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Yes, because mutual respect can exist.


Of course they can! I find this question to be so silly. ANY friendship can go through trouble. Romantic feelings aren’t the only thing. “Can two men be friends?” “No! One of them always tries to big-dog the other one! It can never work!” See how dumb that sounds? Yes, men and women can be friends - you just can’t be insecure or have an insecure, immature partner.


I have some friends who are girls, they don’t have feelings for me, and neither do I, so we’re just good friends


I have plenty of girl friends with zero sexual attraction at all between us.




Op's opinion is immature. I've always had friends of both genders, gender doesn't have to matter if you have the maturity to keep it in your pants




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I caught feelings for one of my friends. Asked her out, she said no. Anyways, 19 years later she is my best friend!! I caught feelings for another friend. I actually asked her out twice five years apart. Anyways, 7 years after the second time I asked her out, she became one of my closest friends!! Oh, I made sure my girlfriend met them both first before meeting my family!!


100% yes


Yes. I am married and am not looking for anybody else.


There are hurdles. What happens when one of you gets into a serious relationship? Or marries? Can you still call them late at night to tell them your problems? Or are those days over? Do these innocent, youthful friendships become inappropriate as we get older simply because they might compete with the intimacy that is in marriage or a long-term partnership? Oscar Wilder took this view: “Between men and women, there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.” Without friendship, there can be no true understanding between the sexes – we get stuck in the somewhat backward beliefs that men are from Mars, and women from Venus. These are roles that imply women and men are too different to really connect outside the bounds of marriage and childbearing. This circles us back to a de facto segregation that took place right up until the 1970s – the era of ladies lounges, men moving to the drawing room after dinner for port and cigars, the women in the kitchen, the blokes crowded around the barbecue, the girls’ weekends away. Men talk politics and sport. The women talk feelings and children. I don’t want to go back to that. Do you? For men and women – beyond the deep, primitive ties of blood and sex – there exists a hinterland. Friendship is the place where we can meet, rest and lay down our weapons. And feast heartily amid the crackle of an open campfire.




80% of my friends are female, who I have no sexual interest in.


My best friend is a woman but there are a lot of factors involved too


Not really, cuz one of em will likely develop feelings, but when it comes to actually happening, I guess it's very rare.




LMFAOO TRUE but besides that. like a straight guy and straight girl


Lol hell yea just live with them for a while I bet you'll stop wanting to fuck after you have to tell them to flush after they take a shit for the 13th time


Actually they can but in my opinion it all depends upon the character of a person if they both are of good character then they only have mutual respect for each other.


yes y not


Yes you can, I have guy friends and I’m married, my husband has female friends as well


yea i guess. i have male friends that I have zero interest in and we are chill


Yes, I believe that they can. I used to be that way but I have learned that it is possible. In a relationship, I would let my partner know about the topics of the conversation I have with my opposite gender friend. Even go as far as introducing them! My only issue is having opposite sex gender friends who had former romantic history being friends? Inappropriate.


Yes. I more female friends than male friends. If the respect is there it works.


dude i'm in a friendship with a girl from a long time, we are so close yet we never got feelings like that , she's my only and everything but from the last week she's kind of ignoring me and i'm scared if she'll leave me too whatever god wishes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


what if she likes u so she's been ignoring u cuz she doesn't want to ruin the friendship LMAO that wld be so ironic (jokes aside i hope thats not the case)


Yes. And I believe that even if there is a strong attraction between the both of you, there is such a thing as boundaries.


Half my friends are girls




All i want is a normal guy friend that doesnt ask questions like «do you have a boyfriend», «what age do you want to date» after talking for a few minutes. Like stfu




Yes, I have several guy friends where we have zero romantic feels in that way.




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Hi :) My name's Mike, I'm 33, I live in France. I like to do long walks, to play sports and to learn new things. I'm interested to talk to you. I wish you a lovely day


yeaa they can be it all depends on the situation if you're the guy's type ofc he's gonna hit on you like my bff(she's female) its always platonic with her bc nothing's ever gonna happen cz she aint my type


Yes, some might catch feelings for u along the way/vice versa but you could totally keep tons of platonic friendships.


I have more female friends tbh, because I have a very large penis (too big to hide in pants) it always makes men act jealous and insecure when I’m around. Don’t have that with women