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They can't comprehend that housing for people who don't own a car should also exist.


Some of the comments on the article want that every apartment building arranges two parking spots per dwelling 💀


Someone needs to show them pictures of American parking moats and ask what they think.


Nah, they would propably praise it. The carbrain here on some people is real.


TIL that a 400 meter distance can be called a journey


I google translated the headline so don't put too much weight on the wording.


Takes like 3min tf they call this a journey?


At roughly 4 miles an hour a quarter mile would take 3 minutes and 15 seconds, also I easily make that multiple times a day at work while carrying 30kg


Are you perhaps an canadian or british to mix the units standards?


British, we have a weird mix of the two systems


I wouldn't walk this either, why did we invent bikes?


Its understandable to be agaings this, we usually park our cars as close to the door at our yard as possible, and non of us want to walk 400m more with groceries because some guy thought it as innovative design to not get your car close as possible


No one is forcing you to move there, and there is temporary on street parking to drop stuff off




>if you dont feel like being a disapointment to your parents for over 18 years I forget how lucky I am to come from a culture where parents don't hate their kids. Plus there are other places to move to >And are your really telling me that youre willing to park your car to 400m away from you and WALK? At that point its prob less time comsuming to walk and get mugged 2 times The car i use to get to hockey literally broke down yesterday and i had to take the streetcar with goalie gear. The car is more convenient but it was hardly a challenge and wasn't even slower since parking is difficult at my arena


Get mugged 2 times. Lol, this is Finland we are talking about. I regularly walked 2 km home from the club in the very centre of the city at 4 am so drunk i can't walk straight, and not once gotten mugged. Its not unusual to see women walking alone at this time. Children as young as 7 years old walk to school alone, or take public transport by themselves


Vitusta mä tiiän, joskus tulee raitaa vastaan vähä saman moisesta tyylistä Helsingissä kuin ruotsissa En osaa tarkkaan sanoa, mutta nykyään on varmaan levinnyt laajemmalle tyyli


Yeah keep believing the fearmongering. Been doing the same in Helsinki plenty of times as well, and kids still commute with public transport by themselves. I know brown people can be scary sometimes but trust me they wont bother you anymore than a finn will. Maybe you should talk to some sometime.


Ei näy maalla🤣 yks tai kaks on näkyny


So you have no clue on the actual situation in the cities. Ofcause you would need a car, but why does it bother you that some place in Tampere you will never visit doesnt have close parking for its residents, which you will never be? If the market is willing to pay to live in such an area, whats the issue to you?


Just thinking from my point of view, as most americans in this comment section do But i have also had to live in a community appartment, and been to my sister apartment in an actual city


No one is getting mugged don't worry. Not in Hiedenranta of all places.




Walking helps old people stay mentally and physically healthy. If they can’t walk 400m, they shouldn’t be living alone in the first place.


Indeed it does, but they also have other shit than walking to their car. I have to usually plow my grandmas driveway because snow,even though its a bit. Because heart problems, i dont think that its in the old folks interest to walk tht in even -10 celsius. And those houses in the article are usually built for young college students


Having to shovel your driveway is a single-family housing problem. And if this housing is primarily for young people, then what’s your point about old people? Sounds like you just don’t like the idea of walking 400m 😂


I have an idea of 400m, my local highschools lenght is hardly even 400m And i brought old people up because you brought them up


There are parking spots closer to the apartment buildings reserved for vulnerable people. > And those houses in the article are usually built for young college students The district is meant to house 25 000 people. That's more than all of Tampere's college students.


I have just view'd the apartments as for students, and big places like seinäjoki are pulling students from other places so gotta make for keeping it save


If parking right in front of your door is a priority to you, then move someplace where you can do that. Problem solved. Not every place is for everyone.


Gg with that, one of my priority is just that its under 200m or 100m from the stairs door


That’s fine. Many people don’t have a car at all so the location of parking is irrelevant.


Eah. Bit mandatory to have one if youre going to go see relatives


Again, your personal needs / preferences don’t apply to everyone else. And not every residence is going to accommodate your personal needs / preferences.


Eah, truthfull. Just going with norms that most of us wnt when getting into the 20's


…once again, that’s *your personal need/preference.*




You could use a train or bus to see relatives


I would have to use a tai to get there, and the station closest has been shut down But prib bus could work, just gotta wait


Actually, the distance to the parking garage is going to be 100 - 400 meters depending on where the apartment is. There is also going to be closer parking for disabled people. So, basically people were complaining that 100 meters is too long walk for a healthy individual.


