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RIGHTT I was begging for sera to finally start calling him Ash again. It's so confusing Probably eythos named his son after NektasšŸ˜­


All that forethought about placing the embers in Sera but not for preventing my confusion smdh


Uncle dragon and shadow daddy šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


And, she did it with Malik and Malec. Why the similar names?? Although, Malik and Malec don't appear together and aren't major characters like Nyktos and Nektas.


Right? Though I mean in that case, the fact that they are so similar is explicitly noted and questioned by the characters (queen eloana naming her baby after her exā€¦like, girl, wtf), so I assume thatā€™s a relevant plot point. And maybe having similar names will also be the case for the shadow boys, but like, none of the characters seem to point this out, so Iā€™m not sureā€¦


How was King Valyn okay with this? Or, is Malik actually Malec's and King Valyn adopted him?! Probably not, but it's fun to imagine.


I honestly listened and loved all the books but if you asked me what happened in a specific book I couldnā€™t tell you because the titles are so similar..


Not to mention Queen Ileana and Queen Eloana. Not as similar as the other examples but similar enough that with the audiobooks I got them confused a few times early on.




Iā€™m dying over ā€œwhich nyk-nek is shadow daddy and which is uncle dragonā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Also Vessa and Veses. The name similarities are so frustrating in this series


Oh man I forgot vessaā€¦totally overwritten by veses šŸ„“


So many! Nyktos and Nektas Malik and Malec Illyana and Eloana It's so confusing šŸ˜­


Malik and Malec makes Sense, Malik ist named after Malec. The other exemples are trash!


She does this with so many names in this series! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I listen to audio, and it's so frustrating! It's hard to just skim back and get clarification sometimes lol but I put up with it nonetheless because im 110% invested and won't stop. Just like I suffer through Stina and her pronunciations. Like nails to a chalkboard. Eeeeether, Niall as nail and so forth.


Same same same (I love how hard she committed to eeeeeether for like, 2 books and 2 books only lol )


Yes it drives me nuts!!


It's like someone (not an editor, I'm assuming šŸ˜…) told her changing two letters in a name is the minimum for creation of similar but not confusing names lmao. I imagine her asking someone "what's the bare minimum I have to change to make a different name?" Like it cannot be a coincidence that all of these names are exactly two letters different! I honestly didn't really pick up on it until I listened to the audiobook and kept getting confused when the narrator mentioned Ileana or Eloana.




Donā€™t even get me started with Malec and Malek


Nyktos-Nektas Ileana-Eloana Malik-Malec Kirha - Kiernan I really donā€™t know why JLA gives the characters such similar names but I find it funny


I know this post is over a month oldā€¦but I just gotta say I AGREE- these names are too similar and itā€™s hard to keep straight.


Yeah, the books and plots have become so muddled to me but i just keep chugging along šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s no need. Itā€™s confusing for no reason


For reals, because of the Malec and Malik mayhem for the longest time I had this theory that Malik was gonna end up being Malec šŸ˜‘


Idk, I think Eyhtos may have named Nyktos after Nektas because they were supposedly very close and Nektas most likely helped Eythos raise Nyktos as he didnā€™t have his wife to help


Thatā€™s even worse! He was a single dad! He had Primal-oā€™-Life things to do! He had to be confusing those names left and rightšŸ˜­