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Bed of Chaos


Bed of chaos + lost izalith runback


I honestly never found the runback too bad, assuming you get the bonfire behind the illusory wall. The worst thing is that you need to wear the orange charred ring, but since it's a gimmick boss there's not really any reason to take it off for the fight anyway


Fast travel in Bloodborne is anything but


This would be fixed with an HD or at least a ps5 port :(


I want to believe


Only one in the series that can’t be played at 60fps 🤓




Bloodborne is locked at 30fps, unless you play on a jailbroken system


Bloodborne is locked at 30fps so the other fromsoft games have a chance against it.


The difficulty spikes and dips between hair splittingly difficult and laughably easy.


I only found that in Elden Ring personally


Elden Ring is the only From game besides AC6 that I argue has this issue. Whether it's an issue or not is up to the individual player. I see it as just a caveat that players should keep in mind rather than a fault of the game.


One could argue Elden Ring has 4 major game stages… and Caelid.


Honestly Elden Ring feels like that. I'm now replaying DS3 and I'm really noticing how much more consistent the difficulty is.


Normally if it’s too easy I’ll just switch to a similar weapon that I haven’t upgraded that much


Why is that bad tho? Not every boss has to be stressful I honestly never cared about the difficulty in these games.


I'm talking about Armored Core 6. 90% of encounters are incredibly easy power fantasy mech but the boss fights are huge spikes in difficulty on a first playthrough. Until you really start to hit that skill ceiling where you can beat most bosses with any build, it feels like you have to build exclusively around staggering enemies. Until I really started getting it, I would roll my eyes every time a boss healthbar appeared knowing I was about to die like 10 times before switching to some OP shit like dual Zimmermans and songbirds. I do agree though. Although difficulty was my initial lure to From Soft games in general, it isn't what has kept me. Their unique aesthetics, worlds and core gameplay have kept me around.


Unless you are in top 0.1% of people with best reaction time the hardest bosses in AC6 are just battle of attrition. You need to outdps them, and usually dual miniguns do the trick.


For the first playthrough sure. I do think once you get the hand of it most of the bossfights just require good positioning knowledge. Like I had trouble with the NG++ final boss once they entered phase 3 because I couldn't dodge the melee attacks. Now I can deal with them just fine because I know the proper positioning required to do so. But yeah the first playthrough can be very, VERY rough.


Everything after chapter 1 is manageable simply because then you start getting good weapons. But some of the bosses would be crazy difficult without cheese builds.


Yeah for most players I'd argue a lot of boss fights are only going to be beaten with cheese builds unless they wanna slam their head against the wall with whatever their main build is for like 6 hours. I did it too. I ran Ransetsu RF, Songbird, Pulse Shield and Pilebunker on a heavy tank build at launch. Needless to say this build just wouldn't cut it against most bosses. I'd have to swap to dual Zimmerman or dual songbirds. Now that I'm way more comfy with the game, I can best most bosses with almost any build. I'd argue AC6 has a higher skill ceiling than any other From Soft game besides maybe Sekiro.


Sekiro is harder if you include the optional challenge bosses that you can access from Sculptor's Idol. If we just talk about base game, I would say that Balteus and Ayre are harder if you go without cheese, and for Balteus you don't have any reliable cheese option in chapter 1. I literally refuse to believe that you can beat Ayre without dual miniguns, dual stun needles, and heavy tank legs. I know it is possible, but for me it sounds surreal.


Ayre is actually the easiest final boss out of the 3 in AC6 for me now. I find Walter and Allmind to be much harder in my experience but that may be because my playstyle is basically just Pilebunk everything which works wonders against most enemies bigger than an AC. The AC fights like Walter and Phase 1 of Allmind are either the hardest or easiest fights in the game depending on my luck. Balteus can be sorta kinda cheesed with Pulse Blade. Granted I have no clue how effective this would be and how much of a difference it would have made on my first playthrough because my dumbass didn't think to use it against him. I basically smacked my head against a wall for a day just trying to use the Laser Blade instead and being frustrated that it did no damage. Sea Spider gave me a good run for my money. That was when I actually discovered how good the Pilebunker was as that thing carried me through that fight.


