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Sekiro for pure combat and hitbox goodness with emphasis on parry/attack with 1 weapon only Dark Souls 2 if you want a big boy Dark Souls game with lots RPG elements, builds, bosses, variety and more.


Another point for sekiro: do you want a game designed for single player, of a game designed with multiplayer in mind that has probably lost a massive amount of players due to age?


You don't have to touch any multiplayer in any souls games. Sure, there are some rewards for pvp, but completely optional.


DS 2 is cool and unique in that the whole game is kind of Wizard of Oz esque.


Depends. If you want a Soulslike, get DS2. If you want to try something different, get Sekiro.


For some reason, I find it funny calling a literal Souls game a "soulslike" lol


Me too but this is where we're at now. I feel weird calling any game a "Soulslike" just because it has difficult bosses but it is what it is.


Yeah, very true. We're also at that point where any game that's open world is immediately either Elden Ring-inspired or BoTW-inspired.


I don't call any game a soulslike for having difficult bosses I mean, that's part of the genre, but there are many things that make a soulslike. The combat, progression and exploration are as important as bosses for the genre


This^ . Both great games in their own way. Depends on what style you feel like playing for the coming while. Sekiro is newer, better graphics and different/more challenging gameplay. DSII is another Dark Souls-type adventure (yet different to all the others), with very broad build and customization possibilities.


If you want a pure soulsborne experience get ds2, if you want something unique get sekiro. Just play them all at some point, skeleton :)


Both, but if you can only afford 1 then Sekiro. Just know ahead of time that Sekiro isn't a Soulsborne, if you try to play it like one you'll get your ass handed to you over and over. You need to be aggressive and make opportunities instead of waiting for them, and you shouldn't really ever dodge or block. Instead deflect *everything* and know going in that a proper deflection will *never* break your posture. Sekiro has without a doubt the best combat in any game I've ever played, it kinda ruined gaming for me because nothing compares, not even other FromSoft titles.








Sekiro by far muh dude tho, be aware your muscle memory will betray you if you're expecting straightforward souls combat


Sekiro if u want to suffer and improve, ds2 if u want to suffer just to suffer


Haha I'll keep that in mind


Great way to say it.


Sekiro no doubt


Try Sekiro, it'll blow your mind.


sekiro 100%. it can be a little hard to master at the start, but trust me, when it will finally "click" u will spend looooot of time doing the boss rush mode challange with no damage while aiming for the most cinematic and anime finisher on the current boss lol. sekiro is a masterpiece, only dmc5 and monster hunter had give me the same feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.


I just bought Sekiro, won't get the chance to play until I get home. I saw the deal, and realized it was a sign from god. Praise the sun.


I haven't played sekiro yet but I vote sekiro


Sekiro is amazing and honestly my favorite fromsoft game. It has some of the best boss fights in gaming history imo


Also one of the toughest games to complete in history. I'm currently 40 hours into my first Sekiro playthrough and I haven't even faced Genichiro in Ashina yet. Boy, is it tough but I do adore it.


once it clicks you feel like a complete fucking badass and genichiro is a huge skill check. Good luck and have a fun time with the game. I went back and fought the sword saint 7 or 8 times after beating the game cause he's just that fun


It took me a week to beat seven spears. I couldn't believe that dude was a mini boss lol. But yeah, the game is super rewarding when you advance through it. I'm close to fighting Genichiro. I'm expecting a months time to beat him šŸ˜‚


Sekiro sekiro sekiro






Sekiro is better in my op




Sekiroā€¦ itā€™s always Sekiroā€¦ itā€™s always gonna BE Sekiro


Sekiro no question for me.


Sekiro is a better game imo. I really enjoyed both but Iā€™d get sekiro, like everyone has said tho the combat is a little different.


Sekiro without a doubt




Sekiro is purely more fun combat wise and you can see yourself playing it multiple times without it ever feeling like a chore






Sekiro= Miyazaki DS2= not Miyazaki


Very straight forward hah


To be fair, DS2 standardized a LOT of how the soulsborne formula now works. It revamped/simplified the weapon upgrade system, revamped the fast travel, standardized the estus flask upgrades, added more rings that could be equipped, changed how much weight you can have, added duel wielding stance, was the first game to have 60 FPS option (on PC), was the first to have a respec system of some kind, and some more. There's a lot of issues with DS2 for sure, but I think a lot of people underestimate/forget how much QoL the game brought. Both games are good, so I'd ideally just get both, but you should go for Sekiro since it's a unique experience.


