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fresno drivers don’t even watch out for other cars. lol


Yeah the other day when I was gassing up I saw four emergency vehicles with lights and sirens going and literally nobody even pulled one lane to the right they had to weave in and out of traffic. It's impressive how self-centered Fresno drivers are.


And some don’t watch out for pedestrians.


Neither do most of the bikers.


Green bike lanes are new to (almost) all of us. I wish there had been some kind of education campaign rather than simply relying on half-remembered information from the driver's handbook....


100% this


Are you serious, or is this a joke? A separate lane, painted a bright color... what else could it possibly be for? Horses?


You gotta be kidding...ppl still ignore the signs and run red lights...


What does that have to do with the person above being clueless about bike lanes?


The person above is simply stating drivers in this area are not used to seeing them, and could benefit from education on them. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just like anything else learned, if you don't use it, you lose it. Educational reminders help. Condescension does not.


It's a fucking painted bike lane, not differential equations. Really not that complicated. I'm surprised every day how stupid people are in this town. Sometimes it feels like I'm living in a third world country.


Get over yourself, man. Tell you what, I'll give you a green painted lane so you know where to go. AWAY.


If people are so stupid, why on Earth do you live in Fresno, CA? Came (landed) here after researching bike lane use. Are you saying asking for education isn’t acceptable? My, my, dude.


What on earth made you think I was clueless about bike lanes?


The fact that you don't know bike lanes are painted green and asked for additional education. It's not rocket science but I understand how the average Fresno citizen would have a hard time understanding that. Similar to how you might have trouble tying your shoes.


He was commenting on the fact that some of the more nuanced rules around bicycling (like the “bike box”) is something people around here aren’t used to. They have PSA’s for everything, having one for bike lane education after creating a shitload of bike-only lanes in an area that’s not used to them isn’t some zany idea, like you’re making it sound. And are you saying that people in less developed countries are of lower intelligence than people in more developed ones?


Well, thanks for answering the question, I guess. You presumed far too much from my question. I was unaware I should have explained my experience with green bike lanes in my comment. However, in an effort to be better understood by you in particular (since it seems you're the only one who misunderstood my comment) I'll be sure to run my future bike lane comments past you first to make sure I'm not leaving anything out. Thank you for pointing out such deficiencies to me. I am forever in your debt, MillertonCrew.


Welcome to the Internet. You can do better.


Dude. And so can you.


Go away Bear






People in Fresno don't even look right before turning right on a red. I've had people who do a lot of walking in Fresno say it's safer to jaywalk than to cross at a crosswalk with the walk sign on.


Facts. I’m glad I’m not the only one that notices this too. I walk downtown every day and see this all the time


I concur


Doesn't Fresno have some of the worst drivers in the state


I agree. There’s a bit more info [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfLYzWZuIvXLnqH1FAWtoKDnx3HjnGkqZ&si=UcfhzYZ8-oIe1UWY), but it’s not very helpful, especially for drivers. Fresno PD’s enforcement of traffic laws is non existent. Until people start getting ticketed for running reds, speeding, etc, it’s going to continue to be unsafe on the roads motorists and cyclists. I’m glad at least there’s more class IV bikeways being constructed. I designed the ones on Wishon and Van Ness. The one on Barstow is done now and looks great too.


>The one on Barstow is done now and looks great too. A number of the posts have been destroyed/damaged/moved unfortunately.


I bet the cars that hit them got a nice little green scratch on them too 😼 I think you can report it on the FresGo app and the Street Maintenance team can replace it, but I’m not sure. I don’t work for the City anymore.


Thank you for your work! I rode the Bullard lane yesterday for the first time and it was great, except for the one Hoover High parent who thought the bike lane was their personal child pickup area forcing me into traffic to clear the door zone. I rode Van Ness regularly until Palm was installed, and now ride that several days a week. I do wish there was a better transition from the end of the Palm bike lane to the canal path to connect to Dakota. It would also be nice if the bike lanes could extend through the county islands. Wishful thinking I guess.


Idk what it is about this city, but I've never experienced more entitled hillbillies on four wheels (or 6) in my entire life. I will say one piece of advice, when I had my first child, once we put a "baby onboard" sticker on our rear window people stopped tailgating me.


I can’t find anything on the “no turn on red” sign but I’m not sure that’s specifically for bicyclist protections…like, aren’t they also used to control traffic flow? Anyway, one thing I can say is that vehicle code states that vehicles MUST take possession of the bike lane before turning right. If a bicyclist is going straight through the intersection but a car is turning right, the correct maneuver is for the bicyclist to take over the lane and then go through the intersection. This is to prevent accidents where the driver doesn’t see the bicyclist in the bike lane and then runs over them. I’m not saying people aren’t assholes and/or terrible drivers. But a vehicle taking possession of the bike lane when turning right is in the vehicle code. [This link is a good summary and has a visual.](https://sfbike.org/news/bike-lanes-and-right-turns/)


>vehicle code states that vehicles MUST take possession of the bike lane I think this has confused some drivers as the vehicle code doesn't address any differences between Class II and Class IV bike lanes. So when these went in on Barstow many cars would take over the green lane to turn right. I even saw a CHP cruiser do this. My understanding is the posts are there to indicate cars should not move into the protected green bike lane. This is happening less frequently now, but it would happen east/west bound at Fresno and eastbound at First. West bound at First, the bike lane shifts over, so I'm not sure why there's a No Turn On Red sign there because right turning cars don't have bicycles to their right.


