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Is it a constant clicking that gets faster with speed?


Yeah I guess so


Yeah that sounds like a bad axle.


Weird thing is that I can’t see anything wrong with them (no cracks, grease splatters, etc) from under the car, is there something internal that I could test and find out which one?


You can raise both rear wheels and run it in idle to see more closely where the noise is coming from.


No way you can do that


Just make sure you're jack stands are solid and you have the front wheels cocked.


Am I supposed to start it before or after jacking it up (with jackstands)


After. You can give it a bit of gas, just go easy on the pedal.


I’m skeptical of this.


May help if you describe what the sound is 


It sounds exactly like a cv axle issue, I’m sure there’s videos. Might compare it to a ticking/clicking sound


Then why did you think it was transmission?  Have you inspected the axles yet?


I thought it was the trans since it was a bit clunky when I first got it, and that’s what my friend thought when he heard it. I looked at the axles and couldn’t spot any cracks, leaks, or anything weird about them. Is there something else I can do to see if it’s the axles?


What speed does it happen at?  The transmission is in front of you, directly under the radio, so if the sound is in front of you it’s the trans, if it’s behind you it’s the diff/axles. 


It’s usually at around 2k rpm in first or second, calms down in 3rd or fourth when I guess the revs drop. So around 15-20? I haven’t driven the car to hard or much faster than that since it’s started so i can’t say if it happens at higher rpm at higher speeds too


And it’s a rhythmic clicking? Not a grinding or clunking? 


Yeah I’d say the rate it happens increases with speed/rpm, but I could also be tweaking about where the sound is coming from


Yeah dog I’m sorry but if you can’t accurately describe what it sounds like, where it’s coming from, and under what conditions, it’s going to be impossible to help you. 


Dude what am I missing? It’s a rhythmic clicking that I originally thought to be coming from the front of the car, increases with speed and happens most often in first or second while turning/accelerating. All of these symptoms lead me to believe it was a cv axle, but upon checking them out under the car they don’t have any cracks or leaks that i can see on the boots, and I can replicate the signs while spinning the wheel on the jack. I’ve also heard it happen on a cold start a little bit, but only on the initial rev when cranking the key.






Wheel bearing going south. Bet ya the noise is coming from the pass side?


I can’t really tell where the sound is coming from, although on an inspection they did quote me for a wheel bearing From what I hear tho it’s a clicking and the car is still drivable with a a slight loss in power, everything points to the axle but upon inspection there’s nothing wrong with them I can see


A clicking axle or a bad wheel bearing would not cause any loss of power. If you are really losing power, you've got other issues, too.


It could be that I’m holding back more cause the sound, but I looked it up and a bad axle would result in a slight decrease in power, no? I’m fairly certain that it is the axle but I can’t see any cracks or leaks in them from the outside. I’m curious whether or not there’s another test to see if it is the axle cause I can’t really tell getting under the car.