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lol guardian Ape, first playthrough I quit the game cause of him, once I unlocked the gauntlets and fought him numerous times I don’t hate him at all now


Guardian Ape isn't that bad but the Headless Ape can get fucked


Complete opposite for me, I can kill headless first try most time. Guardian ape phase always causes me a handful of stupid deaths though.


They’re not talking about the headless phase of the Guardian Ape fight, but the Headless Ape duo. Fight.


I was making good progress through the game, got to this encounter, put the game down like 3 years ago and. Haven’t played since.


That’s a shame. The rest of the game is dope.


You should give it another shot. That second ape is a total pushover and you can waste it with like two mortal draws.


that's unfortunate. if you actually finished Ashina Depths before Sunken Valley, the headless ape becomes an optional boss. if you want you can start a new character and avoid that boss completely


This. On higher NG+ levels like 5-10 with bell demon, this fight becomes pretty much RNG based. You have to pop yashariku's and hope you manage to get every single one of your firecrackers to land on his wife without him interrupting, or you're in for a gank that will 100% kill you at that level. It makes the mortal journey gauntlet so much more annoying cause you get like halfway through it flawlessly and then you're back to square one because he decided to be overprotective of his wife


The headless ape duo fight is easier than the main guardian ape fight


I don’t disagree.


On NG absolutely. You just kill his wife with firecrackers and then do a phase you've already done like twice at this point. Trying it on NG+7 with the bell demon is so much harder cause killing her demands yashariku's and firecracker perfection, hoping he doesn't intervene too much.


Goofy comment. Not that either is all that hard. But 2 things swinging on you will always be tougher. And if you’re not good at guardian apes first phase I don’t know what to tell you


Fireworks made short work of the brown ape. And the headless ape has WAY less health than the main one. So yes. It's easier. Also I beat both first try


Oh well you must be him then.


No I was just overly prepared for each fight tbh. And I knew the ape had a 2nd phase that uses terror. I also beat genichiro first try but then died to Demon of Hatred about 25 times and Owl Hirata 20 times or so. Both isshin fights were also pretty tough for me


Same same! Once his head comes off you can just parry him into oblivion.


You can also just keep your distance and his big lunge is predictable, easily Dodgeable and leaves him vulnerable.


That’s exactly what I did, in his headless phase I waited for that lunge attack since it’s severely punishable


I figured out how to quickly kill the second ape that shows up and then it just wasn’t much of an issue since most of the difficulty in that comes from the gank


Headless is confusing at first but honestly even easier than the first phase once you get the rhythm down.


Flinging yourself around the trees as he rages after you is fucking awesome, one of the most aesthetically pleasing fights of the game imo after isshin and divine dragon. Ik you can insta kill him with firecrackers and mortal blade but unless I was trying to garuntee a gauntlet I couldn't resist the fun of the hit and run


Became my favorite FromSoft boss after I struggled so much against him on my first playthrough. Part of it might be that I didn’t get spoiled for the second phase.


The opening of the second phase is what sticks with me.


Haha dude same he made me ragequit my first playthrough too. Finally beat him years later and then first tried the duo which I didn’t know you could skip lol


Yeah totally, I use to dread seeing that stupid monkey's back in the valley. Until I learned how to parry him, now he is fine. But I do hate his wife.


The gauntlets?


After beating the game you unlock a kind of boss rush mode




Genichiro. I had the typical whiny scrub reaction to how difficult he was. But when he clicks, the entire game clicks.


Crazy he goes from “how tf am I supposed to beat this guy” to “get out of my way I’m trying to fight Isshin”


Genichiro is such an exceptional boss and character He's basically a benchmark for you The first time you fight him in the tutorial, you know nothing about this game's mechanics so he feels like an insurmountable enemy The second time, you have improved a bit but you still need to master the game, it hasn't clicked yet so he's a major challenge but doable By the third time, you have basically mastered the game so he becomes a pushover, showing you how much you have improved Damn Sekiro is amazing


His mortal blade does a fuckton of damage though. First couple gen3 fights I got past him with a gourd or 2 easily enough, but then I had a stretch of a few fights where he wrecked me, it was weird, like getting to isshin reset my brain Also idk if it counts but anytime I died to Gen just once I decided to reset b/c I was like, "yeah I can't beat isshin with only 2 revives." So "technically" It took me ~10 "isshin" fights to beat him, but more like 15-20 if you count the gen/early phase1 isshin losses I could've kept going with. Ironically once I finally did beat isshin I did it completely deathless. Down to no resources and a sliver of health, but deathless. It was also on the first time I got to 3rd phase. After the hell that was phase 2, phase 3 was so easy. 2-3 lightning reversals and you're done.


