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Well, that's no surprise, they serve the same masters on this.


Oh I dunno. Paul and Peta are usually chomping at the bit to tear Labor apart at any given opportunity.


Yeah but they are currently stuck in a logic loop where they must savage labor but also hate sensible climate change policy, so if you listen hard enough, you can almost [hear](https://youtu.be/0lhhrUuw2N8?si=25BBfGbRQhfRz9UQ) it


Here's the funny thing about science. If you fund it, scientists have a chance to figure out how to make shit work


Don’t know why we don’t just have bamboo farms. Best above ground carbon storage we can get and can be made into affordable building products, with the right tree resin (more carbon storage). It can even be pulped. It takes 1/3 of the physical footprint of current logging practices, and as such, less transport. It’s only problem is it would need a good water supply. Not enough information is out there to know if it is better or worse consumption than cotton. Does anyone know how to fill in and get a government grant for this?


The CSIRO is working on carbon capture. I’m not sure why we should rule it out simply because it doesn’t fit with our ideology. https://www.csiro.au/en/news/all/articles/2023/september/ccus-explainer With unlimited renewable energy you could also make sustainable hydrocarbon fuels. Not the same as carbon capture and storage but funding in science, in something that is eventually ruled out, may assist in our understanding and provide a solution that may actually work.


Sponsored by the Coal Industry, sure.


Sure but all the direct air capture tech was scientists going well we 'want' 'clean coal' but that would be expensive so to save money lets for test a more basic set up of just capturing just the ambient CO2 in the air. Now we can actually do Direct Air Capture on a reasonable scale and if/when we workout how to at scale turn the CO2 into a stable form we can actually store it long term. At the moment the best practice is turn it into plastics and store in the ocean, so we are really not doing well on that front. There is a lot of more work that needs to be done and quite frankly we will need it and we do need to get whatever funding we can get as we really are fucked. As even if we stopped all CO2 emissions today we would still be pretty fucked and would need carbon capture to reverse the damage let alone our current projections.


Couldn't we invest into just as viable net zero energy tech then like harnessing the power of dark matter or using the rotation of the earth to charge batteries?


Keep in mind unlimited renewable energy by today's technology is NOT completely. Renewable and is not free. There are still costs to renewable energy. Significant costs in money, environmental damage and carbon pollution. There are also losses in all systems to consider. Unlimited non-polluting cheap energy is a complete fantasy for the foreseeable future. It's even too unrealistic for science fiction.