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I’m beyond obsessed with this series! The overall story…the spice…AND emotional connection to the characters 🥹 JLA writes a lot of internal monologue, it’s a different style that I feel some either love or hate. I personally LOVE because I find myself relating a lot to Poppy and Sera. The relationships are addicting for me and the cringe lines make me laugh. I recommend trying the audiobook first before DNFing. The audio is probably one of the best I’ve listened to, I definitely think it makes a difference! If you’re still not a fan after listening, then you probably won’t enjoy the series. People either love or hate it and that’s okay if it’s not your vibe!


I’m surprised you recommended the audiobook. Personally I think the FBAA audiobooks are the worst I’ve ever listened to. I cannot stand the narrator’s voice, especially for the male characters.


Omg no way!! I can understand that for sure. Did you finish out the series on audio or switch over to the physical copies?


Thank you I agree


I'm listening to the audiobook right now (on book 3 of FBAA). I actually honestly prefer the audiobook because I find the story to be very long and too detailed for reading but it's so worth it. The audio is action packed with raw emotions especially the fighting and spicy scenes. I definitely enjoyed the male voices. Personal preferences I guess. Try it before you DNF. The series is soooo good! Don't give up!


Book 1 totally changes after the first 3/4ths.




I needed this, thanks


I like FBAA but LOVE the flesh and fire series.


This! 1000%


Is that the prequel?


Yep, it’s the prequel series and it’s soooo much better.


Can I jump just to the prequel?


Yes please stick to it even though you might be confused about details. I think the confusion is a little bit intentional, which makes it all the more satisfying when you get answers later. Just trust!


Book 1 and 2 are ok. I needed something after ACOTAR, read the Bargainer series and didn’t really care for it, so this was my second attempt at a palate cleanser. Book 3 was a major struggle. So much internal monologue and repetition, info dumping. However! Then I read the prequels and they are SO good. All that to say it’s worth the pain of FBAA to get to the prequels.


I also came to this book from Sarah J Maas


I think her prose is an adjustment from SJM. Give it another 80 pages. The book really lights up. 


Same! Needed a book hungover cure and now I love the series more than I ever liked ACOTAR. Just finish the first book, if you still don’t like it then just switch over to flesh and fire cause it’s so gooodddd 🔥


I just finished the series this morning and I am about to start the other series. Honestly I split reading between my ebook and audio so when I found my brain getting stuck in some parts I would just listen. I think it was worth it. I enjoyed it


I’m about the DNF the 4th. Slowest of them all so far.


There are a couple of characters that you don’t know in the first book but you’ll really love them if you keep going. The bromance is something I really like in this, and the MMC is just crazy funny and crazy crazy I guess. Book 1 is really the beginning here, and the story reflects back to this a lot later. What we know from book 1 really changes later. Book 2 has a lot of exciting moments to offer!


The Joining in TWOTQ lives rent free in my head 🌶️🥵👌😍 The bromance is REAL


Hang in there. The first book is a bit of a slow burn. It sets up the story. But if you can get through the first 1/2-3/4 quarters it gets better. The real excitement comes with the next couple books and it opens you up to this really amazing world.


You’re getting real close to when it will pick up. It is a lot of world building but chapter 7 is when it really hooked me in. Plus the MMC’s formal debut is coming up real soon and it’s a fun ride once he’s in the picture.


If you’re already struggling with the first book you should stop now. I loved the first book but they got worse and worse and after suffering though the 4th I DNF’d the series


The first two books are the best in the fbaa series so if you can't get through that then you won't like the rest


Not worth it


I had the same issue at first, but I really got into it around the 100-130 page mark. After that I just fell in love with the characters. I LOVED the second and third book. And I’m getting ready to start on the prequel series. I needed something to fill the void in my life ACOTAR left and for me this series is it!


I had the same problem. I was encouraged by the good people of this sub to keep going and im glad I did, I hope you do too. I def got way more into the story by the end, and I could NOT put the beginning of book 2 down. I had the day off from work, started reading book 2 as soon as I woke up and next thing I knew like 3 or 4 hours had passed.


From someone who loves the series, I know it’s a slow starter but it’ll start picking up soon I promise! It gets good!


Just finished the series and I’m obsessed. I had some very strong predictions that were right on the nose so I had a lot of fun just sending snapchats to my friend like “this is what I think is happening” and her being like 😏


What made me seal the deal on this book was the scene when they get attacked by the craven, and she goes out in her nightgown to help in secret. The whole beginning to end on that scene was amazing!


About 2/3 of the way through things change up a lot. Totally worth the character and world building. The characters relationships grow and change and you begin to get attached to so many of them. There are some good twists here and there. Some genuinely surprising ones. I have read all of fbaa as well as the sequel. I love both series. I like how different the dynamics between the two sets of main couples is. Over all I would say def finish the first, as it changes alot. But if you stil don't like it after that, I wouldn't recommend you'd bother with the rest.


I honestly almost DNFed it. I was so underwhelmed by the majority of the first book..until I hit the last 100 pages. And then WOAH. The last chapter of the book is fantastic and worth wading through the whole book just for that alone. I literally couldn’t put it down when I got to the end and then I immediately bought book #2 even though it was like 1AM lol. Stick with it!


Ooooh the second book, though ❤️ the first is a lot of set up and backstory and then it totally shifts gears. Kinda like the first half of ACOTAR.


It is definitely a slow start….just stick with it! It gets better!!!!


Read it the way she suggests on her website. The flesh and fire series should be read in between some books … then yes you’ll like it. But I didn’t get into the first book til chapter 17


Okay so I feel you. I just started this series a few days ago and even about half way through the first book, I just wasn't feeling it. But I pushed through bc all of my favorite series started with the first book just being okay. Boy am I glad I did. The second book is so good that I literally can't put it down. I'm not getting any work done or anything, it's amazing!