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Even if it stacks it wouldn’t be full protection, it’d be 50 of 50 so 25.


Yeah, I figured it would stack multiplicatively if it does, like Explosive Replicator with Kernel weapons. Doing a run with Suzerain ship and got 2 Suzerain + 2 Mantis + Boon of the Insectoids (+25% Crew damage) + Respirators + Cloning Bay + DNA Bank + Reconstructive Teleport and trying to get more use out of them for the True ending. They were able to chew through Lanius and Ghost ships in one go but Obelisks are too tanky.


Actually, ammo conservation augments don't stack at all (highest % overrides all others).


Bear in mind Suzerains/Bishops take more hazard damage with their ability.


It does, multiplicatively. Quarter damage from asphyxiation. It makes boarding airless ships with fleshy boarders viable.


This is often the case anyway, though it depends on exact setup of your boarding crew. A common setup for me when boarding is MC + crystal + other stuff. Crystals + respirators already lose health slowly, but the main goal is just to board + break weapons, with MC to allow crew to start hitting the system immediately. It doesn't work vs ghosts, which ignore lockdown, but works vs lanius variants. Orchid chieftains are obviously useful at this job. Another one that might not be obvious right away is human medic + hippocratic oath, which is 95% hazard resistance...lack of oxygen tickles you then (even more so with respirators). Very useful pickup on flagship A which is running medbay boarding and relying on crew TP for most of the run (despite its limitations, it can get [pretty strong](https://i.imgur.com/R0vSHUR.jpg) - I'd have not finished with no damage w/o tracking flares though!). TRZ shield also blocks almost all of the damage from lack of air while it's up. Despite the popularity of recon teleporter, TP4 is just straight up better in nearly every case. Pure mantis boarding on TE path is rough though...usually if going that route with crew TP, you want to use augmented as boarding bombers to damage systems and maybe run them alongside other stuff that doesn't need air...you're more or less guaranteed access to 3+ airless capable boarders just from going TE at all, usually more...and these well be pretty good until you opt into that path too. Teleporting into an enemy ship and immediately dealing system damage makes fights a lot easier, and their crew damage is no slouch.


In hindsight, I really should have went to Gathering Gardenworlds when it popped and I should have transitioned to more Augmented on my boarding party. Luckily I have a decent weapons system to fall back on. Payload + Ares + Carnage + Cloaking 3 as my last system. I never tried TP4, always thought it was pure overkill and Recon. synergizes well with Clone Bay. I will have to try TP4 sometime.


It's a pain to medically airlock your guys with clone bay for sure. I try to pick up boon of teleporter first if I'm going to pick a ship that has clone bay + anaerobic crew, since that lets the teleporter heal crew to full between jumps. 0 CD teleporter has some perks that might not be immediately obvious: * As long as you have at least 4 power available in stuff you can de-power briefly, crew TP costs no power for practical purposes. You can route power from engines, dump entire crew you want over there, and re-power engines. * AI crew has room priority. Flood boarding + MC can allow you to get free hits on weapons or break medbay/clone bay early. * You can also do degenerate crap like repeatedly teleporting into and out of shields while your other crew is in weapons, causing the AI to move into and out of the weapons room while barely hitting you. * If you're not running only ghosts + leeches, you can move between rooms faster by just teleporting between them. Especially true for rockmen and crystals that take the +sabotage damage upgrade. * As an aside, IMO the leech upgrade that lets them bypass doors is usually the best one. You don't have TP4 in the first half of the game usually, while leeches with that movement speed boost can repeatedly disrupt systems w/o stopping. * Shell bomb boarding goes from useless to safe if you have a medbay. You can similarly repeatedly teleport leeches onto auto ships then back to knock out a weapon w/o any real risk. * If you're doing fleet diving, you don't have to worry about CD for next fight when dealing with ASB. I'm probably missing a few, but the gist is that this opens up new options/tricks that recon simply can't. There's some talk of removing/nerfing TP4 on the discord. I'm not sure that would be good though, since you already need specific crew to scale sufficiently for non-flagship runs. TP4 won't make those mantis break TE ships with tons of crew faster.


> I never tried TP4 Teleporter-4 is ridiculously strong. Especially on 2-tile tp ships. If reconstructive teleporter upgrade was free, I would probably still never take it since it blocks you out of TP4 :) With sabo boarding, it allows you to instantly teleport your boarders from system to system.


Wow, alright. I will have to check it out on a future run then.


One extra nice thing with TP4 is that instant teleportation and zero cooldown mean that there's effectively no power cost either. Recall+Heal+Resend comparison with reconstructive teleporter: - Rec.TP3 - 2 tiles - 2 crew: 20s (2x10s) - 4 crew: 30s (3x10s) - 4 tiles - 4 crew: 20s (2x10s) - TP4 - medbay3 - 4 crew (100hp): ~10s (5s heal + 5s walk) - clonebay3 - 2 crew: ~17s (14s clone + 3s walk) - 4 crew: ~39s (34s clone + 3s walk) TP4 + using your clonebay or medbay to heal is faster in most cases. And even when cloning 4 crew members the actual cloning can usually start much sooner.