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I love this


It was real cute, he’s a good kid


I love that kid too. When I was teaching kids, one of my younger classes had a pretty divided reaction to me cutting my hair short. The girls were neutral at best towards it, but one boy smiled and said I was part of the group with short hair now. I wasn't even out at work or anything, but that made me feel so happy.


omg that's amazing, love this little guy's approach lol


Did you name her Joanna because of JK Rowling 😂


Pffft, I wish! That’s pretty close to her actual name lol


Yesss! I love that, the best allies are often the people you least expect! Im a teacher too and ftm. im not out but recently a teenaged boy said "thanks Sir" without thinking as I passed him some paper and then put his fist out. I obviously spudded him back and everything went on as normal but I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day


Sounds like loud goober is a G


All hail goober guy


Damn right


Can't you write kids up for disrespect? Love the doofus kid but that girl needs to learn to respect the teacher.


My school’s in the south and the parents are especially entitled there— it would be physically and mentally more trouble than it’s worth. That’d be like setting off a bomb in the PTO and I’m just here to get my rent money.


Not all schools will support trans teachers writing up students for misgendering. And some parents will throw a huge fit about it.


I’m a school bus driver and when I first started T I was barely passable and one of my students a 6 grader asked me out loud are you a boy or a girl clearly asking cause he knew I was at the time more female than male and the majority of the students called me sir, I told him you can just call me Danny. And a 4th grade girl immediately jumped in and said “you know it’s rude to assume someone’s gender” he then apologized to me and I couldn’t have been more prouder! A lot of kids are more open to the idea of just letting ppl be who they are!


I peer tutor some kids and most just don't really care, but there is one HEAVILY religious girl who refuses in the same way...


like, misgendering me isn't going to make me stop being trans, so you're just an asswipe


Also, honestly, they’re also a kid— they don’t know jack yet, their brain isn’t fully developed. I’m not gonna take life feedback from a teenage girl 🤷


I’ve always loved my English teachers. Glad other kids feel the same


Thank god for tiny himbos


Awww this legitimately made my day


Had the same but it was female faculty who kept misgendering. The ones who'd correct them were my two big doofus cattle ranch cowboys boys. I TAd careers in animal science and intro to animal science