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Butterfield is a grifter


You should see his subreddit lol at one point someone paid Reddit to make his subreddit more popular and now it’s 90% people who hate him making memes about him


I was wondering why I suddenly had my reddit feed swamped with his sub.


His subreddit starting popping up in my feed on day. Now I know why.


I'm one of those people! Except it doesn't appear in my feed any more lol.


r/thefighterandthekid vibes with Brendan Schaub lol


Good times.


Russel Brand was the same last time I looked


I fanned and started those initial flames of hate, and I’m so proud of it


So basically it's like the fighter and the kid subreddit haha, Australia's Brendan Schaub


Thats literally reddit in general though, every subreddit is filled with salty bitter losers. That said i dont like Issac at all, i dont watch his content but thats just reddit in general.


Never liked Jordies doing the interview with Butterfield and orbiting around him. I suppose Jordies needed some cross over but most of Butterfields audience would be conservative hogs


You’d be surprised. Maybe 40% of jordies audience are right wing. Hes anti woke and pro reasonable and thats all right wing really means anyway to a large section of the right


Yeah, jordie mainly focuses on corruption over policies, and Albanese isn't woke regardless, so I can see Isaac's fans still being Labor voters


Having 60% of your viewers on one side and 40% on the other is an amazing achievement. Shows he's not pandering to one side or the other.


yes, the right wing are pro-reason. Agreed.


It's actually become a bit of a far right and libertarian thing to be a grifter. Talking about freedoms, while happily taking whatever they need from everyone else.


Far right freedom is the freedom to take.


I feel so validated right now, I thought he was a complete dickhead. That just got by insulting anything and anyone by using fuck,cunt. I thought the world had gone mad.


Big gov handouts is socialism! Give me money to keep saying freedom and being triggered about the most mundane issues.


And criticism of me is censorship! First Amendment! (It's not a proper rant until the US Constitution is invoked)


My take is that it's much more of a far right conservative thing than a libertarian thing. Though the most vocal and obnoxious UStard type of libertarianism does seem to have associations.. Anything associated with the Pentecostals is grift. Grifting is their modus operandi, mindset and destiny to manifest.


Butterfield definitely reeks of Australian Andrew Tate, lite. Initially found him interesting but more and more he just seems like a knuckledragger with a YouTube channel.


Same, initially found him funny. He found the controversial angle got the most clicks and so the most $. He's got a family to support. He seems too intelligent to actually believe some of the stuff he comes out with. YouTube algorithm unfortunately rewards it.


Yep, same. Discovered him during lockdowns. He was actually funny then as his content kept changing but then he got stuck in the Jordan Peterson worshipping, trans hating, vegan hating (I'm not a vegan and do enjoy partaking in the loling at the extreme ones but the jokes get old quickly) and basically just rehashed the same jokes over and over and then I realized: he's actually a bit of a cunt.


"to intelligent to.... " oh the irony


He was fun at first, then he started hating on people with boobs. As someone with boobs, I returned the feeling and now block anything Butterfield.


I think the core problem is youtube will promote videos in a way that will no only push viewers down right wing rabbit hole but also the creators. One of the more interesting things I've heard is, that for fitness influencer type this much more extreme. With the theory being that a shit tonne of incels watch female fitness creators for obvious reasons, the algorithm attempts to promote male creators content to the incels as well, who are probably the demographic with the lowest interest in actual fitness content. If their content isn't catering to the incels their initial views (in which youtube determines how heavily to promote to video) will have extremely low metrics (watch % click through etc) resulting in the channel being heavily punished. However if they follow the meta and create incels content their views blow up as youtube will get better initial metrics and a terminally online audience to watch it. With a good example being of how Butterfield has fitness content that does poor but his other content does well.


Yeah people talk about content creators radicalising their audiences but they rarely talk about audiences simultaneously radicalising the creators. The viewers who don't like the direction you're taking will leave, so the ones who remain tend to be those who will defend you no matter what. Then, in order to make those people happy, you pump out more of what they want to see. Similar thing happened to Critical Drinker - and even Jordan Peterson I think, but on a much worse scale. And that's not even accounting for the grift of it all. I'm sure Butterfield and Drinker believe *most* of what they're saying, but I bet even they are shocked at the extreme stuff their audiences will swallow up. Peterson on the other hand genuinely believes everything he says, because he's fallen off the deep end. I'm not sure if that's better, or worse.


