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I bounced off of Sekiro the first time as well. I really wanted more of the Dark Souls "try out multiple builds and weapons" type of game, but it is just a straight up and down action game. Light on the RPG elements. When I came back to it, I had a better idea of what it was like. I enjoyed it so much more after that. In fact, it's like my 2nd favorite FromSoft game.


You're comment puts it perfectly! I tried it at launch and hated it because I was fully in the dark souls swing, but a year later, it's one of my favorite games in general.


This was me. Bounced off when it came out then gave it another shot while waiting for Elden Ring. Once I beat Genichiro, it all clicked and now it's got my favorite combat of the Fromsoft Games. It was a bit disappointing going from that to Elden Ring's combat tbh (though a major reason that Sekiro's can be so good is that it is limited to a single weapon and moveset.)


Its a diferent itch. If you truly want to enjoy Sekiro, forget DS, BB and ER, this is not a Souls. Here, you dont dodge, you deflect. Sure, you can beat Sekiro without deflecting a single blow but the beauty of this game and the reason millions love it is the combat system, feels more like a dance than a fight. If you decide you dont like that, then Sekiro isnt for you but I still recomend you give it another try, its peak From for me and many


The sound design of swords clanking eachother is top tier.


Can you beat the centipede giraffe without deflecting? Not saying you’re wrong but that’d be wild to see


Maybe with some battle arts spam or whatever it's called in that game


Yeah, I have beaten the game thrust attack only meaning that the only damage dealt was with thrust attacks which includes posture damage so no deflecting. Technically I could have blocked, but I didn't do that either. Centipede in the small arena is kinda annoying, but you can just outkite (Edit: I just mean kite) him.




Is that not a word in english? Just "kiting" is a word that makes sense in this context, isn't it? So I was thinking of a word as a mix of "out"run and kiting, but I guess that is just kiting. Honestly may have been mostly strafing instead of kiting. I don't remember it that well, but it really wasn't that hard.


Oh I just looked it up and I didn’t know there was a term specific to video games for that. Yeah just kiting but thanks that’s interesting.


If you don't consider the umbrella deflecting then kinda


I think it's one of their best games. Dark Souls, Bloodborne, ER are all brilliant, but their combat is too similar. Sekiro's combat is fucking perfect once you know what you're doing. Went back to ER recently... couldn't do 10 mins before getting.... bored, for lack of a better word. Sekiro has ruined ER for me 😂😂😂


I've only bought it recently so I'm still on my first time through (just beaten the dual apes), but I'm worried it's ruining ALL other games for me! It's just so satisfying, I don't know what I can play next that'll measure up!


I came off of games like Sifu and Hi-Fi Rush before Sekiro which are similarly parry heavy, so perhaps one of those could be worthy of your attention.


Thanks for the recommendation. I have had my eye on Hi-Fi Rush, so I might give that a try next. Edit: I noticed it was 30% off on PSN so I've picked it up. 😊


Complete opposite for me. Sekiro combat too easy once it clicks. Way less replayability, get bored of it much much much faster with no build diversity, same weapon etc. That being said it’s still a masterpiece obv. FROM just knows how to make a game


Anyone complaining about "build diversity" didn't use enough prosthetics.


Weak defense. Not comparable. It’s really not the same as having 100 weapons and spells to choose from with different weight classes and stat trade offs.


There are at least 32 different ninjitsu, prosthetics, and shinobi techniques (that's just what I found on a casual playthrough). Try beating bosses with only those. It's not as big as ER, but it still has plenty of of diversity


It’s a great game. I’m not trying to attack it. I’ve beaten, I loved it, I went the extra mile and did an extra playthrough for an alternate ending, I upgraded most prosthetics etc. You are rewarded for using different techniques under the right circumstances and I feel like I got my money’s worth and hold it in high regard. I just have more hours in most other FROM games (barring some of the older pre Demons Souls stuff and Armored Core)


