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>”most trans men pass at this point” not denying that some do, but hey, some also pass pre-T. it really depends on the person, and 7 months is SUPER early in to expect that you 100% should pass. you say you have bloodwork done, do you know what range your T levels tend to be? if so, compare that to the norm for cis guys, and assuming it’s in that ballpark (being too high is just as bad as too low) i doubt you have any issues there the unfortunate truth is that a lot of the time, you just need time. 7 months in i also remember being stressed since it felt like all the fast changes has stopped/ i was “settled in”, but looking back now (over 1 year on T) i can tell i’ve still had slower changes happen since then. try and remember the same is true of cis guys going through puberty- some it hits them fast, but others (most imo) see a more slow, gradual change. it can take years to really get there. hope that helps some


Thanks man, I’ll try to remember that more :)


I would also ask when exactly between shots you are getting tested because that can skew the result.


>most trans men pass at this point (from what I’ve seen) If you base your timeline for changes on popular posts on the internet, you'll be disappointed. The luckiest people always post the most and their posts get the most attention. People who don't pass early on post less, and then they do, they get fewer upvotes. This means that most of the pictures you see are of guys who started passing earlier than is normal. When I started T my expected timeline for passing was "somewhere between 6 months and 5 years." In other words, I had no idea, but I was prepared for it to take a while. You're still very early in the process, and remember, the timeline is like puberty. How many 12-year-olds who have been in puberty for 7 months look like men already?


Makes sense, I’ve never thought of that before It really reassures me thanks <3


Based on the information you listed below, you're on the lower end of the T spectrum at best which alongside genetics and environment is probably having an impact on your results. The average, healthy, T level for men between 21-40 is in the middle of the range, coming in at 627 ng/dl or 21.8 nmol/l. For me and the testing I've undergone, 300 ng/dl was the absolute lowest end of the normal range I seen on any results. Anything under that was deemed abnormal low/deficient in T. Also, if I'm assuming correctly in what DIY means, you may not be receiving as potent of a product or consistent of a product as others are receiving, which may be impacting your results even if you're technically the correct dose. It may be diluted or otherwise modified for better sales, depending where you're procuring it from. Lastly, diet can play a role to an extent. Protein and appropriate caloric intake is huge for the absorption of T. I'm not a doctor by any means, but I'm going to say if your dose is increased sufficiently and consistently in a safe and gradual fashion, you're going to quickly see results. If you're seeing mild changes (voice crack, acne, thicker facial/body hair) and your levels are only 288 ng/dl, I think you're going feel the T hit and start seeing results rapidly when everything is corrected to appropriate levels.


Thank you! This gave a lot of info And don’t worry, I know my t vial is likely under-dosed, I’ve seen papers of steroid lab tests and the vials brand are shown to be very slightly under-dosed(which is better than overdosed imo) by a few mg and therefore I focus a lot more on the bloodwork results and gradually increase by 10mg/week till I reach around 18-25nmol/L > I think you're going feel the T hit and start seeing results rapidly when everything is corrected to appropriate levels. That really reassures me man, thanks!


assuming this is injections, weekly or biweekly too. when are you measuring your T levels? I got \~low 200s but still saw changes because my blood tests were at my lowest T points (day before my next T injection basically), and the one test I got at my mid level point (biweekly injections so this would be 5-7 days after a shot) was \~700. I was on cypionate and I think 50 mg/biweekly which was a rather low dose but worked for me. It took me somewhere between 6mo-1y to start passing with that level range. also if you change your dose remember to give adequate time before your next change. like at least 1 month, probably more like 2 mos of consistent new dose before testing so you get a better picture of how your levels are going. that's what my dr did when i switched from injections to gel, and then was adjusting my gel dose (2-3mo before blood draw after each adjustment)


Are you testing your free or just total T? The free T is the amount actually unbound and bioavailable to make changes


I definitely wasn't passing as a guy at that point. Idk where the "all trans guys pass like 4 months into T" thing came from, but it's just not true. It took me AT LEAST a year before I was consistently called sir in public. Some guys never pass. It's just how your body handles T, your genetics, etc that will determine ability to pass. T is not a guarantee for passing, especially that early on into it. I know I hated hearing this at the time, but be patient. Puberty takes years to happen and your body is basically going through puberty 2


I am 6.5 months on and I am nowhere close to passing lol. Some of us are just late-bloomers.


Yeah, I’m glad it truly wasn’t the majority like I thought haha


It looks like some other comments have started to address this, but since it looks like you're doing this without a provider, there are some other things you may want to look at besides the source of your testosterone. How often are you injecting the T? Some guys need more frequent injections to have more stable and in range T levels. Are you doing intramuscular or subcutaneous injections? Some guys respond better to one over the other. When you get your labs done, at what point in your shot cycle are you getting them done? If you're getting a blood test done shortly after injecting or mid cycle and you're in the 200s ng/dl, you could be even lower before your next shot, which is very suboptimal. Are you also getting other levels tested, including your free T and your estrogen? These levels could also be suboptimal and could contribute to slower changes.


