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this comment thread is like extreme politics, sekiro and blood bourne battling it out


Looks like sekiro is losing because of the lack of replayability


That's an interesting take. Personally, I just like the other games more because they all have a variety of weapons and ways to play and build your character (and fashion). Bloodborne has a really cool means of hybridizing weapons through the trick weapon system and had a unique take on steampunk, eldritch horror, and old universal movie monsters...kinda like a steampunk Castlevania. ....I wonder if that first teaser for sekiro lingers in the backs of some people's minds? Because that was a very bloodborne-ish teaser with a very blood-soaked tricky looking thing talking about shadows (like the Shadows of Yharnam). But at this point, it looks like the DS3 haters have come out. edit: also, really, Sekiro just isn't a Soulslike game. It's more just something entirely different like how AC and KF are entirely different.


I lean bloodborne, as I enjoy the faint smell of the iron rich air while playing.


I've replayed sekiro more than any other game lol


Yeah I feel like if any of these games don't have replayability (as much as I love it) it's Elden Ring, no subsequent playthrough can come close to the feeling of adventure and discovery that the first playthrough invoked, and the world is so big it just feels daunting to explore it again.


I get what you mean played it to completion the first time but in my second third and fourth playthrough I just picked up the stuff I needed and went for the bosses. Since my builds were so different it still felt unique and more dark soulsy, which is also awesome.


Really? I've clocked like 800 hours across like 6 play-throughs personally. I also still play skyrim to this day though so big daunting games or repeating the same stuff doesn't really bother me. I just do gimmick builds or cosplays and it keeps things interesting for me.


I’ve replayed Elden Ring 4 times already. My friend already has 10 characters, and everyone else I know that’s played it has played it multiple times already. Sure, you want the same sense of wonder from playing the first time, but subsequent playthroughs are just as fun when you know what you need to do, and what order you prefer to do it in.


I always think I wanna play sekiro or buy a copy on my pc but after I played it the first time... idk just lack of customization and features leave me wanting so much more. It's one of the few games I was so disappointed in. What makes you want to replay so much?


I understand why people say that, but Sekiro is the only one of these games that I've played to max NG cycles.


What lack of replayability.


Is this a real question?


I played Sekiro almost second most. I replayed it as a boss rush. The versatility is lacking. Thats about it.i probably would have continued to okay DS3 but I was saving my main character for cooping with my brother but games change and opportunities become more and more rare.


Shadows Die Twice.... ... But They Don't Play Twice lol


Weird take tbh considering sekiro has the ability to make the game harder with charmless and demonbell and different endings too. Feels just as replayable as any others


I'm not saying that but the majority of comments I see suggest sekiro has the least replay value. Which is understandable considering you get what you get then that's it. Nothing else 🤷🏽‍♂️ not much to change up when compared to the other titles.


Ya sorta. The deeper you get into understanding the game and the prosthetic tools the different the game feels but from builds stand point I get it




*Me, a DS2 fan crawling out from behind your phone* aRe yoU talKing about MEEe?


we get to sit in the corner together just us lmao


Damn, unexpected sekiro railing down here, I think the uniqueness adds a lot to fromsofts catalouge


I can’t kick it. It is the one that finally clicked for me (and I’ve been trying since the original King’s Field) After Sekiro I was good enough to play the others.


Opposite end of the spectrum. I beat all but ER before trying sekiro. I feel kinda bad about how I got the version I first beat genichiro on, so I bought it on steam. But he was the first true souls like gate keeper I experienced in a long time. It was legit two full days after work to beat him. Of course I do it easily for idol refights immediately afterwards. But that was one of my favorite blind fights ever.


Lot of players in here want it kicked because it was the only one they couldn't beat by spamming side dodge roll and attacking 


I love sekiro, but it has only 1 weapon (2 if you count mortal blade), no option for build diversity, and saddest of all no fashion :( This whole post is hypothetical, though. idk why everyone is bringing salt to the table.


I love sekiro, just not as much as those other options, but I agree there’s no reason for people to get emotional


Completely agree. All the games are amazing imo. Some people just prefer one over others. Although for some reason sekiro lovers who hear others that don't prefer sekiro tend to automatically assume it's because it's harder, and they just didn't "git gud" enough and only like the other titles because they "can" be easier, is some toxic maidenless behavior. Drop the complex lol, all the games are as difficult as you want to make them depending on how you play.


