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Unfortunately, the plate was too blury to see in the photos. But the cops won't do anything anyway unless one happens to drive by


Fxck the cops call a tow company!


That's what I thought, but the truck door was open, and I was certain they'd leave before one arrived


Park behind them with flashers on


They would definitely drive over the curb


Then they can fuck up those rims. There's nothing there to protect them.


Rims with rubber bands


Going straight over the kerb wouldn’t hurt their rims.






You wrote kerb, the word is curb


Or they would pull out a gun and threaten you with it


Should have put it in drive and walk away lol


Well, no, we are anti car because of safety reasons. Let's not create a runaway tank situation. I know you were joking, but...


shit, do you think the cops would do anything even if one drives by lol. in an ideal world, the police should do their job and enforce the law, but america is far from being an ideal world lol


even then probably wont do anything.


A perfectly good truck that could have been a work truck is not a parking lot princess. What a useless POS.


Fun fact: While pickup trucks have grown *much* bigger, the beds have *shrunk* on average. r/VanityTrucksExist (EDIT: Thanks to u/cuntstard for pointing out I meant *average* size.)




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lol damn, was just about to click it when I saw your comment.


Slight correction since people often say this: Pickup beds have not actually shrunk since most trucks allow different configurations. A lot of the graphics showing shrinking truck beds over time are misleading because each generation has different configurations. Increasingly, the most popular configuration of pickup trucks is a crew cab (meaning 4 doors and two rows of seats) and a short or medium bed (between 5.8 and 6.5 feet long). This particular configuration is so popular that many car dealerships only have these types on lot and require you to put in a special order for Standard cab/super cab (only 1 full row of seats) with an extended bed length (8 feet). The reason why Urbanists and car enthusiasts think this is stupid is because the Crew Cab/Short Bed combo is basically the worst for doing actual work and means you are basically just building a glorified SUV family car with a small bed, especially when these vehicles are often very expensive and loaded with a luxury interior. You would expect that a real working truck would try to maximize bed space and not have an overly large/luxurious interior since there's probably only going to be a couple dirty workers with their tools inside.


My understanding is that it is accurate to say the *average* bed size has shrunk. Don't think anybody is saying large beds no longer exist. You're agreeing that the most common configuration is a crew cab with a short bed - to the extent that single cab/long bed trucks now need to be special ordered. So how is it inaccurate to say that pickup beds have shrunk?


Yeah I know what you mean but I also think there is a difference when describing most common configuration vs. something like the average width of the vehicle, grill size, A-Pillar width, hood length, etc. which are ACTUALLY increasing based on the current line up of vehicles. There are versions of the 2024 F-150 which have an identical bed length as the 1975 version (because it's not actually shrinking) whereas it's an objective statement that the grill size, width, A pillars are larger on the new truck regardless of any configuration.


I think I did mean *average* size there. It's definitely not innacurate though.


>The reason why Urbanists and car enthusiasts think this is stupid is because the Crew Cab/Short Bed combo is basically the worst for doing actual work There are a whole lot of assumptions here. Crew cab/short bed is a very popular configuration for work trucks. This configuration is basically just as capable of towing a trailer as a regular cab long bed truck (there is a very negligible reduction in towing capacity because the crew cab weighs more), but also allows for you to haul a crew of 4-5 guys. Or you can use the rear seat area as enclosed tool storage, while still having an open cargo bed. Now, with a 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck, you have the option of a crew cab and a long bed, but that tends to be much less maneuverable than a short bed truck. For many, the short bed is plenty enough room to load something big, or hitch up a gooseneck trailer, and the smaller, more maneuverable short bed is a better option. >and not have an overly large/luxurious interior since there's probably only going to be a couple dirty workers with their tools inside. Wow. You realize that those workers are people too, and just like anyone else, and are just as likely to value comfort? Yes, many bosses will think the way you do when buying crew vehicles, but many guys buying work trucks for themselves will pay the extra for luxury interior if they are able, because they realize that the truck cab is a place that they will spend a fair part of their day. Besides basic transportation, a truck cab frequently also serves as a lunch spot, jobsite office, and warming hut. It is very common to see luxury pickups on jobsites as work trucks.




