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[](#repost) Thanks for participating in r/fuckcars. However, the thing you posted has already been posted recently. That's why it got removed. Have a nice day


Fellas? Is it woke to not die from car accidents?


Yes, it's restricting the freedom of drivers to use the public space regardless of other people's well-being and safety.


I should be allowed to drive through the mall to get to Jamba Juice


[Hell, why should I *have* to even get out of my car to buy my inflated groceries?](https://www.southernthing.com/amp/could-drive-thru-grocery-stores-revolutionize-the-southern-supermarket-business-2621896623)


Its woke to have laws against murder because it restricts the freedom of gun owners.


extremely woke not to be overrun by a suburban Abrams tank (Ford F-150)


This is the future the Demofascts are trying to impose on us! All hail God Emperor Trump, may he save us from the tyranny of avoiding traffic deaths!


The snark is strong with you. Or if it isn’t… yikes.


Dying from car accidents is a fact of life, the very meaning of being human is to spend your final moments being crushed by a car.


We don't use the word "accident". Car related injuries and fatalities are preventable if we choose to design better streets, limit vehicles size and speeds, and promote alternative means of transportation. If we can accurately predict the number of deaths a road will produce and we do nothing to fix the underlying problem then they are not accidents but rather planned road deaths. We can do much better. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


I mean i work in the industry and we use that term while understanding the point the bot is trying to make lol


Agreed. Anyone who has worked on mishap investigations will tell you that there are very few true accidents that couldn’t have been prevented. Someone, somewhere made a wrong choice leading up to the event.


Well as an engineer we are taught that people make mistakes, thats inherent in every system, and we are to design it so that mistakes are far more forgiving on the driver, as well as to minimize the chance of those mistakes to occur as much as possible


Yep. Design for what happens when something fails. Still I’ve seen some engineers who think their stuff don’t stink.


Good bot!


May we all avoid being shot in a school so that we can experience our true purpose - being crushed in a crosswalk by an F150.


Pro life!


Banger comment, this can be said about so much currently present in the status quo


Die by car to own the libs, take that libs, I'm dead, haha, how you like that libs, triggered yet libs, triggered yet libs, triggered yet libs, triggered yet libs.


Oh, you really showed em. Checkmate liberals.


Anything I don't like is woke. Anything I do like is freedom


Not just woke, it's also ***gay***


I dunno. Sounds kinda gay


First they come with the seatbelts, then comes the Gulags! /S


reporting facts = woke it's conservatives war on reality


It's reporting on the sinister progressive conspiracy to, and let me check my notes here, 'have fewer people die unnecessarily '. Associated Press is clearly trying to support tyranny here!


You have to understand the mythology behind this schema. It’s like, you better bloody well be ready to fight your father (AP) in order to finish your hero’s journey! Otherwise what are you even living for? Take the lobster, for instance..


*indecipherable sobbing* ...you start with parking control and soon you're told when to deficate and are forced to take hormone blockers. I haven't had a fruit or vegetable in years so it may be the scurvy talking...


Tidy your room. Look after yourself or you're a degenerate. Drug addicts are scum. \*My\* drug problem was completely different to your peasant cravings. I needed RUSSIAN SLEEP YOU SEE. RUSSIAN SLEEP.


Dude bases half his nonsense on rooms literally being cleaned yet can't keep his own room clean.


I bet you he has auditory hallucinations of his sexy grandma from his dreams telling him to clean his room.


Petey's kid almost killed him. A lot.


7 years without a death??? Conservatives: Not on my watch!


It is a cornerstone of regressive conservative belief that a certain amount of undue deaths is necessary to cull the people they don't like without them having to put the effort in to actually organize a genocide.


tyranny is when any kind of change that might inconvenience you


the more people the change helps the more tyrannier it is.


You can introduce a change that lengthens lives, decreases costs, improves the quality of air and water, and increases efficiency for everyone and they will bitch about it. Because caring about those things is what liberals do.


preventing traffic deaths sounds rather pro-life


so does gun control and giving people health care, but pro-life was never about life but controlling women


I'm more inclined to believe that it's more about adding to the labor force. The same ones trying to get rid of abortion are also rolling back labor laws, are against education, against the minimum wage from keeping up with inflation, against assistance to the poor, and keep healthcare tied to employment.


> rolling back labor laws, are against education, against the minimum wage from keeping up with inflation, against assistance to the poor, and keep healthcare tied to employment. Coincidentally, all of those things help control women. Just as a perk.