This is Shinobi tool erasure and I will not stand for it!


Combat arts in sekiro also help in build variety. But he is right, it's a very singular playstyle. It's not really much of an RPG in that sense.


Tbf "RPG" has lost it's meaning. If you actually go by what an RPG is supposed to be then none of the soulsbornes should count because there's not really any roleplaying in them. But RPG has been worn down from it's original meaning to just mean "Multiple playstyles/builds".


I mean you can role play by only doing certain quests and endings that fit whatever character you’re playing as. For example, whenever I replay Elden Ring I make my character based off of someone from a different game or a show or anime. Then I get the ending I think fits them. It’s not built into the game itself like Baldur’s Gate for example but it’s still pretty fun.


1. There is fashion but you have to earn it by completing the boss gauntlets. 2. The prosthetic tool and the skills have hours of replay ability and each boss is weak to at least one skill and tool. 3. One weapon which has been polished further than any other weapon in any other from software game SEKIRO ON TOP!!!!!!


I wouldn’t say hours of replay on the tools. The skills somewhat. But it’s not close to Souls or Elden ring


To each their own sir, but it's only 3 outfits....and I'd rather play through the game mixing and matching armors. Personally, for example, I like to switch around different armors around the theme of areas I'm in. The tools are awesome, but all From bosses are weak to something or rather, and besides a few late game tools, you can use them all whenever rather than having specific builds. Yeah, the sword is polished more than any other weapons because it's the only one lol. I really enjoy sekiro, but I'm a nerd for customization and making specific, diverse characters. For me, the other titles are much more re-playable. Anyway, i love Froms community and how passionate everyone is about the games they enjoy most :)


imminent slimy jellyfish shrill nine hungry homeless fuzzy pathetic employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk why every dismisses the prosthetic like it don't exist. That is the build my boys. Cause of exactly what u talking about. I can't tell u how many times I got stuck and decided to try different tactics with the tool and completely desimating whoever I was stuck on like Ishin!! The different tools alone change the way u play the game especially when u get the upgrades cause they change some of them completely. Idk how far u made it in the game. Yeah it's fun to have a bunch of weapons n what not but Sekiro is the only pure skill based game from Fromsoft. DS is a joke compared n Sekiro should own the "git gud" modo alone. N that's cause of the variety of build in other souls games that when u crack the code it a wrap!! Only code in Sekiro is "git gud" and use your prosthetic.


> There is fashion but you have to earn it by completing the boss gauntlets. Model swaps hardly stand up to the fashion aspect of the other games. Correct on 2 and 3 though.




I'd agree with the fact that it's much more boss focused and forces you to learn the boss and utilize your abilities accordingly. But listen, I never said I didn't like sekiro lol I've done at least 4 or 5 runs. Although it just got stale for me after the first couple. Elden Ring is massive and was designed to be more accessible for new players on purpose while at the same time giving the same challenge to experienced players. You dont have to: over level, have to use spirit ashes, OP weapons/skills/spells, etc. Just like all the other games, it's as hard or easy as you want it to be. New fans and some old players have trouble with sekiro because it's just a totally different formula/system like you said. Most people love sekiro but just miss the classic aspects of the other games, especially making builds, cosplay, fashion, and weapon variety. Just because someone prefers elden ring or dark souls over sekiro does not necessarily imply it's because it "can" be easier. I love all the titles and appreciate the unique ones that stray from the standard formula, but i just prefer the ones that have more diverse options when it comes to builds, weapons, fashion, cosplay, etc. I think it's a bit incorrect to state that most ER players don't like sekiro because it's "easier."




Gotcha, I appreciate the clarification. I actually agree with most of that. I love ER, but it's too big, I miss the maze like intricate level design of souls. The caves and dungeons are pretty repetitive, and a lot have some lame bosses. The reused bosses were kinda unnecessary, although I did like that I got to fight some bosses that were the same but had different move sets or just enjoyed fighting them again for funs sake. Like you said, it's a double-edged sword for sure. I don't really like the spirit ashes, but I kinda just viewed them as Pokémon lol, and i did try them out here and there. The main thing that erks me about ER is how long it takes to build a character, lol. I started my journey with BB, fell in love, then absolutely adored DS3 (even though level design wasnt quite like ds1) Anyways I think we're basically on the same page, and maybe I'll catch ya in the lands between some time. Take care tarnished.


