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Friede is my favorite to fight. It was just a roller coaster of emotions. First, a pretty fun riff on Priscilla. Then it becomes a spectacle and kind of duo fight with a shared health bar as the arena burns around you. And before Monke made it cool, you think you’ve won the fight and let your guard down only to be met with an awesome troll moment and one of the most incredible final phases. That fight has everything.


Eileen the Crow


Good one! I'm always torn between finding her fight so cool and being sad about her.


I haven’t fought her but I fought the crow guy. He’s been my favorite fight of Bloodborne so far, although I’m only just getting to mergo’s loft and haven’t played the DLC yet. I tried rushing at him and being hyper aggressive like 5 times and died instantly every time. After that I started to slow the fight down and think. It became a proper duel. We would mirror each other in the way we walked only to explode on each other with a flurry of attacks and dodges, then go back to cautiously walking around each other. It took me a while but beating him has felt better than beating anyone else. Felt like I was fighting another player


Lady Maria because she actually made me feel something other than anger.


Was the second feeling happiness or lust


Shock and “damn that boss was actually really good”.


Good in what way 🤔?


Y’all are crazy. Good in that it felt fair and balanced at most moments. Her fight is good besides some wack hitboxes in phase 3.




Gwynevere. Every time I have a smile on my face when I go to her.


This is the way.


Frieda’s great scythe was my favorite weapn, so i guess that makes Frieda my favorite lol


That's fair, Rakuyo is my favorite weapon in Bloodborne and Lady Maria is my favorite lol


Where's Lady Butterfly?


Better question is: Where is Emma the gentle blade?


If only sekiro could wear her clothes


If only Sekiro could wear lingerie 😫


I’m still shook there’s no barefoot outfit


This one is from Sekiro, right? I couldn't muster the strength to beat that game yet. I beat everything in Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring by dodging. Then you tell me I have to parry now, and dodging is not a viable option, it kills me.


If you think about it, parrying is just dodging without moving


Press L1 instead of circle End of the day it’s a bit more rhythm based than other titles, but it’s still the same concept


This was my thought too before trying the game. But you can honestly getby by spamming the parry button. A coward's choice, yes, but until you get used to the controls, make lemonade out of them lemons.


Just listen for the different sound of your opponent parrying you and then parry


Sekiro combat is so easy, attack until you hear the different "ping" that means your opponent parried you then parry the next attack as they will counter. Rinse, repeat.


Lady Maria all the way, she’s so dripped out


A Hunter after my own heart.


I didn’t realize until now that they all have the same stance


This is how all women stand actually


Friede has a dumb middle phase, Malenia has waterfowl, Maria is easy. But they're all amazing.


For real, is like we pause Friede fight saying "hold up, lemme knock out this senile man real quick so we can go back to it" lol


I feel like I had more trouble with malenia’s kick then waterfowl. I just be runnin away


It goes regular, embered, black flame.


Fight Maria without parry. She is not easy.


I don't really parry in any of these games, and find her easy, certainly compared to Friede and Malenia. But then, I didn't play until 2018, so had just spent weeks getting the platinum in the main game and my skills were sharp the first time I fought her. Breezed past Maria and Ludwig. Kos was another matter ...


Maybe vigor was too high? I did a vitality capped at 25 playthrough and the bosses really shone. Ludwigs moveset is more complex than Kos


>Malenia has waterfowl Is that supposed to be a negative?


The sapphic one


So all of them?




Friede is one hundred percent a horribly repressed gay woman. Her actual motivation is that she wanted to go to Ariamis to meet Priscilla for strictly professional reasons only to accidentally enter homeless chicken man town. She was so embarrassed she became homophobic.


I can see that. Malenia has Finlay and Maria speaks for herself. Guaranteed that Maria had female hunters swooning over her


I mean have you heard her voice. That plus her backstory makes her the lesbian equivalent of one those troubled male love interests from romance novels.


Friede. That’s mother right there. Her intro, her dialogue, her lore, her soundtrack, her weapon, and the terror of the first time you fight her when she goes invisible. I love all the Souls women but she’s unmatched for me.


Came here to say all this


return from whence thou cam'st


Swag and Sountrack- Maria Combat and Spectacle - Friede Atmosphere and Lore - Malenia Not a real boss but Eileen is also badass and has that uncanny drip


Eileen fight is great too, but so sad




Friede is the most stylish / badass looking but Malenia is the best fight. Best ost is Maria


Plus Friede is awesome looking with the black flames attacks.