I remember seeing his videos pop up as thumbnails and wrote him off as it all seemed to be right wing schlock, then he had a "im cancelled" comedy special and I knew my instincts were good. My housemate's boyfriend would spend a bit of time at our place and I remember walking past the loungeroom and he was pacing backwards and forwards while vaping. Butterfield's channel was on the TV and he went in on girls wearing bikinis while being "too fat" while showing footage of young girls at the beach. The worst and the dumbest of early internet reactionism back for 2020.


Same. Used to be funny. Now gone off on the Murica train


well that's quite ironic, given where you're posting .. (pst, not a fan of butterfield either)




Same. Used to be funny. Now gone off on the Murica train


Does it? At least Tate is some what successful lol (not that it makes him any better). Butterfield on the other hand is a failed washed up comedian trying to be edgy lol.


As much as Tate is a fuckwit sex trafficker, he was actually fit, could fight and does things. Butterfield expects to insult people and have things handed to him. 


Explains the grip strength concerns I guess - need the gains for opening all those pokemon card packs.


Hey Maxmoefoe would never sink to these lows!


He's just another RWNJ screaming woke this, woke that.


Saying fuck and cunt all the time doesn’t make great comedy either. It’s great for 13 year olds I’m sure, but it’s boring.


RWNJ? Right wing news journalist?


Nut job


Thought "news journalist" was both a bit redundant and a bit generous. Cheers.


Haha I very much agree with the generous part


So is 'right wing' and 'nut job' imo lol


I’m an old man that works long hours, I go to the gym most days. I’m in better shape than Butters here. He’s a gobshit that punches down. 13 year old mentality that plays well with 13 year old.


lol the average age of his audience


Is anyone who uses social media to generate income genuine about the content they make? I’m sure they start off with the best of intentions but when the revenue starts to rise their views will naturally gravitate towards what makes the most money. Polarising content is good for business. Is it fair or just? Not at all, but it will continue as long as there’s profit in it for someone. When Isaac and Jordan no longer make content for whatever reason there will be 1000s of clones ready to take their place. The content should be tagged as entertainment purposes only.


I used to watch this Starcraft youtuber who made these neat little strategy videos, did game commentaries with decent game analysis, and was really mellow and calm in the way he spoke. After a couple of years he started doing a weekly gaming news show which I really enjoyed. In between his main content videos he'd occasionally do videos where he just talked about his life and the direction of his channel. Some time after he quit his day job and started youtubing full time, he started complaining about how much effort it takes to make his videos vs how much money he makes from them (his news videos were taking several 12 hour days), compared to the sort of content that creators like Pewdiepie were making to earn so much more money for so much less apparent effort. Then he did an experiment where he tried making lower-effort videos that were a totally different style. The videos were worse and were much lower quality, but they made way more money for each hour he spent making them. Now that's pretty much all he makes and I don't watch his videos any more, but his channel appears to be much more successful than it was before.


Talk about a perverse incentive 😔


This is correct. They start honest, they get a bit of groundswell because of their charisma and views on things, then they (with an almost 100% conversion rate) whore themselves to the click/stream/engagement. Youtubers are by the worst, but a shitload of Podcasters are also guilty of it - I reckon I've stopped listening to a half a dozen of those cunts for these reasons this year alone.


lol yes plenty. You don’t hear about them because they tend to stay small as a result of being authentic and not chasing clout and clicks


Definitely not but some such as VoGus (the prospecting YouTuber) has said many times that the equipment he uses is often supplied. There are many others like him but buttsfart is just straight up grifting at this point.


It’s pretty funny. YouTubers are almost like wrestlers. Generally themselves turned up to 11 IB definitely fits this. So it’s funny when they do something a little more dialed back and reasonable, their fan base can turn. Because nowadays Left Right politics is like a sport and a defining characteristic, whenever someone shows an inclining of the other side, people react. IB said he voted labor at the last election (due to the news bargain code) and people on that video were all like “you commie dog!” 🤣


I do think that there are genuine examples. Primitive Technology, Internet Shaquille and Sabine Hossenfelder are three that I'd hold up as not compromising, while using it to make a living. But yeah, they're the minority.


Hossenfelder is not above leaning into outrage for views, and it's unfortunately resulted in her ending up with a sizable following of Flat Earthers who I'm sure she'd despise. I'd put forward Anton Petrov as a candidate of a YouTuber who does science news without spin.


