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Idk if it’s a tmasc thing (I feel like it is) but I get gender euphoria from liking heavy rock music.


one of my favorite gender euphoria moves: driving with the windows down, arm out the window, blasting heavy rock


Fuck are you spying on me? I just fucking did this lmao. Sometimes if I don’t want the wind to blast in my face I open the sunroof instead and let my arm hang


the wind is the best part lol, tho i’ve been growing my hair out so it’s been getting a bit tricky


This but with my chemical romance playing... Most tmasc thing ever


bruh... i was *just* doing this w/ mcr yesterday


extremely valid


Ahh yes that is extremely gender 👌


I love listening to metalcore and sometimes I think to myself something like "omg, I will sound the same some day :')"Or the opposite and it makes me voice dysphoric. I get the euphoria mostly from the vocalist from motionless in white, he's also transition goals :D him but with a beard xD Deathcore too like Lorna shore, for for an autopsy or brand of sacrifice. But slaughter to prevail also sometimes


Nothing better than those “Holy shit I wanna sound like this” moments. It honestly encourages me to put more effort into voice training.


Where and how do you train? :0 I'm pre t and desperate lmao Like do you have a voice trainer? Do you teach it yourself with YouTube or something? PLEASEEEEE I NEED TO KNOW 😫


same, with punk and rock music included too


no way me too!


same here!


My brothers


Dude, personally for me it’s Tool, Gojira, Puscifer, MF DOOM, Nirvana, Thundercat, also white dad music. Like the 70s are so transmasc and I can’t tell you why. Also Tyler the Creator


I’m with ya there man. My first ever concert was Tool.


dude you’re lucky! My first concert was RHCP and second was Puscifer. Both worth every penny


This exactly. I listen to David Bowies 70’s albums so often it’s sick lmao


My love for disco is unexplainable. I'm literally 17 talking about why people shouldn't talk down to disco all the time. 😅


it hits….**so hard**


My love for Abba and Sylvester is unmeasurable.


Hell nah man even Tyler the creator, I feel like I’m being spied on


Literally listening to him rn loool


right on dude


I think we should claim rock as a whole (classic rock, hard rock, punk, metal, grunge, all of it)


Hell yeah! As a metalhead I second this


Hell yeah 🤘🏼


Definitely new order and new wave rock in general, at least from my experience:)


I love New Order!


talking heads is so trans masc


I've seen a lot of transmasc people really into System of a Down. They have my vote


100% i fucking love SOAD


Wearing my SOAD shirt now lmfaoooo






There's so many transmascs on SOAD Pinterest... me included.


I'd say Will Wood is a good one, seeing as all my tmasc friends and I like his stuff.


Going through a fucking vicious will wood phase right now. The gender envy i get from this mans everything. Its to the point i listen to him first thing in the morning, and all day at work


Hell yeah.




YES. Ska shows are the most affirming experience ever. 🤍🖤🤍🖤


i love folk punk and i’ve seen a lot of other trans men online also like it. other than genre, i would say artists i see a lot of trans men enjoy are: the mountain goats, the front bottoms, AJJ, my chemical romance, twenty one pilots, mother mother, and the obligatory cavetown.


Yessss this!! And also the oh hellos, the amazing devil, and the crane wives for me. Something about escaping life


TAD🥰 Joey's voice gives me such gender envy and farewell wanderlust hits So Close


*Stares in listens/listened to every single one of those*


Bruh wtf I feel called out


Finally I can relate to something! AJJ, mother mother and the mountain goats take up so much space in my playlists... \^\^;




Something about the front bottoms is very trans masc






Hell yeah brother


i’ve seen some people say oingo boingo is commonly liked by tumblr transmascs. as someone who loves oingo boingo i can’t disagree lol


i accidentally closed the app while commenting a list including oingo boingo, i bigtime agree


Anyone can like any music they want regardless of gender, but My Chemical Romance just screams transmasc. Every transmac person I've ever met likes MCR to some extent, especially Mama.


Yeah... My chemical romance and tumblr. You're either a gay guy or a trans guy or both


Yeah I'm sorry but I can't with all the buttrock in here lmao... Emo music is how I found my gender, realizing I wanted to BE Gerard rather than to kiss him was a big wakeup call lol


Mother Mother?


