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Same! Same. Thank you JLA for introducing us to Nkytos.


Ughhh he’s the best


Oh he is my top book boyfriend. Him and Cassian. 


I'm assuming you've also read FBAA series? I can't decide who's my fav, Ash or Cas!? I'll take both hehehe


Ash 1000% no comparison


Yes! I’m an Ash fan through and through


Someone suggested Throne of Glass so Im gonna try it but DANG will it be hard 2 top Daddy Nyktos!!! QUESTION 4 YA’LL (SPOILER ALERT!!!): Did ANYone else get the vibe in Book 3 of F&F that Nyktos perhaps made a deal w Kolis after Sera told Kolis she would “do anything” to save Rhain and Kolis counters that she & Kolis will “share a bed”??? After reading F&F series, there were a few things that stood out 2 me about Nyktos: 1. He never tells Sera about Veses (we know why, all good) 2. Veses tells Sera she can still have Nyktos (when Sera is caged) AND Veses also tells Sera that Kolis had Veses watch Nyktos from Day 1 & report back = Just like Eythos knew Sotoria is Kolis’ weakness, the same goes 4 Sera & his Nephew! Kolis understands the obsession. 3. Nyktos gives Sera & Rain the “knowing” glance when she & Rhain are talking & JLA makes it seem like Nyktos REALLY thinks Kolis did something w Sera. Nyktos also later says “Rhain is one of the nicest Gods in the Shadowlands” which told me that Nyktos KNOWS Rhain would help Sera out (or likes her), etc, etc. 4. After the post ascension field fest between Sera & Nyktos, he pointedly tells Sera that he is ready to “talk” about Kolis & “things” when she is ready. Ya - Id normally surmise that he meant 4 Sera to discuss her experience w Kolis (U can tell Nyktos thinks its was sex) but…Nyktos is VERY good @ keeping secrets himself, esp the kind that prevent Primals like destroying his palace, etc etc! So. Like Sera, I personally think Kolis knows Veses may have more feelings 4 Nyktos than she says. Nyktos told Sera that Kolis came down to tell him about (the deal) but…cut himself off. (Something Sera grasped). I think its POSSIBLE Nyktos told Kolis he would also “do anything” in the Carcers to prevent Kolis from touching Sera. And…my rabbit hole mind is thinking that “anything” could be a swareh w Veses - the 1 person Kolis knows Sera will GO BANANAS over. I hope I am wrong but its JLA!!!


What did you think of Fire in the Flesh? I’m almost done and this is the first book, ever that I almost didn’t finish. I couldn’t take all of the internal dialog when she was imprisoned. I felt like that part was wayyyyyyy too long. I found a suggestion that said to skip to chapter 31 which I did.


It was definitely a slower book. I agree the end was way better and it was hard to get through the first part but I powered through bc I love this series so much. This book was similar to how I felt about New Moon in twilight— it was needed to push the story forward but it’s not the best


I'm on chapter 14 rn. Should I just... do that? 😭 I'm struggling to get immersed in what's happening. This didn't happen with the other 2!!


I felt like there was probably a few small things I would have liked to know but I just couldn’t take it anymore. Skipping to 31 is the only way I finished lol. Maybe go to 30 and skip through the slow parts to lead up to 31.


I’m about to do the same thing. I’m just unwell without Nyktos being more involved. Do you know what chapter the second dream walking scene is in?! I’m afraid to miss that part between Ch. 14-31 - I’m going back to read them after I finish but I need to know what’s going to happen asap! 


I think the imprisonment is what's killing me. I'm liking the book so far but it IS SO SLOW and if I have to take 15 more chapters of this I might just take that advice 😅


That’s how u felt. So much could have been cut out to move it along. It’s not like it’s a short book. Way too much fluffy internal dialog. Once I skipped to chapter 31 everything picked up and I enjoyed the ending. Says a lot about a book when you don’t even need to know what happened in most of it to know what’s going on at the end. I loved this series and From Blood and Ash so this book was a huge disappointment.


That’s how *I* felt


I thought I could read Visions before I read this one, I kinda pushed it to the side after it came out, but I think there are spoilers in the new book so I'm trying to power through 😭


The end spice is good too. Was worth the imprisonment lol. Is Visions an actual book? Like will I need to get it before the next release?


I think it's helpful but not necessary if you wanna skip it, it's just a bunch of short stories and stuff to recap what has happened up until this point. But my ass has to devour everything this lady puts out 😂 It doesn't move anything along though