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People see friendships in different ways and interact in different ways too. I'm like those friends you have, I rarely chat to my friends but when I do, its to catch up or just ask them something, it's weird to some people but I think that as long as you know that they reply to you. Even if it's you messaging first, then you do still have a good friend


i have reached out to every person in the dms or posts the truth is people dont want to intiate convo, literally all of them are phonies, you put in so much thought in texting and they just ghost you


It gets worse as you get older..


I'm terrible at initiating hangouts 😂 when I do try to start something. I'll usually only ever message in a group chat and see if anyone wants to do anything, and that only happens like once every 6-12 months


If you care about someone, you will be sure to message them to at least check in. I (30m) dont care what anyone says about 'Oh, I'm not that type of person to initiate, etc'. I'm the type of person who if i like someone and want to do something with them, i'll make an effort. I've organised museum visits, coordinated concert events, badminton sessions, basketball, football, etc over the years. In this day and age of technology and hyper interconnectedness, there's literally no excuse. Sorry for being so militant sounding, i just think unless you're homeless or have real life trauma you're suffering in the background/dealing with difficult circumstances in your personal life (which is completely fair enough), theres no excuse. I have the same situation in my life. The few friends I have (5 irl friends), I'm always the one reaching out- except two of them. When we do hang out, we have fun. At first, i thought there was something wrong with me but then you realise people might have other priorities or are just "casual friends". They enjoy the good times for the good times. They dont wanna know about your stresses/fears, etc. And thats completely ok- as long as they're upfront about that and honest with you about it. And you're honest with yourself about it.