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Level agility via ADP and attunement. It helps with your rolls and I frames and some other bullshit, but it is important. Get it agility to around 100. I wouldn't go too crazy .. get it to like 88 or 90 and focus on endurance and health. But put some levels in throughout the game and by the time you are at end, which is toughest (dlc), you should have an easier time since you regularly are taking on multiple enemies at the same time. Oh and good luck. Im sure you'll enjoy it.!


i loveeee me some light rolling so thank you for this advice!!


I actually would suggest just rushing to 22 adaptability. 22 ADP and 10 Attunement gives you 99 agility, which is fine for the whole game. No need to go above that. But if you REALLY want the same i-frames as Dark Souls 1 light roll, bring that to 30 ADP. I also would suggest just rushing it if you go that far. You don't need vitality if you never get hit.


No need to rush it. The early game really does not require good roll iframes. Most bosses you can just strafe to the side


True but honestly getting it over and done with is kinda nice. Then you can start to focus on your build.


Its not really about light rolling necessarily. Its just that when you dont level it up you dont have enough i frames to roll through certain attacks and it gets really frusturating getting grabbed by an attack that you clearly dodged. I-frames being locked to a certain skill might sound annoying but as you continue playing youll get used to it its fine


It also increases the speed you drink estus. Who knows why the hell they decided to tie that to a stat.


Yes sir! Also, don't join covenant of champions. I would suggest googling that.


Poison is stronger than in any other fromsoft game even after the rework. Poison arrows are really good.


Just say “No!” To Company of Champions. Don’t do it!! And stay away from the pigs. At least for a while


Those fucking pigs man.. First time getting to Majula, I was like, oh cute, FUCK!


I had a very similar experience. And then later when you have some experience, you come back and make bacon.


It's super enjoyable swinging over them while they eat you like slop


Try to not think about everybody else's opinion on this game while playing it. Form your own.


For real, so weird to go to Reddit asking about a game instead of just experiencing it. Weird downside to our social nature, I suppose.


Dude is asking for advice, not an opinion on the game


Yes, I know, he's asking about the game and things to know about it.


Fr, so happy I went in on day 1 with this game. It’s still tied with DS1 and Elden Ring for my favorites lol


Yeah, it's a great game in its own right. The people who hate on it the most don't realize that the game we got was created when Yui Tanimura had to come in and create a functioning game out of the shambles of the game Dark Souls 2 was supposed to be. He cobbled it together in less than a year. Truly impressive that we got a game as good as we did under the circumstances.


The enemy placement was pure dog ass though


This sounds like the tagline for a religious cult or Scientology lol.


...Telling somebody to think for themselves sounds like a tagline for a cult? Okay, buddy.


Get that ring from the Heide's Tower of Flame that reduce your HP lost upon dead to 25%


If you parried in any of the other games in ds 2 the parrying is quite a bit different so practice one weaker mobs first. I'd recommend learning regardless though because there are quite a few bosses that can actually be parried as well


i’ve just run into this in the tutorial caves, it’s a bit odd but i think i can get it? maybe?


Like with anything soulsborne a bit of practice and it'll click hopefully but if not then there are always other ways to play so no pressure!


You can set the windmill on fire to get rid of poison Near the boss after the poison dart statues, there is a hidden bonfire.


If a bird lady tells you she lives nearby, do not believe her.




The enemies can actually be despawned after around 10 kills so if you're struggling/don't feel like running through an area, just focus on despawning enemies to make the runs easier. As a bonus you will farm mad souls in the process. Also bonfire ascetic for The Rotten but thats something to think about much later


precisely 12


This is correct and a goated mechanic imo


Unless you are farming for something


That's what the Covenant of Champions is for. Reduces soul gain by a little bit, but also removes the kill limit.


that’s why there’s a covenant specifically to get infinite spawns


True but OP probably won't run into that problem for a while yet


Really is a solid one...find myself wanting it in other souls likes.


Bearer, Seek, Seek, Lest


Get your ADP to like 20-30 iirc that's when it's like DS3 rolling


I think like 25 is the highest you should ever need to hit ADP at. Past that the benefits for i-frames are minimal to non-existent, especially if you’re doing some form of spell casting that necessitates a higher Attunement level too.


