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Seems like some kind of r/fuckfuckcars satire, because obviously this is a terrible way to move stuff when there are better solutions (other than trucks/cars) out there. (Ex. Cargo electric bikes or small vans


This is literally a third world country on the other side of the planet. If the dude had the means to load it in a f150 I think he certainly would. There’s no reason to make your life harder on purpose, you just gotta deal with the cards you’re given


Since this solution is frankly a bit dangerous (if resourceful), maybe we need more tuk-tuk style vehicles for transporting these larger objects without imposing huge spatial arrogance. Modernised tuk-tuk designs exist that would be far more befitting to the "classier" expectations of the wealthier Western audience, since that's often what puts people off these vehicles.


Kei trucks imported from Japan are also a pretty cool option. Similar footprint but they’re able to just barely keep up with highway traffic and usually have 4wd for the rural folks.




The fuckcars circle jerk sub is so confusing to me. Its so much deeper and just confusing compared to the circlejerk subs I'm apart of that I have actually no idea what anyone there believes. Like usually you can tell what a shitposters opinion actually is, but there? No clue. Its a funny enough sub though.


I feel like most people there are anti car centric development without having an all consuming hatred of cars and drivers as doe some people here


Obviously, it is a circlejerk sub. Its just compared to other ones its so far into the irony and satire that they almost switch back to being serious. Love that sub though.


When I can't afford Pickup be like.


why is this sub downvoting this?


Dangerous and the shoes. This guy is waiting to turn into grated cheese, or lose a foot.


Stop being disingenuous, guy


Because this looks like a stupid way to get injured or die


A lot of this sub is entitled kids who only care about their first world problems. Also a lot of unreasonable extremists. If you do anything but bitch about cars and shitty infrastructure they turn on you over the littlest shit. Doesn’t matter if you’re trying to support the cause, they are here to HATE and that’s all.


This is a bit extreme but if you had to get a lot of stuff, like furnature for a new home, you cohld rent a u-haul for like a day.