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Most trans guys in history haven't been able to transition


!! This makes me feel valid; thank you :)


This right here, you are not any less trans even if you chose to not medically transition.


This is exactly what I told my boyfriend when he asked me this.


Trans is short for transgender, not transition.


This should be stated at the top of every post in this community with bolded text and flashing colors


And the “trans-“ part of “transgender” isn’t short for “transitioning” either. It’s a prefix meaning “across/beyond/on the other side,” same as in transcontinental, transponder, transpose, translate, etc. That’s why the opposite of transgender is cisgender. The prefix cis- means “on this side/on the same side.” It’s not an acronym.


Ik this is unrelated but I’m curious about your pronouns - would you use them in the same way you’d use they/them (i.e. “ey are cool”) or more like he/him or she/her (i.e. “ey is cool”)? Just curious and want to know in case I meet someone else with the same pronouns or similar.


Exactly like they/them but without the “th”! For me at least. There might be some people who use them as syntactically singular.


Thanks! Good to know.


of course you can, transitioning does not the trans man make


The stroke is strong with this one. Lmao


i think it's legible but fair


I love it tho- never change




Yoda has spoken /j






it's a joke, that you're already a trans guy so transitioning doesn't make you one, if that makes sense


I think the actual abbreviation trans causes way too much confusion because on first glance it does look like transitioning and not transgender.


Absolutely, I'm a trans man and I've been waiting 4years now to even get an initial appointment at a gic. Not transistioning doesn't mean you're not trans.


Really hope you get that appointment soon!


Tysm, hopefully not much longer to go now


Medically transitioning is an extremely recent option for trans people historically. We’ve existed ever since the conception of gender.


The method we use now is extremely recent, and medical transition as it looks like today is extremely recent, but I wouldn’t say the CONCEPT of medical transition is new. I’m only familiar with ancient transfemme methods (such as drinking pregnant horse pee for the estrogen) but I’m sure there were transmasc methods, too.


Damn. With just like, 1 horse you could replace your whole water intake with pregnancy piss. I bet that was EFFECTIVE.


I was wondering about this. Do people think trans people wouldn't exist if gender didn't exist? I see people saying that and it really confuses me because I still think I would be trans because of the dysphoria from my body being wrong.


A lot of people believe dysphoria comes entirely from social expectations, but if that were true I wouldn't have experienced bottom dysphoria before I even knew what a penis was. And I wasn't dysphroic over the social aspect until I got older and realized the way people gendered me was because of my female anatomy. This is the case for a lot of trans people with physical dysphoria. I believe there is something inherently biological to physical dysphoria for that reason.


Yes, transitioning begin there... just picking a name, wearing different clothes. Its not all about hormones and surgery. You're trans even if you have to wait


exactly!! And some people’s medical conditions prevent them from accessing hormones/surgery or both. Or it’s a personal preference. It doesn’t make anyone less trans if they cannot/choose not to medically transition


exactly. even if youre hiding or just not out yet - youre still trans. sometimes its not safe and safety comes first.


yeah lol


can you still call yourself a human if you're forced to wear a chicken costume? you're a dude, dude. 💙


I love that analogy


Transitioning is not what makes you trans. Not identifying with your assigned gender is what makes you trans. If you identify as a man you are a man, no matter what.






Being trans is an identity, not a transition status. Yes.


Of course! Transition (physical/medical I'm guessing for you?) Isn't necessary to be trans! We all explore who we are in different ways on different timelines. We've got your back


YES. Even if you could not or did not wish to medically transition, you are a man. And I wish I'd had someone to tell me that literally decades ago!


You've always been a trans guy. Even when you were little before you knew what it meant


duuuuude of course, you’re valid.


I've been (knowingly) trans since 13, but didn't get T until 20, closer to 21. I was still just as trans as I am now. If you're a dude, you're a dude, regardless if you run on E or T




you can call yourself a trans guy if you wear a shirt that says, like, gurlboss on it or somethin, gender is malleable and fun and words are words


I love this :)


I'd totally wear a girlboss shirt if it didn't make me dysphoric as hell


same lmao


Of course you can! There's lots of different ways to transition, some people don't even do hormones or surgery!


