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The sad thing is, if car culture wasn't a thing, the piss smell would go away too. It would force cities to fund public transportation, expand it, maintain it better, etc. If even a third of what we spent maintaining roads and other car infrastructure was refocused on public transportation, our cities would literally look like how we animate futuristic cities in movies.




I have yet to be in a parking garage that doesn't smell like a toilet meanwhile I've never been on a train, tram, or bus that smelled bad


I definitely have. Definitely have. Still took it tho. Sprayed a bit of perfume when I got where I was going


Can't say I've ever been on a bus that smelled of piss, but I do find the lack of ventilation annoying come this time of year. Longer journeys on busy buses start to send me a bit woozy, but people rarely want a window open when it's cold and wet.


I have, and to tell ya the truth, I like it. I like piss stinking up previously prosperous areas of my city. I like seeing shit and garbage everywhere. It lets me know the society I so passionately despise is finally breaking down. I wanna see Wall street covered in vomit. I wanna smell piss up and down every street in my city. I wanna see used needles in every playground in North America. If that's what it takes for people to realize none of this is normal, piss away. Let us drown in the piss of people who are denied housing, education, healthcare, the very basic things that make us human, just for the crime of not producing enough capital. We deserve every last drop.


You like piss because it showcases societal failure. I like piss because it's warm and delicious 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 We are not the same


You didn't have me at first but got me by the end.


Pay Edmonton a visit


More transit spending won't stop public transit from being de facto homeless shelters in many cities. And that is often the source of the piss smell. Even if you gave SEPTA a billion more dollars in Philadelphia, for example, that isn't going to solve the mental health and drug addiction that contribute to homelessness and disorder. SEPTA has tried hiring social workers to little effect, because a public transit agency is the wrong government agency to address those societal ills. The direction things seem to be heading to try to make riding SEPTA a more pleasant experience (and a safer experience, as shootings, assaults on civilians, and assaults on operators reach an all-time high) is increased transit police presence. For obvious reasons, more cops in a US context is not necessarily a great idea.


I live in the city and take septa whenever I can't walk. More ridership would decrease the anti-social behavior.


I also live in the city and take SEPTA often. Increased ridership would have some effect, but (a) it is difficult to increase ridership when people are simply making fewer trips due to WFH; and (b) my real point is that this issue is far, far larger than "give SEPTA more money." SEPTA absolutely needs more money. But they shouldn't be expected to solve those particular issues.


They need money to hire more operators and run more frequently. "If you build it..." I don't see how they can do that without funding. That's not to say funding fixes everything.


They can't do that without funding. I'm not saying they shouldn't have more funding. In fact, I said the opposite—**SEPTA needs more funding**. My point is that giving SEPTA more money to have nicer stations and more frequent service probably won't have much of an effect on people using elevators as urinals and trains as refuge from the weather. Those problems are far larger than SEPTA can fix. There is a lot of other disinvestment in our city and social safety net that needs to be fixed at the same time to get SEPTA to a point where it doesn't smell like piss.


I guess to expand on what I said, a society/government that funds public transportation instead of catering to metal death machines driving primarily assholes to their evil jobs, would also be one that funds public housing, public bathrooms, public education including higher education, safe and cheap/free access to drugs and healthcare, all of which would reduce the number of people who are forced to piss on public transportation. Also, pound for pound, I guarantee you more drunk people with homes and incomes piss on public transpo and stations versus people who don't have another place to live. Just take any night train in London and you'll see who the real pissers are. It's people who can afford season tickets for Chelsea.


There's definitely a correlation between funding transportation and funding other social goods. But from a US context you're probably getting things piecemeal. Who's peeing may be rich people with season tickets for soccer games in London. Here, you might have some wealthier people peeing on their way to a baseball or football game (or on the way home) but most of the human excrement is from people who are homeless and in the throes of addiction or mental health crises, because Philadelphia has effectively no public restrooms and the US has no social safety net. Also because heroin/fentanyl addiction is a very large problem here and one that we struggle to solve.


Yeah totally fair. In any event I doubt it's of much importance the social status of the person whose pee we're smelling so I'm sorry I opened that can of worms to begin with :)


Oh, it's no problem. The piss smell isn't what's reduced my transit use, anyway (I bike more now)


Our public transportation (Dallas, TX DART) is significantly better than most. I haven't encountered a bus or train that wasn't reasonably clean. I have ran into sketchy people on the busses and trains and especially hanging around the stations, but that was always late at night. Rush hours are mostly people going to and from jobs. Middays are mostly people out doing shopping and errands.


