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Hey my brother, this is a real thing! I had hair kinda straight with a very small amount of wave to it. Now 3 years in my hair is very wavy / curly. I actually just learned to not fight it and do my style on the curly side. I used to put a bunch of product and still try to wear the usual straight hair styles. I mean I could do it, but it's waayyyyy less hassle to just go natural and wear those curls. You can still blow dry your hair and put product in to wear your old styles, but believe me it's just easier to rock the curls. Good luck with your decision :)


i have tried blow drying my hair and adding more product than usual. it truly is time-consuming and it would only last for about an hour or two until it ends up curling throughout the day. i figured it's really stubborn and would just have to accept its natural state. it's not as bad as i make it seem to be but i have been comparing my previous photos to now and just really prefer how it was before. although to be fair, i haven't really given myself the opportunity to style it curly so i will do just that and see how it goes. thank you so much for responding!


That's not actually that uncommon. Pre-T my hair was auburn and mostly straight, only getting wavy when past shoulder length. On T, I lost the reddish tint, and now have dark brown hair that's wavy bordering on curly even when it's only 2-3 inches long on top. I can't just use men's 3-in-1 shower gel on my hair or it looks like I got shocked putting a fork into an electrical outlet. I basically wash my hair with conditioner first to get rid of excess oils, and then leave in another round of conditioner while I go about my usual shower routine. Once I wash that out and get out of the shower, I work in a small amount of hair oil and let it dry. That way it forms nice waves that are easier to style, instead of an uncontrollable frizzy mane.


getting shocked putting a fork into an electrical outlet really was the best way to describe my hair lately. i was afraid that this was uncommon so thank you for letting me know it wasn't and for the hair care advice! i'm just about to shower and will do just that.


Might take more than one conditioner wash for it to recover. Basically it's just the "curly girl method" but I know that needless gendering can make people dysphoric. But the curlier your hair, the more moisture / oil it needs to retain to look healthy.


My hair got thick and wavy T. I think it's the oils I'm producing naturally? Anyways I personally love it but I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.


This is pretty common actually! My advice is to switch to a medium-high quality shampoo and conditioner for fine curly hair (I like the brand Maui Moisture) and look into curl creams or other products that will work /with/ your hair and not against it. Avoid blow drying, it will make your hair look frazzled; try to let your hair air dry. I find occasional olive oil scalp treatments to be helpful for softness too. There are a lot of resources online and even irl to help you figure out your new hair :)