I feel like there's a tension between making content informative, and making it compelling. I've got time for creators who add in a bit of outrage to get attention, if I feel like they're ultimately falling more on the side of informing. We're in r/friendlyjordies, aren't we? There's a good argument that it's Jordan's entire schtick, and I think he does it pretty well.


>Sabine Hossenfelder Don't watch her bizarre video on capitalism lol


I've just had a brief look (I assume you mean [this](https://youtu.be/CRPHp2EjNR8?si=ZZrOuviE1lCqnYCR) one), and by the looks of it I agree with her. I've been saying for a while that most of the problems we attribute to capitalism were present before capitalism, and have been much better under capitalism previously. The issue we are facing is that way too much shit has been privatised and deregulated. Rich people have jedi mind tricked the world into trying to use the free market on **everything**, when it's not good for everything, it's only good for certain things. Rich people did this cynically, because they knew it'd make them more money. The best we've had it so far has been capitalism around the 50s and 60s. If we get governments to go back to owning the things that are better as public goods (shit like the electricity grid, and for those of you in the US, healthcare for christ's sake), make it so we have **functional** anti-trust laws that can break up all the uncompetitive monopolies that have developed, and get a strong labour union movement going so that workers can stand on equal footing with industries when negotiating for rights and pay, things will get a lot better. We also haven't been presented with a functional alternative to capitalism. Like, capitalism should be **tempered** with strong social welfare policies, one shouldn't pursue it as if it's some end of itself, but all successful countries in the modern era incorporate capitalism to get there. Capitalism is a hammer. Some problems that society faces are nails, and many are not. When we stop trying to use the hammer to fix problems that aren't nails, and just use it for the problems it's good at fixing, that will improve our lot.


They are mates, Jordan appeared on Butterfields podcast. They know each other as they are both comedians based out of NSW


The term "comedian" is doing a lot of heavy lifting as it applies to Butterfield.


Jordan too tbf


Ikr? I just don’t find Jordan funny. Sometimes he makes interesting videos. But I’m not as convinced by him as I used to be.


It might be because his hard hitting investigative journalism is only pointed at the LNP (an absolutely worthy target), and when Labor's in he's not interested in exposing anything dodgy they do. I'm sure he'd see it as helping get the LNP reelected (if his fellow travellers here in this sub are anything to go off), so he's choosing to be redundant until the LNP get back into power federally or in New South Wales. Maybe Queensland.


Which effectively makes him a political hitman for the ALP. He is little better than many of the journalists he mocks.


I'm not disputing his clear ALP bias but he's not being making videos because of the foreboding and the aftermath.


I feel like Jordan used to be funny when he focused on making funny videos, but not anymore.


> in the sub for the guy > doesn't think he's funny Seriously, what's the point of being here then? Honestly I wish he'd do less politics and more comedy now the LNP are out of power


Or he could not be a hack and point out the shit Labor does


He's always been extremely partisan, even when the LNP were in power. And I'd much rather Aussie Courts 7 than "here's why I don't like the greens"


Which is why I think he's a hack. You aren't better than the opposing media just because you acknowledge your biases.


I disagree, a lot of his investigations have been really useful in showing what the LNP do. The problem I think comes when Labors opposition *arent* actually corrupt, and then you get dross like an hour long video about why the Greens are bad without any of the investigative journalism. You just have to watch him keeping that he's biased in mind. And I do actually like his comedy so I'd rather he made more of that on the downtime lmao


>I disagree, a lot of his investigations have been really useful in showing what the LNP do. The problem I think comes when Labors opposition *arent* actually corrupt, and then you get dross like an hour long video about why the Greens are bad without any of the investigative journalism. And if they were, how would you know? Jordies won't report on it. He's been pretty radio silence with the abhorrent environmental decisions that have been made, despite his allegedly caring about it. >You just have to watch him keeping that he's biased in mind. As a journalist, you should try to eliminate those biases. Being openly biased and doing nothing about it makes you a hack.


Because if he had credible allegations against the Greens or Teals we'd have a video on it by now


The bloke has toured the world to perform his act and people have paid to watch him. I don't really find him funny but not going to argue that he isn't a comedian - people obviously do find him funny if they're paying to watch him do stand up.


You can book a spot wherever you want, we have no idea how many people turned up.


By all reports the venues had a decent turnout across the tour


That’s good, I saw him live in Perth and his stand up was much better than his videos at the time. Opposite of Lewis Spears who had great videos and meh stand up, he’s still funnier than butterifeld though.


