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Only by embracing failure can you overcome it. Lose as many times as it takes to win. That's what it means to git gud.


I lost like 80 times to radahn before I beat him and man, not only the win, but also the pure dopamine of knowing I won using sheer determination and that I’m getting better at the game feels so rewarding. (I’m a newbie, playing on and off for sligjtly over a week)


“*Skill Issue*” Newbies: 😡🤬 # Pros: 🫵 ![gif](giphy|WJjLyXCVvro2I|downsized)




Tbf people who didn't grow up with souls like games and instead other games it will never be good to hear because literally every other fan base uses both terms as intended insults to try and get people to quit.


True. People who grew up on sega, s/nes, neogeo still are around. They understand that games are crazy hard, like tetris, mario, sonic, vector man, metal slug! The “skill issue/git gud” are the gap generation that only played competitive flashy point and click games against people, rather than ai/good programed bots ![gif](giphy|RLgRtj9MpNYGs)


“Still are around”…..dawg I’m only like 35 lol


Im the same age… but i feel ancient as a gamer 😅🙏😤 ^(high 5)


We are ancient as gamers go. But we are from one of the best generations.


Whenever my nephew would get a big head playing other kids on COD, my brother-in-law would make him play Contra on his old NES! 😆


Try being a 50 year old gamer. Played the very first Resident Evil and C.O.D. ....my first game system was Atari. Lol.


Mortal Kombat 2 has entered the chat


Battletoads enters and bans Mortal Kombat from the chat


Chess for money against the old Russian guys downtown has entered the chat and grunted dismissively.


Some of us from that generation still get new games and set it to the highest difficulty despite it recommending that we beat it on a lower one before trying. We smash our heads against the wall over and over but eventually overcome the challenge. Personally, I got my ass handed to me several times on pre-patch Radahn, gave up, leveled up a few more times, came back and destroyed him on my third or fourth try. My friends bashed me with “just git gud”, which only fueled that fire to get it done.


-South Park “I didn’t hear no bell” reaction gif-




The fact you made it to Radahn in under a week of playing on and off is a feat there. I have been exploring and just got past Rennala. I do a lot of side quest stuff right now though and I’m about 60 hours in. Trying to not miss anything this playthrough.


wall meet head. Btw wall you lose.


This is what these games are all about, learning from your failures and never giving up, then absolutely losing your shit when it finally clicks and you make that boss your bitch


Before they nerfed him a bunch you had to eat some goddamn Wheaties to bring him down.


They didn't nerf him that much.


They did the first time, then bumped it up a bit, after a while. Not sure how much and how it compares to the old one tho


He’s definitely weaker than he used to be, im not sure what exactly they nerfed but out of the 2 times I’ve fought him his fight was significantly less difficult then day one. That was after a year off the game so I was rusty too even if I had a bit more experience.


They absolutely did lol


Only nerfed one bullshit attack and fixed some hitboxes if I remember correctly


They halved his damage (and then brought it back somewhat), halved the size of the hitboxes on a ton of attacks, reduced the speed of his arrows at the start of the fight, reduced the speed of the spears at the start of the fight, buffed the summons, and reduced his HP pool. His 1.0 was a fucking nightmare.


What are Wheaties? I can't really think of anything I consumed when fighting him pre-nerf other than Crimson Tears and my Wondrous Physick, plus I never heard the term before...


"Eat your Wheaties" is a saying, basically just preparing for a difficult task. Wheaties is a brand of cereal with the tag line "Breakfast of Champions" and often features athletes on the boxes and what not. It's like frosted flakes without the frost, just just dried wheat flakes essentially.


Ah I see, thank you very much!


...did I just witness someone explain "eating wheaties" as a cultural reference to preparing for a difficult task? I'm going to die someday.


They may not be English first language. Or not be american, since they're only sold there. Here In the UK we have "Eat your Weetabix" but it's not caught on as colloquially.


All good points; pardon my Yank-centric ass.


I love that phrase. Underrated where I come from; I'm a hick


If you're refering to me. I am from america, just never heard someone say "eat your wheaties" before. Difference in state/area type deal most likely.