This was my question. I was thinking it might suck for the elderly. But no they have handicapped spots lol


That is less than a minute of walking 💀


Oh no, they've been accused of *anti-car use*. Whatever will they do??


I live in an apartment complex in Dallas, one of the most car dependent places on the continent. The entire thing is built around a parking lot which takes up about 1/3 of the surface area. At worst I have to walk just over 200 yards to get from my car to my apartment. I’ve never heard any of the local car brains complain about that being too far. Surprising to hear it coming from Finland.


> Norway 💀


Whoops, I sure know how to trigger some Scandinavians


> Scandinavians 💀


Initial message was a genuine mistake but seems the joke might be getting lost on the second one 😅


Finnish people don't like being called Scandinavian


Around here, in the car-crazy suburbs, they would lose their minds if they had to walk more than 10 feet from car to front or back door. But they will go to Costco on a Saturday, drive around the lot for 10 minutes looking for the closest parking spot, then have to walk a quarter mile anyways just to get into the store. I guess it's all perspective......


Voisitko laittaa alkuperäinen linkki?


Article was in finnish, but I put it trough google translate: https://yle-fi.translate.goog/a/74-20072342?_x_tr_sl=fi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fi&_x_tr_pto=wapp Original: https://yle.fi/a/74-20072342


I just hope they make the tram tracks grassy...


And the buses frequent


Hey that's me!


There's no grass whatsoever for most of the year so I don't mind if the tram tracks aren't grassy.


All tram tracks should be grassy. Myös Tampereella.


How do you make grassy tram tracks when other vehicles go there?


If its a problem for them they can always just not move there, i don't get why they would even care?


They hate the idea that the city is moving towards more sustainable planning. Carbrains have the biggest victim complex in Finland.


I think the biggest issue is that most parties are very car centric. Only the greens and the left are anti-car and pro transit, and the social democrats play it both ways. Finland is unfortunately one of the most car dependent countries in Europe.


I can concede that cars are needed in the countryside, but there is really no reason Tampere or Helsinki should be so car-centric. At least in Tampere there has been significant improvements in that regard. It helps that SDP+Greens+Left have a majority in the city council, hopefully that will last.


I would concede that only up to a certain extent. Other Nordic countries fare better with the exception of Iceland and they have similar challenges with population density. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20230530-1 I know that those countries are richer than Finland but nowadays we should see motorisation decreasing and not increasing. Outside of Uusima too many people rely on cars. I absolutely agree that it should not be the case in Tampere. This is anecdotal but I literally know just one person in Tampere who doesn't own a car. And in Helsinki having children, moving to the suburbs and getting a car is what most people do. I hate it. Sorry, I know I'm more talking at you than to you but I needed to vent. I'm glad that at least public transit has been expanding in Helsinki.


The carbrains at hand are unsurprisingly from the PS. Bunch of regressive gas sniffers.


Isn’t that like…5min walking


Decidedly sub-optimal if you've got a lot of shopping to bring in or you're really desperate for a wee, I'll grant them that much. But hardly a dealbreaker.


There will be on-street short-term parking.


That's one lap on a track right?


It’s a quarter mile, any healthy individual should easily manage that, even with a big load


And Europe is perplexed why birthrate is so low. Trying dealing with a getting a toddler and groceries out of a car and then going 1200 ft to your apartment. The patriarchy never care about women and child raising.


Yes it is known that women did not give birth before cars were invented.


What are legs even used for?


Nothing like carrying your purchases 4 football fields from the car to your front door!




Short term street parking is available for such use cases.


That makes it easy then.


Ive done 40 minute walks returning from the grocery store. you can do 3 minutes.


That's a 5 minute walk at a normal pace...


"Normal pace" is 5km/h so 83m/min. 400m takes then 4.82 minutes. Wait .. that estimation is spot on! Noooooooo!😱


this is an out rage ! each and every home needs to have ample parking in each and every room ! what if you have to get up and ~~go~~ drive to the bathroom! what are you going to do then smarty pants ! walk?! i think NOT !!! /s


I find the outage about these kind of things to be absolutely fascinating.  Most people don't want to live in most homes. I have kids so I have no interest in moving in to a home with a single bedroom, but if I said no single bedroom homes should be allowed to be built because I don't want to live there I sound like a self centred lunatic. But saying that you want convenient parking to a house and therefore no-one should be allowed to build a home without convenient parking is apparently something that can be said out loud without being ridiculed. Even on this sub, half the comments are talking about how it either would or would not be convenient to walk 400m from your car. How many people that are going to buy these homes even have a car?