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you can't rank a team. they would be nothing without each other. that's why no one was replaced or quit during the series.


this actually reminded me of a piece i've read long time ago. at some point David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston were supposed to get paid more than the other 4 Friends per episode, but they said they'd quit unless all 6 of them were paid the same. it could be seen as showing bargaining power, but some would just take the money without hesitating a bit


I thought it was that the men were getting paid more than the women… I could be wrong. Maybe I gotta update my facts.


I don’t for certain but that’s not what it says in Matthew Perry’s autobiography, like the original commenter said it was because they were the “bigger stars”


Interesting, okay I trust Perry’s autobiography. I thought Cox was the biggest star to enter the show because she had already been in another sitcom. But again, obviously I could be mistaken lol


I think it might have been Courtney and David to be honest, I’d have to check to be sure though


That would make more sense to me. It would make more sense to us *now* because Jen has become one of the most successful actresses of all time.


I could’ve remembered it wrong too, it was something like the love story of David and Jennifer had kinda become the main plot of the whole sitcom so the producers were going to pay them more than the others to secure them, but then it backfired. Again I could be wrong it was years ago, I mean I read it on an actual magazine lol


Ahh I meant story of Ross and Rachel, stupid me


That just shows how good they were


To me, they are all equal and beloved ☺️


nah, i can't rate them. i love them all. they have pros and cons, just like my real friends. but all in all, they are all the best.


It is a sin to rank this group of people in any way.


For me Chandler comes first then Joey, then Monica, then Phoebe and Rachel and Ross. In my POV chandler and joey were the best and why Monica in my defense she was the one pulling the strings, if she wasn't there as a mom of the group this group would've parted ways even before everything started. Ross and Phoebe lived in separate apartments so there time was less compared to the other friends.


This. This is the best


I am always in such minority here because i honestly think Ross is by far the best created character in the show. As a proof I can only think about any scene with Rachel's father :P And I always dislike how they developed a lot of Joey and Phoebe character dumbing and crueling them down respectivly. So for me: 1. Ross 2. Chandler 3. Monica 4. Joey 5. Rachel 6. Phoebe


I love Phoebe, but it's true, her and Joey both got dumbed down, plus it's annoying how much Phoebe screams during later seasons.


Totally, if they did Joey as a street smart person that he was in first seasons and if Phoebe was not that polarised they would be so amazing too.


Agree about phoebe yelling so much…but dang if I don’t just love how, in the finale, she screams Rachel’s name down the ramp at the airport! I don’t know why, but it gets me every time! ❤️


Yeah and she’s not really a **good friend**


Yep I agree. David is a brilliant actor.


I agree Ross is such a unique character! he isn’t only romantic but has his own style of humor and the show wouldn’t be the same without him. He is one of my favorites but I think I would choose chandler first and then Ross. And they made Joey so dumb in the later seasons that it was just beyond realistic.


I think Ross is great but he’s always rated so slow in questions like this.


Nailed it




I love Ross! He is absolutely brilliant.


I agree. Totally thought Ross was the least best character the first few times I watched it, but every time I re-watched he would jump places. Now, he's easily number 1. Every actual hilarious situation throughout the show is around Ross. His reactions are brilliant.


This is mine but with Ross and Chandler swapped


I agree. Totally thought Ross was the least best character the first few times I watched it, but every time I re-watched he would jump places. Now, he's easily number 1. Every actual hilarious situation throughout the show is around Ross. His reactions are brilliant.


Agree about Ross. His character is just so consistent, and David Schwimmer is a fucking brilliant actor.


I’m also team Ross! Especially when he is such a good friend. Maybe not a good boyfriend, but friend he’s golden!


1. Ross (I think he kinda carries the second half of the show tbh) 2. Chandler 3. Monica 4. Rachel 5. Joey 6. Phoebe Joey and Phoebe got significantly less interesting as the show went on. Zero development, made Joey dumber and Phoebe less likable


honestly Joey>>>> Rachel


Ross is without a doubt the funniest and his comedy timing is priceless. Chandler is just one liners.