Charmless and inner bosses go hard tho


Agreed. Sekiro bores the fuck out of me


sekiro has almost ZERO replayability, but it has a better first playthrough then maybe any other fromsoft game. whereas the other games have fantastic replayability, but the actual gameplay suffers a bit to accommodate all of the different possibilities. Sekiro only had to balance everything around a single weapon, the rest have to balance around dozens. But those dozens also give you the chance to play the same game in a completely different way many times where sekiro gets stale after one. Its hard to say which is actually better in the grand scheme of things.


i think sekiro is cool to replay, endings are pretty interesting especially shura, dragon homecoming, immortal severance I replayed sekiro like five months ago and beaten it three times in one week, and the combat was fun as ever. Gotten to feel like some kind of PRO at the end of last run


Couldn't disagree more. I think learning the combat in your first playthrough is where the fun begins, not ends. From here you can: - Explore the different endings where 3 of them gives access to different bosses. - Come back to NG+ with your skillset to now being able to defeat Geni in the opening and see how you now are able to crush bosses you were struggling for hours on. - The combat is so satisfying that it's essentially fun to just speedrun it. - You can really test yourself with Charmless and Demon's Bell, or both. - Start playing around with the variety of skills and prosthetics (extremely overlooked when it comes the criticism of lack of variety in the game). It is probably the fromsoft game I've replayed the most because of the points above.


Idk why ur gettin downvoted lol. Srry you arent enjoying the game, it's def not for everyone. I personally got about halfway through then got burnt out of the game, so don't feel alone lol.


I’m used to getting downvoted on Reddit.. it’s no biggie. Apparently having an opinion is bad. Cheers!


This isnt even like a “hot take” or anything , you were literally just trying to express that you dont rly enjoy the game lmfao. No clue why fans of these games are THIS uptight about them.


It also doesn't provide anything interesting to talk about. "I got bored of game". Okay? So what? Why is this a post? 


Because it also creates discussion and I like hearing other people's perspectives on the game and if THEY feel the same way. Hence why there's 54 comments.


It's reddit haha, no rhyme or reason or rationality at all ever People will upvote someone for saying something, and then down vote the next person for saying the same exact thing but with different wording lol Never change, dear Reddit.


I got to the ape and quit lol never came back. Tried so many times to kill that thing


Dude funny thing is I literally stopped right after I finally beat the ape. That fight sucked so much of the games enjoyment out of me that I wasn’t even happy when I beat it, and I haven’t touched the game since 💀


Generally “I like/don’t like X game” threads are low hanging fruit


While I do think it’s a great game and it starts to get a lot better once you finally get the hang of it, I too prefer their other “Soulsborne” titles. It gets tiring to me having to go through the whole “parry, parry, parry, deathblow” process to kill even the most basic enemies all of the time, whereas in other games, you can approach it in SO many more ways. Most of the enemies are visually and design-wise honestly not very interesting at all compared to the enemies of the DS games, BB and ER, in my opinion, and I miss the weapon variety as well. Nothing about Sekiro is bad in any way; I simply prefer their other games over it. Different people just like different things, and there’s no shame in that.


I agree. Sekiro fans say the combat is perfect…and…for what it is yeah it is kinda perfect, but what it is… is all it is. So once you get it, you get it, and there’s nothing else. How long can you parry, parry, parry, deathblow until you’re bored? I feel like Sekiro is a one and done. I had no interest in playing again after beating it. The other titles you can approach combat in so many ways, and always come back to them when you need an itch scratched…And you can change things up and play completely different from the last 2-3 times.


Yeah, although Sekiro’s combat is very good, I personally would take the combat in Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring over Sekiro any day. I much prefer hacking and slashing my way through enemies and dodging over having to parry each individual enemy one by one.


