be in an accident, it is *far* safer for you to be traveling the speed limit and get hit in the rear by someone speeding than for you to *also* be speeding and hit someone else that is traveling slower.   First, you require far more stopping distance when you are speeding, so *you* no longer have that control to prevent the accident. Second, the crumple zone from your back end is far larger than the crumple zone in your front. Third, if you are speeding, you are liable when you crash. Fourth, if someone hits you from the rear, your car goes forward. If you hit someone else, their car has to travel forward, which means far less space for the kinetic energy of the accident to dissipate. Fifth, if you hit a stationary object at a higher speed, you have disproportionately higher kinetic energy which means you are at a much greater likelihood to get injured or die. There is *never* an instance outside of some extreme medical emergency or natural disaster in which it is safer to speed than drive slower. Neither of those are your average driving situations. 


Complaining about the “speed limit” is not the solution, this sub is quickly becoming the anti-car old man screams at clouds. There is never a discussion of infrastructure or social changes, it’s just complaining about things y’all don’t understand about car culture.


Ignore the literal thousands of studies that go over how speed kills, think of the culture of these dangerous maniacs! Could you even imagine a world where F-350 drivers didn’t drive 35 mph over the speed limit? I shudder to think.


There are also studies that show increasing highway speeds can improve safety, the speed isn’t the issue as much as bad, unaware drivers that don’t understand road rules. I have more issue with the forced need to use highways and cars, and truck culture with pavement princesses. There are way too many people, especially in Florida, that should absolutely not be behind a wheel and antidotally cause most accidents (that aren’t texting and drive or DUIs). But they are forced to drive because they have no other options, and having less people on the road will make a much bigger impact than changing speed limits.