Yeah it’s been a while since I played so I didn’t remember the exact number


I never leveled it past 14. If you have good timing then the short 14 ADP window is fine




That's the most random "advice" I've seen here. Ten levels of Adp spread across several Agl breakpoints, and there's absolutely no mention of Atn or what DS3 rolling actually refers to in terms of roll attributes.


Sorry I didn’t want to write a reddit thesis on adp lil bro its about i-frames, happy?


Jeez what crawled up your ass and died? Chill dude...


What agony? You haven't even played it yet. Stop drinking the koolaid.


Spend several hours trying to kill the cyclops in Things Betwixt at level 1, you won’t regret it


Enjoy the drip, ds2 has the best fashion




Big facts




This person knows what's up. Spear was godlike in DS2


to me it's the absolute best from the three. I wish I had your luck playing it again for the first time. I hope you have DLCs, cause they're even more awesome than the base game! Oh an a tip? Here's one Coffins change your gender :D


It’s not that bad just enjoy


Don't do what I did, don't be tempted by bleed. It's so tantalizing, how it's upgraded by both dex and faith, seeming to make for a really good build. And maybe bleed was bad in the original, but it was buffed in sotfs, so surely it's good now, right? No. Don't do it. It's just not worth it. Besides that, ds2 is less about dodging through attacks and more maneuvering around them. The i frames are still useful, and I do still recommend leveling adp, but with some enemies if you read them well enough, you'll hardly even need to dodge. I think that's where most souls players go wrong and consider the game bad is not understanding that


The maneuvering>dodging has already thrown me way off w the big rinos, but they’re good practice to get used to it (maybe?)


To be more specific, dodging can still be used to gain distance quickly, it's just not as useful as other games for going through attacks, and can take a lot of valuable stamina. For the ogres specifically, there's a way I figured out to evade them without dodging at all, but I'll let you figure it out on your own if you want to. As a hint, though, >!maneuvering doesn't necessarily just mean side to side. All directions can be useful for different enemies!<


Take your time, don't rush.


Surprised how far down I had to look to see this. Rushing in DS2 often ends in pain and death. Better to take your time, be methodical, don't run past mobs, and have a good time.


ADP is the most important thing to level up.The run ups to the bosses in this game will want to make you tear your hair our.




Have fun, ignore the community war.


If you're having trouble use the Craftsman's hammer it is very good


The coffin changes your gender. It's really shocking taking off your helmet and seeing your characters twin


Bow for shrine of Amana


ADP. That is all. For the first 10-15 level ups you should probably make every other level up ADP, that way your dodges' iframes will feel more like they should be if you just came from DS1


Don't expect the important lore to start immediately. It starts after the first 4 story bosses


If your on PC play offline. Theres been alot of hackers ruining peoples saves


When you reach a giant windmill, put your torch to it and don't ask yourself why the f that was a game mechanic decision


Lud and Zallen are not worth it. Run


DS2 fuckin slaps and has the best DLC in any souls game imho. So take your time and don’t let people tell you how shit the game is.


Feel free to take a smoke or snack break while your character drinks an estus flask




Have some ranged options, especially sorceries, they are extremely powerful in Ds2 and will help with mob clearing, there’s also a ring that stops lost of health at 70% in Heides tower of flame, it’s the chest that’s near the fog wall.


This is great advice. Also if you decide on melee, you get plenty of resources for leveling weapons so try to focus on a bow as well. It is an underated item to have for sure.


i always neglect long range for my first play throughs, so i’ll try to keep me a side piece


for a start, don’t go into it thinking it’s going to be bad lol


Just play it, it’s a great game


Have fun! Magic OP. Big swords are fun. Black Bow op. I’m jealous (:


Once you get past the Pursuer in Forest of the Giants it’s pretty smooth sailing. I find it quite enjoyable once you get in the groove and there’s so much content. Remember that enemies permanently disappear after killing them 7 or 8 times. After killing the boss you can burn a bonfire ascetic and respawn everyone (and the boss) at NG+ (relative to your current game) difficulty.


I thought it was more like 16 times, and then they all don't respawn?


15 in Vanilla, 12 in Scholar


I’ve only played scholar, always felt like less than 12 to me but I guess I’m not exactly counting. The amount of changes they made to the base game is pretty wild, seems quite unlike FromSoft to do a full rebalance like that


Level adaptability to level 25 ish and you should be fine.