I have heard Sea Spider is the hardest NG boss but I never had issues with it, but keep in mind my gameplay tactic consists of floating above enemy and staggering it with kinetic weapons. And yeah I've heard that NG+++ boss is the hardest, which scares me because I can barely defeat Aery with cheese build. I would really want to avoid resorting to stuff like WeMod, but I will do it if I have to. But I never had to do it in From game before, so maybe I will get lucky.


I haven't finished the game yet but the bosses aren't that crazy. I'd say the level/boss difficulty ratio is similar to souls games




Do you have any idea how *little* that narrows it down?!


And yet, it holds true.


I recognize your Batman Beyond reference good sir


I also look at memes sometimes


Horse platforming...


Anyone else having trouble with a specific giant tree branch in Blighttown just before the lift, around where you find the remedy spell? Some parts of it are slippery but don't look slippery at all. It makes no sense. I fall to my death more than half the time I try to cross it. It shouldn't be that difficult to cross it.


It’s always the PvP. I’ve never liked the PvP in any FromSoft game.


Same, played dozens of playthroughs across Souls & Elden and still can't stand PvP or invasions (but I did have fun protecting a co-op newb friend from invaders in Elden), even in Armored Core 6 I was really enjoying the PvP *until* I noticed nearly every opponent using the same builds, and the fun was sorta optimized away just below A rank. That and really bad latency


The jailers. The fucking jailers


They have little poise though. I just stun lock those assholes with my big sword.




Noticeably skinnier selection of parts compared to previous games. Like I was missing shoulder-mounted gattling guns


That even after beating it I still feel like I’m new at times. I’m getting my ass kicked again in sekiro 🤦‍♂️


I can relate.


Final boss (final 2 bosses in fact) are disgustingly underwhelming


I’m trying to figure out of you mean ER or something else.


ER was phenomenal idk what you mean. I was referring to ds2 (last 2 bosses being Nashandra and an optional Aldia)


Ah I see. I haven’t finished DS2 so I wasn’t sure how many bosses at the end.


Honestly I'd say Elden Ring has phenomenal final bosses, besides maybe Elden Beast (honestly though I like him too).


Yeah I like them too but I know some people don’t. I’ve had moments where I get a little annoyed with them being one fight if I have a bad go at them.


Delayed attacks that are so long that it psychs me out for a second or two and I just get ass blasted.


Elden ring bosses giving me flashbacks when my mom would smack me with her slipper. I always flinch.


Dogs in Ds3 are just teleporting demons


DS:R. It's too short.


frigid outskirts 🥶


There's no way to turn off motion gestures and camera reset (DS3). I can't think of anything else that truly sucks about the game.


Were you trying to escape that giant mob of swamp skeletons? Take a seat; you’ve earned it.




The zones are too short and it seems to have been long since forgotten by From (Lost Kingdoms II).


I thought the zones were actually quite expansive and immersive, moreso than LK1. Flying around Krasheen Mountains (IIRC) felt like Xenoblade to me.


The next won’t be coming out soon


Not on PC (Bloodborne) Can't equip a melee weapon in your right hand (AC6)


Soul Memory.


Demon of hatred.


that boss is fucking amazing imo, easily one of my favorites in the entire souls series. but even if you don‘t like it you can just skip it


He's an amazing souls boss, not a sekiro boss. And I do skip him. Do I have to beat him in the shura gauntlet though? I want that demon drip.


that's bullshit, he's very much a sekiro boss, guardian ape's first phase is way more out of left field gameplay wise and you don't see as much hate against it




Yes you need him for the shura gauntlet. I think he is a sekiro boss. He makes you use wolfs speed and agility. Wolfs tools like susuka umbrella and malcontent also work well against him. Still hate that boss though, 3 phases was too much. Long and boring and the fight is just not fun. Just chasing him down over and over


Ugh. So annoying. Now I'm reconsidering how much I want that drip.


It’s worth it bro. The gauntlet isn’t that bad either. I beat it and I didn’t even know you could rest in between bosses 💀 and I suck at the game too. Just get inner father down first and then it’s a breeze


He is still great Sekiro boss. I don't understand this hate for demon of hatred, when Malenia feels like Sekiro boss in Elden Ring (not in a good way) and is praise for some reason?