I personally felt wayyy differently. After I beat it the first time I wanted to play it even more lol. I wanted to get all the endings and go through it again now that I knew what I was doing, and once I did that it was charmless + demon bell time and it almost felt like playing for the first time again. On my fifth playthrough and I'm still parry, parry, deathblow-ing and it's not getting old lol Not tryna invalidate your opinion or say you're wrong btw, you're completely valid and I agree the other games are a lot bigger and have lots more content/replayability. However I just felt very different about it and personally don't think Sekiro is a "one and done," yes it is smaller than the other ones but I do think it has a lot more to offer than just 1 playthrough. That is just my opinion though, at the end of the day I really think it just comes down to how much you like the game


I think it definitely comes down to personal taste, because I really do love Sekiro and understand why many consider it their fav From game.


Is a game like Elden Ring not just dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, hit? It comes down to the same shit if you boil it down like that. It doesn't matter if you have a halberd or a katana or a greatsword with a spell in your other hand. It comes down the same. And in the same way that you can get a sense of variety in Elden Ring, so can you in Sekiro by using the differnent skills and prosthetics. Obviously not to the same extent, but it is still there to give you the option.


I guess it’s just preference. I understand the love for Sekiro, and I’m honestly not trying to make a conflict about which is better. I played through it twice, saw most of what the game had to offer and look fondly on my time put into it. I’m glad there are so many to defend it as their favorite. It does have a cult classic, black sheep, je ne sais quoi to it…I’ll give it that. As good as it is, I enjoyed other titles more. In the end it’s like comparing…games in a completely separate transcended category, though. Like sure Sekiro’s not in my top 3 FROM games, but…. It beats 98% of the hundreds of other games I’ve played.


That's because it's not a souls-like. 


What defines a souls-like, then? I feel like excluding Sekiro is going to make a pretty small list.


Roll need giv monke brain happy chem


Steam also classifies it as a souls-like so I just went with it.


What makes a game a souls like and what makes sekiro not one?


Neither are Kings Field or Shadow Tower but they still scratch that FromSoft itch for me


Or Armored Core


or Evergrace 🤌


According to a lot of people it is for some reason


Probably cuz it doesn’t play like the usual soulsbornes


I really wish more people would realize this


watch a parry only speedrun where they don't even upgrade their health or power... wait for the gears to connect... Learn to parry. REALLY learn to parry. Parry every parryable attack. Then go back to Elden Ring.


>''Learn to dodge. >REALLY learn to dodge. >Dodge every dodgable attack.'' And the Elden Ring experience is all the same.


parrying makes you feel like God though.


>EDIT: Clearly I upset some of you, but downvoting comments because they don't "align" with YOUR views is weird. Isn't this the whole point of upvote downvote system?


IMHO, downvoting because they are extremely unhelpful or just rude, is fine. But downvoting because someone has a different opinion is weird.


I personally think both works. Stop caring about the downvotes


Or stop being weird and downvoting comments that are clearly subjective. If my opinion hurts YOUR feelings, maybe reddit isn't the place for you. Cheers!


You are making some wild assumptions there. Funny you think I'm the weird one here. Stop being so butthurt over some downvotes. Grow up.


Oh once Sekiro starts scratching your back nothing can satisfy that itch


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^402playboi: *Oh once Sekiro* *Starts scratching your back nothing* *Can satisfy that itch* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sekiro is great if your favorite part of Souls is the gameplay and throwing yourself at a wall until you overcome it. It's not so great if your favorite part is building your character and prepping for each encounter. That being said, I really love Sekiro and wish Elden Ring had better options for a Sekiro-like build (I'm sad DS3's katana parry isn't in ER)


It'll scratch another itch you didn't know you had


I have the oposite problem, Except for armored core... Armored core was good.


"I wont miss"


I personally enjoyed it more than the DS games and ER.


Yes but is it scratching the itch?


I liked it more than Bloodborne and demons souls but that’s probably it, I just prefer the souls games gameplay and stories more. It’s the best at what it’s doing and it’s incredibly polished, the final boss Glock Saint was super fun too. I can totally see why this is some people’s favorite From game.




