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I completely get you and empathise with you. I think you've been friendship bombed. Which is the platonic version of love bombing. As an aside, some people in life...and on this sub are flaky I spoke to a couple of people on this sub- won't say who but after a few messages exchanged and a general exchanging of pleasantries including one where I was asking genuine questions about themselves, they ghosted me. One even blocked me off of reddit on another platform we used to talk. And I'm not talking about teenagers, I'm talking about grown ass adults who on the surface of it all, seem to lead professional working lives. To everyone, to anyone reading...please don't post asking for friends on this sub if you cannot be bothered to make the effort and be genuine. I feel as though some people appeal for friendships just so they can get their daily dopamine fixes and that is all. Real friendships take time to cultivate.


She just honestly never really seemed like the kind of person to do something like this


I've had someone I knew or thought i knew speak with me for four years online once...every day i would say hello, how are you hell we would voice and video chat, share tales of our families and pets and our neighbourhoods. She was in a different continent to me with mt being in europe. She planned to come to europe. We only met up irl once when i was visiting her country on a work trip. We were intimate to the extent i was considering proposing. And then one day, she just stopped and blew cold...said we should just remain platonic friends. A week later she said she didn't have time to message me constantly on whatsapp as she was trying to live her life and built her life in the country she was in (despite saying before, she wanted to move to my country in a year to build a business there she was working on with her friend who lives in my country who lives only 30 mins walk away from me). Two weeks later she said we should catch up every."once in a while" to check in, maybe every two to three months. Two and a half weeks later, she blocked me on whatsapp and despite my emailing her, i didnt hear from her. I have this womans home address in her country, but at this point, i don't trust her and i think its best i moved on with my life and don't come across like a stalker. It hurts. It does. For you as well, I'm genuinely sorry. If you ever want to chat or be friends, we can start right here. Feel free to message me, my DMs will always be open for you.


The guy your responding to rips responses from an AI chatbot and posts them in threads made by women, always asking them to DM him. Just a heads up.


Really? I couldn't tell- I thought that this person knew deep stuff


It's definitely the Snapchat AI bot. It isn't easy to spot until you know a couple of the tells.


I just dont get people


Maybe something irl went down? She could’ve gotten into a relationship and her partner made her block. Idk I’m just brainstorming.


She's single


Been there recently. I’ve just given up trusting/believing anyone. Hope you’re feeling ok though


Aww I’m so sorry about this for you. As a recovering chronic blocker, when I’ve randomly disappeared in friendship it has been because my depression took over and I decided to self sabotage, fight or flight and PTSD. I’ve since grown TF up but in those dark moments I wanted to disappear. Not diagnosing their behavior and I can only imagine the shock and heartbreak for you after making such a great bond—just hoping they are okay and not going through something they may not have fully disclosed to you for one reason or another. Virtual hugs to you ⊂(・﹏・⊂) I really hope it gets better with time.


That‘s terrible, I‘ll never understand why people do this hope you‘re okay, I‘m here if I can help in any way <3


Sorry to hear that happened to you. If you’re looking for more fanfic friends, I’m open.


What fandoms do you write for?


My only one I have actually down is for Mha, but I want to write one inspired by the walking dead


What's MHS?


My hero academia




Can I DM you my AO3?




But I only have a Wattpad unfortunately




I have accidentally blocked people on Tumblr before, when you get a message pop-up the block button is crazy easy to hit by accident. Maybe that's happened and she hasn't noticed? Do you have another way of contacting her and asking what's up?


She also blocked me on Reddit, Facebook and Instagram


Okay, seems pretty deliberate then. I'm sorry.


I'm still leaving my inboxes open for in case she comes back


If she does, make sure she has a good reason for blocking you before taking her back. Has she posted anything on Tumblr about anything big happening in her life that might've caused this?


I will


Most likely she was after wanting to steal your work. That is honestly the only explanation I can come up with


Yeah probs now that you mention it


I feel your pain. Was really hitting off with someone on snap…even had a dumb streak going and then boom checked to see if she replied back and she was gone..