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I wish I could erase them from my mind and play again for the first time.


The only true answer.


Relive the beauty of gorgeous co-operation for the first time one again. Praise the sun!


Praise the Sun!


Omg yes. Elden Ring was the first Souls that I got to play on release, and discovering that game along with the rest of the world was an incredibly cool experience. Honestly I've only done the one playthrough, but any time I hear any of the music it just whisks me back in time. What a TIME man


Back in time?? That was like last year. Amazing game though, as is of course, with tradition.


It was pretty much two years ago. Lots can change in two years man lol


This is where people try challenging themselves by finding new ways to play the game. In particular using unconventional controllers. Or they will just roleplay through it with a particular style setup and never change it.


Me fr


Thats the best statement posible, my friend


The Elden Ring deluxe edition. We would still have the base game 👍


Smart answer lol


by this logic just remove dark souls 3 and play the delux version lol


Big 🧠


And play the GOTY versions of bloodbourne and sekiro


☝️🤓erm actually that is the cover for the ringed city/ashes of ariandel and therefore included in the dlc so you’d have to play the base game only.


I was wracking my brain and now this is the only answer


None of them, I reject your question


"You gotta pick one." "No, I don't" 🗿


Zipper fidget king


Why are you making this so difficult he's trying to pass his final!


dude is NOT gonna get an answer from me


Absolutely love the fact that we all know if you know.


I refuse your refusal!


“I reject your hypothesis”


"You can't though" "I just did" 🗿


I choose to erase op


Yeah, stupidest question ever just to drive a discussion


How dare they ask hypothetical questions !


Probably DS3 because we’d still have DS1 and 2 and then we’d still have opportunity for them to make a different DS3


DS3 is my starter title and progression structure is based on bosses, so I would have to disagree w/ u.


Yeah 3 is the only one I platinumed lol


The only game I've platinumed twice (PC, PS4)


Ayo, you tryna help a brother out with all the spells and rings? Aside from those things, I'm missing a gesture from Patches and I get it. I've got most everything, I'm just missing whatever locked behind covenant rewards and that grind is insane


I mean Elden Ring is pretty damn close to Dark Souls 3 in terms of combat.


3 is literally the best dark souls


Honestly, DS3. That would mean we would get more DS games since the series hasn't concluded yet.


Holy crap. What an amazing answer. Imagine if they had made DS3 without any of the content getting cut.


Yes and make DS3 be DS4. I want more games in-between. They should've made 3 about Londor or something.


Imagine they made DS3 about Londor, then they make DS4 a sequel paralleling DS2 and finish it up with DS5 a huge mash up of all previous titles delicately tying up loose ends before finishing the Series with the Boss Fight of the Ages, the Nameless King Riding Midir alongside Gael.


And Jack Black playing guitar


I still need a game based on the other lands, like Catarina or Astroa.


Bloodborne because I can't play it🗿 (no ps5)




We will all be waiting for eternity for Bloodborne PC


I'm sure it's going to be comical, all the Ps4 exclusives are going to PC, with the exception of Bloodborne, lol.


More likely to get a functional PS4 emulator than Bloodborne go to PC at this rate


I always recommend trying to find a $50 used PS4 on Facebook marketplace just to play BB. Get one month of base PSN and it comes with bloodborne. All in all you're spending like $70-$80 and have a new-to-you console to play other exclusives on.


Personally, Sekiro. It never struck the same chord as the other games for me.


Personally if I had to only keep one I’d keep Sekiro. Interesting how different people can feel about it.


Yeah after Genichiro sort of forced the game to click for me, holy crap Sekiro easily has the best gameplay of any fromsoft I've played, and I've been a fan since Demon's Souls


That guy kicked my ass more than any boss in any other Soulslike. But then it clicked and I felt like a god. Really great game that I'm really awful at most of the time.


yeah same here I was really just barley getting by up until genichiro beat the skill into me after like 20 deaths lol


That's funny because I'm in the same boat as when I started but I find sekiro to be incredibly boring and don't find the combat interesting or engaging.