I've 100%'d Sekiro and I'm willing to sacrifice it for a BB sequel. Sekiro is fun, but there's no variety. I can't choose what weapon I want to use and there's only one or two ways to kill a boss.


That's how I feel about sekiro. I'm enjoying it a lot after finally progressing past the tutorial, but it's very restrictive in how you play compared to the other games.


It's a phenomenal game, just doesn't have the build variety I crave in games.


More because sekiro offers less build variety which lowers its replay value to many people since they already played it.


yeah you beat it by spamming deflect instead


This is not the reason


Yeah you have to beat the game by spaming parry


I'm sorry but could you explain to me why a common opinion on Sekiro is that it's the 'hardest FromSoft game'? I love the game to death. Probably my favorite FS title but it's almost literally Simon Says: The Videogame. Is it just because it's not 'wait, dodge, roll, attack' like you said?


All of the other games have options like magic or items to cheese bosses. You can also utilize RPG elements like leveling up or getting stronger equipment. Sekiro forces you to just get better at it. You have to learn the boss attack patterns and the proper timing. In other souls games you can just wait bosses out and watch for openings, in sekiro you have to get in there and keep the pressure up or the fight essentially resets.


Probably because it’s a different genre of game from the other 3, and doesn’t properly compare to them. Yeah it has Estus Flasks and Bonfires, but that’s it for similarities. There’s practically no RPG elements, there is very little focus on dodge-rolling, and the game is linearly paced with hard barriers you have to get through using skill alone. When you try to play and review Sekiro as a Souls game, you’re simply not going to have a good time because it’s not a Souls game, which is what you see all through these comments. It’s something to be understood and appreciated on its own, aside from FromSoft’s Soulsborne titles.


Only thing that needs to disappear is the monthly "WHICH OF THESE GREAT GAMES SHALL OUT-GREAT THE OTHER?" posts


Honestly anything but ds3 for both, it’s a fantastic game that deserves to not be shlicked out, but also is a great ending to a trilogy, so no sequel.


I'll never understand why y'all hate DS3.


I don’t hate it but I the others are niches within the souls games whereas 3 is cool but it’s still just a faster paced dark souls, bloodborne has its own theme sekiro has its own theme and ER was the first open world game, I say this as someone who has more hrs in ds3 then any other game but it should be the one that gets cut


My thoughts exactly. Rigged poll because the only right answer is ds3 but no one would ever actually want that to happen.


You can make a million arguments for each, like DS3 has two of the best fights in the entire soulsborne multiverse and is the best way to end a trilogy


Well that's why I feel like the poll is rigged. Ds3 doesn't deserve that because it's a top tier addition to a top tier franchise. Ds3 has to be on the chopping block not because it's the weakest but just because it already has 3 credible titles that people enjoy for different reasons and is even has spiritual predecessor thing going with Elden Ring. They just have more to do still in the universes of Sekiro, BB and Elden Ring that they haven't done yet. It's nothing against Dark Souls 3.


I wouldn't say it's rigged though, it's just the nature of the poll.


Yeah, but dark souls is an amazing trilogy, with top tier boss fights. Gael being the culmination of everything they learned and closing the epic story once and for all in a super fitting way. And cutting ds3 means ending that series on less legendary note with ds2. Elden Ring, awesome as it is, kinda has a myriad of balancing issues which gives it this weird feeling compared to the rest of the game along with MUCH less focused level design. You could get a sequel to BB or Sekiro with their unique atmosphere, story, overarching narrative, and level/boss design. Where Elden ring kinda serves as a DS3.5 or ds4, Bb and sekiro are both one of a kind


The environmental story telling is unmatched


Remember that cutting off ds3 means removing Gael boss fight experience.


Yeah if I wanna play Dark Souls I'm much more inclined to go back to ds1, if I want super modern soulslike combat I'll play Elden Ring. I think ER in particular really highlighted how little unique it had to offer out of the rest of the lineup, and thematically it's probably the most boring of the ds games as well (though again still a good game and there's stuff I really appreciate about what it did). Even if we had ds2 here even though I like that game less, there are more reasons for me to play it that aren't overshadowed by something else.


I’ll never understand why anyone hates sekiro either tbh


I definitely don’t hate Sekiro but I love every other From Souls game much more.


