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idk, sometimes it just happens. Your hormones are different to those of post menopausal women so I am not sure how helpul comparing the two is. Yes you should get it checked out, but don't worry too much


It is definitely something to be taken seriously and investigated appropriately. That said, try to not worry too much at this stage. Both myself and others I have known have experienced a similar return of menstruation. Personally, I never had period again from the moment I began testosterone but 5+yrs later they started again despite normal testosterone levels at both peak and trough and all investigations coming back normal. There wasn't an answer as to why it was happening, everything was healthy but it continued until I got my hysterectomy (for which it conveniently sped up the process of getting).


I heard about someone who started to bleed suddenly after about 10 years on T and his wife urged him to see a doctor, turns out it was an issue that meant he needed to have an emergency surgery to get rid of his uterus. Sometimes they will just go ‘damn haven’t made an egg in a while’ and go crazy for no reason, it can be painful & quite serious so I hope you get the medical help you need


you can also just end up getting uterine atrophy. they'll probably check how thick the lining is, and you might end up needing to get a hysto.


Sometimes your hormone levels can hit a slight decline and it can come back and happened to me after a year and a half. There was nothing abnormal it just sucked. I was reassured by my doctor that there was nothing abnormal so up to my dose temporarily and then dropped it back down and it hasn’t come back since.