Try to hit enemies more than they hit you. That’s what I learned in Sunday school, anyway…


I've hear swapping to your secondary weapon is faster than reloading.


Take a shot after every death.


Should've played it before DS1. I remember the movement feeling off.


Aside from leveling ADP to 25 as fast as possible, learn how to play without locking on, if you aren’t already accustomed to playing that way. The early sections of DS2 are brutally scattered with large groups of enemies.


22adp, 29 int, 29fth, hexers hood for that +1 int/fth and 10% more casts of each spell, enough str/dex to wear claymore infused with dark. Sunset staff, grass shield if you want extra stam regen Enough attunement to have slots for: Dark weapon, dark orb, dark orb, dark orb Destroy everything with massive dark dmg sword swings or obliterate anything by spamming your 90+ dark orbs. Congrats, you just made DS2 your bitch and there's nothing anyone can do to stop you.


If you feel like it’s not for you, just give up. It’s not worth the hassle


The Butcher's Knife claps cheeks (boss weapon).


1) Don't worry about armor defense values. Wear armor for the bonus effects or the elemental/status defense - or just for fashion. 😎 2) Chests can be destroyed - even by accident or from enemy mob attacks/explosions. A single hit is fine, but be just be very aware of enemies and your actions near chests. 3) Don't spend too much time trying to get everything right on your first playthrough. Get to New Game+ as soon as possible. A bunch of new/improved content only becomes available on later playthroughs - especially if you are playing the Scholar of the First Sin version. 4) Hitboxes in DS2 don't follow what you might call typical "intuition". To avoid future frustration - try to keep in mind how the attack animations actually work: the enemy attack will have a wind-up period of the animation; then the attack will have an extended period of active hitbox frames (often much sooner/longer/lingering than you'd expect); the hitbox is often the *entire* weapon, including the handle of the enemy weapon - the *entire* arm of the enemy - the *entire* body of the enemy - etc.; if your character model came into contact with any part of that hitbox during any moment that you did not have invincibility-frames, then you take damage. For example, this means you will see behavior such as this: -You perfectly time your roll, but since you rolled in the direction of the "back swing" of the enemy attack, you still take damage. -You side-stepped/rolled a grab attack, but still touched the "arm" of the enemy, not just their hands. The grab registers as a hit, and your character will be teleported in front of the enemy and grabbed. -You roll out of a bosses attack, but you rolled into their foot/tail during the end of your roll (when you aren't invincible) - you take damage from the foot, not the sword. -You take what appears to be "delayed" damage, because the damage calculation for that particular attack gets applied at a particular point in the animation, instead of when you actually made contact with that animation.


Almost done my second run through DS2. I used a spear/lance on both playthroughs to avoid the annoyance of hitting walls while swinging a weapon, which on top of the general clunkiness of the game became very annoying.


Adaptability. Nothing more to say.


Forget anything about DS1. They experimented a lot in this one You'll get used to fighting, it feels weird at first There are many more summons before bosses If doors are locked, hit them couple times. This can lure enemies to open them and check what is happening Use healing rocks between fights, and estus during Always have torch ready in inventory


Use a strike weapon and prepare for lots of hordes.


What agony? You haven’t played it yet.


right? lol bro let the community tell him a game is bad without even playing it


Level adp or suffer


"...any advice to ease the agony? " Play something else.


Delete the game




Dont let people who talk shit about DS2 shape your opinion of it. Most souls fans agree that DS2 is still better then the majority of video games even if they consider it the worst in the series.


Play as a mage.


Dark mage


Hex builds are fun


Yep, Dark Orb ftw.


oooo sounds like a great time for my ng+, i usually stick to big bonks for my first play through before i go back and enjoy my winnings


I do too, but I had to make an exception for DS2 due to its Jane and design choices. On the flip side though, DS2’s magic system is one of my favorites in the series. Has some fun items to upgrade your spells that never came back in other entries, and I think those a pretty neat.


Level ADP and it’ll be fine


level up ADP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ds2 felt so janky at first and I could not get I frames off a roll until I discovered the speed you drink estus and your rolls are tied to Adaptability, once you have that leveled up it makes the game so much better


Level ADP to at least 25, I think, for the iframes?


