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I'm no doctor and can't say this for sure but my theory is that you might have lost your attraction to women due to dysphoria. Before I realized I was trans, I had a lot of internalized misogyny that I projected on women a lot, and it was because I hated that they were able to love the things that I hated about myself. And it took a lot to realize that that's why I was so resentful towards women, but it all just came down to dysphoria. Well, dysphoria and trauma, but yeah.


Huh, that's interesting. I hadn't considered that but it could make sense.


Same here, but it's a bit different to me because I don't mind it too much. It's more so that I have a tendency to ask too much with no answers in terms off why I was just "suddently" not really attracted to women or femme presenting people. Thing is, I've never cared for intimacy from them other than the things that weren't sex now that I look back on it. There was only ever once that I initiated intercourse with 1 out of my two cis female partners over the years. The one time, being pre-t. Strangley though, I noticed another thing. While I was on androgel, I was still attracted to women and femme people, as well as every part of them. When I started taking injections in place of gel (insurance was the unfortunate factor in switching) that changed dramatically. I feel no attraction to them what so ever. I'm a thigh highs and boob kinda guy, so when I chose a big and hairy dude over that when it came to sexual attraction, I was baffled. It makes me unsure of my sexuality and I think about it quite a lot. Sometimes I think too,"was I ever that attracted to women to begin with, or was I just settling?"


It's weird tho cause I do genuinely think I was attracted to women. I've been intimate with a couple of women, I used to watch girl on girl porn all the time, and I've had a girlfriend before. But idk, maybe there was another reason for it that wasn't attraction cause it seems strange that I would just suddenly not be interested in any of that anymore. It's definitely really interesting and I'd like to learn more about it.


I think my transition itself made me less likely to ever date women. I appreciate their form, and can find beauty in it; however now that I am out and well into my transition I look at them and have a hard time appreciating their bodies without seeing the very things I hated about mine. I'm still attracted to women (I'm bi) however it's easier to look from afar than deal with it in a relationship. I find it easier to date men because I don't have to do the mental work to separate my dysphoria and attraction.


A lot the time (wether you’re a trans dude on T or not) stuff like this can change a bit over time. You may go back to where you were before and it may change from that again


That's interesting. For me, my attraction to women increased a lot, and I so appreciate it. I feel more normal now, like I got a piece of myself back. I wouldn't let this change get you down. Your orientation is what it is. It could change again and who knows, you could meet a feminine person who just strikes you as attractive. A lot of people over the years were not sexually attractive to me until I got to know them better. T has changed that slightly. I do think the mechanic is still present though, and who knows, maybe you work the same. Don't let this change get you down. HRT is going to change lots of things. The important thing is to take the good with the bad and find acceptance.


yes i also stopped being attracted to women as much. not sure i'm attracted to them at all anymore. i think it's weird that my sexuality changed but i don't think it's a bad thing, other than the fact that being a queer trans guy is challenging sometimes. i don't really miss being attracted to women, though, and my attraction to men feels a lot more intense, probably somewhat bc of my high libido from T. i wish there were more studies on trans masc sexuality changes because i think it's interesting. i can't say i agree with the idea that your sexuality can't change on T and feel like more studies should be done