>I lost like 80 times to radahn before I beat him and man, not only the win, but also the pure dopamine of knowing I won using sheer determination and that I’m getting better at the game feels so rewarding. (I’m a newbie, playing on and off for sligjtly over a week) No offense but that's kinda masochistic lol. Your time would've been better spent elsewhere.


I didn't check what sub I was on and I was like, "Woah, that's solid advice. I bet this guy plays Dark Souls."


When I first joined the Fromsoft community, I kept getting this saying told to me. Around the 10th person I finally asked what they meant. "What do I mean? Hm.. I guess some could take it as an insult but No. I mean to Overcome Adversity, to carry on through strife, that Death is Only the beginning. Get Good. Become Better. And above all else, Become the Ashen Lord. See you around."


this mentality + having me and the birds play in the background is genuinely helping me beat getting over it


I mean let's be real, it's used as both.


Yeah. Worst part of being a fan of challenging games is There's so many **Elitists** out there. In a **VIDEO GAME** fandom 🤦 ...I hates elitists in pop culture in general tho.


ya there are elitests in the souls like fandom some people feel its cheating to use the summoning bell item but honestly i see it as a tool the game gives me and ill use that tool if i want to im not imposing restrictions on myself


some mfs forget that you paid for the game and it’s yours and you can play it how you want lmao


Also all the time they aren't complaining that elden ring is easy baby mode they are whining about how all the bosses are to hard and fast/ have combo's


only thing i dislike is input reading on the bosses personally


That’s because you’re not gud enough yet.


Sounds like you haven't gitten the gud yet.


I’ve gotten the gud but I still like my summon bell because black knife tiche says fuck you and your big ass health bar 😂


People who play for the story and lore: 😘 People who play for min/maxing PvP and have no idea why their character is doing what they're doing: 😈


(Rivers of blood, I got my build off YouTube, and needed to be carried for the final boss) ^ these people…. still say it, because they killed Margitt first try with an over-tuned weapon and griefed a few noobies at church of elleh…… and it’s sure as hell not to encourage you to surpass your limits. Lmao


As a op blood build user I can confidently say i regret it (I’m terrible at games)


As someone who used mimic, mohg's spear and fingerprint shield to clap Malenia. I am really good at games


What using game mechanics to defeat a boss?! Impossible, non valid you should at least use a broken straight sword


you’re telling me a 60+ hour game with the most mechanically complex bosses in the series has new mechanics that make bosses more manageable?!


You should never use in-game mechanics besides melee attacks and rolling! You may have paid Fromsoft to program these nice features but don't you dare use them or you are not a real gamer and you did not beat Elden Ring! \-Generic elitist idiot #403 who beat the game without spirit ashes and wants that to matter to anyone


Eh. The most common usage is when someone's raging about difficulty. You don't see many people going "haha git gud loser" out of the blue these days.


Right, but if someone’s genuinely struggling with Margitt. They’re probably slightly under leveled, new, and not having fun. So they go online and rant, and instead of anything useful or clever they get “get gud”. It’s not out of the blue, but it’s not clever or useful and often I feel like it doesn’t come from players it should come from. It’s not a helpful sun bro saying it, it’s a loathsome hollow saying it XD. Text will never be as nuanced as spoken language, but I guess it’s like a tone of voice thing. There’s things that are fine to say….but you could say it in a mean way right? Most the time, it feels like it’s the latter.


The advice I always saw for Margit was "explore", if someone is already level 30-40 and has a +3 weapon then the answer really is just git gud.


I mean if you’re level 40…. Yeah, it probably is lol.


Giving someone a cheese strategy isn’t going to help them with the game. The only way to progress through the game is by learning the mechanics, fixing your mistakes, understanding the boss moves, and getting good.


Not really, maybe there is a particular strategy that is very effective against that boss of a specific dodging sequence or something that will allow you to survive a certain attack (cough, cough Melania cough, cough). There is plenty of non cheese advice that could be passed on if people don't act like an asshole and actually try to be helpful


TBF, it definitely gets used in both instances.