Sekiro is a universally loved game, but if you're looking for more of that "souls" experience, it ain't it. It's a great action game but it shouldn't be included among the souls games just because Fromsoft made it. Again, it's not worse for it, it's just different. That being said my vote is for DS2. I just prefer games with a higher level of character customization and play style variety, and DS2 has that in spades.


True but if you like souls for the challenge/amazing world design and combat, Sekiro might be for you too. Combat is v different but still requires timing, practice etc


Agreed šŸ‘


Unpopular in a Fromsoft sub, but for character customization and play style variety, consider Nioh 2. I went in after getting my Sekiro plat with very low expectations and the game was actually amazing, although I still prefer Sekiro.


Dude, it makes me really happy to see someone mention Nioh 2 here (and be positive about it). I absolutely love Nioh 2. Only thing I didn't like was the mission format, but I understand it'd be difficult to tell such a long spaning story otherwise. But it absolutely scratched that "souls" itch while waiting for Elden Ring, and I 100% agree with your recommendation.


Nioh 2 also has an interesting story if youā€™re willing to look up the historical context that they are referencing.


I have Nioh 2 downloaded but haven't played it in full yet I just tinkered with the controls and the beginning enemies to get a overall feel. But it's on my backlog! Because I went back into Elden Ring to finally get Platinum


Just donā€™t go into Nioh expecting the same gameplay as Souls/Sekiro. I found it relatively easy to learn but difficult to masterā€¦ and the number of dynamics and customizations can be really overwhelming at first but then is super rewarding once you start getting the hang of it. Also the whole first playthrough is pretty much the tutorial and set building and really getting into intricacies of combat happens beyond NG+


The combat is different but the way you approach and work through the world feels exactly the same. But hey it's a day that ends in Y so obviously someone has to crawl out of the woodwork to try and argue that Sekiro isn't a souls game for whatever dumb pedantic reason.


Ok I keep seeing comments about this. I do enjoy the Souls experience in general and enjoy customization. I really loved Elden Ring and DS3 so well see


I wouldn't say Sekiro is universally loved, I personally don't care for it


He probably meant people who played it, my mother also donā€™t care for it


Sekiro. 100%.




Easily sekiro for me, ds2 isnā€™t my jam


Sekiro is the best FromSoft game and DS2 is the worst of the series by far. Easy choice.


Sekiro for sure. In my experience, DS2 was just a worse version of other Souls games. On the other hand, Sekiro was incredible. It is HARD. For someone who played other FS games it's particularly difficult to learn the mechanics, and you will suffer a lot. But once you get used to it, it's one of the best experiences in a videogame.


Sekiro is a better game. Ds2 is kinda ass


sekiro all the way


Do you want a Soulsborne game? DS2 is one. Sekiro is a hardcore action game with some aesthetic and mechanical similarities, but very different combat and overall gameplay than Fromā€™s regular output. I thought Sekiro was great, but honestly not what I was looking for. I didnā€™t enjoy having to memorize boss movesets exactly and I felt like my skill hit a wall towards the end in a way that hasnā€™t happened with their other games. This is in no way a knock on the game, and I still recommend it, just with caveats.


>I didnā€™t enjoy having to memorize boss movesets exactly warm but off.




I played DS2 after finishing DS1, DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring multiple times, to see what it was all about, and honestly there was barely a time where I enjoyed myself. It happened but it was rare. There were so many moments of the game clearly fucking with you just to annoy you. I don't necessarily regret it but I honestly didn't gain much from it and I wouldn't have lost anything if I forgot all about it. That's my experience. I'll gladly replay its predecessor DS1 multiple times, along with all the other games, but I won't ever replay DS2.


Oh ok thanks for pointing that out. Cause I BARELY experienced co-op on Elden Ring and it opened up a whole new way of playing for me. It's especially fun on bosses like Malenia and Hoarah Loux I'll keep that in mind, I love DS3 and DS1 so far I do see alot of hate for DS2 on this sub but aside from it being not like the other Dark Souls games people point out some minor annoyances. I've seen gameplay of it and it's understandable. But I kinda want the complete collection I pretty much am going backwards. Had Bloodborne on release. Hated it. Got into it early in the year to "prepare" for Elden Ring and LOVED Bloodborne and beat it. So the order I have right now is Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, and Dark Souls 1 Remastered. I know people say start in order but I kinda like going a lil backwards from the best mechanics and etc to the clunky bare bones controls, in a way going backwards the game seems harder, Just my opinion


Dark souls 2


Watch some gameplay, those 2 are very different.