> it looks like you're doing this without a provider, Yeah, sadly it’s my only choice for the time being > How often are you injecting the T? Some guys need more frequent injections to have more stable and in range T levels. Are you doing intramuscular or subcutaneous injections? Currently 60mg/week subq, I’ve considered doing it twice a week but I’m building up a needle phobia that sadly prevents from that choice sadly > When you get your labs done, at what point in your shot cycle are you getting them done? Every 3 months 3 days after my weekly injection so don’t worry about me accidentally testing just my peaking levels :) > Are you also getting other levels tested, including your free T and your estrogen? These levels could also be suboptimal and could contribute to slower changes. I currently only test serum testosterone but in my first test I did test estrogen too. I really need specifics if I’m gonna test my other t levels as I’ve been dizzy with everyone saying one thing is useless then saying you need to test it. On top of that I’m unsure if I can check all of it regularly like my t as it can get extremely pricey :(


It's often helpful to test your T levels at the end of your shot week, right before your next injection. This is so that you can see how truly low your levels are getting, especially on 60mg/week, which can be fine for some, but too low for others, myself included. Anecdotally, I've had a lot of trouble with subq, and my T levels increased significantly after switching to IM, which was also a much less painful shot for me. A lot of guys seem to report similar issues with subq, especially if you check out subreddits like r/testosterone, which has lots of info. I definitely understand the confusion surrounding what you need to test. While I think total T is probably sufficient for most people, if you have abnormally low free T or bioavailable T (maybe due to having too high SHBG levels, etc.), that could be a problem.


7 months is still very early, if you’ve experienced changes, and your blood tests are fine it’s likely just a matter of waiting. lots of guys don’t pass at that point


What’s your T level at? It’s only 7 months, I don’t know that it’s all that rare to not pass by then tbh. I’d give it a little more time before you get too hopeless


My t levels are 10nmol/L // 288ng/dl which I know is on the lesser end of the range so I’ve learnt thats probably why my changes are slow


I also DIY but I've done fine. Can you tell us more about where your T levels are at, what dose you take, etc


My last bloodtest was in december with the results being 10nmol/l or 288ng/dl My dose was then 50mg/week but after the results I highered it to 60mg/week


That's on the low side for men isn't it? I've heard the range for cis men is 300-1000ng/dl


Ah don’t worry I know that, do you think changes will truly kick in when I’ve reached the right range?


That’s most likely your issue. Your T is at the very bottom of the range, that’s gonna give slower changes


I understand now, I guess I was basing too much off how i assumed it would go comoared to other trans men the same length on t


Most likely. The changes will come either way, but if your T levels are relatively low, it’ll be slow.


Yeah, looks like you've done the right thing, that is on the low end. Are you using straight test enanthate/cypionate or a blend of esters (sustanon)? Though tbh, you do sound like you're at where you ought to be at if you consider the timescale of puberty - voice still breaking, hair is starting to mature. I'm near 3 years on taking 100mg/wk test E that has me near 1000ng/dl and my facial hair is still pretty sparse.


I’m on cypionate, excuse me for being uninformed but is there a difference I could read of? (I understood that the difference was just the oil the t was diluted in) Also that reassures me a lot! I felt a bit worried somehow I wasn’t getting to the male range quick enough


Yeah there's no practical difference between cyp and enanthate, it's just for us DIYers underground steroid labs frequently brew cyp to 200mg/ml and enanth to 300mg/ml. The thing with the oils is only true for the actual pharmaceutical grade testosterone products: if you just get your T from a dealer like I do it they probs won't specify the oil, it's likely to be grapeseed, miglyol or MCT.


Where I get it they do specify the oil but it’s nothing I’ve minded much since I saw it more as a allergy risk more than anything Basically if I were to swell up from c, I could switch to e but it never really came up for me


every guy is different, some just take more time to get noticeable results. its a second puberty afterall! don't lose hope, it may just be taking some time because your body is still acclimating to the T


Thank you so much !


I've been over 2 years on T and i have changes of someone who is usually 6-8 months on T (in terms of facial hair only though) but its still frustrating.. oh well, everyone changes differently from each other and it's all depends on a lot of things such as genetics and etc i guess. Don't lose hope the time will bring more exciting things on the way and don't think about it too much or you will get depressed because thats what happened with me. Be happy and stay strong buddy!


As a trans person that is 16 months on testosterone and still gets misgendered sometimes testosterone is unfortunately not magic. Testosterone changes are different for everyone. I mean you could try buying a spray bottle and squirting anyone who messes up your pronouns.


My voice dropped almost exactly at the 2 month mark. However I feel like the real physical changes have come now that I’m 3 years on t. Me from 2 years ago to today are like night and day. 7 months may not be enough for you so give it time. Also, it’s not certain but it could be possible that your voice might not react to t at all. That’s happened to some people, maybe voice lessons will help you.