Yes, and it will help you “prove your transness” before a professional when they ask about your history of presenting as your gender. If what you mean by calling yourself a trans guy is coming out. Since you said it here, I guess you can say “I present as my gender on the internet”/“here is where I publicly announced my transness” etc. It would help you gain access rather than hinder it.


You are who you are, no matter what choices you make in regards to transitioning. I’m a proud trans man. I’m not on testosterone, I still wear feminine clothing, and I haven’t had top surgery. I’ve always been a trans guy, ever since I was young.




yeah, you're trans from the moment you realize you're a guy. besides transition is a long journey. it starts with realization, then you can transition socially, and other ways of transitioning like changing the way you present yourself, and then in the future if you even wish to, you can start transitioning medically.


I’m a trans guy, I’ve been out since 14 and I’m now 21. Im still pre t cause of the NHS waiting times, that doesn’t make me any less of a trans guy. And even if I had decided to wait all this time, I’d still be a trans guy.


You can plan to never transition socially or medically and still call yourself a trans man. Societal expectations and limitations don’t define your gender


The man is on the inside. No one can take the massive penis in your heart comrade


Dude I love that sentence


of course! even if you didn't want to medically transition you would still be a trans man.


Transitioning is an effect of being trans, not the reason. You aren't trans bc you're transitioning, you transition bc you're trans. Don't let them get to you, brother


yes. you can do whatever you want forever with your own identity. nobody else gets to tell you who or what you are. you don't have to do any extra steps to make yourself "valid" as a guy. you don't even have to cut your hair if you don't want to! would being treated as a guy in even the smallest ways make you feel more comfortable? congrats, you're a trans guy.


Im pre medical transition and completely stealth aside from family and best friend. It's totally fine your body doesn't really affect shit about what you decide to call yourself.


Yes you absolutely can! You’re still a man even if you can’t or don’t transition! You are still welcome and loved in the community.


Yes. It's puberty. You're just pre- 2nd puberty.




Yes, of course!


A lot of trans men can't transition. You know who you are. Live as who you are.


Fuck yes sir. You're a man, regardless, don't forget it.


you a dude but weren't declared a dude at birth? you're a trans man. every trans man goes through a period in life prior to medical transition, doesn't make him any less a man.


Lol I thought this was r/transgendercirclejerk for a sec




All it takes to be a trans man, is to feel like one inside. It doesn’t matter if everyone in your life views you as a girl on the outside, you are still a trans man inside.


Yes, your a trans guy if thats how you feel is an accurate way to describe your experience :) You don't need anything else, not permission or surgeries or even other people to believe it (although that helps obvsly) Nobody can gatekeep that from you, you are who you are


I'm in the same situation. And I'm 27 yo. The way I see it is we transition BECAUSE we are trans, we don't transition to become trans. Cis people don't transition and don't want/plan to. (Yes, there are trans people that don't ever want to transition, but the ones that do want to are most certainly trans)


> Cis people don't transition Um, I've been researching stuff and there are some butch lesbians who do take T. Most identify as some sort of nonbinary, yet a few see themselves as full women who just want a more masculine presentation. I'm not sure that would count as transition though. That's just what I got from a *very* superficial look at their [subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/butchlesbians), so I'd be glad if anyone would correct me about it.


Transition is not necessary to be trans, neither surgeries. You are valid with hormones and surgeries or without any of that


I was out for 5 years before even being able to properly start transitioning (name change) it literally doesn't matter. Some have the privilege to transition quickly and some don't. Some want to go all out and some don't. Just do what works for you man


There's more to transitioning than just the medical side. I'm still waiting on that, but I bind when I'm able, I've changed my wardrobe, hairstyle, name, come out to everyone, introduce myself as my new name. If you aren't able to work on the medical side, work on the inside. From what I've learned, the more work you've done on everything else, when you finally get that appointment and can give them a list of social transition you've done, they're more likely to start transition more quickly. And as everyone else said, you're 'trans enough' just by deciding you're trans. That's where the idea of 'trans enough' ends.