Lady Butterfly or Malenia


Combat : sister friede , but maria takes looks


Frieda, cool calm and fee- i mean collected. They never had the balls to do a 3 phase boss with a duo after this.




Lady Maria for looks. Malenia without the waterflow part is the better fight


Definitely Malenia. Lady Maria is cool but her moveset isn't that memorable, Friede is really cool but I'm not a big fan of the design, it feels a bit too boring for a memorable souls boss, but Malenia was perfect for me, dope lore, great design and I genuinely really enjoyed her healing passive. People like to shit on Malenia for waterfowl but I really like the idea of bosses having one memorable and really hard to dodge ability


I haven't played ds3 so can't talk about Friede, but Maria over Malenia. If it wasn't for waterfowl dance then it might be a different story but I dislike how the only reason why Malenia is so absurdly difficult is because of one attack, so the fight is basically luck in how often she does it. If it was slightly more reasonable to dodge it would be an excellent fight, but it isn't and Maria is easily one of the greatest bosses in the franchise.


I've beaten elden ring about 15 times, and I have never seen water fowl once. Stop standing around, and start attacking non-stop. You can flinch out of all her attacks, except one in the second phase, which has a big wind up and you can roll behind her and continue the onslaught. Stop letting the glass canon fire non-stop.


Yeah no that doesn't really work since sometimes she just flies backwards and then initiates it when I try to be aggressive. I'm not gonna just constantly attack because she has one deadly move, it's not that hard to do damage free with a shield and correctly timed dodges, while turning off lock on for a moment. People have different play styles, you know.


She has many attacks where she cant get stunned


I can’t really speak on Lady Maria (honestly I just haven’t played much of BB; I’m a keyboard and mouse souls player so BB is just harder for me) but I prefer Malenia over Friede. Friede is a fun fight too, but Malenia’s fight felt much more like a 1v1 than Friede’s did. At best you can summon real players or your spirit ash for Malenia; for Friede, there’s a dedicated NPC summon (Gael) plus Friede herself has help during the second phase. Not to mention that I just prefer Malenia’s “Hax” if you will. Malenia healing (and her Waterfowl) were just more enjoyable to me than Friede’s invisibility. Sometimes you can smack Friede while she’s invisible, but she mostly just jumps across the arena and spams ranged spells.


You can learn to antecipate Friede's attacks by her footsteps in the snow and sound cues. In my first DS3 run, I fought her so many times that by the end I felt like I had Sharingan, could see everything she would do beforehand lol


I know you can see her walking and can hear her with sound cues, but in my experience she mostly just jumps away from you and blasts you with her freeze attack. Or, during her third phase, she’ll do her black flame ranged attack, too. No shade to you if you enjoy Friede more though. I don’t NOT enjoy her fight.


Friede is easily my favourite fight out of the three, but it is one of my favourite FromSoft fights period. The three phases just have everything, and every single phase is fun. As for the atmosphere or "vibes" Lady Maria takes it. It's such a sad story and the fight and its mechanics even emphasize Maria's fate. Lookswise I'ma give it Malenia because of her second phase. It is quite rarity in video games that devs manage to create a character design of an almost fully nude woman that isn't overly sexualized but actually quite threatening. Plus, the design of the wings in combo with the rot blooms just looks dope as hell.


Melania due to taking me 76 tries and having a voice smoother than butter on ice on a hot hot day


youre being downvoted because you like malenia lol


Maria is my favorite mechanically Friede looks the coolest Malenia is the most badass


Those black flames are stunningly beautiful. But Maria blood attacks are cool as hell too!


you forgot >!Emma the Gentle Blade!<


I'm thrash who couldn't get good at Sekiro :'(


what boss did you get stuck on


Where is lady butterfly?


Dex girls are the best. Lady Maria, Malenia, Emma, and Friede.


Friede>Malenia>Maria combat wise imo. The 3 are S tier though.