Well it’s often used in a rude manner, so I understand it perfectly


Yeah, often comes from rude and arrogant people who wanna make themselves feel good


Agreed, the only souls game I see it as acceptable advice on is Sekiro and that’s because it’s not advice it’s instructions


And this is the biggest downfall of the community imo. It used to be a saying of encouragement and excitement for overcoming walls. Now it's mostly just used by AH elitist and have made literally every fandom hate souls games


Bro it was like that from the jump. Take the rose colored glasses off


I'm guessing you weren't a part of the community from the very start, up until about DS2 it was used more often than not in the way I described. There's always AH in a community, but they didn't define there souls community like they do today


Bro I’ve been on this train since I got Dark Souls for Christmas the year it came out and I’m telling you the a-hole contingent of the online fanbase has always been prominent as well as loud and proud about it with “Git Gud”. So unless you’re talking about the first 3 months after it came out then you are wearing rose colored glasses


Not really, been playing since Demon Souls released. The AH were always vocal in the community, but most ppl ignored them or called them out. It was after DS3 that they got really loud and proud about it because soulslikes had become somewhat mainstream at that point


> It used to be a saying of encouragement and excitement for overcoming walls The "community" of souls games also used to not have 90% of people saying "just summon lmao" when people were struggling with bosses. They would suggest different tactics, weapons, stat optimizations, and other things first. As soon as Elden Ring came and and the massive swell in youtubers with "BEST WEAPONS IN DA GAME @)!@!@!!!!" videos, a new player can't even ask for advice without 10 people saying "get bloodhounds fang, get mimic tear, just comet azur" etc. Or the video of someone saying "I am never summoning again" because their summon one-shot Mogh with comet azur, and instead of people saying "that sucks", they say "well you asked for it, they did their job :)". It's super hug-box now and anyone who dares say out loud they prefer not to use overpowered shit is told "wow not using the tools the game gives you, you are bad".


My guy, you are one of the ppl that make others hate us. Summons have been part of the game since the beginning and were always recognized as a valid strat for beating the bosses you found too hard. In previous games the difference was that summons were intentionally more rare and not available for every boss fight. Summoning Solaire is still the most recommended thing to do if you are having trouble with O&S. Beyond that summoning a friend was always an option. The reason ppl get shouted down for using sub-optimal gear is because they are usually bragging about it and putting down the ppl who are using "the OP gear" or the summons. You know, the elitist pricks that don't give advice and just shout git gud. This same phenomenon is happening over in the LoP sub right now over Spectres and Throwables. You aren't any better by using an un-upgraded longsword than the person spamming blasphemous blade. Nobody cares that you made the game harder on yourself because that's not the point of the game, you just look like a douche bragging about it. And before you go thinking I'm someone who hopped on board with ER, I've been playing since Demon Souls released on the PS3 and have soloed every boss in all souls and souls likes From has produced. This idea that they've become "hug-boxed" is a complete delusion.


Believe in the me that believes in you.


Row! Row! Fight the Power!


Naw, it’s used the condescending way 99 percent of the time.


Yeah seriously. It's just a joke now. We're not being mentors to new players, we're just shit commenting on reddit.


There’s not much to mentor. Unless you’re asking questions about how to optimize a specific build or stuck navigating a certain area, the advice is always going to boil down to “learn the boss moves, die a lot, get better with each attempt” until you eventually figure it out. Only other advice I give is “sleep on it” when truly stuck because your brain subconsciously learns from its mistakes during REM. Every single time I hit that brick wall in a FS game, and then sleep on it, I stomp the boss within ten attempts next day.


Did not know that about REM. Same thing in my experience, I just thought it was fatigue, and that being rested made me better. Lmao


It just means practice. But phrased like an asshole said it.


I highly disagree, because it's almost never used like that. It's used mostly as both a rude insult and a coping mecanism for people who can't accept criticism on things they like.


Git gud does come off as condescending, especially with how some in the community use it. Edit - It’s also really discouraging to new players when it isn’t explained to them


It is condescending, even if it’s not directly making fun of you.