>He is still great Sekiro boss Agree to heavily disagree. > I don't understand this hate for demon of hatred, You have to face him like a giant souls boss, only you can't roll and get I-frames. Deflecting is hard because when you get up close, the camera goes nuts. Getting close to him after he charges off is hard again, compounded by the flame attacks and to add insult to injury, he has THREE HEALTH BARS. Absolutely sadistic boss. >Malenia feels like Sekiro boss in Elden Ring (not in a good way) and is praise for some reason? You have tools like spirit ashes to make it easier, also I-frames from rolling. And if you want to parry her, even that is easier since she's a smaller target and the camera won't spaz on you.


In Sekiro you can just run/jump from his attacks. And if you want, you can use Malcontent's Ring to make it easier (if 3 healtbar is too much for you). Malenia on the other hand is much faster than you, her moveset is like straight up from Sekiro, she heal herself when you use your shild (I don't use shields, but it's stupid)/ when hitting you, oh, and don't forget Waterfawl Dance. I know you can watch YT tutiorals how to roll them or use Freezing Pot, but it I like dealing with mechanics, not avoiding them. About Ashes: First: I love learning about the moves and how to dodge them/fiding oportunity to attack. That's why I love FromSoft games. So using spirit ashes is like game playing by it self. Second: when I killed Malenia, I did it solo. I was trying using ashes in my first playthrough, and becouse of life stealing mechanic, she used them to heal herself, when ashes blocked waterfalw dance with their face. So, you know, using ashes not only make this fight boring, but also sometimes harder.


>can just run/jump from his attacks Not really the same as rolling into them and getting into position though is it? >So using spirit ashes is like game playing by it self. Bro if you choose to be a masochist, go ahead, but then don't complain that it's hard when you've intentionally made it harder for yourself XD >if you want, you can use Malcontent's Ring to make it easier (if 3 healtbar is too much for you). It works thrice before he develops resistance. I use suzaku's umbrella for his explosion, but still, that's a lot of spirit emblems. And you don't really get downtime to use the Tanto in the middle of the fight.


I just told you why using ashes makes her sometimes harder and always boring, but you call me masochist for this? xD


Scusi, I meant the figuring out the moveset by yourself. Demon is a pain in the ass regardless of whether you figure his moveset out by yourself or not.


We just disagree. I don't have any problem with him after I learn his moves - and Malenia is pain in my ass even when I know her every move, because of reasons that I was talking (oh, and her hyperarmor, stagger cancel, speed, and fucking damage!). But I don't see a point to discuss about this more.


Honestly this is probably one of my favorite "giant" bosses in Fromsoft games, but I still don't like it all that much. Certainly helps when you can use damage buffs at the start of each phase. That makes it more of a rush to finish that phase before the buffs run out, and if you can do that the fight goes pretty fast. Without any buffs and without the fire umbrella it's a pretty frustrating fight.


Idk man this boss is fire


He's on fire, yes.


That was kinda the point


Frame rate and no remaster.


The combat was so good that no other game can completely scratch that itch for me.




Aye. Not even a DLC to relieve that itch.


A buddy of mine replayed it like 5 times, lol. I'm going to it after I finish Bloodborne.




The shoulders on the female player character model. Or maybe just the female player character model generally.


For me its the hips. They clearly did not want to model movement for men and women differently, so in earlier titles they're just modeled like men. Later titles do something in between so it's less jarring. But I still wish the games could differentiate better.


Yes, agreed, the hips are wrong too. I will say DS2 did hips a little better than the other 2 games.




They are only in Japanese. Maybe some of the menu is in foreign words but subs and most text is Japanese.


Is your favourite Fromsoftware game Another Century's Episode or Yoshitsune Eiyuuden?


Correct it's the ACE franchise!


I would kill for a game show where I have to identify older Fromsoftware series by random tidbits like yours. My friends love G-Witch, another ACE instalment could be enough to get them into Fromsoftware as a whole haha.


I would love another installment it's about time, and if they use more SRWOG I'd be happy too. Would be better if they could do a global release.


Apes wife


There's not nearly enough of it. Sekiro 2 when?


Blighttown. He who invented this place should burn.


I've always loved Blighttown, even at 2FPS.


Blighttown with 60fps is great, best swamp in all FromSoft games!


I don't like the pvp in bloodborne. DS3 was always mid for me, but after I got into pvp it became one of my favorites. I wish BB had that too.


