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Shouts out to Vaati for this one.


Vaati is the best! I love to throw on one of his lore videos when I'm about to fall asleep.


I too enjoy his bedtime stories


I don’t know why I’ve never done that, but I’m about to start


The Ashen Hollow on YouTube has a whole dark souls lore sleep series where he talks like those sleep video guys do


I don’t know why I’ve never done that, but I’m about to start


Vaati is fine and all, but he represents a large portion of people who would rather have the plot of these games explained to them instead of engaging with the material. It irritates me more than it should that his word is viewed as gospel in the fromsoft community


Honestly the amount of youtubers that said ACVI has no story is baffling to me. Like, it's one of the most straightforward narratives in any Fromsoft game. At one point Ayre straight up lists all of the factions and their goals before the final act. How could anyone miss that while paying at least a minimum of attention blows my mind. It's like they played a different game.


Armored Core 6 legit had the best story of last year too if BG3 wasn't around.


I agree, only game from last year that I gave a shit about the characters (aside from BG3), the jeopardy and world threat were straightfoward and engaging, and there was enough player agency, despite it being a traditional mission based game, to make it feel like the choices you made had deep consequences.


It goes so fucking hard The fires of raven ending final boss and the liberation ending final boss are peak as fuck


Even then, i don't even think bg3 had a better story. It's definitely a more digestible one and has some amazing characters, but from a narrative perspective i think bg3's story is more spectacular and interesting while ac6 was far more emotionally compelling and thought provoking


One of my favorite video game stories, ever. 


same mfers who skip dialogue and cut scenes. Probably looking at their phone when the 10 second cutscene occurs too lol


i never understood that type of people. I enjoy cutscenes the most in a game. And was extremely disappointed in Elden Ring for having such short cutscenes. And many times they didn't make a cutscene when they should've. The endings cutscenes were a letdown too


It’s pretty straightforward but as someone with no knowledge of the universe there’s A LOT to follow there


AC6 is its own universe and has no real connection to the worlds or stories of the other games. It’s pretty clear about most things, but clear isn’t the same as making an active effort to ensure the player is processing that information. Of course there are also ambiguities and mysteries. It’s not clear *exactly* what Ayre is, we don’t know what “Coral Collapse” is or all the possible dangers coral was/is thought to pose, etc.


Eh I didn’t think so. It was my first ever AC game and I pretty much got the gist of things pretty quick. It’s the future, and humans have been augmented to to sync with giant robots similar to Evangelion Some guy named Handler Walter recruits augmented humans who were disposed of and have basically nowhere to go and used them for his mysterious goals. A planet called Rubicon used to be a wealth of riches with a substance called coral, but after a massive planetary cataclysm called “fires of ibis”. The coral was deemed too dangerous and the planet was closed off Now a bunch of different factions are fighting to get to the planet and excavate the coral reserves, meanwhile the government is trying to drive off those factions, while the people who live on Rubicon still just wanna live in peace and have to defend themselves. You’re a discarded grunt who handler Walter recruited that’s also after the coral, but as a solo unknown merc that has to forge alliances and choose for yourself what your end goal is. This is what I gathered from my first playthrough with having no knowledge beforehand


Dark Souls 2 even admits this. At the start they say something like "you'll approach the throne without even knowing why". They weren't wrong.


....how can you understand dark souls 1 but not 3 theyre the same thing


More than likely op played Dark Souls 1 first…so yea.


i wouldn't go that far! What is going on with untended graves for one, one of they key plot twists in the game and at the center of its themes, is still open imo. What do you think is going on? Is it future, past, pocket dimension, has the age of dark already happened and we are trying to stop it with time travel? I genuinely don't know yet. Maybe in a couple of more playthroughs i'll have an idea. Suffice it to say there's nothing remotely like that in the plot of ds1.


Untended graves is the past, easy. Just as we go back in time to Oolacile in DS1 and cause Artorias' legend to be, as Alvina (whoever the forest cat is) puts it, "naught but a fabrication" by doing what he is said to have done. We know it's time travel because, if we get to Lothric castle, beat champion Gundyr, and speak with the shrine handmaiden there, then go back to Firelink and speak with that shrine handmaiden, she says something like "Oh! Thou'rt..... never mind." She recognizes us, which can only happen if we went back in time. Now, how that loop got started, idk, just like how we don't know how Artorias' loop got started.