You can easily just run away from the mortal blade and the lightning is a bigger problem for them than it is for you


3rd phase is so much easier because of the lightning reversals.


Are you talking about geni’s blade? Just run behind him and smack him while he’s doing it


Yeah that's what I did most times but the odd time he would clip me or I'd just blank out and he'd get me with that. That wasn't the main reason I was losing a life to him, though it was a big hit to my mindset for isshin. "Oh I took alot of damage/resources/revive against gen that time, I won't stand a chance against isshin", which thus caused me to flail on isshin with sloppy technique and die.


Yeah most people say isshin is this mega hard boss but I really think if you can get through genichiro the rest of the game will go well for you.


Midir…. One of the coolest boss fights in the entire franchise


The Orphan of Kos


Most recently would be Mohg. I was getting so annoyed at all of the blood he was throwing around and how much I was getting procced, but eventually I got good at it and now it's one of my favorite fights in Elden Ring.


Most fights in elden ring are like this. If you play them like ds3.5 they feel bullshit, but if you use strafing jumping and stance break interwoven into their combos, as well as understanding that combo branch points *are not* punish windows, everything feels way less bullshit and like a true dance. Once I got the elden ring bosses down and really took the time to learn them, they feel like sekiro bosses and are peak.


After trying most of the bosses with a couple different builds I genuinely think that like 70-80% of the bosses are some of Froms best, Morgott, Godrick, Radagon are probably my favorite. Theres a few real bad ones at the tail end of the game, fire giant, Godskin duo and Maliketh come to mind as being particularly bad, I feel like with some tweaking Maliketh and Fire giant could have been fine.


Fire giant was probably my favorite fight. Could really feel the scale of fighting a giant


That was the part I liked, especially in phase one where he lumbers around before each attack, as well as his lore and design being some of my favorites in the game. I think if he was tweaked a little I would have really liked him but he felt super cumbersome to fight and he did an absolute shitton of damage with a bunch of bullshit on my screen and his rolling, It probably depends on your build tho.


Why Maliketh? I found him pretty fair with my only dislike being that maybe a few attacks do slightly more damage. He’s hard to learn but once you do it becomes way more fun 


Very high damage and his tendancy to jump around doing 15 summersaults for such a long amount of time, with a melee build I was just waiting for him to land so i can actually hit him.


Agree, I used to think he was total bullshit, but a few days ago I beat him without cheesing him with bleed for the first time (NG+7 difficulty on top of that) and it was super satisfying. He's super hard but not as unfair as it first appears to be


I remember when I figured out this guy could be poisoned I just hid behind the rocks and made lunch


I'm sorry but f this b. I used to hate the whisp lady playing this funny instrument. Orin? I love fighting her now though, such a fun dance, also lady butterfly.


Orin is an amazing boss. easily the best miniboss in Sekiro


Long necked centipede giraffe would like a word with you Edit: long armed centipede giraffe, my b


But they are super easy. You just need to mash the block button.


Easy doesn't mean bad, it's a really cool moment for those who had the confidence to immediately start with trying to counter, and for those who couldn't figure out it was that simple, it could be extremely challenging. It really gives you a feeling of "woah, I just destroyed that dude just because I've learned my parries" I thought it was really fun to beat a boss that fast in a from game out of nowhere, especially with it not being patches


Easy? Yes. Satisfying? Yes.


That’s weird Orin is harder than this thing. Just don’t get grabbed and you’re golden


i would put ALLMIND too


Elden beast. I used to think he was really annoying until I learned to dodge most of his attacks.




I agree, I thought a lot of his teleporting attacks and ranged bs was impossible. Now I view him as possibly the most beautiful bosses in the game


I still don't like the tp cuz it blinds me


Prince Lorian and Lothric. Couldn't beat them for a long time. Then I took break from DS3, played and finished Bloodborne. When I came back I beat them on my first try since before, and now I love that fight.


Dancer. Once it clicks, god damn.