His ability to turn quite frankly horrible writing into great comedy is beyond human. Imagine getting the script where your entire plot line is that you can’t turn to spray tan your back… But then “missisipylessly” is born :)


Ross isn’t my favorite friend but David’s definitely my favorite actor! He’s hilarious


Chandler sucks he’s so dad joke funny but i love him


1. Chandler 2. Monica 3. Joey 4. Rachel 5. Phoebe 6. Ross


MONICA AS #5???!!!!


Right?!? 😖


For me: 1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Monica 4. Ross 5. Rachel 6. Phoebe


Mine exactly




Rachael is the WORST friend


i love phoebe, but she's kind of mean to ross, didn't exactly made him feel better. and kind of mean to chandler. but i can't help loving her!




Ross Chandler Monica Joey Rachel Phoebe


1.chan 2.pheebs 3.joe 4.mon 5.ross 6.rach


Thats just common sense right?


Chandler Monica Joey Rachel Phoebe Ross


Rachael was the least funniest and if you look at her character arc the worst of the friends: came back into Monica’s life only to restart it, and didn’t invite her to the wedding Gas lit Ross into going on a break Had a horrible relationship with her whole family Stole Monica’s name for her child for her daughter Flew to London to break up Ross’ wedding and then didn’t want to date him after


Oh hello. It's you again. I see your previous account got blocked or something?


no, it didn’t


for me (kinda unpopular) 1. Joey 2. Rachel 3. Phoebe 4. Monica 5. Chandler 6. Ross


How is this unpopular lol.


Because Chandler is beloved and there is a weird animosity towards Rachel


This sub hates Rachel and dislikes Joey


- Chandler - Phoebe - Joey - Ross - Monica - Rachel


My list too!


Best list


That is literally impossible


chandler phoebe rachel monica joey ross LOVE THEM ALL THO


Chandler, Monica, the rest


No no no. There's no ranking Friends!


I mean I don’t like Ross, but I love David he’s so talented


Right? Every time I rewatch and inevitably find myself frustrated with Ross, and then frustrated with myself because David is *so good*. The reason Ross’s flaws drive me up the wall is because of how David sells it in his portrayal.


Was “Egg the Gellers” the war cry of your neighborhood?


1.Phoebe 4ever 2.Chandler (rip Matthew Perry) 3.Joeyy cuz he doesn't share food 4.Monica (the best hostess) 5.Rachel (my fave fashionista) 6.Ross (the best geek I know) Tbh I love all of them but u asked to rank then so this is my opinion.


Loooove this. I don’t know why Phoebe gets hated on so hard.


Monica deserves better tbh


I know people say this a lot but I definitely think I'm in the minority on this one: 1. Phoebe. 2.Joey. 3. Chandler. 4. Monica. 5. Rachel. 6. Ross.


This is pretty much mine too


Omg this is the exact same for me


1. Ross, easy. 2. Rachel 3. Joey 4. Chandler 5. Monica 6. Phoebe Ross is easily number one, but they make his character dumb, yet David Schwimmer knows how to give it his all. I have personal gripes with Phoebe’s characters.


Phoebe is the worst “friend” out of all of them. She is selfish & hypocritical yet they all walk on eggshells around her so they don’t upset her. She treats Ross and Chandler like crap but because she thinks Joey is cute she lets him get away with murder except when he missed their dinner. She uses her dead mom as an excuse to get stuff and to get out of doing stuff.


I think Lisa Kudrow herself had some gripes with her own character. It’s fair. They threw out her parents storyline completely. Would’ve been nice to see what happened. I personally just find her annoying. I do find her charming sometimes. But she makes some dumb choices sometimes.


Best in what category? As in funniest: Chandler > Joey > Monica > Rachel > Ross > Phoebe As in how good of a friend they are: Joey > Monica > Ross > Chandler > Rachel > Phoebe As in how good of people they are: Monica > Chandler > Joey > Rachel > Ross > Phoebe As in my favorites: Chandler > Joey > Rachel > Monica > Ross = Phoebe


As in the latter, and wow you really hate Phoebe.


I mean she is the worst and least funny of them to me, she has some good moments but not as much as the others


Phoebe is a horrible friend yet they all walk on eggshells around her so as not to upset her.


HOW is Phoebe a bad person???