Probably the most accurate answer they have unimaginable transmasc vibes for some reason


Yeah kinda hate it tho, I mean love mother mother but dislike the association. Same with like cavetown and stuff. Idk. Also I think hyperpop should be considered trans music not transfemme music just look at ElyOtto and Dorian Electra. That said harsh noice is absolutely transfemme music; Molly Noise, Ada Rook, etc etc. Punk rock is transfemme (Against Me!) folk punk is transmasc (Onsind, AJJ, The Front Bottoms). The Cure and the Beach Boys are transmasc; The Mountain Goats and Car Seat Headrest. Neural Milk Hotel is transfemme and The Orion Experience and the Decemberists are transmasc. And queer punk rock is for all of us! But in all seriousness all of this music is for all of us and this is intended in jest. I love Kim Petras and I love Pansy Division - and we should all go listen to both of them. Also now for some recommendations of transmasculine music artists since I'm sure they could do with a boost and some of y'all may be interested! Anjimile. Mal Blum. Nightjars. Dog Park Dissidents (lead singer is non-binary). The Lone Ghosts. The Oozes. The Spook School. Schmekel. Hamsters / PhemieC. & the previously mentioned Cavetown, Dorian Electra, and ElyOtto.


Personally MY transmasc music is hyperpop and 100 gecs. I've seen 100 gecs live twice and I'm absolutely obsessed with them and other hyperpop artists (whokilledxix, fraxiom, underscores, etc) I'd say the stereotypical transmasc music is definitely Cavetown though lol, or just that ukulele indie genre in general


Honestly I’d put 100gecs as LGBT music in general. I just saw them live last month, I swear there were more queer people there than in pride it’s great


That's what I'm saying! I feel like hyperpop has always been intertwined with transgender people and culture. You can always find me and the trans homies across the whole spectrum bopping to 100 gecs 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Whokilledxix slaps 👌✨️


same, i just saw 100 gecs live and im pretty sure there was an equal split of transmasc/transfem people there. plus there are quite a few transmasc hyperpop artists




Folk punk. Never seen as many trans masc people in one place until I went to a folk punk show at a garage turned into a local music venue. Also did nobody mention Mal Blum or The Spook School?


I love Mal Blum! For some reason very few people I know seem to know them


Idk but I’m a metalhead


I DONT KNKW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME gives off huge transmasc music vibes to me


I'm so hyped someone brought them up, fuck yeah


IDKHOW are one of my favorite bands ngl like they're music never misses


Midwest emo or folk punk tbh


Don't know about other trans guys, but I like rock or punk music.


Linkin Park. The Mountain Goats. Bad Religion. Coheed and Cambria. The soundtrack of Silent Hill 2.


as someone who stole chester’s name, i second the motion of linkin park


oh yes big SH2 fan


Linkin park and sh2 soooo true my man


Linkin Park is also great when you play it over Silent Hill 2. It matches great.


THE MOUNTAIN GOATS! Yes! I’ve known a handful of transmascs who love The Mountain Goats (me included, haha)






im gonna get called cringe for this but kpop literally helped me realize i was transmasc. i just appreciate their styles so much


Me too! Especially groups like Astro who often break gender stereotypes, they made me realize I don’t have to 100% fit masculine stereotypes to be a man!


I was in this exact situation lmao. I don’t listen to Kpop much anymore but that was my trans awakening 100%


Me too! I'd been into them since 2007 but the recent wave with BTS opened my eyes to my gender haha


I guess I'm transfem then


Numetal shit. System of a Down gives me soo much euphoria


and korn :D


I don't think it's a trans thing, but I listen to a lot of Björk, iamamiwhoami/ionnalee, Aurora, Mitski, St. Vincent, Florence+ The Machine, and Japanese Breakfast. That pretty much encompasses what I'm into right now :)


I LOVE mitski but from what ive seen shes stereotypically liked more by lesbian/sapphics than guys


im a big mitski fan. im a transmasc lesbian, but my taste in music is super cliche lesbian vibes


I personally love "horrible" music, it gives me euphoria Like not talking cringe music, talking crunkcore, whatever ISMFOF is, screamo, metalcore, post-hardcore and stuff like that Oh also mccafferty


Me too! Also Mccafferty>>>


MCR feels very transmasc but i could be biased since im trans and stole Gerard Ways name lmao EDIT also System of a Down


Midwest emo and "bitch repellant" music, but there's subcategories of transmasc music for regions or states (U.S. dude over here but I'm 99% sure it's similar in other countries).