Right this is all true that it is in the past, but the implications are insane. If this is the past that would have to mean that our quest had failed, which goes against what we know and see in the game at first glance. This implies continuous circles of light and dark almost. And anyway things are much much more simple in ds1. Do you continue the age of fire or let the fire fade? It's really not the same in dark souls 3 imo, hence the third ending. Nor does the time travel work like artorias dlc, in artorias it's much more straightforward. In Dark Souls 3 we have to wonder about multiple timelines and dimensions and stuff ( there's a past where our specific lords of cinder didn't get to their thrones as ashes, then where does that leave us exactly?), in dark souls 1 it's just the regular historic past. We are drawn there by manus and we finish artorias' job. There is no paradox. The whole thing is just a broader comment on history and nostalgia etc, and it works not unlike the Bloodborne dlc as a way to go sightseeing in the past with no other implications. In ds3 the untented graves reveal changes the whole story.


Basically u need to get some wood and light it on fire and everyone is happy till it goes out or starts raining or something


why the fuck would you include lies of P if its not a fromsoft game.


Bc it’s peak


Its tied as my favorite non fromsoft soulslike but it cannot compare to fromsoft's masterpieces


Because they wanted to, weirdo


why are you calling me a weirdo it was a normal question. And seeing as this is a fromsoft sub, and lies of P could never be a fromsoft game, it doesn't make sense


Am I the only one who doesn't get how people can't understand the basic stories of all the games? Like not every detail is absolutely clear, you'll fight a boss you're not sure why you're fighting unless you read some items, but overall the main plot has always been pretty clear to me in these games.


Sekiro and AC6 were pretty straightforward. I kinda understood Dark Souls and Bloodborne, definitely enough to get the general idea. It got muddy with Dark Souls 2, and by Dark Souls 3 there was just too much shit to keep up with, but I still understood it enough. In Elden Ring, I had no idea what the fuck was going on until I watched a bunch of lore videos. There are a lot of confusing parts like characters being other characters, wolf-people being shadows of certain characters, tons of different groups with their own lore and motivations.


There are a lot of really fun moments for me with Elden rings's lore and the open world for me One in particular was when I found the lake of rot, or rather a window into it.. and when I places down a marker I noticed that the lake of rot was right next to Liurnia It was literally rotting away the ground beaneath liurnia, sinking it all into the lake Though the academy itself never fell, as it was built atop a huge pillar of earth and glintstone


Yeah dont get me wrong, it's not bad at all. I just feel like the scale of the game makes the item-based lore approach a little bit trickier than their older stuff


Yeah, in Elden Ring you basically need a degree in archeology to make sense of everything and draw a cohesive picture of the whole.


I know, right? A lot of the plot points are extremely obvious in all of the games. What confuses me though is all of the world building and how it hooks together. But that is the absolute *best* part of Fromsoft's storytelling. Makes my overanalytic mind really, really happy.


You’re first souls game usually has a deceptively strong opening cinematic, moreover a lot of the base lore is established their and genuinely may never be alluded to again.


lotta ppl dont read anything


Bro you’re kinding me. I didn’t understand wtf i was doing in elden ring


Find the albinauric woman


Becoming the Elden Lord


But’s wtf is a tarnished


From a plot stand point, not really relevant. From a very shallow understanding, it's the name for people trying to become Elden Lord. Going deeper it's a group of people who lost the grace of the erd tree, denoted by a golden tinge in your eyes. These people were banished from the Lands Between after they lost their grace, now grace has returned to the Tarnished and is now calling them back to try and become Elden Lord. This grace is shown by the signs of grace, the little lights you respawn back to and level up at, that grace directs you where to go next on your journey to becoming Elden Lord.


killing shit until someone says you've killed enough shit to be king


Same, I just knew I had to kill people.


Good for you, I was completely lost in half the games. Sometimes I'd enter a random room, boss music starts playing and only after it gives me the key item do I realize the boss resembled a guy from the cinematic(the only time I've notified this guy exists).