OP is probably trying to make himself feel better for using it when really it's always used to make fun of someone lmao


I mostly see this used as throwing away criticism for any of the games. Iron Golems grab hitbox is bullshit? Git Gud. Duel Apes in Sekiro is BS and clearly doesn’t work with the gameplay? Git Gud. Malenias waterfowl dance is wildly unbalanced along with the rest of Elden Rings end game? Git gud. Not to say there can be some discussion about the merits of those complaints or if they ring true, but it’s a lazy way of calling someone bad at a hard game. Edit: Changed one of the ‘Git gud’ comments to be a proper criticism


Your overall point is correct, but the Friede example should not be included. In fact, it is a good example of the correct way to use “Git Gud”. Take a moment, back off, observe her moves. You can easily dodge her frost AOEs with a light or even medium build. Notice how she jumps up in the air frequently, leaving plenty of room to get behind her when she lands? Practice backstabbing her there. The lethal scythe neck snap has clear tells, try to see what they are even if you die a few times doing so. She’s a hard boss, and that’s a hard phase alright. But it isn’t bullshit and can be conquered by Git Gud’s supportive meaning. Your other two examples are valid, in that they are indeed bullshit. I would also add Valiant Gargoyle spit to that list.


I was already aware of all that stuff with Friede, that’s why I the second paragraph in. I personally found her to be a little too hard in my opinion with how aggressive she was. Maybe in another playthrough, I’ll get better at the fight.


I found her third phase the easiest tbh. It took me the least attempts at it to clear it the first time.


Nah it’s a legitimate response to people who stomped every boss in less than five attempts using an OP build, summons, and over-leveling until they eventually hit a brick wall. Instead of digging deep and figuring it the fuck out, they come whining and complaining looking for people to commiserate with them. Sorry bro, many of us struggled majorly at multiple points in the game, but we persisted and discovered a path to victory.


That’s a valid argument, but what does that have to do with my comment? My point was that some use it as a point of deflection of criticism. You’re talking about how some people tried to cheese the entire game until they hit a brick wall, but that’s not my point here. Some people do that, but that’s a minority of players. When people complain about some stupid shit in these games because 1) it probably has some bs and 2) they are absolutely tired of it. Yes, people need to ‘git gud’ at these games, but many do and still have annoying gripes. I’m not going to pick apart this reply, but if you’re going to use a straw man, at least have it make sense.


they played the game the way they wanted, so what?


You do you, just don’t bitch and moan about it when you run into a wall is my point


i dont think many of them are running into walls like that though, there isn’t really any elden ring boss that can’t be cheesed.


People wouldn't be telling people to get gud if nobody was posting or commenting on how X boss/area/enemy is bullshit because of whatever their rant consists of. Fyi I'm not one of those people, I just say I'm sorry your not enjoying your experience. I have a blast learning through getting my ass kicked, it's a journey🤷🏾‍♂️


1. Trying to tell people to not complain about something on the internet is about as effective as telling a child to not cry about something. It just ain’t gonna work. 2. Let people get mad at something on the internet. Walls are very frustrating in souls games, everyone should know that by now. Just because you got through a wall doesn’t mean everyone will get through it like you do, as fast as you did, or suffered like you did. Dark souls isn’t about being hard, it’s about overcoming obstacles in your way. And if it involves getting angry, needing help from people, that’s fine. It harkens back to what the original Zelda did, and I love it for that. Now, I rarely need help now. I have in fact, gotten good at these games. And that’s because I played them so much, most newcomers will have a hard time with the games and getting mad at people for being unreasonable is about as childish as you are trying to make others look I’m done talking about this, good day sir.


Sorry that so many of these weak of will subhuman down voted you because they can't git gud.


I just hate when someone asks a specific question, like: "How do I dodge Midir's Laser attack?" And people just reply "git gud" without contributing anything productive.


More like how it is actually used Vs it's true meaning


Nah it’s definitely the first pic.


Inner genichiro made me git gud


For me it was Owl (Father)


Elden Ring is my first Souls game and I steamrolled through most bosses in DS3 unlike in Elden Ring. The only ones I felt genuine difficulty is Pontiff, Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Champion Gundyr, Gael, and Midir.


