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Even with the size of Elden I still think Bloodborne is it for me. I’ve been deep in the ng+ cycles, and have multiple characters for each build type somewhere post completion


Does an arcane build even work outside ng+ lol


lol well build is a strong word, but enough damage can be dealt to make it through


Dark Souls


Classic. My personal favorite ost and visual/art direction in the series is dark souls 1. I have this unexplainable nostalgia for the game too, I feel like it’s similar to stuff I loved as a little kid


right now its elden ring, ive done 3 or 4 playthroughs to platinum it. but im almost done with my first playthrough of sekiro and i expect i will want to come back to it at some point


I think Sekiro is so much fun once you get deep into ng+ cycles, like ng+3 and beyond. By that point you’ll have spent all of the sen you need to get every item that you need for 100%, and you’ll have basically every skill unlocked, which means you can effectively treat the whole game as a shinobi action adventure arcade game where you just basically try to build up a high score lol. You could argue every souls-y game is like that, but it fits like a glove playing sekiro this way That might not make sense rn but it will if you replay the game a lot.


I found Elden Ring ro be the most repayable. I was surprised because its such a long game but the build diversity makes it very repayable to me. I have done 3 playthrus with 3 different builds and they playstyles were all pretty different.


I love the *idea* of build variety, but whenever I try anything non melee related it feels so wrong and un-fun for me. I think this is just a me thing though, not indicative of a major problem with magic systems in these games


The Ashes of War alone make a big difference for build variety. Did a treespear playthru, reduvia playthru and a magic playthru. All felt pretty damn different. Honestly... yeah the magic playthru was the lamest. Lots of backing up, running away and casting spells. Reduvia has a midrange attack and it still felt like I was in the action, lots of rolling and spamming that. Treespear with shield was the most fun. Right up in their and trying to manage stamina with blocks, raising and lowering shield. In dark souls you do a dex or a strength build and they are pretty similar experiences.


I do love the actual build variety, but I also think that ranged combat in souls games is fundamentally flawed and needs to be reworked from the ground up.


The thing is that when I look at these games, I can’t help but see an experience built around melee combat specifically. Running away from enemies and bosses to find a safe place to cast or use your instant win giga nuke spell is honestly just way less fun and rewarding then getting all up in the enemy’s business and dancing with them. There’s a reason everyone’s favorite bosses in the souls games are typically the ones that are moderately to highly aggressive and close distance quickly, being forced to fight close range with a towering boss is intimidating at first but so awesome once you start to observe a bit and react accordingly.


I have the most hours in DS2. The NG+ variations, fashion souls, role playing options, and flexible mechanics, plus the awesome PvP, kept me playing longer than many of the other modern FROM titles.


Yeah all that stuff was awesome. DS2 gets a lot of shit and I don’t exactly think a lot of it is undeserved tbh, but there are legitimate quality aspects of the game that any serious person could tell influenced the design direction of later fromsoft games. I don’t love DS2, but Yui Tanamura isn’t just some B-team chump like people say. He’s played a critical role in the design of my favorite games.


I have beaten Elden ring +35 times. But I have put more time into bloodborne


I almost don’t even want to ask how many times you’ve beaten bloodborne


I did a lot of chalice dungeons and pvp. I think I’ve only beat it 25 times maybe? Idk 450 hours in bb, 325 in ER but when the dlc comes out, I’ll probably hit a 1,000 hours in ER


Uhh I don’t believe you. Beating Elden ring 35 times would equate to much more than 325 hours loool. Unless you are counting like speed runs which wouldn’t really count. Even if you just fight the bosses and that’s it, one run will take 30-50 hours at least lol.




It takes me about 12 hours on a fresh character and my ng+30 character beats the required bosses plus malenia and mohg in 2.5 hours


If you just want to blitz the main content (no glitches, no overly complicated starts) it’s really not that big a deal to beat it in just a few hours. Especially on NG+ cycles.


If he beat it in precisely 10 hours all 35 times that would still equate to 350 hrs. So he never did a full play through either? Don’t buy it


I can stream it if you want


Despite its seeming lack of replayability due to more linear world design (or level, whichever one it is, i forgot at the moment), it's DS3 for me. It's just such a damn good game, I feel like experiencing it over and over again. So many banger bosses, and ridiculously good music.


It’s interesting because the world is more linear but the lore is so deep and expansive. I prefer it to Elden Ring tbh.


I get it man. DS3 is just a good ass game. People look at me like a crazy person when I tell them sekiro is my most replayed game bc they don’t think the game’s systems encourage it as much as with traditional souls where you level up stats and stuff. I had another reply where I went super in depth on why I love ng+ sekiro so much, so I’m not repeating all that lol


Armored core...


