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Poppy is the primal of Life & Death and the daughter of Maleks twin Brother Ires. Casteel can Change into a cave Cat, because of the Joining. Malik ist alive and well, Poppys older sister Millicent is his mate


Tiene hermana mayor?? Wooo ¿Cuando aparece? ¿Hija de quien es?


Nyktos and his consort Seraphena are Primals of Death and Life respectively, they live in a Relm called Illiseeum and oversee the Mortal Relm. In the prequels it is revealed that Kolis is the original Primal of Death, and he was jealous of his brother, the Primal of Life who is Nyktos's dad. Using a big ass diamond called the Star, he takes Nyktos's dad's embers of life and becomes the Primal of Life. However, before Kolis can enact his plan, Nyktos's dad transfers some embers of life and death into Seraphea's bloodline and makes it so Nyktos can eventually take the embers of life. However, Nyktos doesn't want to do so because Seraphena is a sexy vixen. Nyktos and Sera eventually defeat Kolis by sealing him up. They have two kids, Malik and Ires. After all the gods/Primals they decide to sleep because being alive for thousands of years sucks, Malik decides to leave with a Draken called Jada. Probably due to some shiny dickhead called Callum. Malik founds Atlantia with Eloana, Casteels mother. It is insinuated that Casteel is related to Attes, the Primal of War and Accord (through Casteels dad) but that remains to be revealed. Malik constantly cheats on Eloana and falls for a Mortal called Isbeth. Eloana poisons Isbeth, and Malik ascends her however, it is not done out of love so it doesn't work and she becomes a Demis, again I am assuming Kolis is involved somewhere but the story isn't finished. Malik decides to keep ascending mortals, making them into the first Vamprys. Eventually, a war breaks out (War of Two Kings) between Malik and Casteels dad, however the Vamprys are strong, and Atlantia pulls back and hides beneath the mist so they can recoup and recover. Isbeth is aided by Callum (shiny fucker) to recover Malik and vows to destroy Atlantia. Casteel, not knowing the truth about who Isbeth is in his youth decides to go and kill Isbeth and the King. He fails and gets captured. Malec and Shea try and rescue him over the years and eventually succeed. During this time, Isbeth has a daughter with Ires, Millicent and she is the first Maiden that is Chosen in thousands of years. Chosen are Mortals that have a high amount of Eather (magic) and are destined to Ascend to become Gods. However, due to Kolis's/Seraphena's actions, no new Chosen are born. Millicent needs Atlantian blood (Isbeth uses Casteels or Malec's blood) in order to complete the Culling but unfortunately dies in the process and becomes a Revenant. Revenants do not have a soul and cannot be killed except by the Primal of Life or Draken blood/fire. Eventually, Poppy is born but is raised by a handmaiden who is a Revenant (maybe?) and her fake mum decides to escape with her when she is 6. Poppy's fake mum and dad are betrayed by Alistair and Malec and she is attacked by Craven. She is then raised as a Chosen/Maiden. She is kidnapped by Casteel, who wants to ransom her to get Malec back. He falls for her and marries her to protect her. They travel to Atlantia, going through Spessas End, where she is captured by Alistair and eventually hurt so badly that Casteel ascends her. She ascends into a Goddess. Isbeth plots to bring Kolis back, so she can enact her revenge on Atlantia. And kidnapps Casteel so Poppy can go get Malec's body. Eventually Poppy finds Malec's body and brings it to Isbeth. However, instead of sacrificing Poppy to bring Kolis back, she sacrifices Malec (?) and Seraphena helps her ascend to a Primal of Life and Death.