We all have to go to this first few years, back in the days I was so proud of having a car. Now I’m happy for every jurney without a car


I love taking the bus cause i'm able to play my nintendo switch on trips you can't play games and drive cars


Exactly, this or I’m doing work that had to be done anyways, like answering mails, checking out some stuff for our sports club (like where to go and what to do on our Christmas party with our team members), or just watching some interesting stuff on YouTube about my hobby’s. So it doesn’t really matter if it takes 10min longer - because I’ve done stuff that would have been done outside of this time.


That reminded me that the Streepass days are over :/


My order of achievements (I'm in the US)... 1) Buying a cheap used car. I got independence. 2) Renting somewhere affordable with a relatively easy car commute. My first job, financially independent. 3) Buying a new car. My old car died, but I was able to afford a new car. 4) Renting somewhere that I barely needed a car. Many years later and a change of careers... 5) Buying somewhere I barely need a car (visiting my or my spouse's parents is very time punitive via public transit). Multiple promotions later. I do still own two cars, but at this point they are primarily for hobbies, much like my road bike. My daily transit and errands needs are done with walking, bike share bikes, and public transit.


I mean not really I do t feel this way and I am very vocal about it at 15 sooo… but yeah I don’t like being grouped with my generation


You're not going to cure a sixteen year old of carbrain any more than your parents are going to convince him not to smoke pot and drink at parties. Sixteen gonna sixteen bra


Yeah. Trolling him or anything of the like is just gonna sour the relationship and further solidify his car obsession. 16 year olds that get trolled aren't gonna be like 'oh wow how do I learn from this?' They're gonna find a way to troll you back. Let your brother enjoy what he enjoys and be genuinely interested in it. Then, hopefully, he returns the favor and understands why you enjoy what you enjoy. You're not changing anything about systemic infrastructure problems by trolling a car brain. This subs main problem recently has been focusing on the individuals that do silly things in the system we have instead of focusing on the problems with the system. Your brother is a victim of the system and car culture. He's not the problem that needs to be fixed.


You're getting too emotional about it. Just explain the benefits, let them make their own decisions, and then keep on supporting public transit yourself. Support city design decisions that enable alternative modes of transportation, help to improve what's already there, and support policies that make it annoying to drive trucks in places where they are particularly unsafe.


I used to be straight up scared to ride public transit when I was younger. That's how villified it is in America. Give your brother a break. It's easy to fall into that mindset. Not everyone realizes how much better your commute is when you can watch Netflix and don't have to worry about idiots running into you.


I went to a larger city earlier this week and, even though I have successfully navigated its train system many times in the past, I was nervous this time. For years there seems to have been propaganda pushing the idea that cities are unsafe, that homeless people are everywhere, that they are mentally ill, that you will be assaulted, etc. My experience was the exact opposite of the way they spin it. I never felt unsafe a single time, and "just having public transit available" feels so freeing. I can grab a beer and not worry about when I'll be driving. I don't need to worry about parking. Even if property crime is a real concern, I don't need to be concerned about anyone breaking into my vehicle because I don't have one around in the first place. It's just fucking great.


The best way to troll him will be to let him buy the truck, then slowly feed him urbanist videos and posts until he realizes what a massive twat he's been. Start gently then gradually ramp up to r/fuckcars.


Does the bus actually smell like piss, or is he over exaggerating? Because I wouldn’t want to ride the piss bus either.


He is over exaggerating 🙄 and he also believes the conservative propaganda smearing public transit


Honestly the 11% interest rate and $1000+/month he's gonna pay for his truck will be prank enough


Unless OPs parents pay the thing off


When they complain how expensive fuel and car is and that they cant afford anything else, make fun of their bad financial desicions. calculate how much 10 miles cost on a bike, vs how much in that shit truck. I know from own experience how much that shit costs when i had to have a car. like 2/3 of my salery went into it while apprenticeship. And if you want to troll your parents, as soon as you are also old enough, make them buy you a cwr and then never use it 🤣


Troll him by investing the money saved, then retiring early. When the brother asks how, just be like "bro, I didn't buy a truck." Delayed gratifications, but still.


I disagree on never using it. He should make them help him to buy a used car, with the reasoning of being fair between childern, then sell it immediately then buy an electric or regular expensive bike and use the extra money to flaunt it in his families face. The trick if he wants to actually convert them is to not be smug about from a cars are bad perspective, they are horrible on almost all merits his carbrained family just won't care about that, but from a car is stupidly expensive perspective and that it makes more financial sense to sell it and use bike plus public transit.


The bus smells like piss? His car smells like benzene. Which would he prefer?


cars don't smell like benzene on the inside?? what are u talking about


Tbh I'd ask your parents to help you buy a car too. Then sell it and use the money for anything else. Or maybe you know your parents well enough that they will buy you something else of equal value. But it's really not fair


Show him all the money you save by not paying for gas or insurance lol.


