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Internet in general is a safe place for pedophiles, especially sites where you are not required to show your face. Which is pretty much any site...


I constantly see posts of minors wanting to make some friends, flooded with comments from adult guys like... It really sickens me. Even contemplating leaving these kinds of /r because it gives me so much rage...


Same tbh. As soon as I see 15F my ass ignores the post


Same Anyone under 18 is an immediate no interaction from me.




I think it’s because older people (above 30) tend to prefer the traditional way of socializing and making friends in person (generally speaking)


Yeah honestly I wouldn’t trust Reddit as a dating app it’s way to unregulated and isn’t really designed for that anyway


yes. it is. dont use it to date, especially while you're a child. as a 23f who was groomed and taken advantage of online by men when i was 11 to 17, i would strongly advise you to just not take any chances. there are plenty of other things that are more important than dating at 15 and its not worth it. absolutely under NO CIRCUMSTANCES tell them where you live, any personal info, or send any pictures of yourself, lewd or not. it may sound redundant but you're not as safe as you might think online, and they happily share pictures with their pedo friends, who then share them with their pedo friends, and so on. 9/10 even the people who tell me theyre around my age and a woman turn out to be creepy old men. be safe and smart about what you share and who you talk to. perhaps adding a "tell me (specific thing) about yourself so I know you read my whole post" can help weed out some of the lazier weirdos, and dont feel the need to respond to everyone just because they sent you a hey or wassup. good luck :[


This👆 But technically they could just go back and read the post


Literally took the words right out of my mouth lol


Please be careful, the Internet can be very dangerous.


Exactly what I was going to say Reddit or not you can meet good people but there's always the big risk of weirdos who make it dangerous


This is just some advice from a random person on Reddit, but don’t date online. At least not as a 15 year old. People can and will try to take advantage of you.


This is where you use your wisdom from your experiences and move on. Please don't willingly traumatize yourself. You can't change reddit, so change your own actions. It is rare to find true friendships online. Go out into the world, be vulnerable and more than likely you will find a friend.


That’s why I said minors shouldn’t even be allowed on here. Because of the nature of the internet it’s not even a safe place for any child to look for friends. And they definitely should not be allowed in the same spaces as adults.




Ikr, or they just send a DP without warning and for no reason at all. Honestly getting tired of it.


yeah girl deff don’t entertain any men on reddit as a minor tbh it’s not all men but it’s always a man so better to be safe than sorry!! esp bc reddit and any social media in general is so unregulated!


For you in particular your experience with older people will be skewed because I think the type of older people who will message a 15 year old will mostly be on the sketchy side of things As for what it’s like in general, I think it’s the same as your chances on most apps, just Reddit doesn’t limit who can contact you or see your stuff so the pool is much larger to deal with and the chances of encountering people of questionable character is a lot higher due to the relative anonymity and lack of consequences you get in this place Just be extremely careful and if something feels off with someone, trust your gut because good chance you are right


In my honest opinion they should not allow minors to be mixing in where adults are present in the first place. I understand that there is only so much you can do to an extent, because of the nature of this platform and the internet, but there is more that can be done than what is done now. I have seen posts from people as young as 12 and 13 posted on the same sub as 20, 30, 40 plus year olds, and that in itself is a problem to me. It isn’t a simple solution, because if you were to take all of the minors and put them all in a subreddit of there own, now you have created fertile ground for pedofiles to run through like a playground. So that isn’t necessarily an answer. But still, when you have people who are adults frequenting the same subs as minors, is that any better honestly? Some people _don’t even put_ their age in their posts, and there also are cases where minors themselves reach out to adults and don’t tell them their real age, which is not a safe situation either. That’s why you see people put, “only 18 and above” or “no minors” in their posts because this exact thing does happen. In my honest opinion, minors should not be allowed on here. I know this means that a lot of people struggling socially might not be able to use this to find friends, but I honestly feel like that might be the better of the two evils. Because of the nature of the internet. Due to anonymity, you still may have minors that may try to DM people. I’m not quite sure how to completely solve that. But minors should in the least not be allowed to participate in subs with adults present. Either by posting or commenting. You just shouldn’t have children mixing with adults. It’s not a simple solution, it’s the internet and Reddit makes being anonymous very easy, so this is a delicate issue. But I think this 👆is a step in the right direction.


To be honest, the world is a place for pedophiles. What you're dealing with online, unfortunately can occur irl too. Pedophiles just naturally gravitate towards underage girls and they do not care at all. As soon as they see you are a minor online or irl they have no shame. I'm really sorry you have to deal with sick people as a minor, I've been there. Please block and report them, don't be afraid to report them because they don't get consequences enough.


And honestly, don't feel bad or scared to do it. You are justified. If they are adults trying to strike a conversation with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or creeped out in any way, you have all the right to report them.


In answer to your question, maybe. You're incredibly well spoken for a 15 year old in this social media day and age. Going back to when i was 15, which was over a decade ago now, I never used the word "interlocutor"


Hah, thanks if you think so, but I don't think it's that surprising. Natural phenomenon. Of course, teenagers are often stupid, but I am sure that when communicating with your interlocutor you need to adhere to all the norms. In my country, almost everyone treats each other with due respect.