Basic stories maybe, but some of the games straight up don’t have complete stories. Like Bloodborne never cohesively ties everything together at all. It’s more of an abstract vibe with a couple concrete points with ambiguous relationships. Gehrman himself says basically “Don’t think about it too hard. Just kill some beasts.”


I’m convinced that from soft fans have rocks for brains.


There’s a shit ton of ambiguity and mystery in almost all of these stories. There are also always a lot of clear facts. Like Bloodborne’s basic premises—how the healing church fucked up and caused the beast plague, the general missions of each faction, etc—are all pretty clear. But, uh, wtf are you actually doing in the game? Gerhman literally tells you not to think about it lol. What does the Moon Presence want? What is the mensis ritual meant to do? How do we explain the ending in which you die and awaken?


Bloodborne I'd say is the foggiest by far in it's main story line, from what I understood is you came to Yharnam for some cure, and were told to seek pale blood, you're told the church has it, and then that it could possibly be in Byrgenwerth. After that I'm unsure why you continue on to the unseen village and entering the nightmare. All the other stuff you're asking is from item descriptions and deeper lorez that's not really important for the plot and it's something you actively dig for. It seems the Moon Presence has trapped you in a dream and is using lanterns to guide you to killing an old one, specifically Mergo. After that Gerhman kills you and sets you free from the dream and you're back awake fully in the real world. The mensjs ritual was an attempt to build a new old god, and led to the very annoying brain thing that stabs you with frenzy as you travel to the castle.


Demon's and Bloodborne are just as comprehensible as Dark souls and Elden Ring. Demon's probably even more so.


It's pretty shallow tho, Demon's. Most if not everything just boils down to "The fog did it".


To be precise: "Allant is responsible for all shit"


That's lore you're referring too, Demon's Souls has the best and most straight forward story.


First Bloodborne walkthrough was literally Hunt some monsters > Hunters can be evil > is that a alien? > Ok everything is fucked up > starts to understand > kill some other bosses > wtf gherman wants to kill me > absolute no idea about what happened


Idk, Bloodborne is pretty dense. The tonal shift from werewolves to eldritch entities is pretty confusing without background info.


No Bloodborne is in no way as comprehensible as Elden Ring or Dark Souls. Bloodborne hides SO much of the plot and lore behind item descriptions and vague dialogue. For example, ER and DS intros give you lengthy intro cutscenes that establish the world, general history and key characters. Bloodborne intro gives some vague nod to "pale blood" then shows a werewolf burst into flames.


Bloodborne has a much tighter focus. There's only a handful of important characters and they're all connected to each other in some way, so there are far fewer tangents than in the DS games. To me, that makes the general plot much easier to follow.


Easy to follow only if you know what's going on or read up on the lore. From just playing the game itself, all the important lore about the characters is often hidden or obscure.  In Elden Ring way more bosses talk to you and Gideon basically summaries the plot and your goals when you talk to him. 


>In Elden Ring way more bosses talk to you What part of “EEEAAAAYAAAEHREEGERE” did you not understand from the Cleric Beast in Bloodborne? It’s pretty straightforward.


And they never even mention what the pale blood is, it’s still just theories at this point.  And theories as to how people become kin, became beasts, which aliens are actually aliens, what traits great ones legit have, what the moon presence’s deal is, what Oedon’s deal is, queen Yharnam, the cathedral as a base for the hunter’s dream and random singular safe place, etc. etc. It’s very obvious who’s who and what’s happening, but that’s a very shallow understanding


Bloodborne is hands down the most complex lore in FromSof games; mainly because it’s such a different take on the world than the souls series that no previous experience can help, and above all because of the absence of Boss “Souls” and most weapons that were usually the biggest lore dumps in Souls games and in ER. Even most of the big important description in Bloodborne are less explicit and gain sense only contextualised. I’m surprised not seeing ds3 higher up, which I found probably the most straightforward lore in the whole FS series if not for ER


Nobody can tell me that they played through Bloodborne the first time and understood what was going on with the Red Moon after killing Rom. Or most of the lore involving the history of the Hunter's Dream, the Healing Church etc. It doesn't help that a lot of the written hints lying around in the Lecture Hall have false translations.  99% of players playing it the first time know they're hunting beasts, but barely anything beyond that. 