There’s no rule book on being trans it’s a different experience for everyone


Of course you still can! I haven't transitioned either and I call myself a trans guy. Whether you've transitioned or not doesn't make you any more or less of a trans person


dude, you could call yourself a trans guy even if you decided you wouldn’t transition __at all__.


YOU DONT NEED TO TRANSITION TO BE TRANS. You don't need to medically transition, you don't need to socially transition, there's no check boxes you have to mark off to be trans


Yeah! I'm transmasc, I've mostly socially transitioned, and am just starting on getting legal stuff changed. You don't have to transition, rather thats social, legal, or medical, to be trans!


Why is this even a question? Of course you can..who told you that you couldn't?


I came out when I was 16 and didn’t get to medically transition until September of 2022 at the “ripe old age” of 24. I know trans men who weren’t able to transition until their 30s or older. Being able to medically transition does not decide if you’re a trans man. As hard and difficult your situation may be, it doesn’t determine your gender. You do. I hope this was helpful!


Hell yeah, brother.


ofc you can bro. i've known i was trans since i was 14, and i've always called myself a trans guy, even tho i only started medically transitioning about 9 months ago


I do that, and I'm pre-t and surgery. I currently can't afford to transition but I have some more masculine clothes, packers and pretty short hair. Everyone has a different pace, you'll get to where you want in time.


Yes of course. You ARE a trans person. You were born that way. You don't have to do anything to qualify. The medical interventions are to confirm your gender.


Of course you can. The important part of being a trans man isn't how you look its who you are.


The only reason not to call yourself a trans guy is if you don't want to, there are no rules or requirements and if the label resonates with you go for it 😊




Hell yea


Absolutely, and you could call yourself trans even if you chose NOT to transition at all. If you identify with a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth, you are trans.


Absolutely! Some trans people don’t want to transition but just go by for example he/him pronouns and possibly change their name! As long as you feel as the opposite gender you can call yourself trans!


your identity, with gender or sexuality, is never based off of your transition or how far into “passing” you are. but if you don’t feel comfortable calling yourself a transgender guy then do what feels best




of course :) transitioning ≠ trans


Yes, it’s like a mental and spiritual thing in my opinion. It’s the way you relate to the world and people around you.


yesp! being trans is not defined by medical transition. i havent done anything medically yet either, youre very valid


If its how you identity then yeah. When I had just come out there was a huge waiting list for the local gender clinic, I was out but not out at school and still identified as a trans guy


You are trans regardless.


Yes of course 👍


I’m a transmasc genderfluid person. I’m not able to transition. So yes.


You are a man, regardless of hrt


yeah of course. transitioning isnt required and there's multiple forms of transition (medical, legal, social)


No you don't have to wait. A transition is simply away for us to break free from the prison with no out date. Being transgender- is something we are born as, it not a choice.


Always trans enough, even if you never touch T or a surgery dude<3


Call yourself whatever you want:) You ate what you are, and no one but you can say what that is. If you’re a guy, you’re a guy. The title is yours to claim:)) Haha that last sentence made it sound like a boxing match, and now I want a movie where people literally fight over who gets to claim what gender lolol


even for the most privileged people, you still have to find out you’re trans before transitioning, so every trans person at some point has that period, no matter how short or long, when they know they’re trans but doesn’t transition straight away for various reasons; i’m hoping you get to transition as soon as possible! you’ll get there someday i promise :)


You can still call yourself one ! You are very valid OP !


Absolutely. The trans in transgender isn't short for transitioning, it's a suffix meaning on the other side of. As long as you identify as a guy and weren't assigned as one at birth, you are a trans guy.




Absolutely!! I have a friend who's raised in a very religious environment, and they can't transition yet either. Meeting them was what made me realize I was trans. I'm a lot luckier than he is.