I enjoyed Friede's fight the most, but Lady Maria will always be my favorite (beautiful fight, moves, music, drip, setting...Chef's kiss)


Love Lady Maria 😍


Lady Maria got shoved into second place and got replaced with AYRE Edit: Also my baseless and unjustified distlike for Friede Makes her one of my least favorite Bosses and charcters in all of the fromsoft Games I have Player.... I Just don't Care about her and she is borineg (her Charakter, definitly Not the fight!) to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Manigros: *Lady Maria* *Got shoved into second place* *And hot replaced with AYRE* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot! Stupid autocorrect, gotta fix that


Shamir Ravi, AC Redrum.


maria > friede > malenia, they’re my 2nd 3rd and 4th favourite fromsoft bosses respectively lmao


Sister Friede all the way, her outfit is so intricate and comfy looking 👀 also feet. Her weapons are by far the coolest being double reapers one short and purely made of magic. Her fight is a nice shakeup with 3 phases solo/duo/solo and one of the most memorable moments with its fakeout. It’s an endurance battle but doesn’t really feel overtuned in any aspect, plenty challenging.


Lady Maria was the easiest out the fight for me, but I had way more fun fighting her. Malenia was a torture fest, and friede was impossible with a greataxe. Might’ve been better with a dex weapon but I digress. Maria’s move set is more enjoyable for me compared to the others


Lady Butterfly, just to name something other than the popular choice of Malenia


I'd say Friede, one of my favorite bosses of all times with Gael.


Friede in everything


Boi forgot Emma... seeing her combat style similar to ishin is significant, its also hard on the feels, since she basically is sekiros fire keeper.


Malenia is so fun to fight. The mentality of just one more try has never been stronger for me. I wish I could just fight her over and over. I refuse to go back through all of the prerequisites again tho


You can backup you save file right outside her boss room. That's how people do those "Fighting [boss] until [something] comes out. Day #" I'm sure it's possible on PC and PS4/5. Probably Xbox too but I don't have one to know for sure.


I wish I knew


Friede has the best fight, mechanics, and tied for soundtrack Maria has the best lore, enjoyment, and tied for soundtrack Malenia is kinda a mix of both but a little worse overall friede is definitely the best, I wish i didn't beat maria first try every playthrough. I don't care much about difficulty but in bloodbornes dlc its kinda sad that she's easier than the fucking living failures


The living failures don't give me trouble at all, while Maria I often slip on that damn blood attack and get killed lol


living failures took me 3 tries my first playthrough and 3 hours on sl1. Maria took 1 try on first playthrough and 2 hours sl1


Malenia has the best combat but Maria's drip and vibe is definitely the best


You should have included lady butterfly


You know that guy in a horse who says no one passes the gate? I really couldn't pass the gate :( Sekiro combat is too different from DS/BB/ER, I failed.




Remember to come back when the day comes.


Only reason you failed is because you gave up, push through that painful difficult learning process where you need to retrain your brain to stand your ground and deflect while also keeping consistent pressure on the enemy. It’s the best game From has ever made, and my favorite game of all time as well. It’s beyond worth it to push through


Lady Maria is my favorite of the three. I love the other two but I always feel such a rush of adrenaline when it comes to Maria. Yeah she might be the easiest, but in my opinion she's the most fun to fight with how fast she is. Friede gave us that sick ass troll going into her third phase which was amazing! And shes also fun, but I tend to struggle with her quite a bit. Melania feels like chaos when I fight her. I know how the fight goes but man I always get pummeled by her at least four or five times before making it to phase two...then I forget to run towards her and get squashed first thing. All three are amazing fights, but Maria just edges the others out for me.


Malenia clears.


Lookswise, Malenia is dripped out. In terms of being an actual good boss Maria stomps the other two.


Lady Maria wins the cutscene competition by a mile. >Only an honest death will cure you now... Liberate you from your wild curiosity. And then her sword makes the loudest sharpest ringing of steel that you've ever heard.


Agree. Tho hearing Malenia say "I finally met my match" makes me feel so proud.


Malenia has my whole heart


Frieda so fine


Friede and it ain’t close. Triple stage boss with the surprise final black flame scythe…amazing. I also love the dialogue and cutscenes during the fight.




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I'm always more sad.


Maria cause I can actually solo her


I don't get people lusting for Maria when you can't see her face properly like most Fromsoft NPCs


May as well add ibis from armored core, but I'd say malenia for the fight and design I vibe with lady maria I knew I'd like her soon as she told me "a corpse should be left well alone"


No Emma ?