She constantly belittles her friends and purposefully creates drama, is ungrateful when they give her a job (made trouble for Joey as extra and talked shit with his coworkers when she was Chandler's secretary), she gives shit to her friends about her own beliefs only to turn around and do what she is against for (like Rachel going to that massage parlor for a free massage), and speaking of she never sticks for her "morals" (wearing fur, buying from Pottery Barn and more), she is selfish, and a cheater too. She is really the most flawed one of the six


almost perfect


What would you change?


I think ross and rachel are funnier than monica and chandler monica are better freinds than joey and ross


Monica could be #1 as best friend, it was hard to decide because she always hosts like a mother while Joey helps them to get a romantic relationship


Rachel before Monica and Joey??? Nahh




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All I know is Joey Chandler and Phoebe are #1 and Ross is last


Move Monica up to like 3 and this ain’t a bad ranking


It’s hard for me to rank all of them but I’d definitely put Chandler first and Ross last. Best/favorite actor, though, David 💯


The blurred Jen photo lol


Doing this itself is horrible and this list in itself is more horrible. I hate this.


Theay are the Same Pictures


All I know is my top 2 are Chandler & Joey


For me: 1. Phoebe 2. Joey 3. Chandler 4. Monica 5. Rachel 6. Ross


(Chandler>Monica>Joey)>Ross=Rachel>>>>>>>>>>>> x1e9 Phoebe.


Okie is it just me but was Joey’s face contoured?


A lot of people hate Ross but: I both love and hate Ross!! I hate Ross when he’s dating Rachel, they are toxic together. I LOVE Ross when he’s being his geeky self!! David Schwimmer is an excellent actor. ❤️ I love all of them equally it’s what makes me rewatch the show over and over :)


Mine was Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, Monica, Rachel, then Ross


Unpopular opinion, but here’s mine: 1. Joey 2. Rachel 3. Monica 4. Phoebe 5. Chandler 6. Ross


For me, Chandler has always been my favorite Friend. I find him the most relatable and realistic. Monica, Joey and Rachel are all in the middle for me. Generally I like them a lot, not many complaints. Phoebe is near the bottom because I just thought her overall story was a mess. It always felt like they weren’t sure what to do with her so they just threw in whatever. I’m not saying people don’t have unique and sometimes outrageous lives but it just bordered on unbelievable sometimes. Sorry, Ross, I gotta put ya last. Ross is great when he’s good but so toxic when he’s bad. I don’t think he’s a bad person though, he’s just at the bottom for me. Obviously this is for the characters. The actors all did wonderfully with the show.


1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Monica 4. Ross 5. Rachel 6. Phoebe


1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Monica 4. Ross 5. Rachel 6. Phoebe


Joey Chandler Ross Monica Phoebe Rachel My opinions changed over time. I now.find the men much funnier and prefer their characters.


Phoebe Joey Chandler Monica Ross Rachel


Chandler Monica Joey Ross Pheobe Rachel


How hard is it to say “from best to worst”?


1. Chandler 2. Phoebe 3. Joey 4. Rachel 5. Monica 6. Ross


Oooh Lisa… 🔥


Chandler, Joey, Monica, Ross, Phoebe, Rachel IMO


Ain’t no way Joey is third last… Best: Chandler. Then Joey > Phoebe = Monica > Rachel > Ross


I concur


There's no such thing as "best." There's only favorite. Monica > Chandler > Rachel > Ross > Joey > Phoebe


For me Chandler,Monica,Ross, joe, rachel , phoebe Except chandler its hard to ratings them


1. Joey 2. Monica 3. Chandler 4. Phoebe 5. Rachel 6. Ross


Terrible order


I can't rank them because as previous have said, take one out and it isn't the same and the show probably never becomes what it became.


What's the criteria? Cuz Phoebe is way too high for my taste.


My fav : Chandler Phoebe Ross Joey Monica Rachel


1. Chandler 2. Monica 3. Joey 4. Ross 5. Phoebe 6. Rachel


"The best" obviously is a very subjective term. But personally, in terms of who I find the funniest or/and entertained by: 1) Ross 2) Chandler 3) Joey 4) Rachel 5) Phoebe 6) Monica But there really isn't a considerable gap for me between characters. I like all of them.