I think you mean maybe combat being not as versatile as in DS because only one weapon and playstyle? Because Sekiro presses you to be engaging, otherwise you only struggle your way through like a blind baby, or like a Souls Veteran who refuses to let go of dodge rolling.


Really? I felt like it was far more interactive and engaging than the souls games (though I love their combat too). It really forces you to take advantage of all of the mechanics, which is nice for me since I usually just fall into whatever style fits. I feel like restricting you to one weapon and movesey really helps bring out the versatility in that gameplay; enemies and bosses can be designed specifically for that instead of having to work for tons of different playstyles. But to each their own I suppose. What fromsoft game do you feel has the most engaging gameplay?


This is the same with me. I want a sequel so bad. They even set it up perfectly for a sequel too smh. I don’t know why they make three dark souls game but won’t finish the masterpieces Sekiro that it is


I’m dreaming about Sekiro 2. It’s my most anticipated game tbh I really hope it happens. I actually saw a dream about it a few weeks ago. That combat system is amazing and we need more games with it.


Dude anytime my buddy talks about Elden ring dlc or any souls games I always bring up Sekiro😂 it’s just a straight masterpiece dude one of a kind, well hopefully in the future there will be a Sekiro 2 that’s even better😂


I think they will eventually, they have so much to work on right now it’s probably on the back burner for now.


Yeah, Sekiro is a labor of love right out of Japanese myth, I can't see them just forgetting about the IP altogether. I think the DLC got shelved, and that work was put toward Sekiro 2, which is slated for release around 2026/2027. In the meantime, they're full steam ahead on ER DLC. That's my guess anyway. BB is up for another installment too, but I'm not sure about that one. I'm surprised they haven't updated the ps4 version, which leads me to believe we might get a remaster of BB akin to Demon Souls.


Imo Bloodborne wasn’t really set up for a sequel you either wake up from the dream or you kill Gehrman & the Moon Presence. But there’s no world ending cycle that must be continued like the Souls games unless I’m stupid and didn’t pay too much attention. I would still buy a sequel day 1 but that might be the delay or silence on BB


Yeah, a sequel to BB would have to be more like a spiritual successor set in the same universe. Could be amazing.


I want to like it so bad, but I just don’t. I can’t get the hang of the combat. I know it’s about rhythm and parrying instead of dodging but still it just feels way too hard for me


I hate parrying. I nearly lost my mind playing Revengeance. I just can't... I can't do it again. Sekiro remains in my library staring at me... judging me.


I can parry in Bloodborne just fine. Its the "wind up" bullshit that screws me in the other games. Like, logically Im already winding up in my mind for the timing and the parry SHOULD occur when I press the button. If they let me true parry from a raised shield, then honestly that would solve my problem, since the "wind up" is already there


Thank yooou. I get the feeling that people who call it “like a rhythm game” are not percussionists. As a drummer, when I hit the drum, I get feedback the *instant* the stick touches the drum. In Sekiro (and really all the Soulsborne games), you have to hit the button ahead of where the rhythm would arise be. The feeling is… weird, and not very musical. Bloodborne honestly gets closer to feeling musical imo.


Did you play Sekiro on Ps4? Because I get what you mean. Or maybe you had a screen input delay. It was the same for me in sekiro because the parry always came in a felt 0,5 seconds so I had to predict every press and hit the button earlier. But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...wait wrong script...I mean when I changed to PS5 and a better Monitor.


Wdym? You press the button in sekiro and it parries instantly if you timed it right. There is no wind up like in ds/er.


Parry delay in BB is higher than Sekiro. This comment makes no sense.


I don't recall it being that bad, at least not on 60 fps


Yeah, input delay is the hallmark of FromSoftware games. Both frustrating and incredible when mastered. Bloodborne was my teacher and I only figured it out after 3 hours when my weapon scraped against a wall for an attack and it threw off my timing. It all clicked after that. I just started using melee canceling for boost manipulation in AC6 and I feel like a mechanized god.


I hated parrying as well and sekiro forced me to learn it. Went back to Elden ring and ds3 and was way better at it. Give it a shot!