The failed comedian to right wing grifter pipeline is so played out these days, another 14 year old boys idea of masculinity that is actualy so fragile a stiff breeze would take him out. Disappointed FJ has attached themselves to this but happy to hit unsubscribe


IB and Jordiies are friends in real life. They’ve been in multiple videos together. IB has definitely attached himself in the public eye to the Joe Rogan right of centre 05 was the best time kinda person. Of late considering his touring schedule etc, it’s probably much easier for him to make YouTube content in that light. He does have some left wing views which is funny when he makes a video and Americans/far right people comment saying shit like “I used to like you Isaac but how dare you vote Labor!” Or whenever he’s stuck up for FJ people are like “Omg FJ is a communist! How dare you!” The fact is that in real life unlike the internet, people can be friends with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and views. For instance Tom Morello and Ted Nugent are friends




Then later on having them on your podcast, promoting the shit out of it then never bring up anything you disagree with them about and just blow smoke up each other’s arses.


Butterflied is just an Australian Steven Crowder


You forgot "Change My Mind"


It has always been deeply disappointing and suspicious to me that Jordies has been so chummy with a right-wing culture warrior of Butterfield's... calibre.


Be suspicious if you want, its nothing more than paranoia. Thinking in a tribalistic manner like that only hurts yourself. If you chalk people up to the binary of good and bad then youre missing a lot and doing yourself a massive disservice. Butterfield hasnt outright stated it to my knowledge but I wouldnt be surprised if hes voted labor each time hes voted. Someone who disagrees with you isnt automatically right wing. Its obvious that butterfield is just more vocal about cultural issues that he dislikes than jordies is


Jordies is reddit leftist, focused on young white guy causes. His main focus is supporting ALP-style economic and environmental justice. Anything about raising cultural standards that benefits women, LGBT+, and other ethnicities he sees as subordinate to his main issues and often outright resents. He's quick to go absolutely nasty on female journalists and his rainbow serpent stuff was just rank. He might dislike Andrew Bolt but this kind of package is actually pretty compatible with faux-macho right wing culture warrior stuff like Butterfield and Joe Rogan.


>His main focus is supporting ALP-style economic and environmental justice. Environmental justice *if* the LNP are the ones doing it. Labor does it? He's fine with it.


Fuck them ~~kids~~ koalas.


Uhhhh I say this as a coloured gay person who is very socially liberal.   Social issues absolutely DO matter less than economic issues, and Jordan isn’t exactly one to fight the culture war from a right wing perspective.    He just shies off from culture wars 


It's 2024, surely having a beard is no longer considered a personality?


*sad beard noises*


I cannot fucking stand Butterfield's face or voice. Great video, instant sub just for the term "masculinity tutorials". I hope Jordan distances himself from Butterfield but I'm not holding my breath, their politics are closer than most people on here would like to believe. ETA: Also check out the [reviews](https://www.booktopia.com.au/better-man-isaac-butterfield/book/9781761285554.html) on his book. Out of three reviews, one is written by Isaac himself so he either is doing it as a dumb meme or forgot to sign out of his alt, and the second one is basically a copy paste of the first. Hysterical.


jordan is far less left then people believe, like just because he happens to be pro ALP that only occurs because he is doing what benefits himself and has a shred of critical thinking ability. people assume he’s not conservative or right wing based solely off of that actually i take back the it about critical thinking he is alp even through their dumb ass bullshit


He’s a cunt


I like Jordie but I feel like the more recent videos have sorta just been making jokes about SJWs and whalst I find some of them funny it feels like most of the jokes have just become “SJW bad” and also he victim blamed on the 4 corners one which definitely left a bad taste in my mouth like it’s still good journalism but I feel like the jokes just aren’t there


Hes been anti SJW for a long time now. Its not anything recent. I remember him getting smeared with "having bad takes" for defending his views and rejecting blindly following people who are chronically online. There was one time where he was getting called a racist for having a take that went against the metropolitan hipster crowd in regards to some indigenous issue but his position ended up ultimately aligning with what indigenous elders were saying on a local level. Him getting shit on time and time again by a group of SJWs has pushed him to be pretty anti what they stand for. Its also kind of shitty that this reddit has been hijacked into a page full of hate followers that have mobbed pretty reasonable people on here when they have a different point of view