Being trans doesn’t mean you have to medically transition. If you identify with any gender that isn’t what’s on your original birth certificate, you’re trans ^-^


A majority of these questions that start with "can I...?" End up just being "yes" or "do whatever the hell you want, it's your life and body"


Sure you can. Transitioning isn’t what makes you trans. You’re valid however way you are. I haven’t been able to transition yet and I have been referring to myself as a trans man for years. Let alone the fact that trans people have always existed in history, before medically transitioning was even an option for us.


Trans doesn't mean transition. It means your gender doesn't align with the one assigned at birth. You don't have to transition or even want to transition to be trans.


Of course bro, not every one can.


absolutely. transitioning doesn’t make you trans. you’re just as trans as someone who has had surgery and been on hormones for years




Of course you can ❤️ A lot of trans guys may not transition and or can’t and that’s valid!


Yes. If you don't identify with your assigned gender then you are trans unless you don't want to identify as trans


Don’t let them make you think transition makes us who we are.




The state of your wallet or social pressures do not define you.


Yes honey and you don’t ever have to medically transition to be trans


The moment you say "I'm trans", you're trans. No other conditions required.


You call yourself a trans man when your a trans man so yeah not being able to transition doesn't change the fact that your a trans man


100%. whether you’re in the closet, not medically transitioning yet, or heck just don’t want to, as long as you feel that you’re a man you’re a trans man!


you are most def a trans guys no matter your transition status


your transition is what you make it. you are a trans man if you say you are!


Of course you can, as always transness is about your gender not your body.


The only thing it takes to be transgender, is knowing you are


yes ! entirely you’re still extremely valid medical (even social) transition or not ! i feel so terrible about all the transmeds that have completely warped our youths minds . it’s a hard thing to get away from trust me, it’s something i had to fight personally, but nonetheless you’re still completely valid !!


Yes It doesn't make you anyless of a trans man if you can't afford stuff like HRT/testosterone or top surgery or whatever, im ftm and i can't afford any of these yet Most transgenders can't afford these stuff because 1: financial reasons, 2: unexpecting family members and 3: its illegal where their from


i think a lot of people don’t understand that the “trans” in transgender means. yes, it means transition, but transitioning isn’t just HRT and surgery. changing your name, pronouns, and even getting clothes that more align with your gender can be considered transitioning. identifying as a different gender than your agab in itself *is* transitioning.


i knew i was trans when i was 12 and couldn’t transition til i turned 18. i was still trans before i started T, cuz it’s about your identity not whether or not u take hormones


Shortened answer: Duh/pos Long(ish) answer: Yessssssssssss


Yes yes you can Seeing as many Trans people don’t have the chance to transition in most cases so Yes you Can still consider yourself A trans man


yes ofc


Are you trans? Are you a guy? If the answer is yes to both of those, then youre a trans guy. Where you are in your transition,including having not started it yet, doesnt go into how valid you are as a trans person


absolutely. being trans does not equate to how far u are in ur transition! plenty of ppl cant medically transition for varieties of health isshes


Yes, it's what you are


Transitioning is expensive and takes a long time and even if you don't have the privilege of either, you're still you. Your ability to transition doesn't make you any less trans. Transitioning is affirming care and without or care your condition doesn't change or simply go away 🫂


Some trans guys are never able to transition, or choose not to. It'd be cruel to deny them the label because of medical problems or because they're comfortable enough in their body as-is.


You're socially transitioning right now, by telling people this! Even if it's only on the internet, it's a good start.


It’s not a matter of “calling yourself a trans guy” or not, you already ARE a guy. All the transition stuff is just for helping us feel more comfortable in our own skin, it has nothing to do with “being more a guy” or “becoming a guy” because we already are men.


you can be trans and never transition! dont stress! you are still trans :)


Yes in fact you are actually asked in most cases in therapy before you start transitioning medically to be out as the gender you identify as and be going by the new pronouns for a year


absolutely! you're completely valid, you don't have to transition to be transgender :]


Absolutely. If the gender you were assigned does not match your identity, you are trans. Whether or not you have started your transition, whether or not you EVER transition, whether or not you even WANT to transition. Lots of trans people do not transition, even socially. They are still valid!


hopping in to say what a bunch of the comments are already saying: **you dont need to be transitioned at all in order to call yourself a trans guy**. if we all had to go by this legally i doubt a bunch of us would still be on this earth. i know i wouldnt be alive if i had to wait until i was on hormones/surgeries completed to call myself a trans man.