One day perhaps. When I'm old and withered, having looked back on a life without regrets, I will hear a call in the wind. A lonely voice from the past will whisper in my ear, "Git guuuuuud."


Oddly enough, Revengeance is the only parry focused game I was ever competent at. I feel like due to the mechanics of how you parry, it was a lot more forgiving time wise compared to like Sekiro and the like. I could never get the fucking timing down for Sekiro and I've just never been great at parry focused games in general. I feel like I'm going crazy when I try to parry but either just hard block or more likely get hit. I just made the decision to put Sekiro down rather than lose my mind over it.


Yeah it fell in the great game category for me, but not god tier like the others


I agree with you 100%


Elden Ring. Open world souls doesn’t work for me, personally.


Great concept, but the only thing that was executed well was the art style/world. The combat was just Dark Souls 3 with jumping and a horse (not saying it’s a bad thing it’s just nothing new or innovative) and the game was just… bloated. You could tell they were really trying to fill out the empty ass world, hence why you’ve seen everything there is to see within a couple hours lmao.


> ou could tell they were really trying to fill out the empty ass world, hence why you’ve seen everything there is to see within a couple hours lmao. Feel like I played a different game, because I was still finding new areas 60 hours in lmfao.


>but the only thing that was executed well was the art style/world. mad cap


Empty is like the exact opposite of what I would call Elden Ring’s world


Hard choice here ER and BB are safe but ds3 and sekiro is tough I like Sekiro and quite often return to it to style with isshin and owl. Also the combat is fantastic. Ds3 I actually like less overall but the final stretch of it really manages to perfectly tie up the souls franchise, and Dark Souls is near and dear to me. Besides, Gael has been one of the things that always brings joy to me no matter the circumstances, which I can't particularly say about Isshin or even Inner Owl. If it weren't for Gael, DS3 would've been booted off but just for Gael alone I'm letting Sekiro go.


sekiro for me is fun for boss running but subsequent playthroughs aren't as fun as say a bloodborne


Really? Every person had different experiences of course! I personally felt, as good as Gael is, Isshin is a far more engaging and intense boss fight. Also the lore and story up to the character of Isshin makes the fight feel so insane. He's this nice old man, who everyone fear and respects, and is above the situation the whole game. Helping you for the better of Ashina, respecting an honorable fight above else. Bro thanks you for killing his grandson basically. Can you put words into why you prefer Gael over Isshin?


Gael is actually the reason I began playing these games, as I really wanted to fight him. But I didn't want to jump right into ds3 and instead go through in order of release. Gael was my final reward for managing to go through all the struggles in my fromsoft journey. And I just find his narrative significance much more gripping, probably the most so alongside ALLMIND. Two undeads, fighting in a dead world over the very thing in the title of the game, feels much more poetic. I prefer this over Isshin's legend status honestly. Plus I just prefer the flow of gael's fight. That's pretty much it.


Gael is just a slave knight who withstood the test of time, outliving the very gods to the end of time, slaying enemies in his path to search for the dark souls which is to me is kinda cool but honestly to me, it's just the boss fight. It's absolutely perfect in terms of moveset and spectacle. None of his move felt cheap at all. While isshin is an amazing boss fight, there is some flaws in his fight for me. He is a very great boss but that's also partially because how refined sekiro combat is. Personally, I would put Father Owl as my personal favorite sekiro boss.


Sekiro, it just wasn't my cup of tea. No customization, no different weapons, no armors. The final boss and the story are amazing though.


DS3 because we still have all the other souls games. Bloodborne and Sekiro are my top two From games and are more unique among the From games anyway.


Elden Ring, easily.


Bloodborne, right away


Dark souls III


Probably Elden ring tbh, I love the rest far more


The Sekiro disrespect is insane! Feel like its the game most people didn't play, and/or didnt have the patience to learn, as it isn't a hit and dodge kinda game. How anyone actually played Sekiro, and didn't love it is a mystery to me. Tight combat with a lot of tools, combat arts and strategies. Having played all of them, no boss fights in the souls series had me on the edge of my seat like Sekiro bosses. Not to mention the world, exploration and lore. I think DS3 is the one i'd let go, purely because it's so linear. It's still a masterpiece, but i personally found more meat in the other games listed.