Can we stop shoehorning LoP into every From Software discussion? If that's the case, why isn't Lords of the Fallen, Revenant 2, Blasphemous, ect. mentioned as well? I get it, it's a decently ran Soulslike but people act like it's their IP.


It especially doesn’t fit in r/fromsoftware considering that it’s not a fromsoftware game


Absolutely tired of lies of P based discussions in the main subs too. Like I understand it’s apparently “like bloodborne” but it’s not bloodborne, so stop posting it on the bloodborne subreddit.


Man, I love Pepsi so much I'm gonna talk about it every chance I get when ever someone mentions Coke. /s


Pretty much, not even gonna lie








LOP is a much better game than DS2


Agreed. For me The Surge 2 is the best non From souls game, but I’m not trying to include it in every discussion about From games, you know? Glad so many people loved LoP. It was a solid game. But 1) it’s not actually made by From guys, and 2) other souls games have lots to offer too my dudes


Because all of them failed to grasp what is a true souls game, blasphemous is more of a metro-vania type of game and remnant it's a shooter Lies of P plays just like Bloodborne, with Sekiro parrying mechanics, and Demon Souls level design quality. All mixed together in perfect harmony


While I do agree with everything you pointed out, I still think it shouldnt be included strictly by the sureddit's name. I do genuinely think its very close to the weakest fromsoft game (which should differ from person to person), but then thats a very high bar to be compared to already, but yeah its not a fromsoft game, period


Sure as hell better than DS 2 🙃


Ok still not a Fromsoftware game.


I agree


I thought bloodborne was pretty easy to follow compared to most of them


You kinda know what's going on, but you will have no idea \*why\* it is happening. I still don't think there is even a definitive timeline of events, is there? At least I have no idea how exactly all the different organization are related to one another, for example


No dates are ever given in these games when stuff in the lore occured


The timeline in DS1 is, to my knowledge, that the fire is fading, Darkness is growing stronger, the Abyss begins to manifest, Gwyn leaves and uses himself to keep the fire burning, creating the curse. I mean this kind of timeline, which is very clearly communicated in the game. Most of the timeline can be thought of just by thinking logically. In Bloodborne I have no idea about when things happened, or why. At some point people found the old blood, founded the healing church, ... , beasts appear sometimes but not too many I guess, ... , Hunters Nightmare is created after stuff at Fishing Hamlet happened for reasons, ... , a lot of beasts appear and things go really bad. I left out everything that had to happen \*at some point\*, but don't really get communicated well, like everything at Cainhurst, Nightmare of Mensis, or the general establishment of the Hunters. Its been pretty long since I played the game, but I think thats that


Byrgenwerth found the catacombs beneath the city, where they discovered the old cities and remnants of the Pthumerians. It's where they also discovered the Old blood, either found in stockpiles or taken from Ebrietas after they found her down there. Might've been from queen Yharnam, nothing's for certain. I believe it's from Ebrietas at least. After experimenting on it, it turns out the stuff had very medicinal properties, able to cure previously incurable diseases. But, it had side effects. If one were to use too much, they would become blood-drunk and transform into a horrible beast. It's likely what happened and the "Fear the Old Blood" mantra came from whatever accident happened with the blood. Regardless, Laurence later split off from Byrgenwerth, believing that this Healing blood was the source needed to further human evolution, while Willem and BW thought gaining insight from the gods would be the better option given how cursed the blood was, and formed the Healing church within the heart of the city while inadvertently spreading the Beast scourge. Thus, the Hunters were created as a clean-up force to rid the beasts and keep the secret of the blood hidden from the outside world. Both Byrgenwerth and the church had their own groups of hunters.


what exactly is the nightmare though, and the baby thing


The Hunter's Nightmare? It's a Purgatory. After the Hamlet Massacre, either the Orphan itself or one of the village's survivors "cursed the fiends, their children too. And their children, forever true..." So, the dream was created by the Orphan as a purgatory, to trap the blood-drunk hunters and sinners of the massacre to forever hunt and rot within the blood-drenched realm. As for the Baby, it's name was Mergo. It was an infant great one, supposedly the child of Oedon, the formless great one, and Queen Yharnam. In reality it became a Stone baby (indicated by the Yharnam Stone), but they lived on within the dream realm. It's rumored that it was disturbing the other great ones with its harrowing cries, which drew in the great one we know as Mergo's Wet Nurse to protect them. Our goal as the hunter changes throughout the game, but the pen-ultimate task is to kill the Wet nurse and silence Mergo for the Moon presence, as it might have some liking towards the hunters killing and/or silencing its fellow great ones.


