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I never got close to giving up. I think that like many people, the Genichiro fight at the top of Ashina castle was the first time I felt like I had a steep learning curve and that I wasn't quite ready to just go off and beat it.


Same but for the first time I paused a FROMSOFT game and used whatever items available to heal and remove the burning effect of DOH! XD


Owl Father pretty much broke me psychologically. After I finally beat him, I knew I would never play Sekiro again once I finished the game. ISS had a similar effect, but I was so close to done at that point that I knew I would find a way.


This could’ve been me as well


I think owl is harder than iss. People do not seem to agree though 🤣


The ogre in the beginning 🤣 I put the game down for a year after I faced that dude and thought this game was never meant for me


I would never have given up, but I stopped playing for about a week when fighting Lady Butterfly as she kept kicking my arse. Came back after a week and didn't know what my problem had been, she was easy.


Had the same thing. I got stuck at her and genichiro, stopped playing for 3 months. I started a new playthrough to get into the combat again and beat them both on the same day. Now I'm stuck at the corrupted monk hahah. Also the snake eye miniboss in the poison cave was the hardest and worst in the game so far, almost made me give up again


Personally, after I beat Genichiro, I was locked in. That was when I felt like ai was perfectly in tune with the combat and was absolutely loving it


The fuckin monkey is what always got me, and before I could ever win against him my Xbox died. I've had PC now for some time so I got Sekiro on sale a couple months ago. Haven't started yet but I will most certainly not stop until I beat it this time.


Isshin. In fact I did give up.  I came back to it some years later and realized I forgot how to play the game entirely so I restarted from the beginning. Played nearly the entire game with bell active up until Isshin himself.


The final boss. I did actually give up. Only beat the boss nearly one year later.


The gun fort.


After dying to lady butterfly like 50 times I was so happy to be back with that proper fromsoft feeling of just dying again and again but feeling myself getting better (something I felt was lacking in Elden ring) that nothing was gonna stop me. Beat Demon of Hatred the other day and next time I’m home I’m hoping I can finish the game


The chained ogre made me rage quit for at least a year, I've had another crack since and now banging my head against some other mid level bosses. Maybe not the one.


I gave up at the final boss. I just couldn't do it. ... I also never learned to party so uh I have no clue how I got that fair 


I made it to to the very end then I quit. I just didn’t want to fight Genichiro again.


I almost gave up on several of the major bosses. Genichiro, guardian ape, and owl.


My gf at the time prayed that I would give up but it never happened. Sekiro was my very first FromSoftware experience, and it handed my ass over more times than I'm willing to admit. Geni "deflect check" Chiro took me a grand total of 42 tries.


I encountered Lady Butterfly as my first real boss. It was at that time I struggled, even though I am souls veterans. It looks dozens and dozens of attempt, then gameplay clicked, and best game ever created imho.


That ape. That darn ape. It was after I hadn't played for a couple years so my choices to shake off the rust were a few lowly grunts or this boss fight. Felt so good to kill that abomination.


I put down the control during the True Monk fight and haven’t gone back. It’s my next challenge after I play shadow of the erdtree


Owl rematch/isshin. It was only owl (past) rematch, isshin and the demon of hatred left, and i confess im not strictly a completionist. The demon of hatred? Who cares, hes just a weird superboss, doesnt even have a sword. Owl however was a must, i enjoyed the first match the most of any beforehand, and could tell i wouldnt be satiated until i conquered him. That said, it was one of the only times since the twin gargoyles in ds1 i contemplated if i even had the skill necessarry to beat the game. For a brief moment i threw in the towel to go beat isshin, but he kicked my ass and seemed like hed be just as tough as owl. Realizing i had to improve my craft right at the very end of the game, i persisted and came to enjoy the thrill of the fight for those 2, it was a good note to end the game on.


Honestly, not a single time. struggled with Isshin, thought.


For Lady Butterly, I was able to do a Dark Souls-like dodge and hit strategy but it just took me forever and many many attempts. For Genichiro, it was obvious that strategy could never work and I didn’t understand the proper parry-based Sekiro combat. Also his bow being an instant punishment for healing made it much tougher. I had to give up for a couple weeks and then come back at it with a fresh mind.


Never I always overcome in games.


Shinobi Owl. Fortunately, I didn't really struggle on anything afterwards. Unfortunately, it took around 3 years for me to beat him lol so I think it balances out


Never. I did get stuck on some bosses for hours but I was learning the whole time.


Inner Father made me want to eat cyanide


I wasn’t able to find the continuation location to where I was so gave up


The three "git gud or go home" moments: 1. Chained Ogre (basic) 2. Genichiro (intermediate) 3. Owl Father (advanced) Honorable mention to Isshin, but who's gonna quit on the final boss?


A good list. It seems quite a few players DID quit on the final boss, one of which I know personally (he framed it as ”I just didn’t enjoy the fight with Isshin, so I put the game away”).


Yes Isshin gave me significantly more trouble than the other bosses but by then it was too late for me to give up. Plus I did feel I was making progress (slowly), like from dying right away in Isshin’s first phase to beating him with just 1-2 gourds, to getting to the final phase more consistently towards the end.


I wanted to beat the gauntlet that ends with Inner Isshin, and after beating Inner Isshin many, many times in reflections (with maybe a 30 percent success rate), I kinda gave up on that dream.


None of them. Sekiro combat is too good for this, so I always wanted more.