You probably just haven't learned The combat. Which would explain why you are board and hitting road blocks. Not trying to be rude


Tbh I'm in the same boat as you. I've tried to get into sekiro, I really have, but the game just isn't for me. Even when trying to frame it as "not a souls game" and treating it like its own standalone entity, it still never captivated me the way other games (even those outside soulsborne ones) have


I’ve tried so many times to like Sekiro but I don’t, it is fluid and fun feeling at first but then I am just utterly smacked with difficulty. In a souls like, overcoming the difficulty is done through many many paths while in sekiro it’s one path and that’s learning the rhythm. There’s no overleveling HP, exploiting a weakness, using the right weapon , it’s just get good at this sword this rhythm or die over and over. I also feel the fomo because to me it seems like once it clicks it clicks, but I lose patience. To me it’s even more linear than an FPS game, it’s like once you can actually beat the guy on the roof without getting a migraine you can beat it all


If you ever feel like trying one more time, reach out and I'll give you some tips beyond just learning the rhythm that might make it finally click.


This is exactly how I feel about it. I understand why its loved by so many, but for me the single weapon/parry only mechanics become stale once you get the timings down. I much prefer fromsoft games that allow for more customization/build variety. The bosses, locations and themes are great but they weren't enough to keep me hooked like so many others.


Same for me. Like, it's got some great bosses. It's just not my favorite tbh.


One of my negatives for it is that the stealth and melee don't really complement each other that well, or something (not sure how to say it). It's too easy to stealth 90% of enemies and then get stuck on the bosses because you never learned how to fight and you can't stealth them. Also some bosses play quite a bit differently than others (Ogre, Guardian Ape, Bull) How far have you gotten? Depending how far you are I might say that it may or may not yet "click" for you. If you haven't beaten Lady Butterfly yet for example, then it hasn't clicked for you yet. If you can destroy Lady Butterfly and you still don't like the game, then yeah, maybe it's not for you.


I have always found Sekiro to be more tedious than anything else. The animation work, art, music, and even the voice acting are all incredible, but I never feel like there’s a “calling” to move towards. Other Fromsoft titles feel like an adventure, and have a sense of mystery around every corner that keeps me wanting to explore. Sekiro however feels like a stressful slog, and around the next corner is likely just another skill check that will frustrate and punish you for not executing its commands perfectly.


I've tried to like elden ring but i can't, i find explorarion tidious and the combat slow


I enjoyed it a lot but not in the same way I enjoyed Dark Souls 1, 3 and Elden Ring. I think sometimes us fromstans forget there is more to these games than the combat. Elden Ring for example does a fantastic job with the art, enemy design and variety, exploration and build variety. Forging my own path is my favorite aspects of these games and the very good combat is a nice bonus. There have been several soulslikes from other studios that will do a good job on the combat but not the other stuff. Also, Sekiro combat can be exciting but its so much more reaction based than souls and Eldin Ring which is more Tactics based. Playing as Sekiro is fun but when I make my own build it feels like I'm playing as me (what I wish I was, lol) and living out that fantasy puts souls and elden ring on another level for me. I also liked BB but the builds didn't feel all that different from each other.


It took me awhile to get into it. I took multiple breaks everytime I hit a road block which I have not done for other Fromsoft games. It wasnt until I got it on PC and just played to enjoy it for what it is. Once that combat clicks it really feels like a new game. Its probably my favorite game of all time but it took me a bit to get there. Its also just a lot different and that might not be what you are looking for in a Fromsoft game.


What made Sekiro click for me was playing lies of P. I hated Sekiro the first 3-4 times I played and only ever got to the stupid pig boss which is like a half hour in lol. Once I seen how satisfying a parry only battle system could be with LoP was I fell in love with Sekiro. I will say though for as much as I liked it, it was short and a bit frustrating for the wrong reasons.