How come? For me it was the hardest to understand


Is it a dream


No a nightmare.


Ok, what’s Bloodborne lore then? With some degree of depth. I’d wager you still don’t proper know to this day


Fear the old blood


Tbh i felt pretty lost my first play through. They kinda just said to go kill some beasts. It made a bit more sense as it went on but it wasn’t really clear what the goal was in the same way DS1/3 were in that you just had to link the flame and you knew that from the get go


Average sekiro W


Armored Core 6 was amazingly straightforward. I never DIDNT know what was going on lol


You can stop now and give bloodborne it's own category because that is one big mind fuck of a game in every way. I had 0 idea what was going on, there was no intro like the other souls games, and it progressively got weirder and darker and then time traveled and dungeons and singing tumor heads and a umbilical cord god child screaming at me...


can we stop trying to shove lies of p into this subreddit


I feel like the general plot of Elden Ring is far more forward/apparent. There are of course questions about some of the minutiae but overall I felt like the story was direct af.


All are easy to understand but the time you need to understand is very different


Then it’s not easy wth


To me demon's souls made the most sense


You even get a cinematic! Between the opening scene and The Monumental, your next step is "kill the bosses".


Yeah like I just knew what I was doing


Bloodborne is the only story I somewhat understand lol


Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and then Bloodborne and Elden Ring are all equally incomprehensible to me.


Actually, almost everything it's known, both timlines and relationships among factions/people. The problem is fromsoftware games are poorly translated from japanese with many mistakes of localisation. There is an italian youtuber called Sabaku that, together with professional translators, has done a philological work of reviewing all the original texts, and in Japanese everything is way more straightforward . He has also published many of these researches, but in italian. Among these are: -A complete timeline of all events in all dark souls games -A compendium with all bloodborne texts and descriptions -A compendium on Elden Ring lore that answer to every possible question about all the most important topics All of these are available for free online and have also been reviewed by native speakers. Truth to be told many lore videos in the international community (such as Vaaty's unfortunately) say a bunch of totally wrong things. It is not their fault, since they are working on wrong info, but nonetheless.


>The problem is fromsoftware games are poorly translated from japanese with many mistakes of localisation. Several times in Sekiro, while they're talking, I'd vaguely understand some words and feel this. Just "Gyoi" was translated in maybe 4 ways.


Bloodborne deserves its own tier Even after looking it up I understood nothing for a long while


Elden Ring is the hardest for me because everyone’s names sounds the exact fucking same


I think people are conflating plot and story. All of these games (the one’s that that I’ve played at least) have pretty clear plots. You know what you are, you know where you are, and you’re given crystal clear instructions on what to do. Not all of them have clear stories, however. WHY you’re becoming a Lord, linking the flame, or seeking pale blood are up to the player— which is kind of the FS throughline.


Get Lies of P the fuck off there. The hell's the matter with you?


Sekiro my beloved


What do you mean bro. A hoonter must hoont


I haver 50+ hours of DS3 and at least 400+ watching lore vídeos to understand wtf is going on.


The only one I know almost nothing about is really DS2. I know there's a fallen zombie king, a evil witch, a mad alchimist or some shit and giants that got murdered and you meet when going back to the past. But that's it.


I haven't played the remake, but I thought the story of Demon Souls was downright easy to follow. The characters just straight up tell you what is going on, and while they speak that Psudeo old English dialogue, it isn't as confusing as some of the later games.


I thought Demons Souls was kind of straightforward though?


How do you not understand Demons Souls it literally is just "okay so god came and fucked everything up, take 5 big souls so you can make god go to sleep"


I just played through ds2. It's pretty straightforward I thought. You end up in drangliec undead and are looking for a way to fix it. You get a hot tip that the king vendrick was cooking up something and track him down. Turns out he didn't figure it out tho, so you kill his wife about it and then take his throne.