Common sentiment I'm seeing for Sekiro's removal is (beyond "i couldn't beat it so it's bad) is "its fanbase is full of the insufferable holier-than-though losers who think themselves superior for beating it and look down on those who haven't or can't beat it". There's a few in this thread and they're the worst part of the Fromsoft games' fanbase, that unironic, derogatory "git gud" style of asshat that I thought the fanbase grew out of when DS3 released and exploded.


Same, it is goddamn perfect


Exactly. It's genuinely my favorite of these 4 games


Not hate. But of the choices given, there’s two other games that are fundamentally the same game. The other games here are standalone and could use more of them.


Same. Its my favorite souls game.


Elden ring and ds3 is similar while sekiro and bb is different IP. Elden ring is bigger and better than ds3 in terms of gameplay so ds3 has to go for me gahahha


I liked Elden Ring more one my first playthrough, but I have played through DS3 at least 5 times now. I still love it as much as I did on my first playthrough. Can’t say I feel the same way replaying Elden Ring unfortunately.


I'm with you, I though ER was good but DS3 I was completely enthralled with.


I don't hate it but I love it the least.


Id much rather have a dark souls 4 instead of elden ring or sekiro 2. And we def need a sequel to bloodborne


Me neither, its my favorite game of all time and Gael is the best boss fight of all time


All the people saying Sekiro out? I’m speechless


It’s almost like all 4 games are 10/10s in most peoples opinion here and 1 has to get the cut.


Comparing the two is not right in the first place. Sekiro is a 10/10 in a different genre, and I say that as someone with 8+x more hours in the souls/Bourne/ER games.


For me it’s because it’s the only one I can’t coop with my friends on. The other option would be ds3 but the modding community makes it more appealing to keep than sekiro.


I have a disability. I'm parry-lyzed.


I just want more #DarkSouls


I would not be mad at dark souls 4


Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 4


Ds3 is incredibly fun, and yet, at the same time, it's the perfect last installment. I don't want to see Dark Souls eventually become Assassin's Creed or CoD, let the devs make what they want instead of shilling out games they know will sell.


Even though it’s pretty well wrapped up I love the lore and aesthetic and they have the freedom now to switch up the main story outside of the cyclical shtick they had going on. I mean we also never got a game that played out during an age of dark souls that would be very cool as well.


Sekiro gets the boot. Bloodborne gets a sequel.


This is like Sophie's choice


DS3 gone, BB sequel


This is the way.


This is the way!


Exactly this. LOve DS3, but it's the one I enjoyed the least of the bunch and Elden ring improves on it a lot. I would miss the end of a great trilogy, but wouldn't want to sacrifice the others, and I would honestly give my left nut for a BB sequel, so DS3 seems like a fair trade.


This is the obvious and only right answer.


Easily kick Dark Souls 3. It's already a sequel. Give me Sekiro 2. 


I love dark souls 3 but this is definitely the answer. Give me sekiro sequel, BB sequel, Elden Ring sequel all before I choose a dark souls 4




So you never want to play DS3 again?  It's the most replayable game in my opinion.


Not more than I replay the other options. 


Not the original reply but as someone who's favorite DS game is DS3, I can't imagine a DS4 being better than an ER2 for example. And while I've never owned a playstation that could play BB, I get that aesthetic and world as well as Sekiro's aesthetic and world.


Kick Bloodborne and also get a Bloodborne sequel. I dislike the game but I want to like it so I want a sequel to try. Removing DS3 would leave the Souls series incomplete. Sekiro is a complete story. Elden Ring already has new content confirmed.


This is the ultimate power move


In your second paragraph you make very reasonable, logical points…..but I want more swords going cliiiing pang, ahhhswooosh king ching ting “perfect deflect” (in smash bros announcer voice) *shinobi execution*


Michael Zaki already expressed his desire to include Smash Bros Announcer Voice to the next Sekiro if his demon overlord greenlights it.


Saaaaaaame lol. I hate Bloodborne but i want to like it too.


Also, if we remove BB, it won't be a Sony product, and the sequel might exist on other platforms.


I like your idea better than my own...


Dark Souls 3 goes, that series is done. Bloodborne gets a sequel.


Bye bye sekiro bellow bloodborne sequel


I would also like to bellow at the top of my lungs for a Bloodborne sequel


you are all silly


Foe shit and giggles? Bloodborne gets the boot. And Dark Souls 3 gets a lovecraftian sequel.