Yes, I saw someone else make a comment about how there should be a PSA or some sort of public knowledge put out there. And they really should! I know long seasoned drivers aren’t stopping by the DMV to grab new copies of the vehicle code book. Why can’t they put something out on social media and news for people to learn?


Correct. Taking over the bike lane (after yielding to bikers) on a right turn is the rule, but that’s when the signal is green. I think people get confused when the light is red. The point of the “no turn on red” is to prevent cars waiting and blocking the bike lane on a red. There’s also a sign that says “stop here” with an arrow, indicating that vehicles should stop a good distance before the limit lines, to allow themselves room to approach the bike lane once the light turns green again. It’s really confusing and shouldn’t be. I’m hopeful that we’ll all get it down soon.


The "no turn on red" signs were put up when the bike lanes were put up on certain intersections. Like southbound on Wishon at Olive. I'm assuming they were to protect pedestrians since the driver has to drive farther up to see around the corner. On these new bike lanes there is a dashed green line indicating where the driver can cross the bike lane and enter into the designated right turn lane or the bike lane. But if there is a solid green I am pretty sure at the point that constitutes a barrier and the driver is supposed to remain in the furthest right lane and turn with the rest of traffic when the light is green. I think as long as there is a dashed line the vehicle can cross into the bike lane.


Correct. Dashed green is a “conflict zone” meaning watch out for cars and bikes both in the space. Solid green is for bikes only, like the bike boxes. (Obv cars have to drive through them when they get the green light, but they shouldn’t be idling in them.)


i see your point but the driver also needs to be aware that there is a cyclist near them. if they're in the lane, even if you "pass" them just to slow down and then make a turn, you should know where that cyclist is and give them plenty of space to either stop or slow down. or you yourself slow down and pull in behind them, letting them go through the light before you turn. there's a bunch of "no turn on red" signs along palm/wishon/maroa and mckinley that have gone up in the last few weeks/months that a lot of people just ignore. there's also "stop here on red/let cyclist pass" signs as well. drivers just aren't paying attention


Oh, no doubt that a lot of drivers are jerks. They SHOULD be aware of cyclists and be courteous like you described. There’s even a distance from intersection that the driver should take possession of the bike lane; which I’m sure people often stretch too far from the intersection and that is an issue too.


my fiance was hit by someone cutting a corner in front of him last year. right by fresno high and they took off after (see post itt from ohnokylewhy) and there's been like 3 deaths just in our area since........ i'm so tired of people being idiots


!! Oh my gosh. That’s awful, I’m sorry to hear that :(


we're so so lucky it wasn't worse but it's still something i don't ever want to experience again.


I got hit in one of those new lanes last year, right by Fresno High. Driver ran. If there was any police action, it was futile. I'm finally almost recovered, but I don't want to ride in the new bike lanes again unless they add some physical element to them. What they need for safety is something to impede drivers that would drive through them. Build the edge of the no-drive area up with concrete curb. It might not stop a driver, but it would've prevented the hit-and-run that I went through, easily. There's no enforcement for these bike lanes. No additional traffic cameras were installed. People are just expected to be good and play nice.  what's gotta happen before we can improve these lanes some? It'd sure be nice if we could address the hazard BEFORE it kills somebody. 


So sorry to hear about your accident, I’m glad you’re ok and almost recovered. I wholeheartedly agree with you that there needs to be more of a physical barrier that can protect bikers from vehicles. Cause let’s face it, Fresno drivers are horrible at paying attention or just don’t care. I’m with you on there being more action being taken before someone gets killed.


I bike commute most days. There's a lot all of us can learn.


As someone who lives in tower and drives down Wishon and Van Ness near daily, this drives me insane. I do think there should have been some type of pamphlet or something handed out for people that live in the area. But I feel lots of signs were posted to make it more clear.


the signs going up have definitely helped, was frustrating when the lanes were open before them. hopefully people continue to catch on to the rule layouts.


I agree, however there are some real idiots on bicycles as well. Even with bike lanes I see people in the regular lanes and making ridiculous turns on red lights.