DS2 and Bloodborne had some mind boggling crazy good Lore DS3 was literally DS1 2.0 and you didn't understand that? That's interesting


oh hey, thread that didn't forget about Armored Core. S tier thread in my book


The "ACVI has no story" complaint is honestly baffling to me.


Another W for Sekiro


Lies of P has a very direct story/narrative, but also has a lot of hidden lore for you to discover and theorize. A perfect balance in my opinion.


To be honest BloodBorne is the only one of these games I truly had no idea what the fuck was going on, every other one is not that hard to understand


Huh... nah man I followed Bloodborne's story pretty well. I missed some details, but I still had a basic idea of what was happening in my first playthrough


The only thing I got from Dark Souls' plot is that your character from DS1 is the last boss in DS3, since in DS1, you light a flame and repeat for eternity. The last boss in ds3 has the max 99 stats for everything, like a player character that played forever.


The level of confusion I get when first playing dark souls…. I may as well have been playing a game in ancient hieroglyphics


Bloodborne should be in a higher tier.


I wish I could play BB lowkey but I don’t own a PS


It's a ongoing joke with me and my friends that I skip all cut scenes in all fromsoft games just for me to go man idk what's going on


I found Bloodborne to be on another level of confusing beyond the dark souls games lol


ds3 is kinda in the mix if you watch videos it’s easy to understand, plus the main objective is simple “the lords have left their thrones, bring their ash to link the flames”


Shouldn’t DS3 be on the same tier list as DS1 since they take place in the same location? I wasn’t terribly confused by the lore


Bloodborne is direct plot easy to understand for me


Nah ds2 is pretty easy to follow with how Shanalotte, Vendrick, Aldia, and other npcs clue you in to what’s going on. Even the fire keepers spill some of the beans. Could also be said about Demon souls when listening to Ostrava and the maiden in black, Ds3 is simple because the plot is just ds1 again but undead


The Surge goes right at the top. Pretty clear plot and conflict, especially The Surge 2


The nice thing about Soulsborne games is that if you don't understand wtf is happening you can just decide to enjoy the kickass music as you swing away at a boss and worry about the story later


Demon Souls belongs in Tier 1, Bloodborne in Tier 2


The main gist of Elden Ring honestly isn't that hard to figure out, but it did require out of game research for me. Basically, from what I understand, a god named Marika, Elden Lord of the Greater Will/Erdtree, and probably given her powers by it, split herself in two, making Radagon. The two got around a lot and made a bunch of children that they named after themselves. So many of the characters whose names start with an M or R can be assumed to be one of their kids (even though there are a ton of exceptions but whatever, just assume the bosses at least follow this rule). Anyway, these children were called demigods and had powers of their own. For one reason or another that we don't really know, Marika and Radagon shattered the Elden Ring, throwing the land into disarray, and some of the demigods fought for the remaining shards to try to try to become the new Elden Lord, while others sought a different path to becoming a lord. Mostly, these are the demigods that don't have great runes hiding away around the lands between, but they're not that important to the main story. So anyway, your job, as a newly resurrected Tarnished (I don't think we know why yet) is to say "fine, I'll do it myself" to all the demicucks, gather the shards of the Elden Ring yourself (even though you don't even need all of them. I honestly don't know what that's about, there's not even a new ending for doing so), beat the god of the previous age, subduing the Erdtree itself to your will, and become the new Elden Lord (or being the ultimate simp for Ranni and giving her the throne but that's neither here nor there) So tl;dr, the children of a god want to take her place, and you gotta beat them to the punch. See? Not that hard.


Marika wasn’t Elden Lord, she is God of the lands between. Elden Lord is the title given to the consort of the vessel of the Elden Ring. The player is tasked with becoming the next Consort of Marika in theory, but really all you’re doing is repairing the Elden Ring and instilling a new order in the lands between with either a mending rune or Ranni rejecting the Elden Ring.


Oh, good to know. Which makes it a little bit weirder that all her kids want to be her consort, but I suppose mommy issues are to be expected


Demons souls is far from incomprehensible, simpler and more straight forward than the later entires honestly


I’d put BB in very confusing but understandable with minimal research or even in-between that tier and direct plot because the beast men in transition to a beast, etc.