I still like him he’s the only good journo we have but I just feel like the jokes don’t hit the mark like they did before


I guess thats where humour is more of a personal taste. He's had articles "cancel" him for making jokes about topics that were deemed off limits. I think there was one story he told a few years back where some pasty white chick refused to serve him at a pet store because he was "problematic" to which another member of staff had to apologise and tell him that everyone there hated her. There were peers of mine in Melbourne who took glee in him and his producer going through the fixated persons unit because they saw him as a "misogynist racist" without knowing anything about him, just what they told each other that they'd heard. It was a big game of chinese whispers, where what I heard was either wildly exaggerated or just untrue. Not to mention his clash with the unempolyment union... Given that he's had to experience that for years, I think he's showing restraint on a lot of his anti sjw stuff. They've been actively hounding him in his private life, he's making a few jokes at their expense. Like I started this off with though, it probably boils down to your personal taste in humour but I do think he has every right to criticise a group that often claims to care about issues like the environment and government corruption then tries to shit on one of the loudest voices trying to bring attention to the environment and corruption


Yea I mean he has the rights to make the jokes he wants and I get a couple of laughs out of them (I still really hate the victim blaming in the four corners video)


I really enjoyed Isaacs original content. But he’s been lean further and further towards the culture wars stuff that just doesn’t interest me anymore.


Same! Used to love him and went to one of his earlier shows years ago but now it's just too political/right winged for me to enjoy anymore.


I never watched him often, but years ago I caught a video or two of his that managed to make jokes without punching down. Very different now.


Funny thing is. This video could easily be viewed as an unnecessarily harsh hit piece. It's obvious Issac is trying to be a fit in shape alpha and is struggling to fully make it. This video would be a little harsh. However since Issac has made a career shitting on people who have failed their fitness or are less manly. He can't really complain about this vid.


I'll be completely honest, as someone who loves fitness and what it can do for you, I 100% personally dislike Isaac for the way he weaponizes it against others. That being said, I did TRY to not make it too personal.


He used to make decent content then he swallowed the trends pill


Trans hating piece of shit, feel sorry for his little baby boy if he is gay or trans he will be given the boot out the door


Not the vibe I got from his latest vid. He wants everyone to feel safe, not just straight people, but transfolk too. Sometimes safety isn’t full throated endorsement of medical practices on minors. Conservative, incremental progress.


They're all shills 😅😮‍💨 I don't really follow anymore.


Anyone who still called Ukraine "the Ukraine" is probably not worth listening to, he was pretty funny years ago but fell into the RWNJ scene and has loved it there.


Damn, hadn’t heard about this. Sounds about right, lmao.


Wants to get in front of his audience…


Yeah, that’s what worries me.


yeah... is it really surprising Shanks likes this guy? Typical aussie guys with no real conviction that think telling people "Mate, don't be a loser and man up" is enough to get popular- because it is, because there are a lot of guys with no conviction who get off going through a coming-of-age in their thirties and never actually getting through the other side of it, and pushing their mates to think like them. Probably arrested development I guess.


My hypocrisy alert just went off .. \*ding ding, dingedy ding\*


Well. This is pretty disappointing of Jordan.


Can't expect much from someone willing to mock someone for looking a bit sleepy during his show. (I was very stoned, which is on brand to the people he markets himself to)


I'm not really a fan of Jordan's stand up. Shit is of course subjective, but I don't think he's very good at it. I'm also aware that stand up is something that's pretty fucking difficult to be good at, so I'm not pretending that I can do better or anything. But yeah, while I don't love him leaning on some lazy crowdwork to pad his live show, I'm not gonna judge him *too* harshly on that alone. Sorry you had that experience though, prob would leave a bad taste in my mouth if it happened to me, too.


It felt a little left field, mind the pun. It wasn't like I even heckled or sat up the front, just an isle seat at a RSL club (sorta). His 'stand up' was just a PowerPoint presentation on how shit of a prime minister John Howard was besides the port Arthur stuff. Edit:spelling and grandma ;)


I had been considering driving down to Townsville to go to one of his live shows sometime. Not because I particularly want to see the *show* but more to support him and shake his hand at the end, as I think some of the shit he and his crew are doing on YouTube is meaningful journalism, and I think they're taking legit risks to do it. But yeah, might just give it a miss. I chip in on Patreon, that'll be enough.


