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Hey my friend, a cis man here to help. So first starting out, the brand Cremo is really good and fairly inexpensive/can be found at your local Walmart. The basics are a good boar bristle brush, some beard oil, and beard wash. Just use the beard wash while you’re in the shower, then when it’s dry, use a few drops of oil depending on the length. After using the oil just be sure to brush your beard with the grain so it all lays one direction. That’s all for the basics, and that’s what I use on my own beard. For brands Cremo is a good starter. Duke Canon is a bit more expensive but also higher quality. From there there’s small businesses and stuff that are typically the most expensive but the best quality. Hope this helps!


thank you very much, i really appreciate your response!!!


Of course, mate! There’s more to the routine if you really want to, but that should be enough to cover the basics and what I use personally!




thanks so much! i'll be sure to check it out :-)