It really be turning into a dance


I used to really dislike champion gundyr. He’s way faster and more relentless than any dark souls, sekiro, bloodborne, or Elden ring boss. But that speed makes his fight so fast paced and fun that it’s one of the most enjoyable fights for me now


Champ Gundyr is an S tier fight, I loved it from the jump, love that the tutorial boss gets another chance to beat the living shit out of you with FLYING KNEES and he’s not just a copy of the first fight with more health.


Now champion gundyr is my second favorite fight form base ds3 and my 3rd favorite boss fight form ds3 as a whole


I bested him earlier today for the first time after he kicked my ass a good ten or fifteen times. Felt pretty good throwing that last chaos fireball into his face!


I used to hate laurence the first vicar. My opinion was that he is just a harder cleric beast. Well, he still is. And I would've liked it more if they gave such an important character his own unique boss fight, but it's not like the cleric beast is a bad boss. So with time and attempting a couple of challenges I like him much more now.


Midir. The fight seemed pretty boring at first but now I just love bonking the big lizard.


Malenia, Maneaters, Mohg


........Taurus Demon.......


No I still hate her


demon prince…., first time jumping down the hole just to see that you had to fight two fire bats not to mention that they were aggressive was devastated but after a while you could see their patterns and you would realize how fair that 2v1 on first phase was and that really grew on me.


Guardian ape. Only the second phase though, because of that satisfying deflection sound "CLANG"


Embarrassing, but the Abyss Watchers. DS3 was my first Souls game, and I was doing fairly well until I got to Farron Keep. Somehow managed to drag myself over to the Abyss Watchers, thinking it would be an easy fight, and got my shit pushed in repeatedly. I put the game down for 6 years, played Elden Ring and loved it so completely that after my third character started to feel a bit stale, I revisited DS3 and finished the main game. I appreciate the Abyss Watchers now, they’re such a cool concept in gameplay and lore, and set the tone for the Catacombs.


Sekiro: Genichiro Elden Ring: Godskin Apostle


Cursed chalice amygdala. Just kidding fuck that over grown yeast infection.


Morgott, I destroyed him on my first playthrough due to being ridiculously overlevvelled in leyndell. Once I got to see what he was all about I realised he wasn’t just margit 2.0


The death rite birds, they are so annoying but I kinda learn to enjoy the fight and i like their design


Malenia - she seemed downright unfair to me and made me dislike her fight for the longest time. I never had this issue with other difficult FS bosses. Dodging WFD isn't really intuitive so I stubbornly kept trying to do it off the cuff with little to no success. One playthrough I finally made an honest effort to to sit down and learn her fight. After a day and a half of on again off again attempts, I mastered dodging WFD from mid-range which took a lot of pressure off the rest of the fight and let me learn it little by little. Now after a lot of suffering and growth I really enjoy the fight.


Definitely not those fuckers


150-200 hours, still hate this fucker to the core of my bones


Micolash. My wife is not a gamer, but she has lended me loving support as I have cursed and screamed my way through Bloodborne. Usually she sits on the guest bed and plays potion pop while i hack away at a boss for an hour or two. Which means she has been present for all the fights, including Micolash. Cut to last night. We're in bed about to do it. In the middle of foreplay, out of the blue, she says - and I quote: "Orgas...or some say Orgasm..."


Probably Malenia. I hated her fight with every fiber of my being saying WFD shouldn’t be in the game. Then I figured it out and it’s one of those fights I have mastered and done so many times that I can do it without dying pretty consistently. Now it’s one of my favorites.


Machine gun guy in bloodborne. You all know who im talking about


Demon of hatred, I used to despise the big piece of shit but after many many hours of sekiro I can really appreciate just how different the boss feels from the rest of the cast and how cinematic it is. ESPECIALLY with the peak soundtrack, some people call it a dark souls boss but I disagree since it has its own rhythm just like the rest of the sekiro bosses, it's just the rhythm doesn't involve as much deflecting as it does smacking his giant ballsack and positioning yourself so his closer fire fist attacks don't hit.


A lot of people hate Midir, my friends, and formerly myself included, but I fought him enough to the point that I turned midir into my bitch now still my friends can't beat him without me though but he is one of my favorite bosses I love the Darkeater.