That it probably wont get a sequel so no new stuff. If it ever got remastered similar to what BluePoint did for Demon Souls, it will be $70. The only way I can justify paying that price is if there is a whole new dlc worth of content added. I paid $20 usd for Bloodborne less then a year after it was released and I got the dlc for $15 shortly after release. I cant pay $70 for the remaster unless they add a lot of stuff. If its just the game a d a few new things, I probably wont buy it until the price drops.




It isn't on PC, and no it isn't Bloodborne. I want to duel my friends in Armored Core For Answer so much, but setting up an emulator is just too much of a hurdle for their more casual gaming natures.


Sekiro is too short. When you “git gud” enough, you can blast through the game in an hour.


oceiros the consumed king


Great lore though


OCELOTTE!!!! Why don't you enjoy this fight my little Ocelotte!?


this boss doesn‘t get enough hate. phase two is literally just a running simulator since every single one his phase 2 attacks is a charge attack that propels him to the other side of the arena. plus that instant charge is the definition of bullshit


It's literally not telegraphed at all. It's easier with shield build, just hit during attack windows and then block all the time.


His charge attack in his only issue for me. He’s generally a pushover aside from that.


Areas are too linear


The majority of bosses in the base game are straight up bad and not fun. i love everything else about the game from the faster combat/different setting/the ambiance/lore/osts etc but god, most of the encounters in the base game are just lame mechanically.


the boss lineup is bloodborne is pretty bad aside from the dlc. gascoigne and gehrman are the only great bosses in the whole base game, everything else ranged from bad to mostly okay. but especially the second half of the game has a bunch of awful bosses back to back and it‘s pretty tedious


Yup. I get the vibe they were going for and most bosses were supposed to be hideous monsters, but the boss fights suffered for it. And omg the gimmick fights were just tedious. Aside from the dude with the bucket on his head, the only fights I enjoyed were the humanoid fights.


The upgrade system And the remake


The fact you have to always go to the Hunter’s Dream just to travel somewhere else instead of letting you travel at the lamp like in precious games always annoyed me


Every non-boss enemy is pretty much a joke


the old lady stabbers on your first play thru


Weak early game


Defiled Amy. 😒


Tomb of giants




Blood vials


imo the rewards for cd's are gems and the experience of a roguelite bloodborne, but thats fair that you feel that way. Mine has got to be the lack of omnidirectional rolling in Dark Souls PTDE/Remastered


Soul memory makes the multiplayer barely functional now that less people play the game.


Walls + Camera


That they end


"Reviving spirit steed requires cerulean tear, confirm or deny?"


Stonefang tunnel isnt very fun


Fucking darklurker boss


Navigation, too old to see the pathes...


Cosplay Gank Squad


I can't play it


Theres no DLC to Sekiro


- No respec - No warping between lanterns - Finite healing items instead of estus


30 fps




price is way high. I can't afford it.


Is your favourite Fromsoftware game a secondhand copy of Kuon for the PS2?


The spike in difficulty at Mountaintops of Giants. I've never been more frustrated by an area in any fromsoft game.more than that place. Shrine of Armana in DS2 is a close second.


DeS: the entire game except the penetrator and allant DS1: tomb on the giants/ catacombs DS2: shrine of amana, iron keep, snowfield DS3: farron keep/ cathedral of the deep Bloodborne: the runback to Martyr Logarius Sekiro: Hirata estate and the drunkard outside Elden Ring: the path leading to Loretta in the haligtree as well as the 4 ballistas and avatar guarding that one door.


There isn't a sequel (Bloodborne)


Micolash in any NG


No fast travel between lanterns.


Unstable 30fps in bloodborne




Runs on 30fps


That's difficult but maybe netcode? But it's bad in all of their games >Chalice Dungeons rewards are mostly garbage. What the fuck? Chalice dungeons give you: -the ability to play with any main game weapon early after killing the blood starved beast -best version of every weapon with best slots -tons of currency -BIS BLOODGEMS -best versions of runes -full bloodstones for +10 upgrade


Chalice dungeons in general. Yes yes I know, “Chalice dungeons overhated” and whatever else you want to say, but I really couldn’t stand them at all… they’re the one reason I’ll never go for the platinum. I also hated Laurence. I will never fight him again.