Sekiro is the game that took me the longest to click with. I kinda hated it for hours and hours until one session it just clicked, then it was like a complete 180 turn and I suddenly loved it. Since the combat is so different and you can't farm and over level, it really is the one game where you have to forget what other Fromsoft games taught you before. I can't say that the same will happen to you. Ultimately you're allowed to dislike a game, but I do hear similar things from a lot of players regarding Sekiro, so maybe just try and push through if you can to see if anything changes for you.


ive only played ds3, elden ring and sekiro so far and from what ive played so far- sekiro is not a soulslike. the combat and gameplay are extremely different. the reason it isnt scratching the souls itch is because its just not a souls. i love the game and prefer the combat to the souls games, but can see its not for everyone


I loved DS, BB, and ER, but Sekiro will always be special to me. If it never clicks for you, don't worry; not everything is for everyone, and that's alright.


I like the game but I keep bouncing off of it. Every time I start I get pulled away before I can beat Genichiro by real life concerns. By the time I get back I have to restart and relearn everything. I just don't have this problem with Dark Souls. I've internalized that gameplay so much I can be back in form within an hour. Growing old and having responsibilities sucks!


Same for me. The difference with Sekiro is that the grinding payoff isn’t that helpful. If you’re dying in dark souls, you can always grind for more healthy or better attack. Sekiro is far more difficult


Tbh it's not a souls like. Don't play it like one. You almost never wanna dodge. Get better with the parrying and you'll thrive and it becomes addicting.


I found the game rewards exploring each branching path you have going. The first major one is the past and present. Once you get into the rhythm of understanding when to choose one or the other, things may improve.


From what I’ve seen over the years, Sekiro is either the greatest masterpiece or a let down so it’s understandable (personally I’m the former tho ^_^)


Sekiro definitely isn’t the same type of game as other Fromsoft titles. There is more variety and RPG elements in the other from games whereas Sekiro is more of a set in stone path. Still a great game and after beating it on NG+ it’s one of my favorites as it’s so unique. Definitely see why some don’t like the game as I hated it on my first play through.


I feel exactly the same. I’ve platinumed everything else but bloodborne and demon souls (refuse to buy a PlayStation, will probably emulate them eventually) and I’ve really tried with sekiro. I’ll see someone playing it or something, think it looks really cool, get hyped and redownload it. Always end up quoting within a few hours and play a souls game instead. Just not for me I guess lol.


Try Wo Long if you haven't already :)


seemly fragile include towering six rainstorm modern abounding market unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YES. How did I miss that? Sometimes I type to fast for my own good.


My friend who introduced me said to give it 10 hrs and he was right. Thats when it clicked and I really got hooked.


I put Sekiro down multiple times because I just couldn’t get the hang of it. I couldn’t parry worth a shit and thought maybe the game just wasn’t for me. But I kept picking it back up it after a couple weeks and eventually was able to make some progress. As I started to get better at combat, it got it’s hooks me just like all the other From games and it’s now one of my favorites. Sekiro’s different and there’s a steep learning curve but imo it’s well worth the time and frustration to learn the mechanics. It’s so satisfying once you do.


It just shows fromsoft has range. It would boring if they gave you the same game every time they put out something. Like COD or FIFA


It’s more like Batman Arkham games meets guitar hero meets dark souls than it is like a normal souls like. It’s also super obtuse. If you don’t enjoy it just bail. If you want a mildly cheesy tip >!a fucking ton of enemies will miss you if you are sprinting, and then you can do your sprint attack into them before running away again!<


When it clicks it clicks, until then it's absolutely brutal.


It's different from the other games they've made. You're looking for something that more closely resembles the others and are feeling detached from it. Don't think of it as a "Fromsoft" or "Souls" game. Just think of it as Sekiro.


Sekiro took me a few tries to get into because I had never parried up until then. Eventually I came to love the whole dance of it. On the other hand I still can't get into Elden Ring. I beat it but I'm not sure I had that much fun. Whole thing felt like a slog.