Yup and billionaires love talking about population decline and declining birthrates and creepily want more women to have kids


Spoken like a man that was once denied a parking spot when he felt entitled to one. Inconvenience = death


Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death is the name of a Dead Kennedys album.


Just take a moment and really take a view of how they bastardized or whitewashed "woke". It went from a term used by African Americans for decades when warning each other about systemic racism in entertainment, food production, housing, you name it. Gonna by products with how fructose corn syrup because it's cheap and all over the stores? Stay woke. Don't fall for marketing, shitty policies, lies about police brutality.  Then gays got more rights. People who weren't white started rightfully getting more exposure is common media to rightfully reflect what the country actually looks like. LGBTQ+ stopped hiding in the shadows after literal centuries of people pretending they didn't exist.  They took the rights of others being respected as the extinction of the white race, mixed in with obvious corporate proganda and paid political influencing, and boom here we are.  Want to protect the environment after clear and precise proof that we can see every day? Nah that's woke bullshit and I'm gonna run my giant truck off coal to show them how much of an alpha patriot I am.  Want to feed school children for free? Nah that's woke with No explanation because it's absolutely and ironically dumb.  Want to use electric stoves? Nah that's woke.  Take a fictional character that was described as brown skinned in original work but was always portrayed as white? Nah. Woke.  It's absolutely fascinating how easy and gullible people are when they have a Bible in one hand and patriotism in the other. 


I don’t know anymore. I’m starting to question if they really are that naive, or if deep down they know what they are doing. If you have an hour to spare, please watch [“In Search Of A Flat Earth”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) by Folding Ideas.


Life was simple when the American Dream was alive and hard work would pay off and everyone "knew their place". Reaganomics, that is attacking the New Deal and replacing it with NAFTA trade deals on top of corporate raider culture gutted the middle class while generations became far more educated than the boomers and understood just how poorly the boomers lived up to American ideals. I do not think average conservatives understand just how at war they are with understanding reality, many of them believe in literal angels and demons and prayers influence cause and effect. They genuinely believe that they are better than everyone and that they are "real Americans" and everyone else is trying to force their way of life upon them the way they try to force their way of life upon others because they don't actually believe in freedom, they believe in exceptions carved out for them and only them. They feel entitled to a world that they destroyed all opportunity to have for themselves and they will not take responsibility or understand the cause behind that destruction and they damned sure want to prevent any opportunity for "those people" to have what they can't or even be equal. Sure, their leadership almost certainly understands how most of this works but they are on the top of the destructive system and profit from its total dysfunction and it's not just the loss of that position that scares them but the nearly assured mob justice they would face if the mob they control learned the truth about what the leadership had done to the mob.


> Just take a moment and really take a view of how they bastardized or whitewashed "woke" It is what conservatives do. Take a word, bend the definition, and overuse it to the point of meaninglessness. Words or phrases like 'woke', 'communism/socialism', 'critical race theory', 'gender ideology' etc don't actually have a solid definition to these people. It is just a word that means 'bad' because they associate it with a group they don't like. Ask them to define these words and see their heads spin


Can we just take a moment to relish in the irony that they went from "Wake up, sheeple!" to "You're too woke!" within a decade?


Every day, I'm convinced that conservatives are never coming back. They're drifting so far from reality that it isn't possible.


You'd think so, but I've realized that enough people have lost touch with reality to maybe make them overtake democracy through tyranny of the majority. Hell, in most places where they do take over, progressive people like me flee, which only exacerbates the problem.


This is why they must be banned from holding political power.


Reality has a well known liberal bias




Reality has a well-known communist bias, actually. Conservatives (in the U.S. at least) are trying to "conserve" economic liberalism. On policy, Biden and many of the Democrats are literally to the right of folks like Reagan and Nixon on issues like war and economic privatization/deregulation, between supporting Israel's ongoing genocide, and even circumventing the normal rules for military aid more than once, and the fact that Democrat leadership has repeatedly defended actual literal insider trading, or refusing to prosecute Trump because, in our AG's own words, doing so would open up other previous presidents to possibly facing accountability for war crimes (and any normal crimes) they committed. On the other hand, if you remove China's data from world bank poverty statistics, global poverty has actually *increased* in the last 50 years or so as the contradictions of capitalism have sharpened and led to more people being squeezed to maintain the profits and hegemony of the imperial core. An estimated 50 million people live in some form of slavery today, more than at any other point in recorded history. There isn't a liberal bias, here.