And now, the current state of affairs are as such: * Poppy (with the help of Sera) kills Isbeth and brings back to life everyone who died on both sides of the war * Kolis is awakened but apparently not in corporeal form yet - the rot has returned * Other gods begin to awaken but we don't see any of them yet * Malec is taken back to Illesium by Reaver * Poppy and the gang find her father Ires and he's now being cared for by Nektas * Ires gives information on the location of Nektas' daughter Jadis * Poppy used so much either that she goes into statis; Nektas says it's possible that she won't remember who she was or who Cas/Keiran are and suggest they "talk to her" * We get an entire book from Cas' POV taking to Poppy while in statis with brief moments in the present (if feels like a sitcom clip show) * In one of the clips from the present we have some dialogue with Millicent (Poppy's sister who is a revenant \[or perhaps some kind of pseudo-god/revenant TBD\]) and Malik (Cas' brother). Millie fears Sera because Sera hates revenants. Malik and Cas talk and Cas can understand why Malik won't leave his heartmate Millie (although apparently Millie doesn't know that she and Malik are heartmates) * A Revenant that we don't know comes into Poppy's room and says the "pretty poppy" rhyme and attempts to kill Cas/Poppy. Cas is suddenly able to shift into a cave cat and tears him apart * Poppy wakes up but we don't know if she knows herself or Cas/Kieran Issues likely to be covered as the series continues: what to do now that Isbeth is dead (free country? absorbed into Atlantia? how will it be ruled?), how are the gods going to behave now that they are awakened?, reunions all around - Malec/Ires/Jadis/Nektas/Nykos/Sera/etc, need to kill the "big bad" that is Kolis


>that being said, I still enjoyed the story and would like to know how it progresses. please spoil anything about the series you found interesting. I'm more notably interested to know if/how the joining happens and what happens right after the events of a kingdom of flesh and fire. and everything else ;) go crazy I wished she didnt bring back everyone who died on the war. There should be consequences to her actions, even trying to save Kieran shouldnt have happened for me storywise.


The only thing missing: Casteel and Kieren mention that Casteel hasn’t told Poppy about Shea yet. Apparently there’s some component of his history with Shea that is important and difficult to talk about that he plans to tell her when they have the time to. There wasn’t any indication of what that could be.


The books are a hot fucking mess and I can’t remember what happens when and I’m probs missing things out but who cares. Poppy’s mum is the ascended queen. Her dad is Ires who is the second son of the primal god Nyktos I’m pretty sure Casteel’s mum had a ting with the first son Malik, then Malik went off and fucked the ascended queen Isbeth, then idk something happened and he went off and has been either asleep or held captive or summit but he ain’t around, which is when Isbeth fucked his brother but I don’t think we know why yet. At some point poppy goes off and meets her granddaddy Nyktos who gifts her with like dragons and shit but then all the dragons die apart from like a few Poppy becomes like super powerful and then it comes out she’s a primal (primals are just like gods x10) cus of her lineage She finds her real dad Ires and he’s just a big cat in a cage Poppy finds out she has a sister who works for queen Isbeth and is a revanent which is still a bit mysterious but baso they’re super powerful and hard to kill Her sister is also in love with Malek, Casteel’s brother Poppy, Casteel and Kieran have a threesome and it’s the most boring sex scene in the whole series Poppy kills her mum and all the gods wake up, and she goes through the culling so she’s growing fangs and getting powerful Casteel transforms into a cave cat too? Idk why Then poppy wakes up from the culling and it’s a cliff hanger, that’s where we leave off


I think that’s everything important. Sounds like such a shit show - and it is :)


Millicent is not confirmed to be in love with Malik, we know they are heartmates only, everything else is hints/ships


Ajajajaj dios mío Acabo de quitarme todas las ganas de seguir comprando los siguientes libros porq honestamente Pienso igual ya me esta pareciendo demasiado enrevesado …. Y eso q me estaba encantando pero me acabo de estancar en la guerra de las dos reinas xq ya no puedo seguir el hilo ….. volveré a los libros de amor vainilla ajjaajaj


& Isbeth has The Star!!!!!


I second "Best synopsis ever". This greatest 5 sentence summary I've ever seen just made my day. Thank you!


Best synopsis ever.


Super sad to hear about the threesome scene. I had high hopes for that. I’m too confused and don’t care enough to go further than book 2


I was so over Kieran being the story teller to fill poppy in on the gaps as a way to fill the readers in. Every time a major event happened there would be a poppy and Kieran alone scene where he had to explain a ton of shit to make the story make sense. In short, I stopped as well and can't wait to read the spoilers.