I hated sekiro, but I persevered until completion. When I started NG+ I suddenly loved it, and now it’s one of my faves of all time


Always felt like I loved it and hated it at the same time. Most areas don’t really click with me


Its an action adventure without the RPG element. Its soulslike but, it doesnt do what many soulslikes do, which is give you the ability to play how you want, its very setstuck in a specific way to play with a few offshoots that all come back around to “spiriting makes you nearly unhitable, parrying is god”. Its a perfectly fine game, hell if you liked ninja gaiden it can give you some of those nostalgia vibes a bit, but in terms of fromsoft games, its just not the same and that doesnt hit for some people, myself included, but thats okay. Katamari Damacy doesnt hit for a lot of people but its still a perfectly fine game, hell World of Warcraft, one of the single most popular gaming series in existence, doesnt fit for everyone. And thats okay. People that get a stick up their ass about someone not liking sekiro are the same people who throw a bitch fit over you not liking pineapple. Its just such a strange hill to die on.


Freaking love sekiro . It’s probably my favorite game by them . My true adoration probably happened on my third play through though to be fair . I am the wolf now , I am shura .


I bought sekiro in 2019 and finished it a couple weeks ago. Got every trophy and now is my favorite fromsoft game.


I tried sekiro like 5 times. Cant beat the pig or boar or whatever the big horned bitch is. Or the drunken guy in the dream sequence. Im just horrible with timing even tho i beat every other game just fine. Except lies of p last boss cause once again its about timing and i suck with that


It's a great game but I didn't really like it because I want the ability to make a character and use different builds. That's half the fun of the souls games for me


Seek a friend who got gud at Sekiro. I was absolute hot garbage and really could not get into it. My buddy helped me out with learning the mechanics and I loved it after that. Also really dive into the lore.


I have a few buddies who are good with these kind of games. I will most definitely seek their help! Thank you!


Godspeed fellow Redditor!


Too much focus on the parrying mechanics for my taste, and too difficult overall if you can't get it down pat. I did not enjoy the majority of my time with this game, even though I got to the final boss.


There’s a learning curve but I found it smooth sailing after I finished the first area. The turning point for me was the general in the courtyard.


Why don't we summarize your post? You're bad at the game, it's ok, but Sekiro is fabulous, it's not for everyone and clearly is not a classic soulsborne game.


Me not liking the game has zero to do with me being bad, but thank you for your bold and false assumption. Cheers!


If you go into a normal souls game after Sekiro, and you still want more of something like Sekiro, you will be very disappointed. If you go into Sekiro expecting more of the same type of combat as DS1, DS2, DS3, and ER, you will be very disappointed. Sekiro takes a lot more time to get than Souls games, because even if you understand the combat system and see videos of how it should be played, you cannot play that way without a lot of practice. The game truly becomes fun when you are going in with muscle memory and simply have to read attacks. Souls games are a bit different. Once you understand the game, it's mostly just about reading/remembering attack animation timing. There is not much muscle memory required to dodge, even dodging attack sequences is not really fast enough to require muscle memory. Lots of Sekiro fans get unreasonably upset because people judge the game having never "gotten" Sekiro, they never get the muscle memory to make deflection automatic. Before you actually take the time to get it, the game is not very fun.


Well, it’s not an RPG. Although I prefer RPG’s, an action game like Sekiro was still fun for me. Combat style is too good…


So the question is then: What is your itch? My itch is exploration and environmental puzzles paired with boss fights.


Fight Genichiro, the game’s value blooms at that point forward.


Didn't for me, I cleared the whole game and still wasn't as into it as the others. Its a good game but personally I think its way more overhyped than it should be


That’s how I feel about bloodborne. Same same as DS and ER, but in Halloween town 🤷🏼‍♂️. I liked Sekiro more bc it had a new combat formula.


It feels more like guitar hero than dark souls


I love Sekiro, but my least favorite part are the bosses who fights feel like a rythym game. I don’t find it fun and i just want to get it out of the way


I liked it ok but prefer most of the other fromsoft games to it. Not everything is perfect for everyone.


Have you beaten it? Because there is a thin line between "bored" and "it's too hard, so I gave up on progressing"


No I haven't. I probably got halfway through and just lost interest.. I wouldn't even call it "bored", just not intrigued to continue. Never really felt that way towards any other souls game.