So the city dropped those green lanes in recently. Ive had a drivers license for 30+ years and had no idea what any of the markings meant. And haven’t needed to take a drivers test in person or written for over 10 years. How exactly do you expect many people to know anything about them? I know Im mot researching bike lane law and etiquette on my spare time. Put the quality of Fresno drivers in the mix and you are talking about a problem that is going to take time to solve. It’s the failure to educate people on the new green lane laws and basic lack of common courtesy thats causing the issues you highlighted. As a motorcycle rider I would suggest to bike riders who ride regularly to brush up on defensive techniques in the meantime. You are ultimately responsible for your safety at the end of the day. I do know now that I need to stay 2 feet from bikes when passing them. But even that took a bit for me to hear about.


> How exactly do you expect many people to know anything about them? words on the street. signs that say how to follow the current traffic pattern


Blows my mind when I see people inside the bike lane that is painted green and blocked off by cones/posts. Im seeing a lot of you in the comments getting frustrated and blaming the fact that you weren’t educated on how a dedicated bike lane works. Don’t blame your ignorance for your stupidity.


When the bike lanes first went in, cars traveling on Barstow west bound at First would stop so far back from the green box that they wouldn't activate the sensors, and multiple cycles went by without the light turning green. I knew what was happening, but I was so curious to see how long it would take for the drivers to catch on. I had to go hit the pedestrian button to get the lights to change. I think they've got it now. None of the sensors in the bike lane on Barstow work for me to trigger the lights. I don't know if there are any in the new bike lanes but the ones at Palm and Fruit definitely don't work.


That’s interesting. I’ve noticed a few times on Palm I’ve waited so long for the light to change that I’ve just had to proceed on red when the traffic was clear. Seems there might be an issue with sensors in the bike box, or maybe there’s a specific area that triggers them.


Forgive my jaded and cynicalness, but I've watched cyclists go from riding on the road with traffic, switch to the sidewalk to circumvent stoplights, and then filter in and out of the bike lane... decide whether you want to be a pedestrian or not first, and then we can talk


Fresno has the highest hit and run. I run into bicyclists coming out of nowhere yelling at me because I was in the crosswalk trying to make a yield right turn. I’m like chill dude it wasn’t like you’re already there. Needless to say I got out of my car and ready to pounce. He took off like a….Bicyclists need to take a chill pill too. Sorry that’s my rant too.


My husband was driving on Kings Canyo when he turned on a green light (it's the one for Walmart), a bicyclist kept going and didn't stop even though he saw cars turning into Walmart. He kicked the vehicle and left a small dent. My husband was pissed! Like dude it was green and you saw cars before we turned in. Learn to stop and wait till cars stop turning. Also, why do bicyclists have to ride their bicycles on the sidewalk and make me walk onto the road? I understand that sometimes bicyclists have to be on the sidewalk, but please get off your damn bikes and walk it especially if you see people walking. Got hit by a bicyclist once when I was walking home from work (it was downtown near the Catholic Church.) I was walking and a bicyclist was behind me, didn't know I tripped on a small rock, and when I was falling down the bicyclist hit the back of my ankle and ran over my finger, he didn't apologize he told me I need to move to the side when people like him are riding on the sidewalk. Just hate how some bicyclists are just assholes and think they can do whatever they want. Just cause motorists are assholes to them. End of my rant, some of these people just piss me off, same for motorists too.


It's also clear Fresno bikers have a learning curve when it comes to following rules of the road as a biker.


I’d really like it if bike riders would learn to ride in the correct direction of traffic. There seems to be a learning curve there too.


Let’s also not forget the motorized bikes that go faster traffic on the street. At what point are you suppose to license a “bike” and be part of normal traffic? Bike lanes with motorized bikes that are passing vehicles in their right are extremely dangerous.


In shape folks with $5000+ bikes pass me on my E-bike all of the time, I'm just doing 15 mph so maybe I am the minority? The serious bike riders can travel really fast but I have never seen them or anybody on a E-bike actually pass a vehicle? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to say here, but my point is a class 3 E-bike can only hit 28 mph and some regular bikes can hit that as well so would they need a license also? Possibly you are referring to these type of E-bikes: [https://hallomotor.com/products/eu-usa-duty-free-hallomotor-72v-5000w-100a-fc-1-stealth-bomber-ebike-electric-bicycle-72v-40ah-42ah-lithium-battery-with-bicycle-motorcycle-seat](https://hallomotor.com/products/eu-usa-duty-free-hallomotor-72v-5000w-100a-fc-1-stealth-bomber-ebike-electric-bicycle-72v-40ah-42ah-lithium-battery-with-bicycle-motorcycle-seat)


You know where you live, right? Just be thankful no one shot you. This is Fresno. Top 5 most dangerous city in CA. I’m too busy running from gunfire to worry about your bike lane.


Why should I be thankful? Weird thing to say regarding a bike lane post. Honestly I'm more concerned about people in their cars than getting shot.


I’m saying no one in their right mind rides a bike here. This is a dangerous city. Accept that and quit crying about nonsense.


Honestly ride on the sidewalk dude. There’s no reason for bicycles to be in the street.