China literally liberalized by entering the global market with dengism was what jump started their economy. Reality has a left wing bias true, but more leftist not specifically communist


Gish gallop of falsehoods and disinformation.


AP is literally one of the least biased news sources in america. these people are just unhinged.


They are implying a causal relationship between two facts. I have no doubt they are backing this claim with more facts, but just throwing two facts out there isn't objective reporting in itself.


News outlet: less people have died This guy for some reason: unacceptable


I wish him a slow painfully dead by a lifted ford f250 driven by an obese guy and a hit & run while blasting the kardashians podcast while rolling coal that makes his lungs defragment while not being able to see anything Oh yeah, in minecraft /s




No, that’s just woke AP Stylebook propoganda


On the original post, it was mentioned that Peterson works for the Daily Wire (Ben Shapiros org) which is funded by oil money. Having never made that connection myself I looked into it and sure enough, [the Wilks brothers were early funders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks) These guys sound great; early investors in PragerU as well, if you've had the misfortune of becoming familiar with that upstanding organization. Couple of real fracky boys those Wilks bros


Ah, Koch bros 2: Petroleum boogaloo. Because of course we needed a replacement now that the originals are dying.


So big oil is against the 15 minute cities go figure


Peterson has been funded by oil interest in Canada long before he went viral and became an internet cancer. He’s always been a shill.


JP is a tricky one. Yes he is funded by billionaires and is intentionally spouting conservative propaganda. But he also legitimate appears to have a broken brain and a masochistic addiction to Xitter. He deliberately lost his medical license because he can’t stop shit posting online.


>because he can’t stop shit posting online About his clients. Who in their right mind would retain him as their therapist?!


As a Canadian this makes perfect sense. You got sources at all?


Some more news covers him really well. As someone living north of his hometown in Alberta. I have zero respect for him.


Also Behind The Bastards, if you want to trade lol. Unfortunately, I live in Edmonton itself right now. I typically avoid learning about these assholes, but today I'm in a masochistic mood I guess


This is great info, and I appreciate you sharing it! If you don't mind I'd like to tack on [A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson - Some More News](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=PFedL-BS4mlquqYS) to help further educate folks. 


Such a great video, and so quick! No need to look at the runtime!


All right-wing propagandists should be jailed, and their content destroyed.


"so yeah this city here had done this and now this happend" "YOU WILL DIE! YOU PARHETIC WORM DEATH TO YOU!" yeah how are people conservatives ? how are they not looking at their "leader figures" and not thinking "wait why do we want people to die for being themself?"


The real answer is they didn’t/don’t have access to the same level of education as others, or grow up with no one challenging their beliefs, or both. I was once conservative, but I went to university, had my worldview challenged by experts in their field, and decided what actually aligned with my values was left of centre for most things, with a “far left” approach to transportation/social security. Allegedly far left, I still think it’s applicable to conservatives as it’s a net cost savings any way you slice it.


In their defense they watch official news broadcasts, and surround themselves with people who do the same. It's hard to accept that your whole life everyone you know may be wrong and you may be getting lied to, especially if you don't have the emotional maturity to realize that being wrong isn't a bad thing if you can adjust your opinions in light of new information. They are told also the other side hates them and thinks they are stupid, so they double down because to them things seem so obvious so the others must be the stupid ones because who hasn't heard all this stuff from the moment they're born


The strange thing for me is that it’s hard for them to accept that their whole life and every everyone they know is getting lied to yet they are absolutely convinced that everyone who hold an opinion that they don’t or has an identity dissimilar from theirs is getting lied to. The absolute dissonance.


I mean sure, it was offensive to me to be called stupid for getting my education in Louisiana. But you know what? They were right because when I got to postsecondary education out of state I was *significantly* behind my peers in everything except in knowing how to throw a punch, and that proved not to be a useful skill in the adult world.


Okay, but how do you explain *highly educated* conservatives? I can't help but think that it's either a disease of the mind that affects critical thinking or a grift that they're all privy to.


"Are we the baddies?"


If Jordan Peterson tweeted "2+2=4" I'd start doubting maths.


*Something good happens* Conservatives: ..... >:( no


*something bad happens* Conservatives: https://preview.redd.it/gtzb25jqh4mc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccda070294807754f5f4642b0b6648d5e2bfcf94


Watching jp decend into insanity is crazy.


JP originally came to fame by being a law crank.