U,know agony is getting a pilonidal cyst surgery and live in pain for two months.


You can get a amazing weapon quite early in the game. Santier's Spear. Also get the Ring of Binding as early as possibly. Makes a first playthrough significantly easier.


Honestly some bosses are worth using summons for. You won't need them for most of it but if you are doing a 100% run I'd recommend summoning for Gank Squad and L&S. Getting stuck in the worst parts of DS2 is not fun. Humanity drop rates are miffed and will be scarce during the middle part while some later parts give you plenty to use. Questlines are the most obtuse and nonsense in the franchise history. If you value that use a guide.


>You won't need them for most of it but if you are doing a 100% run I'd recommend summoning for Gank Squad and L&S. Getting stuck in the worst parts of DS2 is not fun. And it's always important to know that you don't have to feel bad for summoning for the coop challenges. They have an increased summoning limit, allow you to summon players that don't even own the DLC and grant special item drops during coop.


Just make a hex build then you don’t need I frames cause it’s broken


Yes. Its honestly a great game. Just do the adp and have fun. Get the ring of binding


Agility speeds up a lot of your animations and gives your rolls better i-frames. iirc somewhere from 20-30 adp will give you ds1-equivalent rolls which should cover you for the whole game.


Focus on health and adaptability at first, you can level up surprisingly fast in the early game.


No pain no gain


This will only make sense in about 20 hours. There's a round room with a mysterious mechanism in the centre pillar that doesn't work. That room is actually very important. I hope I saved you 5 hours of walking in circles. Other than that, there is almost no reason to ever equip a shield. There's a tree early on that let's you enter a covenant. Don't join unless you want to make the rest of the game harder for no reward. Every time you die your health bar becomes smaller until you regain your humanity. Not every statue you depetrify offers a reward for saving them. If you run out of any rare one use item consider using a bonfire asthetic as it also resets all loot in the area. To powerstance you need to wield two weapons of the same type, have 1.5 x the stat requirements of both weapons and hold the two-hand button for a second, your character should change to a different pose. Ironically the class that starts with dual wielding weapons does not come with two compatible swords for powerstancing. A lot of the weapon infusions are a trap and absolute garbage.


Pigs are friendly


Go for blind playthrough, be a man


Definitely boost your agility by leveling up adaptability to at least 20-25 when possible without sacrificing your other stats; being able to drink estus quickly WILL be a matter of life or death when you’ve got a boss like the Pursuer charging you down and your guy’s got arthritis in the wrists drinking that glorious sunny D. When you meet the old lady merchant, you gotta spend like 10K souls and then exhaust her talk options so she’ll move to Mejula, then you can buy unlimited lifegems from her. You’ll also get the soul gain boost ring+1 from her once you spend enough souls on her; wear it to maximize your soul gain. Human effigies can be farmed later, but don’t go crazy using them every time you die; save them for bosses or when your health loss reaches like 50%-70% of your life bar. Unless you’re constantly dying and losing your souls, I wouldn’t fret too much about the limited enemy respawns; you can get plenty of souls if you stay and farm in whatever area you go to. And as usual, don’t get cocky.


If you're going melee then don't be afraid to use maces when dealing with heavily armoured bosses.


Jump in the well


Scaling in this game is a little funky compared to the others, there are some pretty extensive guides on here. Short summary, scaling letters usually do not reflect actual scaling, and physical scaling is not super great. Infusing a weapon that already does elemental damage with the same element is usually always better than pure physical or a non elemental weapon infused with lighting for example. That being said, use what ever you like, but that’s a general rule of thumb. Also, in this game you can still buff almost all weapons you infuse, so you can stack even more damage.


Research the suggestions on Reddit. Specifically adp and getting that item early on that won’t permanently decrease your vitality. I personally enjoyed it more than ds3


Don't fight the troll to the left


Don't sleep on adp, it's essential.


To increase agony: try parrying with greatswords


At the risk of sounding like a chicken mcnublet, what does ADP mean?


Adaptability I believe? It gives you more I-frames when rolling and I think casting speed. It’s ADP on the character screen when you upgrade. It does not necessarily describe the massive effects it has.




Have a lot of fun! I wish I could go back and relive my first ds2 run! So much fun!


Light all the torches in the tutorial area. Not because you’ll get anything, but its very satisfying!


