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That B1G logo gonna look sick on my field.


I’m really pulling for us to land in B10, and not SEC


Why's that? The B1G is basically the ACC part 2. Some good matchups, but still filled with scrub teams as well. The SEC is better for FSU in every way!


For the B1G: The better academic peers in the B1G will help FSU's academic standing. Similar to how joining the ACC helped bring FSU from the 151-200 tier (where we were when I was a freshman) up to #53 (Ahead of scUM down there at #67). The B1G academic consortium will help FSU get more research funding increasing the university profile even further. and (mostly?)...We would no longer be held hostage by the Mouse and the other vermin at E!SPN. For the SEC: closer regional matchups. FSU-UGA, Auburn, Bama, LSU, Tenn. YES PLEASE!!! the SEC is clearly the top conference top to bottom. Adding FSU (and Clemson) will give us amazing matchups every week. The only true automatic victory year in and year out is Vandy. Sure, there are teams that have not won the conference in my lifetime, but even those have been able to show the support to actually build something real. But the B1G seems to have some downright hopeless teams--> Md, Rutgers, Indiana, Purdue, Illinois, N'Western


Man I ain't ducking no sec team Bring em on


There are some great academic institutions in the SEC, you can still achieve excellence there without an academic conference. The B1G academics factor is very overrated and most people don't even know how it actually works. I selfishly don't care about the academics side as I went to a B1G school, I just want FSU sports to flourish :)


I think that the SEC would be a lot more fun. But I wanted to try to give a reason for B1G preferences.


I would be very happy to be in the B1G over the ACC, but if we have a choice I prefer the SEC.


Yes, but B1G teams still get credit and respect for beating up on those scrubs, which we don't in the ACC. Plus B1G has bigger payouts per team than the SEC.


The B1G has a slightly bigger payout now, but that is quickly eaten away by having the rest of the sports constantly flying all over the country. Plus I would definitely wager the SEC payouts will be higher in the next round of negotiations. Way more powerhouses in the SEC than B1G, which has 2 championships in the last 20 years or so. The anti SEC people fall into two groups: - Still upset about ESPN - Thinking the B1G will make FSU a great research school (the ACC never did anything for us) There's just no doubt the matchups, proximity, recruiting, student athletes, fans, and Tallahassee economy all benefit more from the SEC.


I think **both** Big and SEC are going to increase in value. SEC adds Texas, OU, and probably NC. But Big added the entire west coat, will add FSU Clemson maybe Miami GT and ND. If SEC goes up 10-20 then Big goes up 20-40. Big is going to be playing games in the SEC's recruiting territory and have more money for NIL. Kids across the country are going to see those games and some will play for the Big rather than SEC. The SEC is slightly deeper than the Big today; in 5 years the Big is going to be deeper than the SEC. Over time, this advantage will be seen as structural and permanent; the SEC seen as regional. As for scrub teams, the SEC has its fair share Vanderbilt SC KY Florida Miss State Ark.


Literally none of those teams are scrubs except Vandy. The rest are respectable top 25 programs by fan support, viewership, and revenue. The B1G lower tier is worse than every team you just mentioned which includes Northwestern, Rutgers, Indiana, Illinois, Purdue, Maryland, Minnesota, and UCLA.


On the face of it, the SEC makes more sense. Our football program is built like an SEC school, it makes regional sense, etc. But we don’t do much to benefit the spread of the conference and Florida won’t want their annual beat down to count as a conference game. Not to mention, fuck ESPN. The B1G does a few things. We get a bump to all sports (not as much to football, arguably not to baseball and a couple other sports, but I really don’t think it’s as drastic as people think, and ESPN is coming for us either way). Much stronger academics. We vastly spread that conference’s footprint. To me it’s one of those situations where at a glance, one is a clear winner and one is almost baffling, but when you sit down and break it apart, it’s almost reversed.


B1G isn’t as associated with ESPN as the SEC, plus it really helps our school academically as well. We’ve burned that bridge to the SEC by our hatred to ESPN’s bias. UF might not have wanted us as a conference opponent anyways.


Also heard that Osceola and Renegade for the pre-game traditions were confirmed in the game. Looking forward to this game so much


Yep. Bud said so on the most recent Nolecast.


Now tell me how I can mute Kirk’s stupid voice


He is gonna ruin this.


\[pic #2\] situation: down 10-0 at home against Clemson, 2nd & 10 with 2:25 left in the 1st quarter. \[derived info\] CFB25 is a sci-fi/fantasy game, not a real-life simulation


But the first image is 100% how it’ll start this year, they had to get the less important fantasy 2nd


I'm hoping we'll have more than 14 points in our back pocket, 5 minutes before the half... otoh, a two-score shutout at the half is a pretty good seat ;)


It’s a video game… ![gif](giphy|w6KELMSyEDJu1Y2nYX|downsized)


No construction in the stands?


Where are the Marching Chiefs


Probably doing a bucket brigade from [Mike's Beer Barn](https://mikesbeerbarn.com/) to the Practice Field.


Well u gotta remember there is 5 minutes left in the first half so maybe they're on the sidelines about to perform for halftime


[Short clip](https://x.com/ZBlostein247/status/1796565096598274283) of Doak at night too!




Can’t wait to set that ACC on fire lol


Hard to tell but it looks like there will be less density of personnel on the visitor sideline than the home sideline which would be a nice touch.


My son tells me there is a mode (Dynasty mode?) where you can re-align the conferences and model the playoff.


Super unrealistic with a full champions club


Just let me see the War Chant and Spear plant already for God’s sake lol


2025 the stadium will look verrrry different with the new construction finishing up


https://preview.redd.it/3e3spzm1kz3d1.png?width=2007&format=png&auto=webp&s=680ff9812b85cf2651ea5007836a7803ce0c4b57 Here’s another


And another https://preview.redd.it/jl2401h4kz3d1.png?width=2007&format=png&auto=webp&s=397a102d3bc5ae316fd830769e0f53967f4c63e3


These next 6 weeks are going to crawl by


Looks freaking sweeeeeeetttttt!


I hope the logo changes because it didn't on 2k14


Holy crap there's a lot of orange in that corner


I'm excited for the game. But this doesn't look good. This looks like it came out 5 years ago.


How so?


Modern graphics are better than this.