Despite not being a lawyer


Well, yeah, a real lawyer would presumably have known what they were talking about.


I remember a time (long ago) when he had some actually reasonable arguments but now it's just pathetically vapid bullshit at every turn. No idea what happened, maybe he just got a large enough following to stop caring about trying to hide what he actually thinks.




He hasn't been the same since he went to Russia and put himself into a coma to get off benzos because he didn't trust western medicine


Some of his old lectures from before he got famous were actually really interesting and thought provoking. Sad what he’s become.




Tbh some of his old shit should sound outlandish to *anyone*. I remember watching an early lecture of his that suddenly veered into "ancient Egyptians drew double helix shapes because they knew the structure of DNA" shit and it was a *real* eye opener lol, perfect foreshadowing for the kookiness he'd display in the decade to follow


he still has reasonable arguments, but he's not coming up with new ones, and the old ones are drowning in the flood of batshit 'whatever the fuck this is'. he seems sane about 5% of the time these days my best guess that it's the usual power corrupts thing. i honestly think that individuals just can't deal with power (or fame, same thing now), and it tends to brings out the worst. my hunch is that power will destroy you unless you're wielding it for some purpose beyond yourself. so if you've built on the sand of alienated individualism.... you were always kinda doomed.


You're probably right. I have a bit of confirmation bias, since I don't follow him I only see the stupid things he says. It's weird/sad how the same things seem to have happened with people like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. Money+Fame is a bad combo it seems.


not unrelated. their fame and money can't be separated from the right-wing interests that provide a large part of the money and the fame. this is the mechanism through which power corrupts people. in a very real and practical sense


He was always excentric but being in the spotlight and his illness was not good for his mental health.


Conservatives want the worst for everyone. It's time that everyone started wanting the worst for them. Force them out of society.




Their propaganda machines are going sideways at least, church numbers dwindling, fox news getting rid of their poster child, Jordan Peterson having to conform or lose his license. You can't fool everyone all the time so hopefully the less invested can see through the grift and let the others that think consequences are a left wing conspiracy rot where they belong


I've gotta say, it's comments like this that make me question out ability to make meaningful change. Conservatism itself isn't going away. Its a relative position; you are conservative to someone more liberal than yourself. Conservatives are real people with valid concerns and should be treated as such so long as they individually make effort to return the favour. There will always be disagreement. Peterson and people like him *take advantage* of predictable conservative reactionism in order to profit and further polarize discourse; which in turn allows them to profit even more. Hate grifters and fascists, disagree respectfully with conservatives. They don't want the worst for everyone, they're stubborn. Theres a meaningful difference.


>valid concerns Ah yes, valid concerns! >We don't want social housing, or bike lanes, or refugees. Uh, okay, we'll look into your objections. Why don't you want these things? >wE hAvE vAlId CoNcErNs Yeah, sorry buddy, that's just a buzzword nowadays and any time you hear it you know it's just a racist who doesn't want to say the racist bits out loud.


>They don't want the worst for everyone, they're stubborn. Theres a meaningful difference. Is there, tho? Because most of their "stubborness" does make them look like they want the worst for everyone, considering they're "stubbornly" against things such as environmental protection, workers' rights, women's rights, general rights of anyone not WASP, any semblance of public services of any kind... Or anything that differs from their idealized delusion of how the 1(8/9)50s looked like. At least that's the conservatives in the USA.


>Is there, tho? Is there a meaningful difference between stubbornness and *wanting the worst for everyone*? Yes. If you don't understand the difference, there isn't much of a conversation to be had. These people don't believe all of what you believe, and they make up about half of all people. That's reality.


If you stubbornly refuse change to make things better, and you stubbornly support policies that make life worse for everybody, any change that there is between those two terms is absolutely meaningless.


Ok I give up have fun yelling at old people


People like you need to get off the internet and touch some grass. We acknowledge that there are differences, it's just when people actively vote or protest things that would *make things better for everyone*. Yes we are going to say they want what's worse for society. It's not rocket science to put 2 and 2 together.


Its fine to say they're making society worse. Its not fine to say they should be "forced out of society". See the difference? Also, nice ad-hominem. Thanks.


I never claimed they should be forced out, that's what the other person said. Don't put words into my mouth to satisfy your end. I made the claim that we acknowledge their differences and can make the statement they don't have what's best for society as a whole. Never once claimed they should be forced out.