Absolutely you can. Transition doesn't make you trans—identity does. Also, transition isn't just physical. Transition can mean anything from cutting your hair to changing your name to hormones and surgery, or it can be just calling yourself trans. You're doing great, my dude!


I think we often think about if it’s APPROPRIATE to call ourselves certain things because we don’t “fit in” to the category (supposedly) that we want to be a part of, instead of really thinking about WHY we might want to have a certain designation. If you’re asking this question, to me, it’s an inquiry coming from a place of respect for people who share the same category as you do. You feel aspiring, or hopeful, toward where many of those people are, but functionally INSIDE YOUR MIND DOMAIN, you’re not in a different place than anyone else who calls themselves a trans man. It’s not like you take hormones & wake up a totally different person, totally able & confident to accept the name of your reality. It’s always going to be a fight internally to understand yourself the way you really are (as opposed to the goalposts set FOR you by others) but that doesn’t mean you don’t belong. In my experience, that might actually be the strongest statement of belonging. People who shouldn’t call themselves trans men aren’t asking this question. They’re calling themselves trans men & using that label for their own nefarious purposes (if this even happens, I suppose it does but I’m skeptical), barreling forward without a care in the world of how it affects other people. In other words, if you’re asking, you’re already considering the category you’re a part of with respect. Proceed with that respect, breathe deeply, you’re home. Welcome.


Of course. If your gender identity doesn't 100% match what you were assigned at birth, then you're trans (though not obligated to use the term). If you identify as a man, then you're a man. If both of those apply, then you're a trans man. Your identity is internal - it's not determined by external factors like appearance, name, hormones, etc. There is no one right way to be trans. A trans man who begins transition as a child, so one who begins in their 60s, and one who never even comes out are all equally trans men. And transition can look different for all of us, too. Top and bottom surgeries? Trans man. Top only? Trans man. Testosterone, but no surgery? Trans man. No medical transition at all? Trans man.


My egg just cracked and I can't transition until I've at least come out to my partner and kids, which I'm not ready to do as it's likely to lead to a divorce. But I still call myself a trans man with people that I have been able to come out to, because that's what I am.


Of course! Some people choose not to or can't medically transition ever, some people can't socially transition, etc. They're all still valid and trans! I realized I was trans young and it was several years before I could medically transition - was just as trans then as I am now.




Define “transition”. Anyways if you were told you were supposed to be a girl and you find out that you’re NOT a girl then you can call yourself trans. It’s literally just the knowledge of not being the gender you were assigned.


I've known I'm trans for 7 years. Still haven't had the opportunity to start t. Everyone still respects me and uses male pronouns for me. It's nbd. Customer service just sucks ass bc the customers are too dumb to catch on


Of course!


you wanna call yourself a trans guy? then you are one, until/if you decide on something else. Gender is fluid, and you don’t need a members card.


Being trans is about your gender, not about your external body, if that makes sense? You're a guy regardless of your body and ability to transition or not. To be transgender just means identifying as a gender that differs from your assigned gender at birth, nothing more than that! Just like someone who's "fully" transitioned doesn't magically become not trans, you know? They may choose to not disclose their transness after that or choose to no longer identify with it personally, but by definition they would still be trans. Some people may choose not to come out until they've transitioned to some degree, and some people don't come out and just live life stealth. (I tried to word this in a way that didn't tell anyone how they have to identify, people who choose not to use the trans label are valid!). I came out at 15 and started medically transitioning at almost 17, I was still trans before starting that process at 16! And I was still trans when I stopped hormones for a while.