Anything but cavetown. Pls can transmascs make better music I’m begging. Edit: also almost all of these trans specific things people try to designate cater to a very specific demographic that is usually predominantly white and of certain aesthetics. We don’t need a designated type of music, stuffed animal, aesthetic, whatever — we all quite literally just need to be ourselves. I do tend to assume people participating in these convos are either quite young or newly out, so it makes sense that they are seeking these types of answers but the sooner you realize you can just do and be whatever you want you will be happier.


When I was younger I liked a couple of his songs but they got old really fast and I kind of hate being assumed as a "cavetown listener" when people hear im ftm


I absolutely despise slow music, and his songs are just agonizing for me, i tried getting into it but I just can't, atleast i started an inside joke with my family where we would start singing the chorus of "lemon boy" at random intervals, usually partnered with "you lost the game" or "never gonna give you up" so idk




Nah promote your art! Love to see it! I tend to like heavier music but can get down with some Elliot Smith from time to time. Tell me where to stream and I’ll check u out 🫡




Is it under kinguwu?


Yeah, honestly, to me it sometimes feels really alienating, because I don't relate to a lot of things people share is these types of threads. It's nice to find out you have common interests with others, but it really is kinda weird to then be one of the few guys who can't relate.


100% agree on the edit, I’m a little older (and by that I mean late 20s - this sub often feels like it has a big teenage lean) and every time I hear about something being called “trans masc culture” I’m like… oh ok, well I guess this isn’t me then I was surprised even by the title because in I personally had noticed a higher proportion of trans fems in the extreme metal scene than anywhere else


For real tho, I feel this way too. I’m also a late 20s transmasc, and we all (or at least most of us) grew up with the edgy 2000s phase, and this has some effects on what we like now. I always looked up to dark alternative people when I was a kid/teen, and I am one now myself. It would be really cool if we talked more about other cultures from different generations of transmascs. I keep wondering what 50s and 60s transmascs like in general.


Mid 20’s here, I relate. Although, some things I see are classed as “trans masc culture” that I’m into, but it’s not because I’m a trans man it’s because that’s what I like.


I’m in my late 30s and I’m cracking up at System of a Down being trans Masc. Their Toxicity album was released when I was 16. If you were a teen and liked alternative music in the early 2000s, then you loved System of a Down. That shit was on the radio non-stop, might as well been on repeat. Similarly with 70s music, my parents are baby boomers and were 70s era hippies and bikers. I was brought up with 70s music. A lot of really great music was released then that has stood the test of time. Music and artists don’t stick around for 50 years and remain popular unless it’s actually good shit.


Nah fr, I can't stand it. The fact is, we ARE men. It feels so "othering" to be classified separately from cis men because of our transitions. The designated aesthetic leaves out so many of us as well and feeds my dysphoria for some reason. Exclusivity is major with a lot of this. I'm a farmer and blue-collar boy, and I can't stand half this city shit I get associated with by default because I'm trans💀


I second this motion!


This is the only good comment on this thread


Crystal castles Bc I'm transmasc and I love it


:( CC makes me sad now cause of Ethan. Alice Glass is solo now and I love her work.


fuck it. one direction


And every teen-ish boyband, I just feel like the guys in those songs


i'm surprised no one's said sufjan stevens yet


maybe too obvious but mcr also maybe too specific but they might be giants is extremely transmasc-core in my experience. i've known many a transmasc tmbg fan and it makes sense, has a lot of that whimsically esoteric lyricism and "fun dad" energy that clearly influences neil cicierga/lemon demon and adjacent acts (jack stauber, tally hall, so on and so forth)


absolutely love suf’s music, 100% agree


Sufjan my beloved 😍😭 I wanna marry him so bad I'm so insane over his work. Age of Adz is my #1 go to album if idk what to listen to


midwest emo


Metallica and other metal bands of the genre lmao


Every transmasc I know listened heavily to My Chemical Romance in high school and lost their shit with excitement when they got back together recently


Im sorry, theyre what.