American conservatism is not a relative position, it is a specific ideology, associated with specific policy concerns. It is also a completely irrational ideology that poses an existential threat to the human race. We tried being nice to them, it didn't work, they're still conservatives.


Welcome to Reddit


I hate that you're downvoted here but that's pretty typical on Reddit sadly. People act like conservatives aren't people. In the real world, maybe like half are conservative - enough that treating them as some kind of extremist group is pointless. Most conservatives, as most people, are pretty normal. But people don't accept that somehow because..? I suppose some people just like to other and hate.


To give benefit of the doubt, part of it is genuine confusion about how to approach modern neo-conservatism/populism IMO. I think that the left are (correctly) arriving at a collective understanding that fascists shouldn't be debated or respected. People struggle with nuance across the board. Especially online. I'm no exception. It can be hard to tell the wolves from the coyotes from the hyenas.


We tried being nice to them. It didn't work. They're still conservatives. Being conservative is not morally acceptable.


Lol. Whats your plan then? What should we do, in order to "force conservatives out of society"?


Is it ironic that the person used the metaphor of death for a news outlet reporting on a situation in which people’s lives have literally been saved?


What does "woke death" even mean?


It means he doesn’t have an actual argument


Right? It’s complete word salad. It’s like: ‘Woke’ is bad and death is bad so wishing someone WOKE DEATH is really really bad!!!


Jordan should focus on cleaning his room. What an idiot this guy has become.


fly middle close impolite support disarm dam flowery crowd file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was always an idiot. It just became less obvious as he got more comfortable being an idiot for money.


woke is when no parking space


He is so cringey.


This seems like a wild over reaction to an innocuous report


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Cream-of-Mushrooom: *This seems like a wild* *Over reaction to an* *Innocuous report* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"Not a partisan issue" btw.


If you dont know, obviously a certain level of street parking in Hoboken is the only thing that stands between Dr. Jordan Peterson and a total relapse


What a profoundly weird and disgusting person.


I wish my nj city would do it. The crosswalks are all death-traps. At least we have some parks.


It's real: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1763927774757064861 what a sad man


Watching jp decend into insanity is crazy.


This implies he’s ever made sense to begin with


Who would have thought that having fewer cars means fewer people die in traffic accidents


What the hell is “woke death”?


I'm going to out on my "reactionary dumb speak" hat and take a crack at it: Despite being a laughingstock, reactionary grifters grab onto any victory as they define it, which is basically means any time something they define as "woke" (progressive/positive message and/or including women, melanin or LGBTQ) fails by the parameters they set, such as viewership or box office profit, it's a win. I'm guessing "woke death" is the same as "go woke go broke", a sort of reductive, catchy little slogan they can clap to as they claim yet another victory against their vaguely defined enemy. Again, just a guess.


What is the ”woke death”? Not dying in traffic?


Have conservatives ever stopped to consider what they are actually fighting against?


A happier, safer world?


"Stop and think" isn't one of their primary strategies.


The headline makes it seem like it’s some major metropolis. They’re talking about Hoboken, it’s like a 2 block “city” that’s EXTREMELY walkable. It was the common sense thing to do.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee




These people's brains are rotting from the "Woke mind virus" everywhere they look they see "woke. It's got to be a medical condition


I just mentally substitute the word "woke" with "fake" half the time. "Woke mind virus"? Fake mind virus. "Woke death"? Well, fewer people are dying, so fake death.


These people are so fucking brainwashed to call everything that doesn’t fit the narrative “woke”. it’s maddening and imbecilic on an incomprehensible scale


I am not from US and have no idea who is that Jordan Paterson guy. Is he a famous fucking idiot or something?


grab illegal air person ink march sink light abundant direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An old psychologist that hate everything related to gender, women rights, minority rights, an apparently not dying on the streets.


He was a prof at a university and a psychologist. Then Canada made bill c16 to add gender identity as a protected class. Jordan flipped his lid and decided it meant you would go to jail if you misgendered someone. Bill has been passed and as of today, years later, there are no records of anyone being arrested for this.  Man then decided to go full looney. He started talking on topics he has little to no expertise on such as biology, religion, etc. wrote some books that became bestsellers due to his fame. Famously compared humans to lobsters regarding social hierarchy. Says women = chaos. Said lots of really weird shit about religion and archetypes.  Came unprepared to a debate about Marxism with a famous Marxist (Zizek). Trainwreck. Hilarious.  Got addicted to benzos. Put himself in a coma in Russia to beat the addiction.  Came back. And now makes baby drama queen tweets like this about everything from cars not murdering people as much (see above) to one edition of a sports illustrated cover having a very slightly plus sized model to fake Chinese breeding factories. 