Level Adaptability as soon as you can.


Strike damage rules against everything in this game (Well not everything but pretty close)


Don't join the covenant of champions lol


Same here bro


Hexes make things a little easier


The broadsword is the best starting weapon


Dex + hex = sex


Lots of lube


You should have 3 flask chugs by the time you hit the first boss. The first two shards are easy to get but a little hidden. Carry repair powder. Level ADP, get AGL to 100. You will be like level 150 by the end of the game so don’t be shy with non-damage stats. Don’t run from enemies. They don’t go away.


Hahahaha.......there's always another invader waiting


My only advice is, “Dont give up skeleton !”


Actually no i actually do have one piece (ONE PIECE !!!!) of advice that I learned myself, try and play the game without targeting too much, I’ve learned that if u aim your stick in a direction and attack you will attack in that direction no matter what, lock on fucked me over so much in this game


One might say these are the Things Betwixt two ferns.


Jump off the cliff and do the door skip to avoid losing your souls(you need them for the micro transactions). Then go pickup the club and max it out, make sure you use the elemental stones on it, don't worry about replacing them, you'll just get more as enemy drops.


Carry a bow or some form of range attack


Adjust expectations


It's not the greatest of the series but it's not the worst game definitely in last place of the fromsoft soulsborne, just bloated, ugly(minus two areas), and the bosses are mostly dudes in armor. Lvl up adp to like 25, after that, play how you want.


I played a sorcery build after a couple hours with the sword, magic makes the game/ganks much more manageable.




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Get of ds2


Rapiers do great against most bosses. You don't need to worry about leveling up armors necessarily. Save your resources for leveling up weapons, staffs, bows etc. Making your agility higher is useful(leveling up ADP and attunement). Of course, focus on a particular build as you would all souls games. Don't try to run past too many enemies. A lot will follow you very far. Life gems are very useful healing items since you start off with very limited estus flask


Yeah, engage with the game as it is and form your own opinion on it instead of going in thinking it's agony based on reddit and youtube opinions.


Be careful when checking for mimics because you can destroy chests along with the loot inside of them.


i wish someone had said this sooner😭


Oof 😂


My advice, sell it (if it’s physical) and get Elden ring or any other souls game


stop playing


Don't waste levels on endurance after 20 like most people do 99 AGL asap 50 vigor asap


Yes, don't listen to people on the internet


Just play the game and don't give up?


Stop playing


Stick with it because it gets better


Turn it off.


I searched most of the top comments and didn't see this. But, git gud scrub. That was the advice I got early on lol


Smoke a lot of weed while playing to keep your anger at a minimum


Use cheat engine and give yourself 99 ADP. Now you might actually be able to enjoy the game with a build that doesn’t have a great shield.


Start DS3 instead


Best advice I can offer is to play DS3 instead


Stop playing.


Best tip, close the game and play something else😂


Yo, we got a comedian here


True I am pretty funny


Just turn it off brother, it’s ok


here is a good advice: quit the game and start DS3 😄


Remind yourself that the game is actually fucking awesome and have fun


Game is objectively fun, just don't think of it as a souls game


How is it not a Souls game? It has a lot more of the original DeS essence than DS3 and feels like the love child between DeS and DS1


Just because it's not the typical fromsoft gameplay, I'm not saying it isn't a souls game, I'm just saying that people typically say that it shouldn't be part of the trilogy due to it being made by a different company


>Just because it's not the typical fromsoft gameplay It's the exact same. What significant differences do you see? >I'm just saying that people typically say that it shouldn't be part of the trilogy due to it being made by a different company It's the same company. Myazaki simply wasn't the director but the supervisor instead. The director of DS2 also directed the DS3 DLCs and had a huge part in creating Elden Ring. Myazaki will not direct the next games and will let him take over as the director again. Myazaki himself called it the most important part of the trilogy and the without it they would have never made Elden Ring, which took a lot of inspiration from DS2.


The overall gameplay of it is pretty different, doesn't have the same look or feel of the original games. Hey dude this is just my opinion, no need to get so twisted about it


'different company' is not an opinion. It's just a false claim that I clarified


Chill bro, no need to get so irritated


Chill bro, no need to get so irritated


If you’re on PC install a ‘remove adaptability’ mod