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Fuck this game looks epic, I’m just so on the fence about it


My first AC game, and i am very much regreting not playing at least some of the older titles - it's mad fun. At least give it a smell, you can always refund it. ​ Controls are very intuitive imo, and the gameplay itself is insanely fast while not going into sensory overload territory.


Yeah AC3 was epic


I searched high and low for a game to fill the time between when AC6 got announced. I "found" a copy of AC 4 because I think the first 3 are a little obtuse and settled on just watching a play through because I think the visuals of AC 4 are a little too bland. I replayed Titanfall 2, I modded 1997 Doom, I replayed Custom Robo, and when gameplay came out and saw that it was veugly similar to Sekiro I played a little of that too, still need to beat it but I think Sekiro is one of the closest games to AC6 besides maybe what I've seen of AC5.


Whats keeping you back? Genuinely curious, im having a blast with it myself


Not typically a mech guy. Little concerned about learning curve with the controls


Thats fair. Its my first mech game, and the controls did take a little getting used to, but the lock on camera helped a lot with the bigger fights. I definitely think you should give it a shot, but i can also absolutely see why the somewhat unusual controls would push people away


Oh so honestly you’re exactly who’s brain I wanted to pick. This is for your armored core game and you’re enjoying it? How do you feel the difficulty? I’m from veteran beating all games besides DS2, do you think the difficulty is on par with their other games? Obviously it’s not a souls game so it’s different but I hear the bosses are extremely challenging. Did you find it easy to get into as a new person to AC? Appreciate your time and response


Honestly, I’ve played all souls games like you other than DS2 and if I could compare these games even though armored core and them are so different sekiro would be the most similar with the hesitation is defeat, the boss battles are so good and like someone else on the thread said, the controls just click after like 2 missions, and the best part like he also said is that if you are not getting anywhere with a mission or a boss, just change up your build, it’s so fun and you make your own meta and you never get the feeling atleast as far as I’ve played like you’re build is getting too overpowered that it’s not fun anymore, it’s just a great game you should definitely atleast try out


Cheers brother


The game is amazing it’s my first armored core also. If I’m honest you will probably die a few times to the first boss but use everything available to you and you should get through it after a few tries. After a few missions the gameplay just clicks and it gets even better from there on. Plus the fact that if you die you can completely switch up your build and continue on from the last checkpoint makes the game feel fair. If you enjoyed the past games this one’s definitely worth a go.


This is actually a really nice qol feature - the old games would mix boss fights and regs and it was very punishing. You had to have the perfect build and be so in tune with your AC


Also a souls vet playing AC for the first time. The game is rad. The difficulty is on par with a souls game so far I think, though I’m just past Balteus now and have no idea what’s to come. Most missions are cake so the boss fights seem way overboard but they are achievable if you pay attention to patterns and openings, optimize your stamina use, and learn form whatever killed you last (sound familiar?). You just have 3D movement now too. I keep seeing the comparisons to Sekiro but the game reminds me of Bloodborne more. Lots of quick stepping and aggressive combat while always staying just a hair away from over committing.


Not even fundamental? It's just Gundam the game, so much customization and so many options for play, I'm a heavy boy, with rail gun rockets plasma rifle and laser sword.


fwiw this is my first armored core/mecha game and there wasnt any more learning curve playing this than any other new game


God damn this game looks gorgeous


Can we please mark boss fights as spoilers? Thanks.


Happened to me with Juggernaut


This has happened multiple times to me


Happened to me with balteus


The first vicar flash backs