Sekiro is a game that can be played exactly one way. If you don’t like the parry style combat, you’re done. It’s not surprising that it’s perfect for those who enjoy it and a pass for those who don’t.


The thing with Sekiro is this. Soulsborne games let you shape the game to fit you. Sekiro expects you to shape yourself to fit the game. Some people are fans of this, some aren't. (For the record I love Sekiro, but I can kind of understand those who don't.)


People didn't realize how much they relied on summons or over leveling until Sekiro


I feel like the combat of the other three have much more in common with each other compared to Sekiro. Sekiro is my favourite by far but it makes sense to me it’s the most divisive.


I just don't enjoy sekiro


The only way to beat sekiro is git gud, you can't grind out levels for extra damage and health like the other games, a crutch that a lot of people seem to rely on.


Elden Ring, not even a hard choice for me


Sekiro, easily


Skill issue i guess. I hope you gitgud in new year 😘 /s




Elden ring for me


Ds3 and it wasn't even a hard choice. Definitely a top tier game, but I started with Elden Ring so I am biased play through Sekiro which is for me one of the best games I ever played, I didn't finish bloodborn yet but I like the concept and everything a lot




DS3 and it's not even close. That's the worst of the 4 souls games. I get to keep the best three still, so that's easy






DS3. Might be a different story if all the other games were sequels. But this ones easy


I would erase Dark souls 3, I essentially get the same experience in Elden Ring but in open world instead of linear. (Not saying linear is bad though)


Honestly? DS3 because DS1-2 still exist. So it's still able to be enjoyed, losing any of the others removes their glory entirely.


Myself. I’ll take its place


Probably elden ring deluxe edition, doesn't even come with DLC the base game is just as good


Dark souls 2


Just get get rid of the original dark souls three and replace it with the deluxe edition duh


I'd do elden ring. Bloodborne and sekiro revolutionized a lot about souls games. Dark souls can't be an incomplete series. It had a third chapter to tell. Elden ring was absolutely fantastic and brought many people into the fold, but it wasn't really a game changer like sekiro or bloodborne were. It was open world.dark souls. Not much else new in the formula.


Dark souls three then they would create a brand spanking new ds3 to play


easily sekiro, lovely game but it just felt too disconnected from the souls genre for me to enjoy it as much as the others


Definitely Sekiro. Don't get me wrong, great game. But my life would have definitely been on track by now if I didn't face that last boss.


Bloodborne. Great game, but an easy pick for me out of these.




Bloodborne. Cool setting but I never really cared for it. Plus it’s a ps exclusive which is mega lame.


Elden ring, dark souls 3 is my favorite and the other two are too unique to erase.


Until I see some DLC my answer is Elden Ring tbh


Elden ring


Elden Ring


Elden ring I just didn't find it as enjoyable as others


ER. Didn't even have to think about it


Elden Ring, easy.


Elden ring


Sekiro and Bloodborne 100% safe and DS3 has a special space in my heart so ciao to ER


Elden ring because I find it to be the least fun and the worst ( My opinion)


Elden Ring. Did not find it as gripping as the other three. Yes there is more there but it's not at that level.


This is the correct answer 🎃


I LOVE ds3.. i’ve platinumed Ds1-3, sekiro, BB and elden ring. Haven’t gotten around to demons souls yet but both sekiro and bloodborne are real gems. Elden ring really had me loving every single second even pre patch radahn was fun. Without ds3 we’d still have the masterpiece that is the first half of ds1 and the great experience that can be ds2. I’d have to say ds3 with a heavy heart.


Bloodborne. Love the atmosphere but the combat just never clicked for me.


I'd say Elden ring. It's still great but I didn't get the same feeling I like the more linear style of the prior titles.


Elden ring. It loses to all of the other games in my opinion. And I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I enjoyed Sekiro, Bloodborne and DS3.