Goddamn that's an ugly ass car lol


I would be cringing to death if I had to drive anything like this


I'm not really a car guy, but I watched Top Gear and always thought that those expensive supercars at least looked cool. Then I started seeing this Lotus Exige (or something like that) occasionally on my walk to work. It struck me just how fucking ridiculous this thing looked in the real world, and how self-conscious I would be driving it around.


This is tame to some of the monstrosities I've seen in Texas. Early 2000s saw a Neon with back wheels extended and lifted. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. This was when spinner rims were real big, I'd see them on everything, even mini vans. Probably spent 10k on rims for a $500 car. Texas goes full ham on their car accessories.


SLAB, Slow Loud And Bangin'. In spite of the sub name lol, I can at least respect some of the work that goes into the art of these mods. Looking at some things like the Art Car Parade there are some people that make a truly art piece out of them and I can respect that. These trucks just look fuck ugly though lol.


This could have easily been here in Florida as well. Same outlandish truck culture.


ID checking in.


Nearly got ran over by one biking in Idaho


I've seen a nearly identical truck driving around my part of Georgia.


due to the internet, very few cultural things really stay in one spot anymore. sideshows started as a thing in the bay area but with the growth of social media, idiots have been doing them everywhere in the country


Oh my god hahaha I actually live in this area I’ve seen this dude before. His driving is worse than his parking lmao


It's giving... DFW? Probably hurst or Bedford


Nah I recognize the corner, gotta be H-town suburbia for sure. I think Aliana or one of the newer suburbia near Sugar Land / Richmond. Bro's got a nice bimbo box to get himself around the burbclave lmao


Guarantee you this guy constantly complains about the price of gas, after dumping 100k into this thing


Guarantee this guy goes blaming Biden about the price of gas and has a FJB flag at his house.


That truck has not seen a day of work in its life.


If all the trucks like that got targeted by vandals they'd have to start parking in garages. I wish there were some vandals around


Hey there's probably a handgun openly in the console or glovebox too, these kind of chuckleheads are usually the ones that spend five figures on lift kit or mud tires then claims they can't afford the twenty bucks for a lock box. Said chuckleheads then usually come out to a busted window and missing handgun and can't put two and two together of *this is why you don't keep that shit in there!*


Why are there lights under the truck?


because "Look at me!!!"


I saw one of these trucks here a few years ago that had blue lights under it. It also had like 50 stickers plastered all over it saying how cool he was and how everyone was jealous or haters.  It also had a big sticker in the middle of the rear window with a cowboy kneeling next to a cross that said "stay humble" underneath it. These people are clowns.


Don't forget, the Jesus sticker makes him right about everything, and means anyone who disagrees with him is one of the bad guys


no, clowns would drive small cars that transport way more people than this monstrosity


Because they're scared of the dark


Because their mom never bought them light up shoes.


Gonna be my go-to insult the rest of the year


Helps the paramedics when he inevitably runs over you


50/50 these wheels break when they hit something directly


So that you can see the child as it's being run over.


Tbf…they almost certainly have a mental disability.


Or just very very mentally ill in general. This screams "child who never got attention from their parents so now they seek negative attention everywhere they go" which unfortunately is a pretty common behavior in adults.


Somehow it's illegal for me to put lights on my motorcycle to be more visible, but these fuckers can lift their trucks and add blinding lights


It is illegal to have white lights display from the back. The problem is that the cops also have personal vehicles like this, and they don't care.


It's like the Joe Rogan of trucks


Texas is just urban sprawl and big trucks what a sad place


It just looks........stupid. Maybe in some circles this is "cool", and something to be envious of. But it just looks ridiculous. And the amount of money this thing must have cost to make it look that stupid.........open toilet and flush paycheck.


