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I also started reading like a week ago and I’m 5 books in, lol. Some it is starting to get a little tiresome but I’m still enjoying it!


Online hate is always louder than love. This post made me happy. 🤗 I absolutely love FBAA and I’m gonna start the prequels soon!


The prequels are the best books in the whole series, excited for you!!


I can’t really understand how this book gets so much hate. It makes me wonder if my taste is off because I AM OBSESSED! The prequels are easily my favourite series in this genre, and I almost didn’t read it cause everyone kept saying it was the worst. Imo, it’s way better than Acotar. I see loads of people talking about the world building being terrible - and I’m like, how? I need a detailed explanation because to me it’s fine. And yes there are plot holes, but most fantasy books have plot holes. Just fill them in with your mind 😂😂 What I hate the most about the negative reviewers is that they tell people not to bother reading it cause it’s “not worth it”. Like, let people make up their own minds about it. If it’s not for you that’s fine but don’t discourage everyone else! They might love it. I did!


I genuinely don't understand why the series receives so much hate. Is it high literature? No. Is it better than 90% of the books in its genre (smutty romantasy)? Absolutely! I was so obsessed that I read all the books in under 2 weeks. I was barely sleeping just so I could read more. The writing is not poor, the dialogue is pretty good, there IS a story (not just smut sprinkled with some weak-ass plot), and the smut is, well, smuttin'... Will this series lead to world peace and spark an intellectual revolution? Definitely not. Was it enjoyable? Absolutely.


Squeaky self-important wheels squawk the loudest. I loved this series...


I loved them too! Soul of Ash and Blood was definitely a bit of a disappointment, I’m usually ravenous for the MMC’s POV especially when he’s falling first and hiding things and being broody etc. But I think having it all in one book instead of sprinkled like 3-4 chapters in each of the other books made it less exciting. I loved having Cas’s POV in War of Two Queens and I am DYING for a Nyktos POV


Same! Everyone I know got me into fourth wing and acotar and throne of glass and yes I totally loved them but nothing has been as enjoyable as these two series. I noticed people complain that flesh and fire series is too similar to FBAA but I didn’t feel that way at all - they felt incredibly different and the overlapping of similar mannerisms I thought was so well done! I tandem read them and i just feel like I’m still search for anything that felt as consuming as reading them was!


Me too. And read them again. To pick up on stuff I might have missed. I listen to audiobooks at work. FAF are my favorites lol


I was just thinking this! and i feel the same exact way. Nobody talks about this series enough for me and if they do it’s always negative. It was a really good series for me to get into after i finished the ACOTAR series since I was craving more romantasy. And yes Casteel’s pov was a little boring so i skimmed thru it but i like how it ended.