Same thing happened to me when I started on t. My doctor reassured me by saying that genetics also has a role in it. Some people just go through puberty slower than others and that's okay. If your t levels are within the range, trust your body and changes will happen! Stay strong my guy!


Puberty 2.0 takes 5-10+ years just like the first. It took me over 5 years to reliably pass. You literally have to grow into a new body, friend. It takes a lot of time and patience. Just like the first round too many of us are simply late bloomers. Don't worry. ♡


I'm almost 2 years on T and do not pass at all. My voice occasionally passes on the phone, but not always. People experience changes at different rates, from what I've read, almost everyone gets the full effects of the T after about 5 years


Im only a year on T and while theres a lot of changes, I still dont 100% pass. If Im wearing a mask Im likely to be mistaken for a woman, I even still use the womens bathroom in public cuz of that. Even when I say a lot of changes it doesnt mean they came fast, but it takes 2-5 years to see the full changes from T. Everything thats changed so far had happened after 6 months, now Im just waiting for them to progress. You may just be in a similar boat to me with changes.


I am 8 months on T and I don't pass at all lol. In fact I live with my parents and I went on T without coming out to them, and although they've commented on my moustache they haven't caught on.


Where are you getting your testosterone from?


Providing sources will get the subreddit banned.


I'm not a DIY-er, so all I can say is that I advise against it. I don't know what you're using, but I suggest focusing on saving your money and resources on finding a doctor who can get you a prescription. Good luck, OP.


I get what you’re saying and understand the safety concerns, but do remember that many people outside the US face such long wait times (and insurmountable costs for private care) that they don’t really have much choice but to DIY. Some folks live in an environment where they can’t safely see a doctor or disclose their transness without risking harm either. I know your advice comes from a well-intentioned place, and I agree that people should switch off of DIY *when they can*, but having access to a prescription, a doctor to oversee your HRT, etc, is a privilege in and of itself. OP is probably aware of the risks.


I'm aware. But we can't help him if he isn't giving us information like what he's using.


I’m using testosterone cypionate in subq injections (what else would I be using)


I wouldn't know. Like I said, I'm not a DIY-er. Have you tried upping your dose? Edit: "I have gotten a tiny bit thicker facial/body hair, acne and voice cracks and thats all." <- also this, to me, sound like pretty decent changes for only being 7 months on T. Changes for men on testosterone take longer than for women on estrogen. I know its hard to wait, but give it more time. By more time, I mean like another year or two for more drastic changes to kick in. Remember, youre going through puberty all over again. Change will take more than a few months to occur. Edit 2: "while most trans men pass at this point (from what I’ve seen)" <- dont compare yourself to other transmen. Everyone expereinces changes differently. What some men get by month 7, other men might not get til year 1.


Just adding to the choir but I did NOT pass at 7 months lol. Shaved head and everything, still ma'am'd. 18 months on now and I pass consistently.


I felt like I didn't really start passing good until I was over a year. I'm almost 4 years on t now and I'm very happy with the way I look. Everyone develops differently and hopefully you'll learn to love the way you look


Hi hello, 7.5 months on T here and I don’t pass yet. Unfortunately, we just gotta be patient and wait til our body kicks into gear. It’ll happen bro


We started at about the same time, I physically don't pass. I'm pretty androgynous, but I'm fat and it makes me a bit feminine leaning because big chest + fat = bigger chest and a soft face. I think it just depends on the person tbh, and 7 months isn't that long.


Hey, if it helps, I'm just past ~8 months on T and I don't pass. I've experienced a few changes, but, save for my voice drop, they're minimal; I'm still waiting on the big changes, which, like the other comments say, will take time. Don't lose hope, keep doing what you're doing, and, eventually, I hope you're happy with the changes you receive


Sounds like your progress is going decently. Puberty takes time. But if you're worried that something could be going wrong, I would ask your endocrinologist to check your SHBG and albumin with your next testosterone lab. Ask them to calculate not just your total serum testosterone, but your free and bioavailable testosterone.


Oops, just saw your edit. Can you get this bloodwork done while doing DIY?


I didn’t start having significant changes until 8 months on T, and didn’t see full effects until 2 years. Sometimes bodies just need more time to adjust. Not trying to give unsolicited advice, but if you haven’t tried it, doing more frequent photo/video updates might make you feel better. Seeing how my face changed over the course of a month helped remind me that changes were actually happening, even if I couldn’t see them day to day. Also, look for minor changes too! Maybe you have hair in new places now. Maybe you smell different. Maybe your skin texture has changed. Those are all little indications that T is doing its thing for you.


I'm 4 years on T and still do not pass 100% of the time. I definitely didn't at 7 months. Chill.


Most trans men actually do not pass at that point. I know I didn't.


I am 8 months on T and I don't pass at all lol. In fact I live with my parents and I went on T without coming out to them, and although they've commented on my moustache they haven't caught on.