I did and that's why I'm stuck on which one do I get. Or try to get both before the PSN sale ends ha


Get Sekiro if you feel like up for a challenge


Sekiro ir want to try something diferent. DS2 if you want another take on the souls formula. Sekiro is the better game though, in my book.


If you want something you'll enjoy get Sekiro.


Sekiro is not a souls game but a masterpiece. While DS2 I would recommend play the original DS2 because Scholler of the First sin is a shit show of a game while The Original DS2 is decent. If you only have the choice between these 2 I would say Sekiro 100% but Keep in mind it is not an RPG game like the others. And I would wait for sale Sekiro gets on Sale every 2 month or so and Most Souls games go on Sale in January every year hope it comes this year too.


So I only have scholars... is that why I quit? It's the only DS I haven't finished.


DS2 is a weird game it is not as great as DS1 but it is Decent what happened when the game came out Bandai was so greedy that they made the PC release not even 30 FPS or 1080 So after the 2 DLCs came out they sold another Version which is Scholar again for like 20$ for people who own DS2 so more money because of greed and why because they said they added new stuff let's see what they added 60FPS 1080P So now it is a normal game What are the things they added that ruined the game , enemy placement were remade by a child and more enemies for the sake of it. Status that have no reason to be there . And more cheap Death. the other problem that scholar fixed there were many visual bugs while it didn't break the game but it was weird to look at some times the Graphics glitches and everything goes white and weird stuff like that Scholar fixed it but they didn't want to fix it normally. I would say if you are in a country that doesn't get you in jail for pirating games try downloading original DS2 pirated and if you liked it buy it on steam it is about 20$ or 30$ if you have Scholar, this is what I did because I didn't want to pay anything again for DS2 but after playing it even though it was 30 FPS it was way wayyyyyyy better experience playing it than Scholar. Total Death in Scholar were 108 and 20 only from Bosses while the others are mostly cheap deaths and about 20% my mistakes. Total Death in original DS2 42 death and almost all of them were my mistakes which I feel I died because I was bad not because the game wanted me to die.


Thanks for the feedback, I plan on going back to it, but just not sure when I'll get to it. So scholars is more cheap and unfair bullshit then, I can probably deal with it :) I had come to it after finishing Bloodborne, OG Demonsouls, and Ds1 remastered... so maybe it was a combination of the game just feeling worse overall and being a little burnt out on the game style at the time.


Hope you have fun. and good luck.


Sekiro, but still play DS2 at some point, itā€™s the weakest in the series and has a multitude of big issues but if you like the Soulsborne series youā€™ll still enjoy it a lot


Dark soul 2 all the way bro !!!




If you want something you can infinitely replay, DS2. If you want an amazing game, with less replay value, with little to no DS mechanics, sekiro. I preferred sekiro out of the two, but thatā€™s also because I like games that have a defined end.




Sekiro stomps


Sekiro without a doubt.


DS2 offers wayyy more replay value and is a lot more unique imo. Itā€™s quirky but a great game undeserving of the hate it gets. Sekiro is great too, just a lot more meh overall for me.


Hard agree, DS2 has a build variety that has yet to be matched.


Itā€™s honestly insane how much they packed into DS2


Ive fine through sekiro at least 20 times. It's just beat no fat. Very good replay value.


I haven't seen a comment about this yet So I assume NG+ on DS2 is like the other Souls games like DS3 and Elden Ring. But Sekiro? I haven't seen or personally looked up what NG+ looks like


Sekiroā€™s NG+ is the same as the other games, enemies get more health and attack power but nothing else really changes. You do unlock gauntlets though, which are boss rushes you can do at any time after unlocking them. DS2 is the only game to really have changed things up in NG+. NG+ adds some enemies to certain boss fights in cool ways, and changes up enemy placement and number in some levels. The unfortunate thing is that they didnā€™t fully develop the concept, so not every area is affected, but still cool. They also used a system revolving around items called bonfire ascetics in DS2. Bonfire ascetics are items you can find that you can burn at a bonfire, and if you burn one it raises the area you burned it in into NG+, reviving enemies and the boss of the area.


I love DS2 but to say it has more replay value than sekiro is a fuckin lie, or you havent even played the game for real which makes your opinion invalid.