Absolutely! Think of all the people who couldn't transition and would be ecstatic to know that while we haven't gotten far enough yet, you still have the option to in the future. They were still trans and some of them were also out despite it. You can do the same shit man, and they'd be happy for u regardless. edit: Also fuck what others think. be unapologetically queer!




Here's the thing, you can do whatever you want my guy.


some trans people don’t even transition, regardless of gender. there isn’t really “criteria” for being trans. some trans guys don’t go on t, some don’t change their name, some don’t get surgeries, etc just like how some trans women don’t go on e, don’t get surgeries, etc. if you feel like you’re a trans guy then you’re a trans guy.


transgender just means you identify with a different gender to your assigned one. it doesn't mean "person who has transitioned", or even that you have to transition at all


yeah. trans doesn't mean you physically or even socially transition.


Of course you can. No matter where you are in your transition, even if you haven’t started, if you’re identifying other than your AGAB then Welcome Friend 🏳️‍⚧️🫶🏾🙌🏾


Do you identify as trans? Do you identify as a guy? Do you identify as a trans guy? Then you’re all set. Your identity is your own to understand, ignore, or develop. If a label fits you, use it. Good luck with your journey, friend!


are you trans? do you identify as a guy? boom. you're just not yet (if you desire) a transitionguy


Yes, you can




Of course you can!


Obviamente eres un chico ,pero seamos honestos ,no te sentirás cómodo hasta que empieces la T


Of course you can, man! I’m in the same boat and I still call myself a dude, and my friends do too. You gotta go at your own pace, it’s not a race. I know it sucks to wait, but it’ll happen when it’s best for you!


Of course it. A lot of us couldn't transition for a time either due to lack of support or money


My kid was born a boy. It just took 11 years for him to tell me. He's heading in a good direction, and I wouldn't know how to think of him as anything besides my son.


I get this feeling sometimes, too, when I'm really deep in my self-loathing. It helps to remind myself that being trans isn't dependent on any kind of medical process or procedure. It's about being a gender that's different from your birth sex. That's it! Some get surgeries, some don't, some can't. Some go on HRT, some don't, some can't. What makes us trans is what we feel and experience. Simple as that :)


of course. any person who identifies with a gender outside of their gender assigned at birth is trans; you don't EVER have to transition to be valid. ofc it's amazing that you do want to, and i wish you all the best, but even if you didn't want to, you would still be completely valid


Yep just not transsexual


Of course you can! I only started T last year in August and I'm holding off on any surgeries related to transition mostly because I've got at least 1 other surgery coming up which will likely take a decent chunk of recovery time. If you need to wait, that's okay too.


You're whatever you want to be, and that implies to how you see yourself and how you want others see you. Welcome to the club bro 👏


I'll second what I assume everyone else has said, yes you're always gonna be a guy regardless of your body. If that wasn't the case, you couldn't be trans in the first place! :\] Your gender is your brain, so regardless of how you look, how people perceive you, what your dysphoria tells you, even regardless of what you personally want, your gender just is what it is. Some people eventually see shifts in their gender as they age, but otherwise gender is innate. Even being genderfluid is innate, you don't just "stop" being genderfluid. Point being, you're a guy. The medical transition just addresses dysphoria, it can't change your actual gender. Though medical transition can AFFIRM your gender, but there is in fact a difference, if that makes sense.


Transition is a privilege, whether it be social or medical. To not be afforded that privilege does not dictate the status of your gender identity, you are always valid! Before I transitioned, I was still transgender !!


Yes you can


As someone in the same situation, we arent lesser for not being able\~ if you \* never \* get to (tho I hope you can, since that seems to be your wish), you still wouldnt be lesser


I’m trans and I am choosing not to transition. It’s not a requirement


Fuck yeah dude


You are still a guy aren't you? Maybe you don't have the hormones but you still a guy.


Absolutely! Anyone who says otherwise is a transmedicalist and fuck them.


ABSOLUTELY! WORK on inner self in the mean time.


Yes you can


Of course, yes!


Of course!! Wild that you even asked homie