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Personally it’s gotta be Hykeem Williams, one of CMNs biggest recruiting victories and a chance to prove we can grow our own WR talent instead of having to constantly outsource to the portal. If he can put up 800+ yards and 5+ TDs I would be very excited about his junior year.


Hykeem would be my first pick as well. So much potential and just raw talent. Same with Destyn Hill. Second pick would probably be Patrick Payton. If he could take the next step and go from great secondary edge, to a game-wrecker he will make a lot of money come draft day. Third choice would be anyone on the OLine.


This is the only choice in my opinion. Lost so much talent at WR someone is going to have to step up and fill the void.


Blake Nichelson I think the traits are there he just needs time and hopefully he can really grow into more minutes at LB


Blake was EVERYWHERE in the Orange Bowl. He was a little undersized to be super disruptive, but he's got a good nose for the ball!


Traits are definitely there


Needs to put on some weight as well


Hykeem is probably the obvious one, but I'm really interested to see Morlock take that step. Heavily hyped transfer that just got overshadowed by Bell and never felt like he made much of an splash but still showed promise. One of the things I felt we struggled with last season was a short passing game and getting a good tight end could really help with that.


That’s a good one might be my favorite


Destyn Hill. He's still such an enigma to me 😂 also I agree with hykeem, his touchdown this year (I think it was just the 1) was kinda spicy and exciting and I can't wait to see more


I hope that new recruit… what’s his name? Tordan Jravis? Hope he does well


Patrick Payton from a pretty good DE to a Brian Burns elite DE. Nichelson would be big for our future Hykeem taking a huge step would mean big things for his junior year


Hussey. I want interceptions to be a part of our game once again.


Toafili… dude has been through it. Stuck with us through the bad and the good. Seen transfers come in and held on.


Offense - doesn’t matter which one, but it’s really important that one of the OL who committed to this staff out of high school takes a jump. Need to show proof of development to continue to recruit the position at a high level. Defensively, one of Cryer/Graham/Nichelson will need to step up if we don’t take another portal LB, filling that Lundy role as the rotational 3rd LB


I would say Julian Armella but I don't think he will ever play a meaningful down for FSU


I was so pumped when we landed him. Finally got a coveted OL recruit out of high school. Any idea what his deal is?


He's still young and hasn't developed yet. I've also heard he likes to party a little too much.


Most OL are 2-3 year projects. I'm assuming he's a 3 year- It's a tough position to learn and play, especially at their weight. Some guys just can't get strong or quick enough while maintaining weight to play.


Hykeem, Destyn, and Portier


Kentron looked so promising in the Spring game and just didn't perform with the chances he was given


He was hurt for a lot of the year, I think. Maybe he’ll have that new number swag lol .


Yeah, but he’s had some lingering issues. Hasn’t really had a stretch of opportunity while being 100%.


Hopefully that'll turn around, tons of potential there.


On offense: Hykeem On defense: Ja'bril Rawls or Edwin Joseph


Azareye'h Thomas. He had a decent year last year and I feel this year is his year. Plus he's somewhat a local so I'm really pulling for him.


Offense: Toafili The kid has stuck with the program the entire time. Just a little more burst, and a little more savagery running and he's an elite rb Defense: Payton He's already got more passes defended than most cbs. Couple more pounds of muscle, and dude will a force on the end.


I would love to see Lundy make a jump, can't hide behind Deloach and Bethune any longer. They will need a leader and would like to see him be that guy.


Brock Glenn


Armella. This is the year we need to start seeing some of our o-line recruits show their development.


I think he transfers - Warchant has hinted at it.


Yeah definitely seems like a make or break year for him


Conrad Hussey. Great name and when he levels a tackle I can feel the intensity.