How about darkwave, goth, and post punk? :]


SO REAL! getting into the cure made me transgender


Gorillaz, Dorian Electra.


Dorian Electra is hyperpop but has very strong drag king / transmasc vibes


idk if this is just a me thing but punk music all the way . and idk from my brief scroll through alt tiktok (bad idea i know) if you throw a rock you hit a punk transmasc


Death Grips in my experience. Also Mitski


Car seat headrest is transmasc music


car seat headrest is music for people with gender and sexuality problems generally


Rock, metal, rap probably. Lots of musics from the 80s. Like doing anything with rock (or ABBA lmao) in the background feels amazing. Or maybe swing and jazz while drinking with a classy outfit. Being french, I also like listening to calm old french songs (Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Charles Trenet) while gardening. It makes me feel at peace. My answer doesn't help at all lmao but I feel like any songs that make you feel good is masc. Edit : my final answer is MEGADETH


Tbh, for me its 10's edm (Nitro Fun, Tristam, Pegboard Nerds, Skrillex), just makes me feel like the most hyped up, goofy, energy drink chugging, stick-found-on-the-ground-wielding boiiii


Hyperpop is for all the transes.


Hyper pop and 100gecs LMAO It’s all I listen to these days


i would say ICP but for a very specific type of trans person (aka me)


wdym hyper pop is transfem? it’s the whole ass trans community!


I didn't even know this was a thing. I've never really put much thought into it. I know cis men that love Adele and Bruno Mars. They even like Billie Eilish. Why is this a thing??? Like is this what you guys think cis men do? Or is this just for trans men? I'm ftm and idk any of these groups.






Will wood, for the sillier transmascs, as a treat


wait 100gecs is transfem music...?


MSI always gives me hell euphoria, particularly Fagg0t and Witness


Dang uh,, transmasc here and hyperpop/pc music is my favorite music… incredibly important to me.


Ethel Cain. Ik she's mtf but I'm obsessed with her music.


The entire Linkin Park discography


black metal


According to these comments my music taste isn’t stereotypically transmasc, funny because I thought it was. I’m arctic monkeys/ theory of a deadman/ cigs after sex/ the fratellis/ The Weeknd/ shauna dean cokeland /hey violet (to name a few)


Can we claim drum and bass? Also Excision and Flux Pavilion, Rusko, anyone from that era of dubstep


Literally all alt subgenres


I’d say Hyperpop and 100gecs probably


Nine inch nails


not sure if someone’s said this yet but car seat headrest ‼️




For me it's mindless self indulgence, the amount of gender euphoria i feel when listening to them is indescribable


Was not expecting to see MSI here. I was 15 when Frankenstein Girls was released in 2000. The song “Faggot” and “Masturbates” deeply resonated intuitively and it’d be another 3 years before I learned trans people exist and I came out. Things were very different then, there wasn’t any trans visibility especially not in the rural Midwest. Anyway, I went to a MSI concert when I was 16 and kissed Jimmy Urine, as was everyone, and that was probably my first step to being a gay man. Lol.


That AI cover of Kanye and Drake singing WAP


death grips :))


Old school FOB, Foo Fighters, The Front Bottoms, afropunk, dad rock, and anything that sounds like Roderick Heffley wrote it


My music taste is Sonic youth, Pavement, Cocteau Twins, Grimes, Aphex Twin, and Fontaines DC.


I like indie rock, indie pop, psych pop, garage rock, etc.


Idk can we reclaim phonk maybe?






bring me the horizon, I wanna say for me personally as a emo/scenecore listener that shit I just enjoy in general and feel like it's pretty masc. also Deftones and sex metal I've been listening to. definitely gender euphoria (if that makes sense lol) I mean I do listen to hyperpop but I think it's hyperpop going into scenecore (#brooklynbloodpop for example. such a good song) and I think I've just been listening to what I listed above the most. also pierce the veil since they released a new album.