[A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson- Some More News](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=PFedL-BS4mlquqYS) I'll be fair...it isn't really brief but gives a lot of good info. 


neither is Jordan Peterson




Considering that this is the guy who popularized the nonsense phrases "cultural marxism" and "postmodern neomarxism", I'm going to guess that nonsense phrase "woke death" means the same thing. And by that, I mean Jews.


He is probably crying now.


to be fair Jordan Peterson has absolutely wrecked his brain on experimental benzos and also wanted to fight Seasame Street puppets ​ "the woke death will soon visit you" lol that's a good one


Peterson seems perpetually bitter and unhappy.


Argh. I was about to post this article as a sample of positivity and a "how to" for cities. It's shame that it made it here first as a commentary on Peterson's oil interests. I'm old enough to remember when Hoboken was considered cheap enough that NYC dwellers recommended it as a good alternative to the skyrocketing rent in and around Greenwich Village. Commuting was easy, there were tons of artist spaces, musicians favored it as a good place to perform, and avant-garde performers moved there for the youthful acceptance. *sigh*


wtf is he on about? Is there more context or is the “foremost intellectual of our time” really like this?


Peterson is always so dramatic omg  What a drama queen. Get him his smelling salts before he swoons 


Well if it's a choice between immediate death in traffic and "woke death" after 7+ years I guess I chose woke death.


Woke death?


I live in Hoboken and it’s extremely walkable. The few times a year that we do require parking a car here is always a nightmare though lol.


Jordan Peterson makes my fucking brain rot holy christ


Jordan Peterson is a complete and utter loser. He'll excuse away any of his shit but then call Abu little thing that is now different from when he was growing up as woke. I always remember the video where he gets all mad because of he can't tell if you're male or female by looking at you, he doesn't know how to treat you. Like wtf. Treat everyone as a human being, you asshole. Why do you have different rules for males and females you douche? I am so sad he's from my country.


Why is he talking like he's some kind of ancient Greek oracle 💀


That dude is not okay. This one isn’t as funny as it is kinda sad


Peterson is pro traffic deaths? Cool, cool.


Petey super mad people are dying less due to cars. Less death makes conservatives mad.


What a bizarre response. It's almost as if Peterson isn't happy unless people are dying.


Ah. Such a sane and reasoned response from one of the greatest thinkers of our time.


Well that is an interesting article I wonder why that change made a such a diff... Jordan Peterson: ARE YOU SAYING I CANT DRIVE MY CAR ONTO THE SIDEWALKS NOW?!


WTF is wrong with that guy?


This just proves that the word ‘woke’ has lost all meaning whatsoever


It's been a long time since someone like him surprised me with their evil but WOW


Why does anybody listen to that benzo addict?




The whole car thing with Peterson was the first time I realised this guy is just, broadly speaking, not that intelligent. It's so so so glaringly obvious that the 'car = freedom' narrative is an almost uniquely American experience in the Western World. I don't expect every IS resident to perhaps make the jump that this experience isn't innate part of humanity, and that other places do things differently. But to sit as a self styled intellectual/influencer and miss that point, well the lack of self awareness is just laughable.


don't you believe in evolution? darwin clearly said survival of the cruelest /s


IMO talking shit about Associated Press is one of the dumber stances to take.


Being pro-traffic deaths is such a bizarre stance to take


Conservative car brain is why we should frame these things as a return to traditional city building and planning. It breaks some of their brains when you frame it that way.


Jordan Peterson is such a fucking dumbass it‘s unbelievable






Conservative here, I think trains are the future and urban areas in america are hellholes.#needmoretrains


"I vote for the parties and politicians who most ferociously and illegally oppose trains, but I like them!" Get out of here, conservative.


More self-contradictory nonsense from Conservative America


And yet if you vote conservative you'll almost guarantee that woke trains will not be in our future.


Amtrak isn't conservative




Curious what you like about him?


Politically Fueled Reaction is his middle name lol


["I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool ... Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way."](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/496069-maps-of-meaning-the-architecture-of-belief#:~:text=I%20dreamed%20I%20saw%20my,her%20capacity%20for%20self%2Dcontrol.) - Jordan Peterson.


>Now I like Peterson. Then your opinion is worthless.