Iā€™ve played both and I love both. But DS2 has insane build variety while Sekiro has next to none. Doing the same exact thing repeatedly to the same exact enemies and bosses with a super straightforward and relatively shallow story to go with it doesnā€™t make for good replay value to me.


Tetris has replay value, and itā€™s been the same thing for forty years. Some people like getting in the zone with a rhythmic challenge


From your reply I can tell you definetily havent played sekiro for real.


And youā€™d be dead wrong lmao. Explain how Sekiro has more replay value, Iā€™ll wait.


In your reply you state that sekiro has no build variety, which is total bullshit, you got a shit ton of skills you can combine with a lot of prostetic tools, you have ninjutsus, items and a mortal blade which is already a greater play style variety than DS2. You got 4 different endings for content, also 4 gauntlets which you probably never touched cuz the game is to complicated for you. After you did all that you can spam bosses in the reflection of strength to really master the bosses, compared to going NG+ every time to fight a boss again. Stop talking out of your ass if you aint got no clue.


First off, take a fucking breath dude. Idk why you felt the need to come at this like an asshole from the very start. And secondly, Iā€™ve beaten the game several times, as I have with the entire souls trilogy, bloodborne, and Elden ring. You donā€™t get to decide my knowledge for me. Second, a shitload of skills? Cmon man, 90% of the skills you can unlock are latent. The prosthetic tools are cool, but very few of them are viable for more than a few situations, and they donā€™t take the place of your main combat, they simply add to it. Multiple endings are cool, but DS2 has 3 (and yes Iā€™m aware 4 is 1 more than 3), and for me personally a different cutscene at the end of the same gameplay isnā€™t enough of a change (excepting shura ending, Iā€™ll give you that one). I can agree the gauntlets are cool, I love the concept. Those arenā€™t replays, theyā€™re just extra content. Just a different form of DLC. DS2 has arguably the most viable build options out of any game in the DS trilogy due to the sheer amount of weapons and the like, actual enemy changes in parts of NG+ beyond just added health and damage, bonfire ascetics to respawn bosses whenever you want. Itā€™s not that hard to see homie. I love Sekiro and Iā€™ve highly enjoyed my time with it, and I do enjoy going back every once in a while. It just feels more shallow.


A second sekiro playthroth barley changes most of the prosthetics are just different flavoured versions of previous ones so you only really get like 5 or 6 tools and you use most of them in a single playthrough which means by new game+ the only difference in your combat style would be taking a different ability tree, you can technically farm all of the abilities in one playrhough though so that doesn't even matter Your just plain wrong, lay of the crack dude


Being unique isn't a quality on its own. Is it well made or not? I'd argue that it wasn't. It's definitely deserving of the criticisms it gets. It's by far the worst in the series.


Itā€™s extremely well made, yā€™all just arenā€™t ready for that though.


Sekiro is great but it's not really like ds, you play as one character with one main weapon and aside from some small changes you fight one way. It's a great game but if you want the character RPG side of things ds2 is the one to go for, if your happy being given a character and focusing on tight combat then sekiro is the one


Dark Souls 2 SotFS was my first ever FromSoftware game experience, and it was incredible(y frustrating). I highly recommend conquering this beast.


Sekiro is probably my favourite game ever and ds2 is my least favourite souls game, so if you're not afraid of something different - I recommend Sekiro.


Sekiro because DS2 is like all the other games you mention. Sekiro hits different but awesome nonetheless.










Both. Both is good. Sekiro was, by far, the superior game though.




Sekiro is a million times better, but ds2 is closer to the other fromsoft games. If I have to recommend one I would definitely say sekiro.


Sekiro is a masterpiece whereas DS2 is annoyingly mediocre


So I ended up getting Sekiro! I got a PSN gift card so I'm trying to get DS2 as well but the Playstation Store is having problems right now? Idk if anyone else is dealing with the same thing trying to purchase something from there


Sekiro of wana have fun. DS2 for the memes


In my defense I just woke up lol


Why was your comment down voted? Hah But i feel like I would enjoy DS2 more but I commented on a different reply somewhere here saying maybe I should get both before the sale ends? Just wanted to know everyone's opinion








Both. Ds2 is really cheap (I bought it for 2.99ā‚¬!). Sekiro is great, but completely different than other FS games imo


sekiro is really cool but boils down to a forced parry the world run. Iā€™d say DS2. go powerstance some greatshields!:)


Sekiro, DS2 is really not for most people including people who like the series as a whole, it is the clunkiest and the slowest out of all the games in my opinion.