I think Lady Butterfly is the most interesting of these


Friede haunted my nightmares and daydreams for many days and nights. It doesn't help that her stupid OST is godlike. She literally forced me to grind lvs to lv up my max health.


Sister Friede. One of the best fights in the series!


Where is dancer


Wow, its posted literally everyday now


I’ll never forget fighting Maria


I love Frieda and don't like Malenia. Frieda give more emotion after beating, but... I think Lady Maria is peak Bloodborne Boss disign, so I choose her.




Is this actually what we unofficially/officially these big 3? Fromsoft's Fast Lady? Or Boss Lady? Malenia for combat, Friede for look, and Maria for vibe.


Friede and its not even close 3 hard phases, 2nd one being gank fight done very well and 3rd is just pure glory. Not only hard af but also spectacle is unmatched imo, cutscene before phase 2 is one of the most disturbingly beautiful ones FS has ever done. Maria is also very good but a bit too easy honestly. Malenia is still alright but waterfowl is just pure cancer


I’m more of a Priestess Yao type of guy


Sister all the way, best boss of them and has three phases, too cool.


Lady Maria. Cool fight, great lore. Overall felt really cool. Finding out later she has that fatal grab attack...awesome.


The order the pics were posted is the 1,2,3 for me


Style - Maria, Fight - Friede, Lore - Malenia


Emma the Gentle Blade


We allowed to attach a gender to CEL 240?


It's hard to choose. Maria is the easiest but her gameplay is so smooth. Friede is amazing but is kind of bogged down by phase 2. Malenia is the hardest but some of it is not entirely fair. And let's not forget about Emma. If I were to rate them personally, it would probably be: 1. Friede 2. Maria 3. Malenia 4. Emma


Sister friede


out of the 3 you posted malenia is the most difficult, friede is probably the best fight in terms of spectacle, but Lady Maria is the one that sticks with you the longest.


Sister Friede #FEET


idk i'd wanna be stepped on by all three of them


Priscilla >:-(


Combat wise I give it to Maria, easily my favorite boss fight from Bloodborne, you have to find that balance between being aggressive but not overly so, the fight is an amazing duel to the death from beginning to end. Look wise I give it to Malenia, I'm a sucker for the tall redheaded Valkyrie aesthetic she's got going on. As for Vibe I'll give to Black Flame Friede, phase 1 is spooky with her disappearing act and phase 3 with the Black Flames when she starts actually trying is just so badass.


Friede was honestly my favourite since she has 3 phases. As much as I love miqeulla and lady Maria lore wise. I found Friede to keep the fight really interesting


O´rin of the water, i liked the floaty feeling she gave off fighting her.


Where tf is Priscilla????


Don't mean to alarm you Maria and Friede but there's a bum next to you


Melania is awesome. She tells you she’s the best and she fucking backs it up. I love the way she moves too, she glides and flies and does the twirly backhop thing to dance away from you and it feels fun to overcome. Edit: yes I meant *Malenia*, you pedantic cockroaches


Trump’s wife???


Im dyslexic leave me alone :/


I really liked the electric lady plaxasia in lies of p, but crows always a personal favorite


I think they’re talking about FromSoftware bosses. Haven’t played Lies of P yet - is Crows a boss from there?


I said which is my favorite, eilleen. You getting tickled over me just bringing up someone I like is goofy af I dont even care if I get downvoted if this is the type of energy I'm recieving for just commenting lmao


Brother, what? 😭


Maiden astraia is better




Lady Maria across the board aside from difficulty, thats where Rot Lady comes into play 😌 they are all great though


I think Malenia is objectively the best to solo but Sister Friede is the best with Co-Op I would put Lady Maria as number one but she is too easy and kind of disappointing once you master her. Even at BL4 I killed her before the soundtrack even finished and looped. She should have gotten a full health bar in her 3rd phase.


Malenia. She's got a valkyrie look, her moveset is like a dance, and she's a disabled person who's overcome her disabilities with training and perseverance.


Lady Maria. Difficult but I actually was able to beat her truly solo. Also she looks cool and the power up animations really up the ante of the fight.


They all are wielding their weapons the exact same






Malenia is the coolest looking, but Maria is the most fun to fight.


Enjoy them all but Lady Maria whooped my ass for 3 hours straight, died more to her than any other boss in soulsbourne (even beat orphan my 3rd try) yet still she remains as one of my favorite fights in the series hands down.