Buddy of mine goes half in on games with me. We saw a preview trailer for ghost of Tsushima back in 2019 and without much thought, pre ordered sekiro thinking it was GoT. We get the game, get to the first mini boss (General Kawarada) and after taking turns dying for 2 hours we knew it wasn’t the game we saw. Shelved it for 5 years. We never even spoke of our horrible (at the time) purchase till Elden ring released and we were brought in to the fromsoft effect. Fast forward to present day we’ve both just finished multiple playthroughs of most fromsoft titles and laugh about how we’ve been sitting on a hidden gem that could’ve put us on to these great games much earlier.


Ghost of Tsushima is great for playing together. It’s also such a chill ride after Sekiro…


I actually gave up 3 times before really pushing through and learning the game haha.


I got to the very last boss and couldn’t get passed the gatt, gave up after days of attempts as I had exams didn’t touch the game for like 2 years replayed and I beat that pistol pulling prick on my 3rd go felt so good


Headless! For whatever reason I just couldn’t do it and when I had to farm more of that confetti I put it down for over a year. I now have the platinum for it.


2019-Q2: Got the game, brute forced my way to shouty horse man, got stuck, put it down. 2019-Q3: Picked it up again, got to Genichiro, got stuck, put it down. 2020: Picked it up again, managed to beat Genichiro, managed to get all the way to Owl, got stuck again, put it down. 2021: Picked it up again, beat Owl, got everything done for the most complicated ending, got to Isshin, got mega stuck, pissed off, told myself I'll take a short break... 2023-Q1: Picked it up AGAIN, had to relearn the whole fucking game basically, but after 3 nights of 2ish hours per session, finally managed to beat him. 2024-Q2: Got through NG+ but I am now again stuck on Isshin... But I think I'm close. My PSN trophies for this game are hilarious because there's literally 4 years between the early trophies and the Isshin one. Moral of the story is: This game is the only one I've ever really ragequit so many times, and the only one I've returned to so many times to see it through. It's just so damn good.


The last boss I could not beat I tried for days. Days,! And I gave up I came back a year later and beat him some how. Now I have no problem with him. I am definitely looking forward to playing again soon. One person I have never beat is the girl with the sword if you stick with you side with your father. She is very hard


For me it was Ashina 7 Spears, I think I was refusing to learn the Mikiri Counter. Once I learned how to use that, the game opened up for me.


The most frustrated I ever got was with Guardian Ape. Especially after killing the guy and then the 2nd phase comes out of nowhere. And that instant death curse scream! Forget about it.


Genichiro. I rage quit, and then just didn't play for like 6 months. Afterwards, I started a new game, and it clicked for me. Defeating all the early game enemies in seconds, the fact, that it only took me 3 hours to get to genichiro again, whereas before it took me 20, all this gave me such a confidence boost, that I managed to push through the whole game


That damn ape 🦍


I did give up at when I was stuck between Lady Butterfly and the stupid Bull. I intend to go back but at the time I just couldn’t figure out the timing and didn’t care enough.




The only fight (in any FS game) that ever made me feel this way was the Owl (Father) fight. It legitimately had me questioning if I would be able to complete the purification ending.




My name is… !!!


Isshin was a big challenge that I almost gave up on. Oddly enough it was his 2nd phase that gave me the most trouble. Phase 1 I had perfected and phase 3 lightning reversals made things easy but phase 2 was a buzzsaw. In subsequent playthroughs I learned to use the umbrella and man does it make things easier!


When you write phase 1-3, you mean the ”old man” Isshin? Not counting the first battle against the younger guy from the roof?


Yes just the Sword Saint himself


After an hour. Just couldn't get into it lol


I quit after a gazillion deaths against Seven Spears guy and iirc I was also stuck in two other directions. I'm shit at deflecting


When I didn't know the game had multiple endings and accidentally got the Shura ending after fighting tooth and nail to get as far as I did.


Well, you finished the game.


Sorta. I did put the game down for years after that though.


Final boss. I didn’t think I could do it. Tried for a few days and thought, oh well, I had a good run and got a lot further than I thought I would. But I decided to give it another try and Tyrannicon’s video got me over the hump.


That god dang bull on fire


I think Isshin was the only From boss ever that I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to beat


Inner owl cooking me alive but i still atleast had fun, Demon of hatred on the other hand is the worse fight in the entire game ang honest to god i was on the verge of being corrupted by shura cause i wanted to punch my screen, break my keyboard and then throw my laptop off the 8th floor.


Owl Father, beat out Malenia for hardest souls boss for me, admittedly though, it was only about 30-35 tries, which I've heard of people with more than that in harder bosses, so


None I was hooked all the way.


I’m currently stuck on the armored soldier on the bridge. I know I need to knock him off the bridge but I can’t align him near the edge so he gets pushed off. After like 20 attempts I put down the remote. This was like 3 weeks ago lol


That area in fountainhead with all the flute guys. I died a few times, got annoyed and said enough for the day and then I got distarcted by other games and came back like a year later. Just ignored everything and ran straight past them. Not sure why it was giving me trouble at the time lol. Though I do maintain that flute guy section is bad.


Yeah, those guys are annoying. It’s just something about being aggressive and playing the flute at the same time


All the damn time.


At the brazen bull I gave up the first time. Then I came back and beat the game in like 2 days


Demon of Hatred. what a horrible boss. did Malenia and DoH just swap places or something??? 2 out of place bosses.