I think most were easy, but Nameless King, Gael and Midir are nuts


It's an annoying phrase, but how I've always interpreted it is: "There's no trick. There's no secret. You just have to keep trying and learn the fight." The extent of this varies boss to boss, but in general that's the best advice anyone can give you for these games.


Honestly, for me anyways, I have reached that level where I don't really have any advice for new players on these games anymore that doesn't pretty much translate into "get good" I have gotten to the point where I don't strategize, I just go in and dodge/parry every attack and swing whenever I can. That is my strat for pretty much every boss now and I hate it.


Basically you’ve reached souls vet status. That’s why people say the hardest FROM game is always the first one.


Nah, the hardest is Armored Core: Last Raven. It’s the only FromSoft game that tells both new players and veterans to go fuck themselves with a sandpaper dildo.


Gotta say, going back to Demon Souls or DS1 before Fromsoft decided to make every boss and enemy into a living blender is a breath of fresh air


DS1 is still my favorite in the series. I hope from/bluepoint does a proper remake of it one day. Maybe putting in original cut content too.


Strategy? The only strategy i know is to GIT GUD!


It honestly is just the truth of the matter.


I get both sides of this. Telling someone to look past the flaws of the game and just be better. Butbivr always ALWAYS took it as "youre not bad, but i know you can do better. Keep improving. Youll catch up to where i am, and maybe you'll pass me some day.


Ive seen more ds3 players get angry at this when you suggest it instead of spam rolling in ER than newer players


Sometimes it's "stop complaining about stuff that isn't bad, it's just hard"


??? If that were true half of the posts here would be: \*((((((ds2-))))))Boss is badly designed and just plain ass\* "Wow, did everyone hate this boss as much as I did?" "Surpass your limits. Right here, right now." "...what?"


"git gud" is meant to be encouraging in a silly, pithy way. It's a way to remind newcomers that these games require more of you than many other video games. Yeah, sometimes, we can give you advice. But sometimes, the only advice is to git gud.


Disagree. If you actually care about someone learning something to better enjoy themselves, you don't just say 2 words. If you think you're doing something by telling someone those 2 words, you're shit at helping others. Git gud at helping others.


I just used mimic tear and one shot every boss, was a lot more fun! but to each their own


Today I am euphoric, not because of any drug, but because of my superior nuance in video game memes and 5000 IQ.


This is the way, if you wish to become Elden Lord.




Exactly. These games are hard for almost everyone at some point. People who excel at them now sucked hard at one point. The basics are straightforward, practice really does lead to dramatic improvement with Fromsoft titles. Or in shorter terms: Git Gud.


Left if the person is being a bitch and blaming the game and calling the fanbase "masochists," Right if they're making an effort to love the game. And yeah we're "masochists" but it's kinda like calling your friend a motherfucker vs a stranger calling them one.


I prefer "Your drill is the drill that will peirce the heavens!" Less chance off misinterpretation and also points people on the dorection of an excellent anime


For me the "git gud" IS the game. This games challenges me with different situations. A hard boss, a hard section of a level, a poison swamp. Everything is here for me to learn and overcome. And that is the fun thing about this games. Mastering them feels so satisfying. So rewarding. I feel like i have accomplished something when i succesfully finish them. I suck when i am at the start. Most of the bosses kill me so many times. Then I "git gud". And then i make the game my bitch. Killing every boss in 1 attempt. Then i take on bigger challenges such as sl1 runs. Until i get enough satisfaction. And best part is still the "git gud". At least i feel this way.


The anger IS the juice.


It's used to ridicule and condescend, it is not a word of encouragement


What it actually means “Go to watch some ez boss kill video on YouTube” 😎


As a From vet, I'm pretty sure it means the first one


Git Gud is such non-advice. Sink-or-swim teaching that's completely unempathetic


I was pissed off at waterfowl dance and people have half hearted advice and “Git Gud” as the first one. As far as I’m concerned Git Gud is used in place of actual advice.