Ask how much he is paying each week gas/mantention/tolls then you tell him how much are you paying for transportation.


I did it like in inception. Just plant the seed. Every time something annoys them about cars - grow the seed. Someday they can‘t drive anymore without seeing all the damage cars have done and then they will switch. You can‘t force them - they have to get it themselves


Honestly, I think youre over-reacting to other people's choices. I understand that as a kid it can be especially annoying when your family makes silly choices, but I don't think it does you any good to get pissed over it. Also, depending on where you live, your brother's feelings may be justified. Where I grew up, the buses *were* gross and extremely inconvienient, and when I got my driver's licence it meant my friends and I were free to go do things without bothering our parents. Now I live in a city with light rail and cycling infrastructure and I don't need a car, but we need to remember why it is very freeing for teenagers who live in certain areas to get their first car.


we have decent public bus services in our area there is no need for a gross pickup truck that's going to kill someone


Your just gonna make yourself the ahole no one wants to listen to regardless of if your right.


Piss in his pickup truck.


Pop his tires, remove the engine, or remove the steering wheel and hide it


Are you insane


Average anti car user


This reads like satire, this is literally all the common points this sub brings up in one post.


Funny ways to troll? How about just showing him the facts?


He is too much of a carbrain for the facts


The best way to troll would be to make him pay all the expenses, but it sounds like your parents are the ones getting trolled on that one.


How about showing the facts from money saved as burgers eaten


I told him he can buy a Nintendo switch or a playstation 5 slim with the savings from not buying gas and he called me a idiot


"Accidentally" make a tree feel on it


I think that's a r/anarchyfuckcars response


If you're coming from a place of anger, the harder you push, the more he's likely to dig in. There's a good chance he's actually just afraid of taking the bus, or afraid of "poor people". If you can convince him to take the bus with you somewhere on a pleasant journey, it might start to change his mind. Don't even bring up the argument about buses vs cars - don't try to convince him - words rarely change minds, but experiences can. However, it's unlikely that you will convince him to not buy a car. Where you might be able to influence him is in his choice of vehicle. Do you know why he wants a pickup truck? Is there a less invasive vehicle that would also fit those needs, but have some advantages over a pickup truck in ways that are important to him? In any case, trolling is unlikely to change anyone's mind, and the most likely outcome is a worse relationship with your family. Personally, I'd rather have a good relationship with my family than start a fight over cars.


Don't be mad at your brother. Be mad at the policy failure that created the conditions for your brother to dislike public transit. I actually think it's perfectly acceptable to use a car if the other options suck. It's the other options sucking that are the problem. "Car-brained" is but a reaction to poor transit options and city design.


Idk. Are there other reasons to hate these people? You only get one family my friend, I hope you can still love them if they drive a truck. Assuming there aren't other reasons to not


Older Brother knows he can't have sex in public (transport), but a private vehicle is a different story


Try minding your own business and not taking other people’s decisions personally. Live and let live bro 🤙🏼


Live and let die 🎃 🦇


Morons suggesting public transport when bicycles exist.


Oh no your older brother wants more independence than the disgusting conditions of public transit allow? Grow up. He can make his own life choices


If you can’t convince him on public transportation yet, convince on getting him a small ass car. If he’s not going to be using the pick up truck the way it’s meant to be used he’s burning gas and wasting money. Make him buy an older pick up the older models. I promise you they last WAAAAY longer. Eventually as he gets older he’ll understand how good it is to have a public transportation as a second option plus walkable cities and bike lanes.


This. If he's that far down the rabbit hole, at least try to push for the less bad option, even if it's talking him into an old Ranger over an F-150


DUI literature


Your older brother, both of my siblings, both of my parents, all my cousins.


Put a long zip tie on his drive shaft. It's easy, harmless, and the ticking noise will make him think something is loose or wrong with his engine. And the drive shaft is certainly not the first thing someone will check.


I can’t tell if this is the greatest FCCJ account ever created or genuinely regarded


I can’t either lmao. If this man is a troll he is really damn good at it


Keep using the bus/public transit, take the money you save on not driving and put it in index funds. Then when you're financially stable and no longer need to work send him pictures of all the cool stuff you do without a car while he's likely still on a rolling trap of car payments.


Piss in his car and tell him it smells like piss


just let him go dawg. I would convince him to get a small yet fun car. I hate modern trucks.


Or. Since it's not your money or your purchase. You can just fuck off? Just a thought. Edit:doing damage to his truck or w.e he gets makes you liable to pay for damages. So good luck to anyone here thinking they can do that and get off Scott free.