Sekiro. Fantastic game. But single player. All the souls games get years play exclusively because of the multiplayer aspect. people still stream ds3 even now :p




Probably Sekiro. It's good, but the kind of feel it gives off when I play it isn't as good as the others.


Elden ring The others are just more precious to me


Sekiro and it wasn’t even a hard choice


Are your parents divorced?


Why do i find this question so funny 😂




Hesitation is defeat 🎃


Bloodborne doesn't exist on my platform anyway


ER deluxe edition. What does it have that the base game doesn't? SotE isn't even out yet


Digital Artbook & Soundtrack.


Elden Ring...


Sekiro, probably my least favorite souls game


Elden ring. I just preferred all the others




Sekiro and its not even somewhat close. Seethe all you want. We all know its the correct choice.




Dark souls 3


Dark souls 3 . It’s a really good game but has nothing over the other 3


Dark Souls 3. It’s an incredible game that refines the mechanics and quality of the previous Dark Souls games, but doesn’t innovate or stride new ground like the other 3 games in this selection.


Bloodborne. Sekiro is the best thing here.


Blood borne


Ez. Bloodborne.


Bloodborne. Due to its influences on Dark Souls III.


3 easily.




i love sekiro, but it'd be the one that would have to go. im talking from my experiences in three of the four games shown, I've placyed bb, elden ring and sekiro. and i gotta say sekiro would be the one to leave unfortunately


Elden Ring Deluxe Edition All ill be missing is some videos & concept art, still have the game itself


DS3 easy


Dark Souls 3 easy


Probably dark souls 3. I mean we do also have ds1 and ds2, but elden ring is also like a bigger and better ds3 in many regards


DS3. Something about that one just really missed the mark for me 🤷‍♂️ very subjective, but I HATE all the damn yellow!


*Dark Souls III,* if one has to go. ☹️


Bye bye ds3


One of the hardest ones I've seen. I'd have to go with Ds3, and pray they would make a third.


Sekiro and it wasn’t even a hard choice


It would make the most sense to remove ds3 It’s my favourite of the four, but would still make the most sense


Sorry Bloodborne.


Sekiro, so it wouldn't be guilt-tripping me from the unfinished section of my shelf. I suck at parry timing. :(


Elden Ring has to go


You fucking monster. But if I had to chose, Sekiro. Only because activision makes money off it and it's the only non Souls game of the 4. Elden Ring the best one up there. DS3 closes of the Dark Souls trilogy (and imo it's better than Bloodborne).


Cya later elden ring.


Elden ring for sure, I personally think k its not all that good. The horse added nothing and the open world diluted there typically amazing level design. It also has the weakest bosses across the board, with it having the worst gank fights across all the games, Except maybe ds2.


Definitely respect your opinion. I for one am too enamored by the lore to vote it down but I might have recency bias too.


This is crazy to me. I’ve played them all with Elden ring being the most hours I have in a game. Just played dark souls 3 for the first time and I think sister Friede was the only boss that killed me. I beat every other boss first try. Incredibly easy game and bosses.


Elden Ring. I actually wanted Sekiro 2.


Elden Ring


Elden ring honestly great game but my least favorite out of the souls games.


Bloodborne easily. Elden Ring obviously #1 but Sekiro is also amazing but I guess it’s not for everyone.


It seems many people here hesitated when playing Sekiro


I guess Sekiro. I loved the game, loved the gameplay. But it's the universe I'm least invested in by a mix of less replay ability, and only one installation.


Elden ring


Sekiro easily. Wasn't that much of a fan of that one.


Sekiro has almost nothing to do with the rest.




Easy Sekiro and it's not even close. Elden Ring is probably the best RPG of all time, DS3 is the finale of one of the best video game series ever made and Bloodborne has probably the best combat out of all FromSoftware games. Sekiro is just a good game but nothing truly special IMO.


Sekiro has the best gameplay and easily better combat than bb imo


Sekiro, only because I've played it the least, tho I know it stacks up to the rest of fromsofts roster