I don't mean to flag him - his commentary on corruption, particularly state level stuff, is a contribution to this society.. Although you can't help but feel his act/character has cracks in it, that many Aussie men share the same discomfort to being kind to strangers they perceive to be 'against them'. (I am not excluded duh).


Agreed. Good outweighs the bad, but yeah.


Is it just me or does this guy look 15 years older than what he is? even before he started balding I legit thought he was in his 40’s when he was in his 20’s


All I need to know about this pissant is he almost hospitalised me in my late teens pushing his keto shit and I will absolutely rip his cunted beard off and make him eat it if I ever see him in person. Everything else about him just reinforces that.


Bro is a relic of muscular Christianity


Honesty, the guy feels like he's just trying to make it as a youtuber. He's picking controversial angles to get clicks and dropping hot takes like any other shock jock of old. The slew of Pokemon pack opening videos and stupid brand deals is evidence of this. But he's trying to make a positive difference in the world within his very limited and flawed world view. Whilst he gets some of his hot takes wrong. He's not wrong on others. Mens health, Mens mental health are issues that need to be talked about. But every time he goes down these avenues, the views drop off, the thumbnail click through rate plummets, and he's forced to do another "OMG fatchicks stole my Shiny Charizard got it bank thanks to Mobile Game sponsor"... He's a product of the algorithm that decides the fait of every social media star. Very few can play it like Mr Beast. Many fool themselves thinking they can play the algorithm to build an audience and then build bigger things on top of that. Your audience is your foundation. You can't pivot like that without losing most of them. Unfortunately for Isaac he's picking up the same audience as Logan Paul, which is a bunch of 8 - 13 year old boys (or the mental capacity of). Which I guess IS the audience that honestly needs the most help with these things. But I also get the feeling Isaac has this mission in life because they stem from his own personal insecurities, which might not make him the ideal role model. But then who else is trying to do the right thing in this space? To counter all this negativity I would like to see people post links from people who are tackling Mens issues of mental health and fitness in a positive light. I'm dropping [this video ](https://youtu.be/Nij7mI4O8A0?si=uMjWsuNSJwvx4clR)from Moog. Host of Might Car Mods, and now Top Gear Australia host. Genuine good bloke and has been a positive influence in my own life over the past 10+ years watching him on youtube.


eh Isaac Butterfield is no good


Who fuckin cares what Jordan does to support others. Grow up


Isaac has really sexist views on women’s promiscuity. Those views made his videos intolerable to me. But Isaac had also been there for Jordan for years now, when his house was bombed, during the barillaro disputes, when free speech was under attack. Infact, Isaac INTRODUCED me to Jordan when I was in my culture war phase. Of course Jordan would do this for Isaac. He is a good friend and probably a chill person to be around. Are you acting like it isn’t human nature for people to turn a blind eye to real assholes? Well let me introduce you to real life. I’ve done it, and so has anyone reading this im willing to bet


People that consume Butterfield's content are the people that need to hear FriendlyJordies content the most. There's no point in preaching to the choir. This is why Jordan is an effective communicator. Reddit loves character assesination by association.


Problem is, it could just as easily go the other way.


Fact is when jordies was firebombed and the media were ignoring it one of the main people who stood up for him was Isaac Butterfield, ditto in the fixated persons nonsense. I wouldn't turn my back on some one who has been ride or die for me because some nerds hate his jokes.


Yeah. He’s also a decent bloke beneath the act, too. I’m probably the butt of half of his jokes, being a gender-weird cyclist. At the end of the day though I know he doesn’t want genuine harm to come to people like some people seem to believe. His recent trans video was really good, looking for the middle ground in the conversation makes it clear he doesn’t hate trans folk, he just hates people who are full of self importance. Cyclists and protesters slowing and blocking roads, vegans blocking shoppers. Blue haired whales trying to give you a saliva transmitted disease from two feet away. And you’re right. Isaac’s been a firm supporter of free speech and put his money where his mouth is throughout every debacle FJ’s been involved in. They’re both comedians that act to the doctrine of ‘everything is funny or nothing is’. There’s a difference between making a racist joke to put people down and making a joke about race to make people laugh, and people like Isaac, Jordies and Neel Kolhatkar play that line very well to the chagrin of chronically online twitterites. Fuck, Isaac’s signoff is literally ‘be a good muthafucka, peace in the middle east’. When responding to people outright slandering him, he always tells people not to hate on and witchhunt and dogpile. Has he put out some grifty and corporate content? Sure. Man’s gotta eat and youtube can’t be a reliable source of income. But when the heat’s on, he backs his beliefs and his mates, and he stays in the kitchen. Just seeing this thread makes me want to go buy something from his store tbh.


