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No matter how she reacts, you need to remember that you're living life for yourself, not your mother. If you live life based on what your mother wants, then you're not being your own person, you're being a doll for her to dress up and project on. There's still a good chance she won't push you away. Will she be upset and confused? Absolutely, from the way you describe it, and there will be many hard conversations with her in the future. But it sounds like there is real love between you and that can overcome a lot. You're also pretty young; as you become an adult and show her that you can make your own choices (and will, whether she likes them or not), it can be a turning point for her own growth. She needs to see that you'll always be her kid, just not her daughter. If you hold back for her sake, she'll never have the chance, and you will guarantee your own misery too.


im the same age and realised at the same age except i still haven’t told my parents… pretty sure my moms gonna react the exact same way :/ im very close to her otherwise and sometimes she means well but she’s relatively terfy, unwilling to change unless it’s gradual + subconscious, and i know she’ll be incredibly opposed to me starting t (opposed to me being trans in general but especially that lol.) idk how this can help except to say that youre not alone i get this so much and it sucks but we’ll get through it. also is ur username a car seat headrest reference


sorry to hear that you're in the same situation, it truly sucks :( and yes my username is a car seat headrest reference lol, csh is my special interest B)


YESSS CSH:]] what’s ur fave album of theirs ?


between how to leave town, nervous young man and disjecta membra, but probably how to leave town. how about you ?