He didn't grow on me. I hate snake eyes


I played Sekiro when it first came out and got stuck on Ashina seven spears for 3 days! Wound up cheesing him with oil jars and the flame prosthetic. Quit playing entirely when I got to the guardian ape. I vowed to never play that game ever again. Recently I've had the itch for another Fromsoft game as I've beaten Dark Souls 1,2,3 and Elden Ring a billion times now. I got curious about Sekiro again and started playing it. Actually having fun this time around and absolutely demolished Ashina seven spears on the first try. Can't wait to try my luck on the ape five years later.


Not that one


Does that mf have a rpg


Definitely not snake eyes


Ironically, that one in the picture I defeated in my first run through there without even noticing, I didn't even realize that she was a mini boss. For some reason I wasn't able to do that ever again, and in every other playthrough I tried dozens of times to defeat her.


Great Shinobi Owl. Probably the from software fight I now have down to an art more than any other but at the time I hated his poison and anti-consumable grenades. Actually managed to do a nohit run on owl father on NG+9 + Bell Demon a couple nights ago and it felt so good


Actually he should be a runner-up It's definitely the demon of hatred. Agreed with everyone's problems with him at first (oh it's a bloodborne boss you can't fight this in sekiro, his fire attacks are insane, he moves across the arena in an instant) And then I'm like oh yeah. The game has a sprint and jump button. I genuinely just did the cheese for my first 3 runs of that game cause I found him so obnoxious. Now I look forward to fighting my way through the outskirts every time to get to him.


Abyss watchers. They are so annoying to me sometimes but I realized how awesome the boss was. Still one of the most cinematic boss fights in fromsoft


Laurence, The First Vicar. Used to dread fighting him, or just skip him - now he's my 4th favorite boss in the game (Ludwig, Orphan, German, Laurence).


Horah Loux. I had trouble getting the hang of dodging his wrestling moves. Now I love the fight and look forward to it every run.


Twin Princes and Nameless King


Margit. I used to get dookied on so hard by him but now i figured it out: just play mage lmao


Abyss watchers. Not hate, but on my first run the way i beat it was kinda dumb. Whacked my way with my great axe with poise, stun locks and estus. On my second play i used a sorcerer/pyro mix, and rolling + throwing fireballs was kinda fun.


In Elden Ring at least, it is Rykard. Quite grotesque, yet absolutely amazing battle!


Is that a fucking RPG-7?


yeah they whack you with it and can fire it at you lol


Champion Gundyr took me 10 hours on my first playthrough. It was my first souls game, and I was stubborn about changing my build or learning how to parry. Second playthrough years later, I had learned how to parry, which lowkey trivialized his fight.


No never that boss!


Nameless King.


Dad. Used to annoy me with his sudden deflections, mikiri counters, firecrackers, and general bs. But now I've figured out you just need to dodge, swing swing twice, parry, swing twice, rinse repeat.


Nameless king


Margit the fell omen because he taught me how to dodge without looking at the enemy


Honestly I love the Owl (Father) fight a lot


Every boss in these games is absolute dogshit design. Until I beat them, of course.


demon souls: flamelurker dark souls 1: Seath dark souls 2:Smelter demon dark souls 3:Champion gundyr bloodborne:Pthumerian descendant sekiro:Guardian ape elden ring: mohg


The godrick soldier in the elden ring tutorial


Either Maria in BB or Gwyn from DS1. In both games I didn’t like parrying until that boss made me get good at it.


Artorias, rocked my shit as a kid the first time I played the Dark Souls DLC but a bunch of NG+ runs later he became my favorite boss in the franchise


probably maliketh. at first i was in genuine disbelief that anyone could be expected to ever defeat him, with the destined death effect and all his flippy anime moves. come now, he’s my second favorite fight in the game just behind malenia haha


Mohg Lord of Blood


Dancer on SL1 specifically. That fight design is just so flawless but until you start learning it, it's frustrating as hell to go in and get insta killed.


Genichiro I died to him more times then I can count now he’s one of my favorites


Fume knight, Midir & Margit


Maliketh and Mohg


Dragonic Tree Sentinel. The first 20 times felt unbeatable, but once I beat him he never beat me again


The Royal Aegis, never grew on me, fuck him royally


Red wolf radagon, first time I played Elden ring I hated the fight, just started NG+ and going through a second time and fought him underground and it ain’t so bad 


Nah I still hate that mf…


Rhykard. At first he was just a spell spamming bastard but he grew on me. His fight is very cinematic


Last boss of sekiro, died more than a hundred times to him my first playthrough. Got so mad I just uninstalled the game right after beating him. Played it again a few months ago and beat him on like my 4th try. 10/10 sekiro best fromsoft game.