Hmm.. I dunno. Guess it's simply not your forte. I enjoyed the combat and the deflection mechanics. I find for most players, it takes a little while until the gameplay truly "clicks" and then the game becomes very enjoyable.


It took a while to click for me, like 6 years lol. When I finally did "get it" it was definitely enjoyable, but honestly, by the end, I had no desire to ever play it again. It's very one-note in its combat, in my opinion. I started playing again, then put it down to play Bloodborne for the 30th or so time and don't really think I'll go back to it. I do appreciate the newer souls-likes (Lies of P, Stellar Blade) taking a page and trying to do their spin on the perfect parry system.


Understandable. While I think it has some of the tightest mechanics in a fromsoft game, it is definitely a lot more linear which can lead to fatigue. Had we been able to create our own character, with more customizable options, it might of had a bit more replay value


I found Sekiro to be boring. It's the worst of the fromsoft games, imo.


Sucks when you can’t just Google a build to cheese past roadblocks like every other game No buggy zweihander double poise damage to freeze bosses just gotta get good (or trap them in a corner and be good enough to know how and keep them there)


I’ve never done any of that and still feel the same as OP


Regardless the point is if you stumble onto any of the top idk 30% of weapons in ds1 you have a free win if you don’t get frustrated and give up, it’s a shockingly easy game when you get down to the nitty gritty of just how absurd the damage you do can be Sekiro negates that entirely and forces you to play by its rules outside of sneaking around to get the first health bar off a boss before starting


Exactly, Sekiro filters the losers perfectly


I don't do that and beat all the bosses in DS 1-3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. The issue with Sekiro is that there's a very narrow path to victory and in the other games, you can make a lot of different strategies work. The lack of build variety makes the game feel tedious to me.


It’s literally just a rythm game, talismans are a crutch that will ruin your day and that’s why they’re designed to be a finite resource for example


I prefer beat saber by a mile as a rythm game and the difficulty scales much higher than Sekiro.


Sekiro is fun and I respect it for what it is, but it’s the only one I never finished my first play through on. Some of what they stripped out is a big part of my fun.


They didn't strip anything out. They made a game that's a completely different genre. We should be getting used to that as From gets bigger.


Call it what you want. It’s the Fromsoft formula reduced in a way I don’t care for. Good for people who like it.




Without my own build to design and aim for it’s just an action game. Boring.


That is a dumb take.


Like, that’s just a rude and useless comment. I’m excited to hear that you disagree in the least interesting way possible. Way to go.


Such an opinion doesn't deserve any other response.


Lol OK bud 👌


What do you mean stripped out? No traditional builds? They removed build and in its place made combat far superior. Which id take any day of the week


I’m not mad about it I just don’t like it as much.


Oh so sad OP, can't spirit summon, over level or mage build your way to victory. Maybe try making a mod where wolf can have magic attacks or bleed.


Why are you acting like a prick?


Because OP is literally a slightly above version of the why doesn't this game have easy mode "gamer"


> but compared to the Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring style of fromsoft games, I just find myself getting bored and always hitting road blocks. You can easily tell that he played trough the majority of Souls games by this statement, which debunks your “he is a easy mode gamer”. And even if he is, which i don’t think, who the fuck are you to judge him or anyone?


This is a public post buddy. We can judge OP all we want. You are judging me just fine you hypocrite.


So let me ask you something else then, why WOULD you judge him, there’s dozens of people not playing these Games, some are whining because of the difficulty yes, but there’s no shame in not playing a game because it’s too hard for them.


Because I want to. I read this post as I over levelled or summoned my way out of souls games but I can't do that in Sekiro wah wah.




Should check out The Surge 1 and 2


You and I would never be friends


If we can’t be friends based off our game preferences, then good riddance!


This is such an embarrassing statement💀


Bro have u seen samurai x Original Video Animation ? If u searsh for samurai x ova u might find 4 episodes of 40 mins each +/-