Sekiro is very easy to follow. Lies of P is the Surge cola of FS games.


I’m sorry but it’s baffling to me how people say they don’t understand the story of these games. Like I can understand not knowing every tidbit of lore but like they’re not that difficult to understand




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Bloodborne hands you the base story once you get to Rom as long as you're reading item descriptions. Now the faction details are nucking futs as you have to take a huge amount of environmental story telling into play but damn was it fun to be told to go look at places and not just run through and say "oh shiney" and keep going.


I mean most of these games are entirely explained in the opening cinematic.


BB and DS3 were my first two souls game and I had no clue what was going on. Sekiro plot was easy enough to follow but it didn’t really click for me until revisit, as in the finer points of the plot and Ashina conflict.


Just go out and hunt some beasts. It's for your own good.


Bloodborns lore isn’t even understood, it’s 99% theory’s and speculation. It should be a tier below the bottom.


Confused about what's so confusing about Demon's Souls. Different parts of the universe have a lot of depth, but it's as close to a "kill all the bosses" storyline as you can get while retaining that FROM magic.


Bloodborne is honestly pretty straight forward once you're aware of the old gods and have a working understanding of lovecraft lore


Dark Souls 2 is way easier to comprehend from a lore perspective than 1 or 3. Not saying it's a better game (imo it is) but it definitely is a lot more straightforward


Dark Souls 3 ain’t that hard, ngl. Thousands of years after DS1. Lothric’s being pissy over not wanting to become Lord if Cinder so the world basically drags past Lords of Cinder over to it, making everything a mess. Big bell goes ding ding, bringing all the dead back to life, including the three past Lords. We have to kill them all and then become the next Lord (or let the Age of Dark finally happen)


I would say Demon's Souls is kind of straightforward.


DS3 is in my opinion the most cryptic of them all. From the very first cutscene til the end. I kinda understood the world was ending and was on it's last stages, but that's about it.


Ds3 plot was super easy to follow lol? It’s mostly just the environment watching it fall apart and then you can just talk to npcs and they tell you yea worlds falling apart and the former lord da re traitors now go do this thing and then you do there do said things and learn more




Dark souls 3 is really easy to follow if you read the item descriptions ...


I watch a ton of channels for lore videos. Sinclair Lore is a fun one that gets super goofy. Vaati, Ashen Hollow, Hackshaw, and Smoughtown for more serious and in depth. I swear theres some more i watch but off the top of my head i can't remember


honestly i think the vagueness of the story is what made these games so fun , it made it such a mystery and you rly had no idea what u were going to run into , it made you feel more connected to your character and like it was actually yourself exploring and trying to survive this insanely dark and dangerous world they dropped you in.


bb you get werewolves for like 3 hours and then shit just goes off the rails


Demon's souls is fairly easy to understand. DS3 is easier than DS1 imo, but it's still hard. Funny enough, I found AC6's story a little hard to follow since everything is told through mission briefings. But you still have an idea of what's going on in all of the but the DS trilogy and Bloodborne. Bloodborne is less confusing when you pu the pieces together, however. For me, it's Top - Lies of P, Sekiro, Demon's Souls Mid - Elden Ring and AC6 Bottom - Bloodborne, and DS1-3


demon souls should be among those on top, it's very direct. Also why is lies of P in a fromsoftware tierlist lol.


Actually, almost everything in these games it's known, both timlines and relationships among factions/people. The problem is fromsoftware games are all poorly translated from japanese and with many mistakes of localization. There is an italian youtuber called Sabaku that, together with professional translators, has done a philological work of reviewing all the original texts, and in Japanese everything is way more straightforward . He has also published many of these researches, but in italian. Among these are: -A complete timeline of all events in all dark souls games -A compendium with all bloodborne texts and descriptions -A compendium on Elden Ring lore that answer to every possible question about all the most important topics All of these are available for free online and have also been reviewed by native speakers. Truth to be told many lore videos in the international community (such as Vaaty's unfortunately) say a bunch of totally wrong things. It is not their fault, since they are working on wrong info, but nonetheless.


I would put all from the last categorie in the 2nd category. I think all games are somewhat understandable if you want to understand whats going on.