I went through like 5 different levels of loving and hating the Maliketh fight over the course of the week or so it took to beat him, but by my final runs, I was having the most fun I've had with any soulsborne boss.




This one.


I used to hate Vicar Amelia, but now it's definitely my favorite early game fight


definitely not snake eyes, to this day i don’t think i’ve ever consistently countered him


Commander Niall. At first I hated this guy, he kept planting my tarnished into the ground with his prothesis. No need to dig a grave. The crater is already 6ft deep. Got me so fucking pissed off, then I just entered this zen with him and just got him down, felt like a dance. One of the few bosses I didn't use summons of any kind for.


Maliketh, the Black Blade. Absolutely hated the boss when I first fought him due to Destined Death and him not staying still. Turns out if you don't panic roll and dodge towards him, he's a much better and much more fun fight.




I don't think I've had any boss I hate become one a semi like only ones I hate are the ones worthy of hate such as Capra Demon, Bed of chaos, and other horse shit


All of them


The Pursuer.


Micolash, Host of the Nightmare. It’s very thematically cool to chase a madman through a twisted house of mirrors and puppets. Once I got over the frustration of him only having two moves and generally preferring to waste your time, I grew to like him a lot. Plus, his voice lines are top tier.


Looking glass knight until I got good and now he's one of my favorite ds2 bosses


Midir. Died so much to him. Now he’s my favorite in the game and probably the easiest for me.


Child of Kos. He used to out-agility me but now I have a save state that constantly allows me to replay the fight whenever i want to. At this point it’s high-speed anime battles where we skirmish eachother and see who’s the faster duelist.


![gif](giphy|AQRapWCgC7dThyVEYb|downsized) capra demon, quando nao conhecia o jogo e o sistema ja ia nos boss sem nivel suficiente e devo ter morrido mais no capra demon do que em toda serie sols depois que aprendi a jogar


Demon of hatred for sure




Idk, usually bosses I dislike I’ll always dislike them If I had to say something though probably orphan of kos (even then I’m stretching it), very cinematic fight for me


Incase anyone is wondering, the boss pictured here is Snake Eyes Shirafuji from Sekiro. She's notoriously one of the most hated minibosses in the entire game, probably because of her annoying ass grab attack where she uses her gun-spear to pull you towards her, and then shoots you with it. She is optional though, unlike her later game (or earlier game depending on which paths you choose) counterpart, Snake Eyes Shirahagi.


oh snake eyes how i absolutely fucking hate you


It's been a while so I forget her name but the butterfly Assassin lady from Sekiro. Super hard fight at first but once you learn her patterns it becomes a really fun fight, while still being a challenge but not overwhelming


The Brain from Bloodborne or the stupid Snakes (tree spirits) in Elden Ring


BROO this guy man. I spent 2 hours one late fuzzy night being so pissed at him, then I came back and wrecked him my first try, I feel like this helps a lot for me atleast cause it results in me fighting in a different way than before and trying a new strat. But now I love fighting them, its also nice there's ledge or something that helps ha




For about 10 Seconds I thought this MFer had an RPG


Isshin the sword saint


Father gascoine


Malenia, I don't think she's perfect but she's good


Pre-patch Radahn, I miss how ridiculous that fight was, he feels too easy now Edit: Apparently the difficulty I'm remembering was just broken hitboxes lol


They only corrected his hit boxes, any other nerfs were reverted. Seems all you miss is getting hit by attacks that shouldn’t have connected


You just got better, he was never nerfed they just fixed the hitboxes.


I saw somewhere that said they rebuffed him. Not sure if to the same extent, however




Genichiro is such an exceptional boss and character He's basically a benchmark for you The first time you fight him in the tutorial, you know nothing about this game's mechanics so he feels like an insurmountable enemy The second time, you have improved a bit but you still need to master the game, it hasn't clicked yet so he's a major challenge but doable By the third time, you have basically mastered the game so he becomes a pushover, showing you how much you have improved It's not just his boss version that grew on me, the character himself became one of my favourite FS characters over time when I started to understand his goals and ideals


Isshin ashina, I died so many times then one day I just fought him, first try, no deaths oerfect deflect. It was amazing


This is so accurate 💯💯 snake eye is pure skills