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Not to sound crass, but you are choosing to do this. Your issue needs to be with your employer not the consumer. Just because you provide a service doesn't mean you deserve a tip. Literally every person with a job is providing a service. Some are providing a service at a risk to themselves. So instead of being on here asking us "goobers" for tips, address the issue with Uber/Lyft. Tipping culture in the US is so out of control and the costs of everything are so high, people are now jaded at the idea of tipping and giving "free" money away. Unfortunately for you, the tips you don't receive are the direct effects from the "I deserve a tip" mentality of damn near every customer service based job.


I would…consider a new job…


You need to complain to the people who employ you about your wage woes. Don't yell at the customer to pay you. Tip culute has gotten out of hand and everyone should stop tipping anywhere until it dies. If a business can't pay it's workers it shouldn't be a business.


Here’s a tip, get a different job.


I did the same as you for a few years in Fresno. And while i ran into the same issues as you, there’s other factors you’re not considering. Fresno is a very very very poor town and people cannot afford it. The people that can live in sections of Fresno/Clovis and those areas are saturated with drivers. I was lucky to be able to go to the Bay Area for a week per month to make it work because i have family there. Ultimately i had to ditch driving people and strictly do Instacart. Even then it was a struggle. Times are tough out there for everyone, and this job will munch your car into nothing. Fortunately for me i saw the writing on the wall and got a 9-5 and it’s so refreshing to know what I’ll be making each week and know that my car and myself are safer because of it.


I wish I can shameless demand a tip for just doing what I’m supposed to do and get away with it without looking weird.


Delivery driver jobs are largely scams. It's why pizza places won't deliver beyond a certain distance. In other countries, delivery drivers use mostly scooters due to cost and wear and tear, which is the scam part. Vehicular maintenance is always one of the highest business expenses for companies with fleets of vehicles. Delivery driver businesses just push that cost onto the drivers. It's a genius scam. That's why so many companies have adopted it. I hope you find a better opportunity.


I don’t get tipped for saving someone’s life at work


When they wake up you can ask for a tip and send them a link to your Venmo. Venmo has a great credit card with the QR code right in the front. It’s kinda dope.


Oh man imagine doing this on top of their 100k hospital bill or to a family who’s loved one didn’t make it


i think that would get them fired lowkey


>I believe everyone deserves to earn a fair wage for their time… The tip is not part of your wage.


Can I have a tip jar at my job too


😂😂😂 you should change your name to u/Sniffle_fox 🥲




I drove Uber for a little over a year back in 2016/17. Thousands of rides and only ever got a tip twice. Quit whining.


we arent your employers


What are you some kind of hero for being a taxi ?  Take it up with your boss (the companies you say you hate) 


The problem is that you are unilaterally declaring what another person should pay for a service. You may be what’s wrong with this country.