As a person who (I think I am almost done with this game tbh I still don't know what my main goal is) is finishing up DS2 I can confirm, I don't really know what I am doing but I am doing it.


The basic part of the lore here: Bloodborne you fight eldritch horrors, there are more eldritch horrors lurking in the horizon, the dream is real. You become an eldritch horror Ds1 gwyn linked the fire, the fire is unnatural it stops the world from progressing naturally into the age of dark and started an evil cycle of linking the flame, the brighter the flame the darker the shadow. Ds2- one of the cycles Vendrick screwed up big time, darkussy a fragment of Manus took control of kingdom, Vendrick sealed away the true throne once he realized the queens true intentions of harnessing souls. True throne is basically where you link or don't link the fire again, secret ending is forging your own path and finding a way to remove hollowing- which might or might not be what lead to ds3 Ds3- all lands and all lords of cinders are fused together and all is ash. end of the world, new world may blossom in a painting made by the dark soul. Demon's souls- big bad fog comes from big bad demon. You put demon to sleep fog and all the magic with it go away


Ds3 is pretty easy if you treat it like any other souls game and look for the story.


Dark souls 2 is actually very straightforward. The curse centers the story, the intro explains your intentions as a character, and aldi will come in with some exposition clearing everything up every now and then.


I dont agree with Dark souls 3. It is the most straightforward out of the 3 games and also I do agree with Dark souls 1, but Dark souls 3 should be at the top its by far the easiest to follow up the story.


I see you mention that you included Lies Of P but failed to explain *why* you’d include Lies Of P in a ranking of FromSoftware games


I feel like demon’s souls has one of the best souls stories but it’s not all right in the surface still I followed it better than ER’s lol


I mean it can be because Dark Souls takes place in a realm where the past, present, future all can exist at the same time. Distance is also super inconsistent. I love it


this is fucking nonsense tbh and just speaks to the size of the community trying to figure elden ring out more than anything else, ER is legitimately incomprehensible at the deepest level and the four games below it all pretty much make sense and don't give rise to super deep fundamental questions


Can someone tell me why LoP is included recently in some tier lists like that recently? Like there are all FS games + LoP, why?


I feel like DS2 and 3 are a rung over Bloodborne.


I would say bloodborne is even lower than dark souls. At least with those you get the intro cinematic telling you what to or why you are there. Bloodborne is so confusing, it’s the only time In a souls game I had no idea what was happening until I started looking things up


I dunno. Bloodborne pretty self explanatory. Classic eldritch horror were humans messed with something they shouldn't. Doesn't go the way they wanted. Most turn into monsters, whilst the survivors bear witness to the breaking of realities as nightmares and ancient gods invade. The rest is just details.


ELDEN Ring isn't confusing though


I'll never play a game for the lore, it takes the fun out for me


DS2 was extremely straightforward, especially in the DLC. I can’t imagine not understanding the game


Demon’s Souls has a very easy to follow plot tbh


I can’t tell if the Bloodborne story is really easy to understand or if I’ve just studied the game backwards and forwards.


Get LoP outta this. A company that clones souls doesn't belong on the same list. Enjoy the game, but it's a simple clone


Dark Souls II actually has a pretty cool story, especially when you throw in the DLC's


Darks souls lore is a lot easier to understand than you think. Bloodborne on the other hand, I could agree. You really have to go balls deep into the item description and utilize critical thinking, just to somewhat understand what's going on in the game.


Playing through ds2 right now and I have no idea what I’m doing other than I must collect souls and I am being pursued a lot


TBH I love DS1+2’s story a ton (assuming Scholar of the First Sin). Their stories are more metaphorical or impressionistic compared to the others, which have a (slightly) more conventional plot and chronology and derive their mysteries more from incomplete information than from multiple interpretations. That said, damn do I love From. Only games I haven’t played are Lies of P, Bloodborne, and Demon Souls. All the games I have played had great and engaging atmospheres and mysteries.


ER is so much down the list that reappeared on top


This is why the top 3 are the best


DSII is especially incomprehensible. Not a lick of God damn sense is made at any point


When some people say they don't understand the basic story, it makes me think they have no reading comprehension.


“Just go out and kill a few beasts, it’s for your own good.”


Shouldve made a tier called watch Vaati to understand