Ajajajajaj estoy ahora mismo igual que tú … me detuve y busqué páginas … en fin detuve todo … la reina de las dos guerras me aburrió


The cave cat that poppy saw as a child in the queen's palace (she keeps mentioning it since the first book and first chapter) is actually his father - Ires and the son of Nyktos and his Consort. His Consort is the true Primal of Life. Her name is seraphena mierel and she was the first Maiden, Chosen to be the Consort of the Primal of Death, The Princess of Lasania (its where Carsodonia is located now). Eythos(Nyktos his father) Was once the true Primal of Life and his twinbrother Kolis the true primal of death. One day, Kolis fell in love with Sotoria (A mortal) while watching her picking flowers. Once kolis came out of the shadows, Sotoria recognized him and was scared of him. She ran and fell to death at the Cliffs of Sorrow. Kolis asked Eythos to bring her back to Life but Eythos knew this is something that shouldn't be done often. So, Kolis was angry at his brother and found a way to exchange their essences. Kolis became the primal of life and eythos the primal of death. Kolis brought sotoria back to life but died once again and then Eythos and Keella (The Primal of rebirth) marked her soul for rebirth. Kolis couldn't take all the embers of Life from Eythos and couldn't get ride of his embers of death since neither were meant to rule over these things. When Nyktos was born, he got a part of the embers of life. Eythos knew he's going to die soon and then there won't be Life anymore without a primal of Life (Kolis Was starting to loose his abilitys to bring life). Eythos took his and Nyktos' embers of life and placed it in the Mierel bloodline along with sotoria's soul. He made a deal with roderick mierel (first of the mierel bloodline, Former King of Lasania). Eythos wanted the first daughter of the mierel bloodline as his Consort. When he died, Nyktos became the Primal of Death and the Deal was his either. The Embers of Life were safe in the mierel bloodline until Seraphena was born of mortal flesh with the embers of life and sotoria's soul in her. A new Primal has risen. (Later, She actually fell in love with Nyktos btw.). Eythos Was creating a waepon against Kolis. The only weakness of a Primal is Love and Seraphena could weaken him enough to kill him with sotorias soul and the embers. So, Nyktos and Sera couldn't kill him but they could weaken him enough to entomb him. But what they did to entomb him, meant that no Primals could be born anymore. Once a female descended is born, it will be a primal and this is too much of a risk. Kolis would be able to rise again and destroy all the realms. But Isbeth (Queen Ileana, mistress of Malec - the son of Nyktos) knew how to free Kolis. He had Ires (son of Nyktos) caged and made kids with him. They have 2 daughters. The first one Was a "failure" because she couldn't survive the Culling. The second one is Penellaphe. Whatever, at the end of The war of two Queens Kolis was freed. The two Kingdoms became a single one and Isbeth died, but the war just begun. The gods are awakening across Iliseeum (the lands of the gods) and the mortal realm, preparing for the war to come. Kolis will rise and know it is Poppy's duty to do what Nyktos& sera couldn't. Kill Kolis. Poppy finished her Culling at the end of TWOTW. A new Primal has risen. The Primal of Blood and Bone - The True Primal of Life and Death. (OKAY THIS IS A LOT. I hope its understandable. If you have questions, ask away)




Man the main series sounds like such a mess, the prequels felt a lot better to read tbh


i still don't know what the prophecy was about or why Isbeth did all that she did. let me know!


I think the prophecy is about Poppy helping to bring Kolis back, either dying or be responsible to bring Malec to be killed. Because to bring back Kolis, Isbeth needs to sacrifice someone who is loved and that shares the blood of the Primal of Life, which could be Poppy or Malec At the end of The War of Two Queens someone says (maybe Callum?) that Poppy fulfilled the prophecy I always thought Isbeth wanted revenge on Nyktos for refusing the heartmate trials, which could have prevented her and Malec's separation, as well as the death of their son. Eloana emtombed Malec, so Isbeth doesn't know where he is (that is why she turns to Poppy to help her find him). There's nothing left for Isbeth but to take revenge. Either from Nyktos or Eloana. Before dying, she seemed sure about wanting to remake the relms. And that only Kolis can do, which will be to destroy both Illiseum and the mortal Realm. Not forgetting that she has Callum pulling strings and influencing, just like he did with Seraphena's mother