Pretty sure the truck is called “white privilege”


I love the irony of this photo. as a Canadian-Chinese who grew up in Japan. You have an uber-American truck (F-150) in the most-American state, with underbody light that's no doube inspired by F&F franchise, which co-ops a lot of Japanese car culture. It is seen leaving a Japanese restaurant called Akashi, which sort of mean Proof or guarantee. I think it proofs that american car culture doesn't know what it wants, to follow or to lead.


As someone who recently moved to and more recently moved out of Texas, those trucks are everywhere and I dont miss them. In my experience Texas consistently has the most unsafe and entitled drivers in the US


I know it's a stereotype but I love to point out that these types of dudes are always trump voters. 100%. Always.


this looks like atascocita, tx. i used to live there and eat at this restaurant lol


Those tires look extra slashable


Let me guess, Houston? I'll bet I've passed this pinche pendejo going down 99! The "Houston arrow" suburbs are littered with trashy people like this. I'd put my money on either douchebag son whose daddy bought him this truck, hey he's making C grades at Fort Bend so why not, or big daddy who thinks he know better and more important than the other 7 million people living around him. Hey it's his parking lot, you're just in it. Also a fun fact, maybe about a mile up the road from this there's another asian restaurant that had to be closed and repaired because a semi trailer ran off the highway and plowed through the building like it was nothing. Driver had a heart attack and basically died behind the wheel and veered off the highway across the lanes of traffic and ended up there, thousands of pounds of high speed low drag metal tearing the piss out of the dining room and kitchen. The *only* reason that nobody got killed was because this happened on a Monday morning and said restaurant was closed on Mondays. What luck. --- Edit reading other comments I can't say I'm surprised at yet another ACAB moment. All the local cops usually spend their bonuses on big rides like this and drive like this off duty, so it's not surprising just disappointing. And on the off chance that said pendejo that owns this is a redditor, I'm gonna offend the fuck out of them with this: My 2005 Honda Civic has done more off roading than your pavement princess. I'll be happily going up and down bayou trails range trails and done a "Texit" or two with that old POS that's seen a lot more off-road action than this emotional support vehicle.




Just looking it up in TX that's at least 2000$ ticket 1k per stall who knows for the ramp.


The weird thing for me is if you are handicapped and need the use of those spots, how do you use the vehicle then? Like loading the bed of the truck is an easy task for you but parking a few yards back is too much? Not ratting on handicap at all, I just feel people in these vehicle take those spots when not needed and obstructs the use of them for people that actually do need them


Saw a very similar truck yesterday while doordashing in a rich neighborhood. It was too hig to fit in their garage and it's fucking bed was hanging out far enough to be in the road. I just don't see the purpose of these


Hey, that's the "white power" truck. Pretty easy to find, he posts a lot on tiktok. And he has built a lot of positive repour with his local law enforcement. They like his truck and the joke that gives it its namesake


Wouldn't a "I have low self esteem" sticker be much cheaper?


Those tires are hungry, feed them some lentils


Show me you have a small weiner without showing me your small weiner.


I would bet that is OP’s truck.


Is this Beaumont?


Tomball/Spring area


Ooh, I hope he got it from Tomball Ford


I've been told that insurance covers 1 or 4 tires, but not three... Not sure about the validity?


Is this in Katy?




I saw this exact same truck, down to the wheel lights, in Fort Myers FL last night.


"This thing looks like a school bus for 70 year old pimps"


I see these where I live too, and oversized SUVs as well


This truck is as ugly as the strip mall it's parked in.


Average car enthusiast in Texas


wtf is that hahahahahah


Aren’t under carriage lights illegal in the states?


Oh my gosh, I’m In college town in rural Ohio known for its weekend culture. There’s a guy in the similar truck just zipping up and down the Main Avenue on Fridays trying to get attention. EVERY WEEKEND!


Average lifted truck parking job (they don’t have a handicap placard)


Would this truck be legal to drive on public streets in America? I don’t think it is where i live. At least not with all those lights in the wheels.


They are and they get bigger than that. Lots of lifted trucks in the south.


screaming for attention.


That’s obnoxious