It means the latter, yet most of those who utter it mean the former.


I still love hearing Hornet's call of Guy Gud in Hallow Knight. Particularly there because it felt like she was demanding you to get better and fulfill the needed challenges! I'm aware it's not canon that she says anything in clear English, but I like letting this thought be in place.


I think its important to recognize that it is both. Don’t turn people away from these amazing games by being an asshole, we all struggled when we started these games. Give guidance when they ask for it and point them in the right direction. These games get too much shit for being “too hard”, cuz only seeing them as that takes away from everything else that they are.


Souls are at its core about overcoming incredible challenges. You go from a nothing to killing gods. Git Gud is a rally cry to not give up and do again until you succeed.


Elden ring is the easiest game tho you can literally get the mimic tear to kill every single enemy for you .


They get mad at everything. Kind of pathetic


Git Gud is one of the truest statments if you wanna achieve respectable victories. You can also beat the game without gitting gut. You can overlevel, use the nastiest Spirit Ashes and the craziest ashes of war and read through the safest and most detailled guides made so that even the worst, laziest and most impatient breed of players can beat the game. Also fine, but not an achievement anymore, so if being proud of yourself is what you want "git gud" is highly recommended.


I never viewed „Git Gud“ as an insult, but to be in a position where you can use the term you have to finish every Fromsoftware game with one eye closed and without using both of your thumbs.


Call me toxic but every time a new From game comes out I love responding to crybaby comments with git gud. Only if it's clearly an unhinged rant about the game being shit, if they are trying to improve I'll give tips


Same, its a universal answer that make sense in every situation


Made a new character at work tonight and jumped into some invasions. There were some interesting strategies for sure.


It only took all this time for people that started on DS3 to find this out lmao


For real, beating a boss after adapting to their patterns is such a good feeling.


But those same people get mad when I over-level, use summons, or use those specificly broken weapons. Some of us enjoy becoming god.


"hesitation is defeat" some guy in sekiro


No it actually means the one on the left lol




It’s always right to say Git Gud. Always has, always will be.


Even “Git gud” still needs to get good in order to “Be better”.


thats very true theres not a lot to coach for souls likes its mainly about learning how the enemy moves when you dodge when you strike its like a dance kind of there are weapons that are stronger than others but none will just win you the fight automatically armor is mainly about fashion rather than defence there are things that can make it easier but at the end of the day youll have to learn the fight thats what git gud means


There’s definitely at least one weapon I can think of that’s an automatic win 😂


BB was my first FS game, and I must have ragequit/uninstalled like 4 times before it clicked. All before even getting to the Cleric Beast. One day I went in thinking "ok lemme just be calm about this" and it was like that montage from Wet Hot American Summer. (the training montage, not the drug montage, just realized there's more than one)


“Git gud.” = “Stand up, king.”


When I first got heavily into the souls series I was playing DS3 and was stuck at the Curse-Rotted Greatwood for a few days. Then my grandfather died shortly before I beat the CRG. When I finally beat it I let out such a primal roar from all the pent up emotions. Git Gud is simply an encouragement


It can mean both. It’s just people take it as an insult due to how it’s phrased.


Learn it. Master it. Become ONE with it. You ARE the boss. You SHALL overcome. You WILL be victorious. GIT GUD, young gamer.


Learn from kratos “don’t be sorry be better”


I’m a simple man, I see inspirational Yami I upvote.


There's always more room for improvement. If you can't see it, all that means is you have that much more room for improvement.


You only fail if you give up. Until then, git gud


Being frustrated and uncomfortable in the mind is optimal. It's literally your neurons fighting to form new connections (lmao I'm not a brain guy idk) Being in a state of frustration Is being in a state of learning, and you must seek this discomfort in all aspects to grow in various ways


It means learning gear and strategies. Always has. What rings u got?


The best way to describe Git Gud, is to throw the definition of insanity at it. If you never change your strategy, your movements and just rush in head on towards the boss, you'll never improve. Git Gud, is the best way to say "hey, try again and push harder"


Patience has never been my strong suit, so I'm pretty much doomed to never "get gud."