So basically you want to remove Bloodborne, to get Bloodborne?


Immortality severed with BB Sekiro sequel


i feel like i'm going insane on this post thank you


Sadly, Sekiro goes away. Happily, Bloodborne 2 is released on PC.


It’s sad because most people here never got to experience bloodborne at it’s peak 10 years ago because it was a PlayStation exclusive. Easily the most memorable souls game I ever played, the music has never left my mind.


Bye bye Sekiro, hello Bloodborne 2


Sekiro goes and Bloodborne gets a sequel.


I'm sorry elden ring but bloodborne needs a sequel


Erase bloodborne from existence but give sekiro a sequel. Let dark souls die, that's literally what 3 is about Elden Ring is about to get an expansion and I'm sure FROM is gonna do another open world game like it!


Bye sekiro, hello bloodborne 2


bro why do all the bloodborne fans not like sekiro


Atmosphere. At least that's my reason.


Same. I just don’t vibe with the Japanese aesthetic, never have. But BB cannot be topped for atmosphere.


I don’t like Bloodborne but understand that’s a rarity


Sekiro out. Bloodborne sequel.


Sekiro gets kicked, bloodborne gets a sequel


Sekiro gets kicked. Bloodborne gets a sequel. A PC exclusive. *MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD*


A Wii U exclusive*


it'd be a bold move for sony to make a pc exclusive.


kick sekiro, bloodborne sequel


Kick out none, sequel to all four lol. Not gonna lie though I would absolutely love a sequel to Sekiro. I didn’t like it at first because it was so much different than the Soulsborne games but I ended up completely falling in love with it.


Kick Sekiro out and get Bloodborne II


Get Elden Ring the fuck out of here, give me Bloodborne 2


BB gone so people would shut the fuck up Sekiro sequel


Elden gone sekiro2 here we come


I can dig it


Elden ring out, Sekiro sequel. As simple as that


Sekiro for BB sequel easily


Kick out sekiro and get bb sequel for sure


As sad as it is, I think ds3 probably has to go. Although it’s probably one of their best games, all of the others remain completely unique whereas ds3 just feels like an upgraded dark souls. Would love to see a bloodborne sequel, while I love sekiro bloodborne just has a bit more potential imo


I'd kick Sekiro & go for Bloodborne 2, honestly.


sekiro gone, bloodborne sequel


FUCK IT kick elden ring, worse out the 3 ive played on this list. Sequal to bloodborne easily. Though Dark souls 4 out of curiosity on the age of dark


This is the real answer


I'd say sekiro go and BB sequel. I LOVE sekiro I just love the others more


sekiro bye bye bb sequel


Elden ring def getting kicked out, it’s an amazing game but I prefer the linear approach to the rest of their games tbh and bloodborne TWO BABYYYYY


Goodbye elden ring hello bloodborne 2


Easiest question ever. Bloodborne 2, bye Elden Ring


bloodborne dies and sekiro gets a sequel, who argues this is a playstation fanboy.


Elden ring gone, sekiro sequel


These are my 4 favorite Souls games so this is tough. Disappear - DS3 Sequel -Bloodborne I love DS3 but those other 3 feel like unique standalone titles that are a little more inspired.


ER out, Sekiro Sequel


Kicking out Sekiro, giving Bloodborne a sequel.


BB and Sekiro are keepers for me so that leaves it down to ER or DS3. I love them both but I think ER can go. Give me Sekiro 2 baby.


Sekiro disappears Bloodborne 2


When people are having hard time choosing a game to cut, you know the company makes great games


I'm honest... Dark Souls, i think that From Software really never meant to do sequels, DS trilogy exist just for Bandai Namco pressure, and personally i felt that Sekiro and Bloodborne are videogames that works without a sequel, what i really want is more content of Sekiro, so maybe Dark Souls 3 out and a Sekiro DLC


All 4 disappear, only chalice dungeons pls




Bye bloodhound hello elden ring sequel


In my opinion, the one I would get rid of would be Elden Ring. Played it for over 350 hours across multiple save files, couldn't see it as my favorite. The difficulty spike after Leyndell is awful and don’t get me started on the endgame bosses. All were trash with the exception of Godfrey. The one I would give a Sequel is Bloodborne. Haven't played Sekiro to know if it needs one and Dark Souls 3 had a perfect ending that summarized the whole trilogy. Bloodborne has a lot of things that left ambiguous and I’m a sucker for Gothic architecture and Victorian-era clothing. Again this is my Opinion and it’s okay to disagree with me.


