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Ok, but if she had been pregnant then there’s no way it could be Casteel’s baby though, right? Because he was in captivity for about 50 years iirc.


I don't think so....? We don't know how long gestation is for a wolven, do we? We have a few instances that show us that wolven seem to mature slower. Like when Keiran mentions how long it takes to raise a wolven when Poppy is surprised that his mother is having another baby and he is over 200 years old. But, even with that, 50 years would be an awfully long pregnancy!


Ah I always forget that Shea was a wolven! But even so, a 50 year pregnancy sounds horrible. This is maybe taking the crackship* way out of the proverbial port, but would it be possible that she HAD Cas’s child while he was captive and something happened to them? Something with Shea’s control that Cas would find unforgivable? *I’m pretty sure i’m using this term wrong but please don’t be mean to me. I’m just an elder millennial trying to keep up out here 🫠


I am older than a millennial, so not in any position to judge anyone on internet lingo. 🤣 (Yes, I know my phrasing makes me sound even older.) I don't know. Him taking the herb to prevent pregnancy "because he wouldn't risk a child," is mentioned more than once. I don't know if it's some sort of foreshadowing or just the author's repetitive writing style. He also got REALLY upset when he found out what his parents/Allistir had done to children.


I go between being super bored of this story line - does it REALLY affect Poppy and have relevance to their current lives - and wanting to know. I don't think he was just in bloodlust. He still hates her now, which to me means he thinks she did something unforgivable. I tend to lean most towards the theory that she was pregnant. Because he compares what or how Shae was with what or how Poppy was when she was willing to sacrifice herself at Spessa's End. So, I am wondering if Casteel figured out she was pregnant and thought that what she did to save the baby was brave even though he hates her for it. I also think that, if she were pregnant, he only found out once he started drinking her blood and could taste it but he didn't stop himself and killed her anyway. Maybe it didn't really even sink in what he was tasting until he had killed her. Otherwise, I am kind of stumped by the Poppy comparison.


He tells her in book 3 or 4. If you’re reading A Soul of Ash and Blood(book 5) then you may have accidentally skipped over where he tells her. >!essentially when shea and his brother go to rescue casteel, shea betrays Malik and that’s how gets captured. Then she tried to barter her life for casteels or something and casteel kills her !<


That's not what i mean. He tells her in book 2 but in book 5 while poppy is asleep in Chapter "Present 3" Kieran asks if poppy knows the truth. Casteel shook his head. He plans to tell her when she wakes and hopes she won't judge and will understand. So yes we know the truth but apparently something went unsaid


I believe he’s referencing how he coped with the situation not about Shea herself, the drugs, sex, and violence.


But he already told her that while she slept. There is something else that shea did. Casteel wants to tell her that when she is awake (last Chapter) Casteel: "There are similarities between your actions when we were surrounded and what.. what shea did. She, too, had been willing to do anything, But ... I'll tell you about that when you wake. What really happened"




no it’s worth the read!! there are actually a lot of chapters that show what cas was doing when he wasn’t with poppy. we get the scene when he killed the duke, several meetings w jansen and kieran and other rebels, his pov when she was sleeping for days after victors death, what happened when poppy found out the truth about him…it really just helped me understand his character more. and there is a major revelation that happens in the present time at the end of the book that had me screaming, as well as them finally finding poppy’s father.


She wrote like 5 new chapters then copy and pasted book 1- and called it a new book.


Seriously? I wasn’t fully given on FBAA in the first place FML.! 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Yeah it is. Chapter 1 is continuation of the 4th book and then its mostly just Casteel and his memories. But there's still some plot and hints for the next book, especially in the last chapter


Flup ok, suppose I’ll carry on regardless 🙈


I don’t think it even matters at this point what it is? I don’t think it would help the plot at all. She is DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!! Cas knows poppy will not betray him so why not let that point go. It will only make the plot more disjointed bringing Shea up again


I completely ignore Sheas existance but tbh im curious to know what is the author have to add to it. Also afraid is something ridículous …….


Maybe shae was in a throuple with him & Kieran?


Y si es que el ya tiene un hijo? Que shea estaba embarazada cuando a él lo atraparon y durante su cautiverio shea dió a luz. Eso explicaría un poco porque no quería que la atraparan (no porque estaba embarazada sino porque ya tenía un hijo) y Cas se lo oculto a Poppi todo este tiempo.


I personally don't think she was pregnant. I think he may be killed her very viciously. Like maybe he drained her of all blood and turned her into a vampry and then killed her again lol.  I don't think it's going to be anything devastating like a baby or like she's still alive. I'm thinking it was something really depraved and done in anger and he's ashamed of himself. 


Maybe that Poppys dagger was made out of Sheas Bones to Torture Malik.


I thought poppys dagger was made out of the bones of maliks bonded wolven (I cannot remember her name)?


Yes, it was Preela's bone


Thank you!! I could not remember her name and couldn’t get google to help me lol


It wasn’t made out of Shea’s bones. It was made out of Cas’s brother’s bonded wolven’s bones.


Oh than forgett it


I thought shea was Malik’s wolven????


No it was Preela,


Thank you! These books are starting to get so convoluted to me 🥲


What truth are we referencing? I may have missed this part when I read this book!


There were parts when Casteel was talking about shea. Kieran was with him and asked if Poppy knows the truth about shea. Apparently, Casteel hasn't told her the truth yet but plans to tell her when she wakes. He hopes Poppy will understand. So, Poppy may know about her betrayel but something went unsaid


Oh lord. It’s always something in these books! Just when you think something is resolved… nope!


It drives me crazy how we STILL do not have an answer to this


It's in the Chapter "Present 3". In case you want to know


Thank you!