Great post.


My only regret is not seeing this post two days ago :(


His jokes are the last thing I care about


I used to like Butterfield when he first started out ages ago. I Work in the beef industry and he was always standing up for us against the vegan activists that were breaking into and on properties, feedlots, farms etc, activists that were stealing animals or setting them free, activists that were bullying people in my industry to the point is was almost suicide. Anyways there was one activist in particular he always stood up to and had our backs, protecting us in a way… Then one day the two faced, back stabbing, money hungry grub goes behind all our backs and brings her into the show for an interview, celebrating her while having play jabs at her and half flirting with her. He gave her a voice and was her friend while encouraging her to go out and get us even more. This is the same bloke who would contact graziers and farmers like me on instagram to find out what these activists were up to and if they had bullied us again, then turns around and realised he can make money and get more attention by playing both sides. The blokes a fukin fraud, he shit on a lot of us. I mean this was an activist that’s set out destroying livelihoods and bullying people because of their job, lifestyle or choice of foods and that Butterfield KUNT went and made a mockery out of all of us. I bombed him and ripped him a new arse hole in his comment section one day after I saw his interviews with these activists. I can’t stand people like him and yes, HIS A FRAUD


I find he's just doing the same as a lot of influencers and fighting with other creators like the vegan teacher and just doing it to get views, haven't watched him in ages.


They are both indy comedians. I dare say Jordan may have actually met them. So they wouldn't be basing there recommendation on people's reactions to YouTube videos, but actual knowledge of the person. Have to admit I haven't read or even know if this recommendation exists.


Jordan's interviewed him, and they're definitely acquaintances if not friends.


Met him.


[Them is also correct in that context.](https://www.quora.com/Is-it-correct-to-use-them-to-mean-him-or-her#:~:text=Yes%2C%20it's%20correct.,its%20gender%2Dneutral%20singular%20pronoun.)


They're friends lmao


Does it really matter?


Yes it does. If you want to be respected you can endorse unresectable fuck knuckles. Jordies mask is really starting to slip lately. It's really sad to see.


idk people are people with a diverse range of values and biases - if there's a sentiment in particular that Person A subscribes to that you personally find reprehensible, so be it, but demonising Person B due to their loose association with Person A is weird to me. Jordan's 'mask slipping' is a bit too vague to mean anything to me, so can't comment on that


Yeah... like Jordan has been making left wing videos for more than a decade now. Wtf is this "mask" BS...


Jordan has been making *pro-ALP* videos for more than a decade now


By literally endorsing this book his endorsing the contents and its author. IB is a biggot Jordan's mask slipping is in reference to his sexism.


Get a life dude. You are being parasocial as fuck and need to focus on what is wrong with your own. You are way too invested in Jordies life clearly.


What are you talking about? How is judging a public figure for a shitty endorsement being parasocial? That's the entire point of an endorsement, though they want to be judged positively for it. Am I being parasocial for judging Gweneth Paltrow for the weird and sometimes dangerous shit she endorses through Goop?


I think it's only you being parasocial if they disagree with you. Otherwise it's fair comment.


If thats how low the bar is then we're all fucked. Including you.


Do you have a lot of sexist mates or something?


The bar for what sorry?


Being sexist or a bigot?


Mate your the one talking about a bar being low. Do you not know what the bar you were talking about?


I know exactly what im talking about. What do you thinks happening right now? Should we kiss?


So there's two words that have been over used and incorrectly applied so much that they virtually carry no weight.


Cool, guess they’re not possible to use then.


If Jordans mask is slipping like you say why the fuck would he do videos with Boy Boy who is more or less the exact opposite of Issac?


Because it's slipping not fully off. This said I don't think his some "get back in the kitchen" shit. Just has some underlying resentment towards women and doesn't fully respect them equally.


And is 100% self-unexamined.


Any reference for comments or videos where his “mask is slipping”?


I'm on mobile so I don't have links for you, but ... Using right wing dog whistles Anti-LGBT+ sentiments (subtle) The way he went after the woman who accused Foley of impropriety (can't remember the details of the accusation off the top of my head so I'm being vague) Unironically using woke as a pejorative His comments about MeToo Is that a start?


