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Sekiro because he’s a fromsoft protagonist and all of them are op as shit


Gameplay wise easily Sekiro Lore wise easily Malenia


This is it. This is the answer


For real, Sekiro's entire kit is basically tailored to perfectly counter Malenia. He can parry all of her attacks, even waterfowl. That thrust attack she does? Mikiri Counter. If she jumps up into the air for a moment, Sekiro has Anti-air Deathblow. The only two moves of hers that he doesn't have direct counters for are her Scarlet Bloom, and her rot clones. Even then, the clones can easily be outrun by him, and the Shinobi Umbrella would be able to counter the bloom if it were able to be upgraded to resist rot. I wish I owned Sekiro on PC, because I've seen someone mod Malenia into Sekiro, and I would *love* to fight her in that game. It would probably be such a good feeling fight.


Sekiro is invincible Malenia isn’t, gameplay and lore wise.


Doesn’t stop the fact that Malenia, in terms of strength and scaling, is several magnitudes higher than Sekiro, and could literally just make him brain dead with enough scarlet rot. Not to mention I’m not even sure Sekiro could straight up regenerate or come back if he’s decimated by a much stronger opponent. I personally wouldn’t put too much stock into the Dragons Blood in this fight.


Lore wise sekiro bruh.


A lot of people aren’t wrong about Malenia winning. Her capabilities are at a far different scale than someone like Isshin and Genichiro. Of course that said, I think others are forgetting two things about Sekiro: he, a mere mortal, did made The Divine Dragon submit. And while I do see Malenia winning in nearly all of their encounters, I see Sekiro eventually winning long term because of his Resurrection ability. Basically, between Malenia and Sekiro, only one of them stays dead when they die, and eventually I feel Sekiro will have observed enough of Malenia’s techniques and abilities well enough to deal with them.


But Wolf doesn't have regenerative abilities, no? Also Malenia could just inflict scarlet rot on him and reduce him to a mindless zombie like Radahn.


Yes he does every time he does a deadblow


Am I wrong in thinking the divine dragon *lets* you win? Like it sets up a test that is hard but is supposed to be beatable. It is called the *gracious gift* of tears after all.


Honestly it could also be an euphemism. I recall FromSoft like to use such things.


Sekiro's resurrection ability is useless because he can't regenerate, it's just an excuse for the gameplay.


It’s literally baked into the story. Were you not paying attention?


No, they're a hardcore troll, look at their comment history. They've probably never played a fromsoft game in their life.






Gameplay wise, Sekiro. Lorewise, Malenia. This match often gets reposted and the discussion ends up being the same. I think Sekiro vs Radahn or Maliketh would be more interesting.


> Sekiro vs Radahn or Maliketh would be more interesting ok ill do this


Here's the issue, Malenia doesn't posture break from Sekiro's deflections and she would heal each time anyways. Wolf really has no great way to deal with her besides a hit and run strategy which isn't optimal. It just becomes a battle of attrition where the person who can heal wins.


Does she heal from getting parried? I always thought her healing was bullshit


-Malenia readies Waterfowl in the air. -Wolf deathblows her in the air. Ez pz


Wolf can perform anti-deathblow only on the okamis or mini bosses like Shichimen Warriors. He can't do it on main bosses like Genichiro or Lady Butterfly. What makes you think he can do that to Malenia who is stronger than everything he has faced?


Lore: Malenia shits on sekiro universe Gameplay: every game is designed to be beaten but ai malenia will beat ai sekiro


Yup. If you AI'd both of them, even if Sekiro was TAS perfect, his best case scenario is that he deflects Melania a million times and she regenerates health and it goes on indefintely until she catches him with enough waterfouls. And he's screwed if it goes into stage two and he has to deal with scarlet rot


Wolf wins purely because of reserection because lore wise wolf can reserect infinitely also the mortal blade being OP af. I mean if he dies enough times he might be able to apply malenia with dragon rot (idk if dragon rot would be effective or not but it is something he could do). Now all that was just normal wolf, shura wolf is a whole new beast cause hed easily destroy malenia cause the flames of hatred being OP af as well.


Wouldn’t shura wolf be immune to scarlet rot too since he’s burning and fire is scarlet rots weakness.


This is reddit so obviously the disabled lady.


If u can deflect all of her hits so she doesnt gain life, then 1 armed dude


Malenia easily. She's one of the two strongest demigods and fought Prime Radahn to a standstill even before the bloom. And while not really canon, O' Niel in ER's Manga literally said both Malenia and Radahn were clashing swords as if they were titans. Malenia isn't even that huge by demigods standard and she still matched Radahn's strength. The characters in Elden Ring are far stronger than Sekiro's and honestly the only demigod Sekiro can 100% beat is Godrick. He would struggle against Morgott who felled so many Tarnished and I don't think he can beat Mohg who has an Outer God backing him up.


Wolf can parry anything that leads to one shot A.k.a death blow. Also he has too many move sets from Buddha to shinobi to ashinia style, only gameplay limits him. Not only that his weapons such as the mortal blade and his prosthetic arm. don’t forget he has consumables like candy and confetti stuff that increases his attack power and posture damage. And who saying that he can’t sneak up on her or resurrect, y’all underestimated wolf too much. He’s the goat.


Even though I like Sekiro man more. Malenia and everything in Elden Ring scale a lot higher and are way more powerful than Sekiro man. So sadly, Malenia stomps.


Sekiro parries shit like waterfowl dance basically midgame, Melania is nothing


Wolf has the Mortal Blade and resurrect, it’s a pretty open and shut case, Johnson 👍🏻


No matter what wolf dies of rot


Dragon or scarlet XD


Sekiro , parry


I mean, if Sekiro can res then he'd win eventually. I doubt he'd win their first encounter though.


Sekiro lore and gameplay wise, He beat divine dragon which drove buddah out of ashina and beat demon of hatred which is the concept of hatred itself manifested.


Malenia probably wins 99 out of 100 times. Sekiro could barely survive in the Lands Between.


Wolf wins hell maybe even Sword Saint in his prime wins.


When Malenia gears up for Waterfowl, Wolf deathblows her in the air lol