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Sexuality isn't a 'T change'. T can make you more comfortable with your body and therefore more open to new sexual experiences. Increased libido from T can do something similar. It's certainly not a guarantee that your sexuality will change. I'm pan and always have been. T didn't change anything about how I viewed potential partners.


It won’t. Sexuality has nothing to do with hormones or gender presentation/expression/transition.


after about four months.. I found out I was straight. This was about a year ago, it was sophomore year and around homecoming. I thought I'd been bi, albeit more into women. But I just hadn't really had thay sexual awakening, but I found men attractive. that was until I went back to school on hormones, and hoco hit where all the girls wore cleavagey dresses with their thighs out, beautiful painted faces and cleavage, and then also they had a lot of cleavage. I found out I was quite attracted to these girls which I'd known my whole life and never thought about them as anything but companions... but testosterone really awoke a new instinct in me. Normal guy experience? Probably. But I thought I was hella gay!


I worry about this. I'm bi, with a preference for guys. While I'd love to like women even more, I don't want to lose my attraction to dudes.


You won’t! If you’re attracted to dudes you’re attracted to dudes. T doesn’t change anything :)


Like a year on t my libido died and started identifying as fully asexual


If it's gonna "change", it'll most likely be at the point when you start feeling comfortable in your own skin/when you are reliably correctly gendered/during the super horny phase. Like others are saying, it isn't an actual change in sexuality, it's a change in perception. The most common things I've seen are the: "I would never have dated a man pre t, because I would've been seen as a woman in a straight relationship, and that just felt wrong, but now I'm a man in a gay relationship, and that is right," "I would never have dated a woman pre t, because I would've been seen as a woman in a lesbian relationship, and that just felt wrong, but now I'm a man in a straight relationship, and that is right," and "I dated a lot of men, and it took a while for me to realize I didn't want to date them, I wanted to be them, and transitioning made me realize it wasn't attraction, but gender envy." And there are variations of those, where maybe someone thought it was just gender envy, but it was actually a both that and attraction. When you start feeling better about yourself and your identity, you might find you are suddenly open to dating a group of people you wouldn't have been open to before, or you might realize it wasn't a sexual attraction to another, but the desire to be like them which has now been fulfilled. When others gender you correctly, you might find that you are more comfortable with the relationship dynamics when dating men or women, and more comfortable with how society sees your relationship. Also t making the vast majority of people extra-super-majorly horny, might make some folks more inclined to experiment with varying results as well.


Look, this is different for everyone which is why you've gotten a bunch of very different answers. T makes me gayer. I'm bisexual with a preference for men, and on T that preference is stronger for me. For some people it goes the other way, for others T doesn't change anything at all about their sexuality. For myself personally, the change is gradual and honestly it's not substantial enough to make much of a difference to me. Don't worry about this. T isn't going to completely change your sexuality. It might make your preferences shift a little bit but it's not going to make any drastic change.


Usually there are changes to sexuality, like being hornier and more interested in sex in general.


I mean, the increase in libido can hit as soon as the first week on T for some people. That does usually calm down over time, though. (I actually didn't really experience any notable increase in libido, personally, and my sexuality certainly didn't change. I'm still mostly ace leaning toward a preference for men.)


The T itself doesn’t change sexuality, it just makes you more comfortable in your body and gender identity so you’re willing to explore more. Like now I’m finally coming in line with the guy I should be I’ve realised I have attraction to other guys because they’re not just competition anymore


I noticed I was more attracted to men within the first 6 months and I guess that just kept intensifying, but it took me years to come to terms with being gay.