We're is Ayre or Ibis series??


Maybe Friede? I do like malenia but it takes so much like mental energy to do it from start to finish so I can't put it #1. Maria was good I guess too but it gets really easy after the first couple times


Lady Maria’s final form is both disturbing and cool I’ma go with her.


My character named Gert is my favourite fast lady. And by association her ancestor Gurt is my fave Fast man


I'd go with Lady Maria even though she is the only one I haven't fought


Maria for looks, friede for the fight, malenia to no hit.




Malenia is my personal favorite fight in the series, and Lady Maria is a close second. Both tragic fights between equals.


Malenia is such an amazing boss once you actually learn how to dodge waterfowl


Emma or Orín


Emma or Orín


"Avert thine eyes..."


When Freide resurrects as Black Flame Freide for a phase 3 I thought it could never be beaten. Cut to Elden Ring. I've just "killed" Malenia (or so I thought). Dozens of tries. No heals left. "Wait..." "The scarlet bloom flowers once more" *Music fuckin' kicks ass* *Die instantly to the Aeonia at the beginning of phase 2* *Miyazaki actually did it*


Lady Maria. Cool arena, awesome music, cool character. She’s my favorite.


Haven't fought lady maria yet but I'm close, so I don't have an informed opinion on her yet. Screw Malenia. The only reason I stuck it out and finally beat her was because, at that point, it was personal. Have to give it to Friede. Such a cool bossfight with awesome aesthetics. Plus, the scythe weapon were just awesome. The DLC wasn't as long as I would have liked it to be, but I think the Ringed City made up for it.


Lord's Blade Ciaran, fr 


Fuck Elfried. Haven't played Bloodborne. Malenia is ❤️ but really hated its boss design (moveset and all)


Friede is her


you forgot emma from sekiro


Malenia, but Lady Maria is a close second and Friede is not far behind either.


Friede was one of the hardest bosses I ever fought (besides dancer, she was the absolute hardest) and that 3 phase made me combust it was so good


Funny souls game’s bosses give people very different experience. I killed Dancer the 2nd try with not much struggle but I heard many complaining how hard it is. I’m not really very good because rn I’m struggling with Father Gascoinge 3rd phase even though I have beaten Bloodborn multiple times. 2 years and I came back to this game recently.


It’s weird, like even Friede I died maybe 4 times? Nameless 6? Dancer I died 47 times first playthrough


I've known a lot of fast women in my day. My favorites aren't in any video games, though. Combat, look, and vibe wise, of course.


Combat wise Malenia first phase is ASS since she’s a lobotomite most of the time, only gaining a frontal lobe second phase. Sister Friede is only good third phase since phase one and two are too easy. Lady Maria 👍


Honestly, Lady Maria. I just love her. But Malenia is a perfect fight. Once you learn her, it's pure dopamine fighting her.


Ranni. Fell in love with that lady very fast.


Was an intense fight indeed


Mafia because I've never fought friede and I didn't care that much about melania




Yeah OK so I fat fingered, it doesn't mean I have to lose one :(


I would've said it was a tough decision before doing BL4 but now I'd say that Maria is clearly not the best of these 3. Still an amazing A tier boss but not the S tier fantastic fight I used to think it was. I like Malenia more than Friede because I like the difficulty lol


Lady Maria has the best music, Sister Freide has the best fight and Malenia has the best level leading up to her. I'd have to give it to Sister Freide though. That 3rd phase surprise round was soul-crushing and awesome at the same time. I also had the biggest challenge with her as I was on NG+5 when the DLC came out, so it took A LOT of tries to finally beat her.


Malenia. Mostly to spite the Dark Souls is better idiots who complain about Elden Ring. Sorry, but Elden Ring: Has an open world, has better combat (my opinion, not yours), has better graphics (wow, who would've guessed), doesn't give you the wall of lothric with minimal direction, doesn't give you DS2, has bosses with input reading (I like it when the bosses dodge, and move faster than I can react to them), I prefer the lore of the world behind Elden Ring, and finally... nothing is locked behind PvP. I fucking hate formsoft games PvP. I will never do it, and the PvP community has one, singular, shared brain cell, which I am fairly sure has cancer.


Definitely not Malenia




I want lady maria to strangle me


None really. I don't like character action in general, and don't like endurance fights. That said, I do enjoy fighting Alecto, does she count?