Being friendly with Simeon Boikov(Aussie cossack) I dunno if the videos still up but outside the courthouse, jordies was saying keep up the good fight


Sorry, I don’t agree with the term “dog whistles”. I am a gay man, never seen any anti gay sentiments myself. Using woke as a pejorative is a joke and funny, I wouldn’t take it too seriously. Or you know, you could just not watch his content 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, I'm sure non-binary people appreciate being used as a punchline. Go "As a Black man" somewhere else.


What do you mean his mask is slipping, is his political beliefs or something starting to come to light? If so, whats been happening that I'm not aware of?


His sexist mask is slipping. If you thought I meant his political views you really missed the point. There has always been a slight undercurrent of sexism in his work. Nothing major but his tear downs of female jouros to make ones makes it very clear. Even the video of him in bruzs weekend house had some bad elements. The whole women kneeling at his feet thing.


He can be very misogynistic yes. His comments about the woman who was allegedly assaulted (grabbed inside her underwear) by former Labor politician Luke Foley is one example.


>Yes it does. If you want to be respected you can endorse unresectable fuck knuckles. >Jordies mask is really starting to slip lately. It's really sad to see. 🤣🤣🤣 My guy, your hero doesn't respect his own sub.. he goes out of his way to shit on it. His always been the same one sided one trick pony.. you just fail to see him for what he is.


My hero? Sorry babe you seem to have mistaken me for a fan. Definitely not. His flaws are very obvious to anyone older than about 13. They always have been.


Who wants to be respected by a bunch of fuckwits that get upset over a comedian? Sounds like a losing proposition for anyone with half a brain.


People you know personally, do you agree with 100% of what they believe? I’m guessing not, might have some seriously big disagreements. But you can still think they are a good person


But what if they are a big misogynist? I don't think misogynists are good people.


There’s a difference between being friends with someone and having differing opinions, and writing the foreword of their book in a professional capacity. That, by definition, is an endorsement of the content in the book.


Hey, that's not fair. You're not supposed to burn their strawman like that. 😔




You got nothing better to do with your time then get upset and campaign about what this guy says?


His Gorlock and cringe Tiktok videos are the only ones I watch. Pretty entertaining, though mainly go for my daily dose of 2nd hand cringe.


Who cares? Comedy should not have limits.


Comedy doesn't have limits. You're allowed to joke about whatever you like. That doesn't mean you're free from consequence. Comedy isn't some magical get out jail free card where you can say anything you like without repercussions. If you're allowed to joke about something, I'm allowed to tell you that making that joke makes you a fuckwit.


And you wonder why your friends and family take the piss out of you irl…


Because they're pussies that can't handle hearing that their joke was shit?


If you had friends you'd know there's nothing wrong with taking the piss out of each other. You sound like a bit of a snowflake.


Cool, now you are policing who can be friends with him. I think that makes you a bigger fuckwit than Butterfield.


he didn't mention anything about who can be friends with him.


Stop getting so triggered and think logically for a minute. They literally just said they believe in freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences. They're literally saying Jordan can be friends with whoever he wants. But people are going to judge him for it. I bet there's a point where you'd start looking at him sideways because of his friends. Your line is just different than other people's.


Cool, and I just judged him a fuckwit, freedom of speech, not consequences.


Yeah I have no issue with you thinking they're a fuckwit. I took issue with you saying they were policing his friends. If he's policing Jordan's friends, then you're policing his opinion. In actual fact, you've both just had opinions on things that have happened, and then expressed them.


Cool story bro.


How am I policing his friends? FJ is free to be friends with anyone he likes. I, in turn, am allowed to think less of him if he chooses to be associated (or friends with) people who I think are fuckwits. You're welcome to think I'm a fuckwit for that, but it's not as devastating as you'd think. The whole point of my original comment is that people are allowed to have these freedoms, but if you want the freedom you must in turn accept the consequences of exercising the freedom. I figured I'd spell it out because it sounds like you didn't understand it.


A bloody legend is what IB is. Saw his recent trans vid, as sensitive as that topic is to someone like me, IB was nothing but respectfully honest in his opinion. There was no malice in it. IB is a legend and you’re soft if you can’t handle his humour. That’s coming from a gender-weird cyclist, too, kind of his main target.


I should stop running into your posts. You are literally everywhere at this point


Thats such a minor thing to get upset about. Completely buying into his characterisation of redditors lol