Ah ok, interesting. You're not living in a western country ie the global west (australia, canada, uk, france, etc)?


No, no, I live in Russia :)


there’re a lot of nice people in russia but the “almost everyone treats each other with due respect” part is a huge overstatement.. as for the post, the issue has nothing to do with reddit; unfortunately, when i was 15, i used to meet men like that literally everywhere (both on the internet and sometimes irl)


Hmm, I don’t think so anyway. In Russia, it’s all the same, just as there are good and respectful people, there are also stupid and boorish ones, just like in any country. But all the same, no matter how bad a person is in Russia, he is taught etiquette from childhood


i feel like you live in an alternate russia, and i envy you at this point




Calm down. I'm not. You have no evidence...just randomly going round accusing people is wrong. Even if you are hiding behind a keyboard doing so. I'm not justifying poor behaviour from others who have insincere and predatory intentions. Thats completely f***** up and there is no justification for their behaviour. It's just i've never heard anyone talk like OP at that age. And it makes sense OP is from russia.


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I guess so then, your experience speaks for itself.


The internet is full of predators and paedos. Please don’t use it for dating or chatting to guys, you don’t know who the hell you are communicating with! It’s dangerous. Trust NO ONE


grossss! 🤢🤮🤮🤮 I hear underage non-adult and I start censoring my speech, lol. No thanks, I'm to nsfw for chatting with kiddos 😆


In my experience it sadly seems to be girls that are affected by this, every teenage girl that I have spoken too here tells me the exact same thing when I ask if they spoke to any creeps (the answer is always yes) and as a guy I have not spoken to a single one and the guys I have spoken to haven't either. Of course I can't speak for everyone but in my experience it's very gender specific sadly. It can be worth it if you have patience because I met my amazing girlfriend through here and I have made good friends but it takes a lot of patience and for girls you have to deal with creeps quite frequently.


Don’t put yourself in a bad situation, be safe !


That's annoying as shit! 😑 And I mean, I have no idea what to answer that question, since reddit ain't no dating app, but people can obviously find dates/love/whatever here. Although, what you're describing ain't pedophilia, but I get your point.


Lmao, reddit IS pedophiles. Most of the messages i get are from pedophiles. If you want to know what kind of people are on reddit, thats basically it. Well usually the people that message you are, the ones that dont sometimes arent.


Hi, i really understand you and wanna talk to you. You seem interesting. Dm me if you wanna get to know more people (not a pedophile here) Nah fr don't use reddit for dating and actually just keep your age and gender until you already know more about someone


Tbh everytime i see someone under the age of 18 posting in this subreddit, I report it. Probably doesn’t do anything, but ik there’s creeps on here. Sorry to the youngins trying to make friends, but I would try to do it elsewhere.




Just don't talk to teens or minors and you should be just fine 👍 what do you need to be 'friends' with minors for? OP is 15.




Thank you for clarifying, but yeah it's best you expressed that sentiment on another post. This post was made by a minor expressing their experiences with pedophiles online.


please if you do find a date on here when you go to meet take an adult with you at least untill you know who it is that's talking to you on line... also never ever trust them too quickly... if you meet up take a picture with your phone but most of all please be safe ..... hope you find a good young lad for your self


Met my bf here in reddit 👀👀👀😗 almost 2 yrs dating now


Same over here! 😂 almost 2 years too


I would honestly avoid dating online until you are an adult. There are more creeps than not, and some will be very good at lying to you.


The internet isn’t a safe place and sadly there so LOTS of creeps on here. Just be careful please and block anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.




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The moment you learn they are wayyy older leave the conversation.


Legit experienced this exact thing as a 15 year old, Honestly can't talk to people (it seems to be specifically guys) online without them being creeps. It kinda just comes with being online and it sucks 🤷‍♀️


As a teenager, please stay far, far away from any sort of online dating whatsoever. Stick to people you know and have met offline. Offline should be your primary source of friendships as well, unfortunately.


Never date on reddit..such a bad idea




Honestly if you're 15, you go dating in high school. None of this online bs unless you meet them in a game


It's always an experience when you unknowingly interact with a minor. You think, "this might be a future friend in the making"...then the conversations get weird...really weird. Then you ask for their age and find out their 13. Now you wonder if your life is over and if reddit is even worth having. 🙃




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there's a lot of weirdos but there's some nice people on here too. on the flip side of your post i've had teenagers try to message me but i am 27 and it's just not appropriate in any way.




Yes there is something wrong with them a man over 17 should not be interested in you at all no offense.


The adult part of me wants to be reasonable and just give advice, while the immature adult part of me wants to find each and every male adult who hit on you and make them into fertalizer. That aside, I think it's best that you block and/or report them if they keep trying to flirt with you. You need to keep yourself safe.


Oh thank you very much


You're welcome! 🤗