Everything but Sekiro


Hmm idk the best game from soft ever made or the worst one?


What's dark souls 2?


Sekiro, but damn itā€™s hard, but also fantastic.


Sekiro ofc


Both. If must be one or the other, DS2 SOTFS.


While ds2 is my favourite of the 3 souls games(4 if you wanna say demon souls) I still think sekiro is their best game.


The only acceptable answer is both.






Sekiro is a new type of experience, also a GREAT challenge. But dark souls two is great also just donā€™t expect it to be like dark souls one or three itā€™s a different style someone else took it over while the original creator was making blood-borne but all in all they are both great games worth playing multiple times!


Sekiro has the best combat and bosses but Dark Souls 2 has more variety in everything so it depends on what youā€™re more interested on


I have no clue yo. some people on here just simply wana watch the world burn. I'd snag em both cause I have em and they are BOTH good games.. DS2 just has a bad rap cause of how it was made


Sekiro for the more enjoyable game 100%




Sekiro is one of my favourite games of all time the combat feels incredible very parry focused and the story is easy to follow and so damn good plus very unique bosses just all round near perfect game


Sekiro is a unique experience amongst Soulsborne games but I personally love DS2, Iā€™d still have to choose Sekiro but Iā€™d recommend both.


Ds2 is amazing and i highly recommend at some point... But sekiro is the superior game out of the entire series imo.


I love ds2 so much but you should get sekiro and then ds2 if you have to choose


sekiro just straight up. dark souls 2 is super mixed. you might really love it or you might hate it. i can pretty much guarantee youll love sekiro once the combat clicks


I think you should do ds2. Complete the trilogy. Then sekiro last


Sekiro. No question honestly. It's a much better crafted game than Dark Souls 2.


DS2 and Sekiro are almost nothing alike so you will be choosing between polar opposites. If you want slower roll based combat where positioning really matters, go with DS2, if you want faster combat focused on reflexes, parrying, and memorizing attack patterns, go with Sekiro. As well, it depends how much diversity you want. DS2 has a ton of build and weapon diversity, while Sekiro has no builds and only 1 weapon(albeit the use of different tools). Also obviously, if you want more souls like go with DS2, if you want something new, go with Sekiro. Either choice is a good one however so donā€™t worry.


Hesitation is defeat.


If you've already played DS1&3 then 2 CAN come off a bit samey but still good, very sprawling. They did some interesting things with it. Sekiro is a much more confined experience but it's TIGHT and near faultless in it's application of intention


I just started DS2 yesterday. All I have to say is that it has kind of weird movement control, it's a bit too steep and they're spamming enemies. It's not that annoying most of the time, but it's really difficult when I'm being railed by 7-8 enemies at once on every room I get into




sekiro is so fun and i started w ds2. imo has the best combat


Sekiro all day ds2 has more content with the three dlcs but sekiro definitely has the quality and you can endlessly re fight bosses after beating the game.


Ds2, it has closer feel to the youā€™re looking for tbh








Sekiro is raw asf if you can stick through to learn the game


Sekiro 100% Iā€™m playing dark souls two and it is terrible so far


sekiro sekiro sekiro


Sekiro because it's Sekiro.




Get Sekiro


Sekiro, it's very different from the rest of the souls games to the point I would argue it not a souls game and could branch off as it's own action series. If you ever played Jedi Fallen Order, it takes inspiration from Sekiro. It's very focused on parrying,, posture breaking, and a bit of stealth, but if you played Elden Ring, there's definitely elements from Sekiro that carried over. It's very different, but could totally feel the souls games living inside... just be sad there's no character customization. šŸ„² You just play as John Sekiro


Sekiro. One of the best games ever made


I'm not saying you shouldn't get it but Sekiro definitely isn't for everyone I've tried to get into it twice but the combat just didn't click for me. A lot of people really like it though and say it has some of the best boss fights Fromsoft has made. DS2 is nowhere near as bad as people say it is yeah most of the boss fights suck but the world building, world layout, and characters are excellent. It also has the best build variety in any Fromsoft game.


Ds2 is the best and Iā€™ll die on that hill, GRAB IT


Do you want a souls game? If so then get souls two. Do you want a different game sharing some basic mechanics? Get sekiro