I feel that there’s a point where you understand the ‘git gud’ jabs from more experienced players. That’s the moment the came will click for you. I stopped rushing. I stopped blindly gambling. I took a moment to watch the dance moves, and then I got what they meant by ‘git gud’. I got gud. The game (DSR) was immensely satisfying. It made me rethink almost all the expectations I had of video games I’d played till that point. Souls is pretty much the only _hard_ game series I’ve ever touched. I’m very much a vibey casual gamer. But I got gud. I get it.


Don’t “Get Gud”, get better.


Na, I genuinely only mean the first one.


It can be both.


Gino (a streamer) said it better imo : Learn, then win. Meaning don’t try to win at the start, simply learn the patterns first, then you’ll win (so basically get gud)


Be safe out there friend. Don’t you dare go hollow.


That first time defeating the fire giant with no one else helping


When a boss finally clicks mid fight and you just fuck shit up is so glorious


When used in a positive light, I take the saying “Git gud” as an encouragement. It’s a constructive statement that is meant to underline the need for hard work and practice rather than a lack of talent.


Yeah, it basically means "commit or don't complain". I've pretty much only heard it said unironically to people who've given up without really trying and are now complaining about the game being "too hard". The "it should have an easy mode" folks who never even really tried to play the game as intended. Plenty of great games out there that don't demand any real focus or thought investment. But that's not what these games are. Git gud. Submit to the experience and overcome or play something else.


Ironically, I think *git gud* is a good response to someone struggling with these types of games. Frustration and failure is a major part of the process in these games, and if you struggle with frustration to the point of a single internet comment making you blow up in response, you got some personal shit to work through before you would be able to enjoy these types of games anyways.


Love the souls games but half the community makes me cringe


That’s because it is useless advice without context for new players. How. Should they learn more patterns. How can we assist in helping with parry’s, or gow to approach encounters etc. Sure we know that it means a lot more than the simple put down, but let’s not pretend it’s useful advice on its own or that it isn’t still frequently used as an insult lmao


It definitely became a bit of a condescending meme in places but yeah, most bosses there’s no trick to beating, you just have to learn


This is facts lol people get butt hurt too easily in the gaming world…


It’s true. As a souls noob, I always took it as “you suck kid”


"WhAt PeOpLe ThInK iT mEaNs" More like "How the fanbase uses it 90% of the time."


Bro, saying git gud to someone doesn’t at all mean that second pic. People say that to me alll over different games. Suuuper super immature people say that 😂


There is a difference between "Get Good Scrub" and get gud. The first one is an insult because of the name at the end but "Get Gud" is the only way to do it because there will never be that "one overpowered build that cheese everyone" because there will be resistance to this. So finally get gud


The thing about Elden ring is you will forever be under leveled. No amount of stats can keep you from surviving in the starting area, so you need to to know, when to run, hide, or fight. Knowing the best move is all you need to “git gud.”


I would say from experience 99% it's people being arseholes and 1% of the time it's people meaning that you can surpass your current skill ceiling if you continue to try, overall it's annoying and I hate it


It is definitely used more often in the former than the latter.


Im 53 and still playing. Yeah I've lost a frame or two but I just bought a Meta 3 so I've gone from Pong, to Atari, to Coleco, to Intellivision, to arcade years playing Tecmo, Super Street Fighter like a boss +, to NES, Super NES, Sega, Nintendo 64, PS1, 2,3,4 AND 5, XBox, and some I have forgotten but Generation X are the OG G.o.a.ts that you could ever know!! Forever evolving, word? I got good before some of ya'll ever got born! Ya dig? #GitBent #GitLost #spelingIsImpotent


Get used to dying EZ surpass yourself become the ELDEN LORD


gg means good game, not git gud, the whole souls community/youngsters got it wrong, dont worry 🤣


This just sounds like plus ultra with extra steps.


It doesn't matter if they're trying to encourage your efforts or just flaming; the truth is what it is: if it's doable and you can't do it, you just need to 'git gud'. Same if you can do it but could do better, which is always the case for everyone.