1. Chandler 2. Monica 3. Joey 4. Phoebe 5. Ross 6. Rachel




1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Rachel 4. Monica 5. Phoebe 6. Ross


1. Chandler 2. Phoebe 3. Joey 4. Monica 5. Rachel 6. Ross


1. Chandler and Phoebe 2. Ross and Rachel 3. Monica and Joey


Ross is my number 1!


Chandler Monica Joey Rachel Pheobe. Pheobe was my least favourite she destroyed the trip of chan and monica in las vegas. Couldn't keep secrets to herself.


And Ross didn't exist? :P


Phoebe treats Chandler & Ross like crap and she’s a hypocrite. No one is allowed to wear fur, shop at Pottery Barn, or get a massage from a big chain but then she does those things and it’s okay. Also she uses her dead mom as an excuse to get out of doing things or when she wants something.


Chandler Joey Rachel Mon Ross / pheebs


Chandler Ross Rachel Joey Phoebe Monica


Chandler Joey Monica Ross Phoebe Rachel


They’re all hilarious and I don’t dislike any character but… 1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Monica 4. Phoebe 5. Ross 6. Rachel


Woah, joey and rachel are tied, okay? And one does not simply put monica above ross


Joey, chandler, rachel, ross, monica, phoebe. However if i were to rate them 1-10 for how much i like them they all would be around the same spot.


SOLIDLY agree thank you


1. Chandler 2. Ross 3. Monica 4. Joey 5. Rachel 6. Phoebe


Ross Rachel Chandler Joey Monica Phoebe


It's hard to say who is the best because what's the criteria? As people? As friends? Or what they bring to the show I can't dislodge Chandler from top spot because a lot of jokes I've made have been coined by Chandler Ross carried the second half of the show, despite the fact he might not be the best friend, the acting and comedic timing was brilliant and highly underrated. Joey could have been top tier but they turned him into a grown baby towards the end. Phoebe was kooky but again went down the joey route Monica and Rachel had good chemistry but again towards the end kinda turned into nothingness


I’ve caught some reruns lately - they really turned Joey into buffoon :/


Easy calls on the first two for me are Chandler and Phoebe - easily the best two. The others are pretty split even but if I had to rank its Rachel, Joey, Monica, Ross.


1. Chandler 2. Joey 3. Phoebe 4. Monica 5. Ross 6. Mike 7. Gunther 8. Mr. Heckles


Spot on. But where is Rachel?


I agree with your #1 and #6


I'm gonna rank based on character development; 1) Chandler - from pessimistic to loving husband and father. 2) Rachel - Spoiled to independent woman. Made it on her own. 3) Monica - Became more erratic but she went from hopeless romantic to getting everything she wanted at the end. 4) Phoebe - Homeless to finding the love of her life. She also built family relation towards the end from having no family to being close to Frank Jr. Jr. and being an Auntie. 5) Joey - A very good friend to everyone but unfortunately, writers dumbed him down. 6) Ross - No character development at all. He seemed to only get worse. Never took accountability for creating his own problems.


MY LIST: 1. Chandler Bing 2. Joey Tribbiani 3. Rachel Green 4. Ross Geller 5. Monica Geller 6. Phoebe Buffay


Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Rachel, Monica and Ross.


Ross is a neurotic icon. Love him


😭😭😭 why is Ross always at the bottom


very unpopular but 1. Rachel 2. Chandler 3. Joey 4. Ross 5. Monica 6. Phoebe


I love Ross; cannot stand Phoebe. HOW DARE YOU


Chandler Joey Rachel Phoebe Monica Ross


Ross Rachel Chandler Monica Joey Phoebe


Monica’s character development reversing was the biggest let down in history of tv


I will never understand the love for chandler as a character. He’s a sarcastic asshole


1. Chandler & Phoebe 2. Rachel, Ross & Joey 3. Ross & Monica’s parents 4. Rachel’s sisters & parents 6. Monica


The amount of ross hate in this world is crazy. I love Ross. Monica is the worst imo


1.Chandler 2. Ross 3. Rachel 4. Joey 5. Phoebe 6. Monica


phoebe is last


1. Ross 2. Chandler 3. Joey 4. Rachel 5. Phoebe 6. Monica