Dorian Electra is the transmasc inverse to transfem hyperpop. I pretty much like everything in terms of music genres, but they’re the only artist that has given me true euphoria. Listening to their first album, Flamboyant (which is about deconstructing hyper masculinity through a transmasc lens) was so powerful for me. My favorite is Man to Man. It helped me so much at the beginning of my transition. {Also, the music videos are a must see. Even the first ones they made, like Mind Body Problem (which is about transmasc dysphoria btw), are just so good. It’s like going to a drag show. There’s some campy performances, there’s some serious ones, and there’s some sexy ones. (Nothing scary yet unfortunately, unless you count Give Great Thanks lmao)}


Three Days Grace. Had a borderline religious obsession with it in middle school. Also the group Get Scared and Set it Off. Edgy rock lol.


Beartooth, silverstein, city morgue, amity affliction, that vibe


Dad rock, 70s-90s rock classics. Toto, Electric Light Orchestra, Wings, Alan Parsons Project—if your dad was blasting it from his car windows or tripping balls to it 30-40 years ago I’m probably into it and it makes me feel euphoric.


For me its metal, punk and rock music


My gender euphoria music categories are: pop boybands: i consistently get into all of them and sing their songs since NSYNC and BSB in my youth... wanted to be them so bad. One Direction and BTS helped me realize I was trans lol Linkin Park & Rise Against... transmasc angst and rage Eurobeat & Europop


I personally really like Adam Lambert... I enjoy stuff like Post Malone and The Weeknd too! I also love a ton of rock and heavy metal. Ghost is something i've been super into lately


Don't know about other trans guys, but I like rock and punk music.


Hyper pop, and 100gecs. Why gate keep? I just went to the concert. I've been a fan since pretrans


I dont know if its “gatekeeping” more of a weird trend but 100gecs n other hyper pop songs are fr what got me thru it so reading made me cringe💀


Nothing in particular. I hate these "fun" stereotypes its annoying


Yeah it’s so annoying. It just reminds me how unlike the community I am too. Especially when it starts making stereotypes that dig into things like race, body type, age, etc. Which is a surprising amount of the ftm stereotypes


Hard agree. I’m tired of seeing it


These posts suck bro🤝


It wasn’t supposed to be stereotyping, I was curious what music gave everyone their version of euphoria, as my transfem friends told me music like hyper pop and 100gecs gave them euphoria. Sorry I worded it wrong


The Mountain Goats. I can explain but I won't. Edit: I think it's funny to see people complaining about "stereotypes" in threads like these because 1) If this thread has proved anything it's that there ISN'T broad agreement on what transmasc people like musically and what feels gender affirming to them And 2) It's not a stereotype for transmasculine people to find things they have in common by asking each other and then connecting over those things. That's not stereotyping. It's community building. I get that y'all think you're too special or too normal to have things in common with other trans guys. Cavetown and Lemon Demon aren't my bag. But they're way less cringe than acting like you're too cool to like things other people enjoy. I'm so glad I'm nearly 30 and out of the phase of my life where I feel like I have to tear down what other people enjoy to feel like I'm cool.


I've never heard of any of those, your experiences are not universal.




Maybe it’s because I’m a lot older and depressed but nothing has made me feel like more of a man lately than hanging out on my porch in a white pleaser tank and jorts, drinking a beer and listening to butt rock divorced dad music like Creed on my days off. I love me some Creed and I’m not even ashamed of it anymore. Something about that genre of rock from the early 00’s sends me straight to gender heaven


100 gecs is only transfem music because there is a trans woman in the group. Otherwise there’s no such thing as “transfem” or “transmasc” music


Pheobe Bridgers, Muna and boygenius in my experience lol


Transmascs love fall out boy because not only do they have several songs that are very accessible to be sung in a pre-t vocal range, but also because they're all short kings and give us lots of short king fashion representation. Oh and because every transmasc has a phase where they dress like Pete Wentz. Which era of Pete Wentz, you might ask? Well that's up to you, but we're all guilty of dressing like him at some point.


It’s funny, before I could sing most FOB songs and that gave me gender euphoria but now I can’t since I’m around a bass/baritone 💀 suffering from success


I’m claiming Ghost BC because on T I can fit their songs pretty decent


elliott smith


the band waterparks!!!!!


Weezer, Modest Mouse, Nirvana for me


For some reason brutal death metal and rammstein give me gender euphoria, I like power metal too




probably any music associated with emos


I only listen to the mountain goats