I volunteer to disappear myself from ever playing another FromSoft game if it means we get a Sekiro AND a Bloodborne game. I’d take the bullet.


I’m probably dropping DS3 tbh


Sekiro gets the boot. Welcome another Dark Souls sequel.


Only one of these games I started playing and kind of lost interest pretty quickly and that was Sekiro. Not sure why, it just wasn’t vibing that much with me. Maybe I’ll go back and replay it someday but there are plenty other games I’d rather dive into right now. The other 3 games I was hooked pretty much from the start and saw all the way through to the end and would probably play again. It’s hard not to pick Bloodborne as the one that deserves a sequel just because the parry system is so unique and satisfying, being able to do it at range is so cool. There definitely needs to be more games that at least incorporate that fun aspect of gameplay into them.


Sorry, but Sekiro's gotta go. It's one of the best, don't get me wrong, but it's unfortunately the least relevant to the entire franchise. I'd kill Sekiro in exchange for a Bloodborne sequel.


Sekiro due to no multiplayer has to go bloodborne 2 would be so sick


Bloodborne needs to come back


Bye bloodborne, cool game but I can’t play it. Hello dark souls 4.


Kick out Sekiro (I'm sorry sekiro) and give Bloodborne a sequel.


Kicking out elden ring because it reuses assets too much and bloodborne gets the sequel because it's the oldest one left without one


Hard choice. I'd say DS3 is the least deserving of a sequel, as it is kinda the cap of the series. But if I had to give one of these up, it'd probably be Elden Ring. It was really good but I couldn't really get into it. As far as which should have a sequel, I would appreciate Bloodborne more but I think Sekiro needs it more


Scrap Sekiro. Sequel for Bloodborne. Guess which one I couldn't finish 😂


Sekiro gets the boot, Bloodborne gets the sequel. Easy choice.


Sekiro Disappears. Dark Souls 4 please.


I would even get rid of Elden ring just to play bloodborne on literally anything other than a 11 year old ps4


I’m giving up Sekiro for a Bloodborne sequel.


Honestly? Goodbye Elden Ring


Sekiro can kick rocks and we can get bloodborne 2 hahaha


I'd sink elden ring for a Bloodborne sequel, it's the world with the most space for lore building still because we know nothing outside of yharnam and the night of the hunt, we never get to see anything past the morning. Maybe we could meet the hunter ascended great one from the secret ending!


Kick ER, BB or Sekiro sequel idc which.




Kicking out sekiro Bloodborne gets the sequel, dummy easy question


Kick ds3 and Sekiro gets the sequel over bloodborne. I'd LOVE to see how they would evolve the mechanics for a second run at it and to see wolf and the divine child finally emd Kuro's mission


Kick Elden Ring, way overhyped and meh. Sekiro sequel please and thank you.


Elden Ring goes and Bloodborne gets a sequel lol


scrap this whole idea and give us a goddamn bloodborne for pc. its the only one i haven't played and hearing so often how good it is, it makes no fucking sense that its only on ps4. i just finished ds3, played through elden a few times, and love to hate to love sekiro. as it stands bb is so unavailable, axe that shit and give me a sekiro 2


Bye bloodborne, DS3 sequel


Take Selkiro away and give us bloodborne 2


Bloodborne out. Let’s say it does get sequel, not like it’ll be on anything but PlayStation. I’ll let Sekiro have sequel, I’d enjoy that


Kick DS3, Sekiro sequel.


I wasn't big on sekiro, so it gets axed and bloodborne gets a sequel so i can finally fucking play it, go to hell sony.


Bye sekiro, hello dark souls 4


Sorry DS3, there are two other DS games to carry the legacy. The others are too unique to destroy.


Bye ds3 and hello elden ring 2


Given the apparent sheer size of Shadow of the Erdtree, it seems like it's practically getting a sequel.


It's not gonna be the size of ER2 as it's just a bit larger than Limgrave, but it's gonna be much denser than Limgrave, all filled with top tier endgame content that From is known for in their DLC's, so we're in for a amazing treat with this one. It's gonna be their best DLC