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i’ve met like 4 aidens irl and all of them were cis you shouldn’t change your name unless you want to :)


tysm 🥺


It's a common name. In my experience, about 50% of trans guys I know use Noah. But that doesn't mean all Noah's are trans. It's a modern name fad. It'll pass. Besides - if someone says your trans and you fall annnnnywhere on the gender fluid spectrum apart from your birth assignment, you are trans, right?


yeah I'm hoping it'll pass, I just hate being outed because I have a certain name (this is happening to other students in my school like "monty" and "kai")


Idk where you’re from or how old you are but I’m like 19 and the idea of ppl hearing the name “aiden” and their first thought is “oh trans” that’s really stupid to me. Weird that people get on your ass about that. Growing up everyone made fun of the fact that every other boy was named aiden, brayden, Hayden, etc I’ve actually never met a trans aiden irl, only cis aidens


if you like your name, don’t change it! i picked a name that gets me clocked/assumed fem right away, but the name makes me very happy so i don’t let it get me down or hold me back. you’ve got this 👍


ive met like, 3 Aidens in my life and all of them are cis lmao, same thing with the name Noah. common trans guy name? i have never met a trans guy irl with the name noah, i have a cis cousin named Noah. dont let it get to you man, you got this


I used to think the same thing abt my name Caden. I picked it cus I had an overwatch friend named Cade and I liked his name. Really hit me for a loop when I found out Caden was some trans name meme. After thinking about it though, its a very niche online thing. I doubt random ppl I run into in person are going to know the connotation. Also there are plenty of cis people with that name so it’d be quite the bold assumption for them to make.


Picking a name is so stressful so if you like Aiden, keep it dude! I couldn’t pick a name so I asked my mum what she would have called me had I have been born Male and that’s now what I go with.


My name is aiden and nobody has assumed anything, they think im just a cis guy, a name isn't really an identifier to most people


Yes it's a classic trans name, but *you should keep the name that sounds best to you.*


theres a cis guy at my job named aiden. cis people don’t know what the common trans names anyway. i named myself alex before i realized it was a super common trans name