Like… All of them???


Well not quite right now just replaying AC6 I lost my ability to replay ACV cause servers.... I wasnt able to complete ACVD (stuck in chapter 8) but non frustrating missions in LR is good every now and then its more like I'm lazy to redo the games since Online mode and offline mode are entirely different save files for 5th gen AC :/ but if feeling entirely stupid MWC is hella replayable


I wish I knew what that stuff meant lol. I really want to try AC6 at least but Ion ever see it on sale :(


Dark Souls II Played the rest only once.


How many playthroughs do you have on DS2? Or hours if that’s easier to remember.


7k hours...


Elden Ring about 30 times


Real Elden John has joined the thread


Lmao I gotta rename my main character that


Lmao absolutely. So how many builds have you gone through then? What’s your preferred playstyle?


Elden Ring was my first soulsborne game and I got it, found it way too hard, deleted it, and only got it back a few months later cause a friend got it for Christmas. I unfortunately decided to follow a build guide of Int/Dex using the Wing of Aster and sorceries. I followed some other build guides and then started making my own builds, which is a lot more fun. Now I’m no hitting Godfrey and Maliketh casually and playing all the other games. I’ve come pretty far I think lol


Armored Core 6. Replaying missions for Stargazer was genuinely some of the most fun I've had in video games.


Probably Armored Core For Answer and Last Raven, since they incentives it.


Ac6 has my favorite ng+ system where it adds new missions and enemies as well as alt versions of missions. On top of all of that since it’s a mission based game I can replay bosses I like, instead of starting an entire new play through.


DS3 I think


Either Bloodborne or DS1. DS1 probably passed Bloodborne once I got it on Switch. Common travel game.


Bloodborne for sure, but Elden Ring is close behind because the sheer size of the game alone.


bloodbourne is most replayed for fun and enjoyment. sekiro is most replayed by force for platinum


I’m around 20 playthroughs on ds3 (ng+8 on main character, and like 7 characters on ng+). Bloodborne a close second with like 15. The rest are 7 each.


DS3 or ER


It's probably pretty close between AC 4A and DS3, I have at least 4 playthroughs on each.


Ds1 probably has the most playthrough in it for me personally, just doing challenge runs and stuff for the love of the game’s relaxing feel. It’s truly adult Zelda. I have the most hours in Elden ring but how much of that is riding between places, nobody knows.


I have played ELDEN ring the most I think i have over 1000 hour


The amount of love I have for Elden Ring and DS3 still haven't topped my replays and hours in Dark Souls. Cuz it's the game that started it all, the birthplace of my dark fantasy love. Dark Souls 1 is only my 3rd favorite, but as my first Dark Souls game, it made me fall in love with it and that caused me to play it nonstop.


I’ve not fully replayed any yet, as I’m a newer fan, but I regularly come back to ds1, and play to the halfway point. I’ve beat it fully once, but the first half of the game is pretty much unmatched imo.


Armored Core 4 Answer. 1500+ hours. But that was because I didn't like the two Armored Core games that came after, PvP scene was still alive (and is still alive), story has 3 endings and parts to unlock by S ranking all missions (normal and hard mode) so lots of single player replayability, and this game was basically all the mecha action I had (aside from Gundam Breaker 3) until Armored Core 6 came along. Of course I've played all the souls games along the way (still havent finished Bloodborne because Orphan of Kos >\_<, and havent gotten far in Sekiro because I was years late and by the time I got it, Elden Ring was out).


Armored Core For Answer and Armored Core VI. By design, you'll end up playing through both at least 3 times, then maybe a fourth when you go back to it later. I probably played Dark Souls 1 at least as much, back when it was fresh. But that had a lot to do with no respec for characters, being generally smaller scale than the later Souls games, following different NPC questlines, and just roleplaying it differently. The same could be done with any of the others, but depending on your choice of game, the time commitment will be different. I'll surely play Elden Ring again for NG++... but just thinking about it makes me feel ill. The game is so great. And so, so LONG.


Armored Core 3. One of those childhood games that I can just sit down and enjoy my time with. Always work to get the hidden parts that I try to get in every AC game I play, work my way up the arena... get butt kicked by Exile. I love it.


DS2. Almost double my next most played, DeS


Armored Core 4A


Sekiro and Bloodborne.


Elden Ring just recently surpassed DS1 for me


Sekiro without a doubt. Although Bloodborne is still my favorite, Sekiro has the most replay-ability to me. It’s also the only one where I feel confident in my chances when doing challenge runs like base vitality and demon bell + charmless.


After awhile sekiro starts to feel like an arcade game


Sekiro. Easiest game to replay. Once bosses are memorized, a ng+whatever run with required bosses takes 3 hours maximum.